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Donte Moncrief.....3rd round steal


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There were a lot of complaints, and not a lot of confidence about his catching ability (catches with his body) but this season Moncreif has stepped up. That fade TD was all hands, and he even broke up an INT. He is 22, and can only get better. What a great sophomore season so far, and as teams start to cover him more heavily it will open up the option to TY and Andrew. 



Also, anyone else notice that when he scores someone throws up the Ole Miss "Landshark" TY did it this week and 3 games ago Luck did it as well 

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I really like the way he is playing this year he is actually contesting balls more than any of our other recievers and he has some wheels.  I think he is our best all around reciever, with him, T.Y. and Dorsett we are doing well for years to come we just need to figure out what who we are going to be on offence and please no one say a power running team we are not that and we shouldnt be that we need to play to our strengths.  i do believe we need to run the ball and with Gore and Bradshaw we should be able to and this should help open things up for the whole offence not just one dimension.


Although we lost last night I saw a better team than the first couple of games with Luck if we can play that style of offence and some decent D which we did for most of last night we will be alright.



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Although we lost last night I saw a better team than the first couple of games with Luck if we can play that style of offence and some decent D which we did for most of last night we will be alright.



this yes I agree play to our strengths. For us to play that well against the patriots, I mean we still lost but they are super bowl favorites as of currently. We also should be blessed that our devision is so bad this year 

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There were a lot of complaints, and not a lot of confidence about his catching ability (catches with his body) but this season Moncreif has stepped up. That fade TD was all hands, and he even broke up an INT. He is 22, and can only get better. What a great sophomore season so far, and as teams start to cover him more heavily it will open up the option to TY and Andrew. 



Also, anyone else notice that when he scores someone throws up the Ole Miss "Landshark" TY did it this week and 3 games ago Luck did it as well 




You're giving Grigson an actual compliment!      That could bring the Usual Suspects out in full force,  if you know what I mean....     and I think you do!

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You can add D'Joun Smith to that list, but he kinda waters it down at this point.

djoun smith still seems like he's going too be really good and at a 3rd round pick that some had as the best cb in the draft I'm not complaining yet. He posted a video on instagram of him doing some foot work and it looks pretty good along with his acceleration. It really may have been the best thing for him too sit out and not get thrown to the fire since most cb don't do well there first year
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I think moncrief certainly can challenge for the best no 2 wr in the league IMO terrance Williams is the best no 2 (when dez is in) not a cowboys fan btw


Williams? Really?


Tate, Decker, Sanders, Bryant, any of the Cards WR, jags #2, bills #2,dolphins #2.....The list is pretty long before i'd even consider Williams.



As for Moncrief, he will probably end up replacing TY as the season progressess as our "#1"

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There were a lot of complaints, and not a lot of confidence about his catching ability (catches with his body) but this season Moncreif has stepped up. That fade TD was all hands, and he even broke up an INT. He is 22, and can only get better. What a great sophomore season so far, and as teams start to cover him more heavily it will open up the option to TY and Andrew. 



Also, anyone else notice that when he scores someone throws up the Ole Miss "Landshark" TY did it this week and 3 games ago Luck did it as well 


 3rd rounders are expected to become starters in the NFL.

 Show me a guy that is good from the 5th round or later, now that is a steal.

  Now i would say that Moncrief is showing all the hands and route running for a 2nd year player that tells me, he can be a REAL Pro Bowler some day.

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djoun smith still seems like he's going too be really good and at a 3rd round pick that some had as the best cb in the draft I'm not complaining yet. He posted a video on instagram of him doing some foot work and it looks pretty good along with his acceleration. It really may have been the best thing for him too sit out and not get thrown to the fire since most cb don't do well there first year


Is this recent?


He can't start practicing until Week 10, I believe.

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There were a lot of complaints, and not a lot of confidence about his catching ability (catches with his body) but this season Moncreif has stepped up. That fade TD was all hands, and he even broke up an INT. He is 22, and can only get better. What a great sophomore season so far, and as teams start to cover him more heavily it will open up the option to TY and Andrew. 



Also, anyone else notice that when he scores someone throws up the Ole Miss "Landshark" TY did it this week and 3 games ago Luck did it as well 


My only question was whether he could use his size and athleticism to dominate when the ball is in the air. He's done so twice this season for TDs. His route running is better. He's better getting off the line against physical DBs. He has a couple drops, but so does everyone else. Moncrief is probably our best WR right now, and as I've said since last year, he has the goods to be an absolute monster -- Fitzgerald, Jones, Green, etc. 

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Williams? Really?


Tate, Decker, Sanders, Bryant, any of the Cards WR, jags #2, bills #2,dolphins #2.....The list is pretty long before i'd even consider Williams.



As for Moncrief, he will probably end up replacing TY as the season progressess as our "#1"

last year sanders yes this year sanders is no 1 and DT is well.. but short of that Williams is a pretty good no 2 JMO

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Is this recent?


He can't start practicing until Week 10, I believe.



He was placed on IR Sept 18th. So that's right before week 2. So after week 8 he should be able to practice. ?  Play week 11.. no ? That would be game 10 vs the Falcons.



4. Such player is eligible to return to practice if he has been on Reserve/Injured for at least six weeks from the date he is placed on Reserve. He is eligible to return to the Active List if he has been on Reserve/Injured for at least eight weeks from the date he is placed on Reserve.


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He was placed on IR Sept 18th. So that's right before week 2. So after week 8 he should be able to practice. ? Play week 11.. no ? That would be game 10 vs the Falcons.

4. Such player is eligible to return to practice if he has been on Reserve/Injured for at least six weeks from the date he is placed on Reserve. He is eligible to return to the Active List if he has been on Reserve/Injured for at least eight weeks from the date he is placed on Reserve.


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WAIT....you mean Grigs got a good player in the 3rd again?!




People can bash Grigson, but he's cash in the late rounds

I say every year just trade our 1st rounder for more picks on the back end





Just get rid of the 1st rounder every year

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People can bash Grigson, but he's cash in the late rounds

I say every year just trade our 1st rounder for more picks on the back end





Just get rid of the 1st rounder every year

The Pats seem to manage by trading their 1st every year so why not do it if you're the Colts. They haven't had great success drafting in the late 1st anyways, so let's get extra picks.

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The Pats seem to manage by trading their 1st every year so why not do it if you're the Colts. They haven't had great success drafting in the late 1st anyways, so let's get extra picks.


The thinking is that the more picks you have in the top 60 or so, the greater your odds are of getting a Pro Bowl level player. So if you have 35, 45, and 60, you're more likely to get a player than if you have 29 and 61. Problem is, you have to get value, and you have to have a willing partner to get value. I don't think you want to move down more than 10-12 spots.


I think that, with the day long break after the first round, teams are less itchy to move up to the end of the first round because they can take all night to work a deal and get #33, just like the Giants did this year for Landon Collins. 


I'd rather try to move up if you really want to address a need and are in love with a guy. There's a big difference between late 20s prospects and top 15 prospects. For instance, if you really wanted an OT, you needed to probably get to #9 or #12 for Flowers or Peat (two players I wasn't a big fan of, by the way). Ogbuehi went at #22, but he was widely considered an inferior prospect to those two. Same with Humphries at #24, and I find it hard to believe that either of those two guys would have been first rounders if not for La'el Collins' situation. Maybe moving up for Ray or Dupree or Peters or Thompson, but I didn't think any of those guys were worthy of the extra draft equity (or in Peters' case, the trouble). 


So they stayed at #29 and stuck to their board. I'm fine with that, if they didn't think they could get value. I don't believe in reaching for need.

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i really think moncrief surpasses ty sooner than later. hes very aggressive for the ball and he has reaaaally gotten better at route running. i had no idea how talented (and big) he was


im not too impressed with hilton this season. im giving him the benefit of the doubt because that 13 million has probably drawn more attention to him in teams gameplanning. well see

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