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Brady suspended four games, Pats fined and docked two draft picks (Mega Merge)


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Kraft's statement. Pats are going to fight this. I love it! Ugly times are ahead for Mr. Goodell.


“Despite our conviction that there was no tampering with footballs, it was our intention to accept any discipline levied by the league. Today’s punishment, however, far exceeded any reasonable expectation. It was based completely on circumstantial rather than hard or conclusive evidence,” the statement reads.

“We are humbled by the support the New England Patriots have received from our fans throughout the world. We recognize our fans’ concerns regarding the NFL’s penalties and share in their disappointment in how this one-sided investigation was handled, as well as the dismissal of the scientific evidence supported by the Ideal Gas Law in the final report.”

“Tom Brady has our unconditional support. Our belief in him has not wavered.”

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Kraft's statement. Pats are going to fight this. I love it! Ugly times are ahead for Mr. Goodell.

“Despite our conviction that there was no tampering with footballs, it was our intention to accept any discipline levied by the league. Today’s punishment, however, far exceeded any reasonable expectation. It was based completely on circumstantial rather than hard or conclusive evidence,” the statement reads.

“We are humbled by the support the New England Patriots have received from our fans throughout the world. We recognize our fans’ concerns regarding the NFL’s penalties and share in their disappointment in how this one-sided investigation was handled, as well as the dismissal of the scientific evidence supported by the Ideal Gas Law in the final report.”

“Tom Brady has our unconditional support. Our belief in him has not wavered.”

The pats really have little chance at appeal. Brady might get a suspension reduction, but the pats will lose the picks.

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Right, but Roger could have avoided the whole drama of the Brady return against the Colts as he knows the schedule. He wants the news and boffo ratings.

You can't give him an excessive punishment just because of the scheduling.  The two are unrelated.  The scheduling has no impact on the deflation or his penalty and the penalty has no impact on scheduling.  You punish someone for their crime, not based on the schedule of the punishment.  I still think he got away with a relatively low punishment, but that's another story.

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Kraft's statement. Pats are going to fight this. I love it! Ugly times are ahead for Mr. Goodell.

“Despite our conviction that there was no tampering with footballs, it was our intention to accept any discipline levied by the league. Today’s punishment, however, far exceeded any reasonable expectation. It was based completely on circumstantial rather than hard or conclusive evidence,” the statement reads.

“We are humbled by the support the New England Patriots have received from our fans throughout the world. We recognize our fans’ concerns regarding the NFL’s penalties and share in their disappointment in how this one-sided investigation was handled, as well as the dismissal of the scientific evidence supported by the Ideal Gas Law in the final report.”

“Tom Brady has our unconditional support. Our belief in him has not wavered.”

Kraft is just proving what a miserable sack of wind he is. Not one person outside of New England is impressed or cares. NFL > Patriots, Kraft, Brady, You, etc...

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Kraft is just proving what a miserable sack of wind he is. Not one person outside of New England is impressed or cares. NFL > Patriots, Kraft, Brady, You, etc...

Actually, I love this news. Originally he had said he would accept the findings but not with what they dished out. Be happy. This should be the end of Goodell which we all can celebrate.

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They are going to fight the report and its findings. This isn't just about Brady's appeal but the draft picks.

They can't fight the fact that they didn't fully cooperate. The end. The picks are gone. That violation alone is against the by laws of the league

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Kraft's statement. Pats are going to fight this. I love it! Ugly times are ahead for Mr. Goodell.

“Despite our conviction that there was no tampering with footballs, it was our intention to accept any discipline levied by the league. Today’s punishment, however, far exceeded any reasonable expectation. It was based completely on circumstantial rather than hard or conclusive evidence,” the statement reads.

“We are humbled by the support the New England Patriots have received from our fans throughout the world. We recognize our fans’ concerns regarding the NFL’s penalties and share in their disappointment in how this one-sided investigation was handled, as well as the dismissal of the scientific evidence supported by the Ideal Gas Law in the final report.”

“Tom Brady has our unconditional support. Our belief in him has not wavered.”

Kraft: This is outrageous. You can't levy a punishment like this to us.

NFL: Did you fully cooperate with the investigation?

Kraft: ...no.

NFL: Punishment stands.

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They can't fight the fact that they didn't fully cooperate. The end. The picks are gone. That violation alone is against the by laws of the league

lol. Fully cooperating means granting a 5th interview and Brady not turning over his private phone? Good luck with that. Kraft has lawyers and money up the ying yang. This is going to be very messy but highly entertaining ... enjoy the ride. This is faar from over.

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They are going to fight the report and its findings. This isn't just about Brady's appeal but the draft picks.

You have to be pretty slow if you read the text messages and still think nothing happened. I have good faith that he will lose that appeal. I would say put the 2 stooges on the stand but they will probably get bribed again by Liar Liar Tom Brady.

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They are going to fight the report and its findings. This isn't just about Brady's appeal but the draft picks.

I believe Kraft said it was the size of the punishment. He publicly stated he would accept the punishment even though he disagreed with the report. He's only decided to fight it now that he's seen the consequences.

It's like he pled No Contest to a ticket and then wants to go back to fight the case when the fine is given out.

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lol. Fully cooperating means granting a 5th interview and Brady not turning over his private phone? Good luck with that. Kraft has lawyers and money up the ying yang. This is going to be very messy but highly entertaining ... enjoy the ride. This is faar from over.

Full cooperation means just that. Follow up interviews exist in just about every investigation. Like I said, Brady might get a reduction in his suspension, but the picks are gone

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They are going to fight the report and its findings. This isn't just about Brady's appeal but the draft picks.


Has their been a public statement to that effect?     You appreciate that it was just last week that Kraft and his people said they'd accept whatever punishment was coming.


What link do you have to support the idea they're now going to fight that?    And, please tell us,  who do they appeal to?


Who do they go to to say please don't fine us, and please don't take away our draft picks?


One last thought.....  I am no fan of Goddell,  but given the lack of cooperation by your beloved franchise, the NFL had no choice but to drop the hammer.    This episode doesn't give anyone any reason to get rid of him.       All that would do is reduce the power of the office for whoever replaces him and would tell that person not to mess with Robert Kraft,  because he can get you fired.


That's not a healthy thing for the league.    I'm stunned you don't even realize that...........


NOTE:   Never mind....   I've now seen your other posts which showed Kraft's reaction.


All I can say is, I'm completely embarrassed for him......    :facepalm:

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What bugs me is the "Oohh, we should be scared to death cause Brady is really mad and he's gonna torch us for_____ points."  We, and every other team, are the ones who should be mad.  We are the victims not them.  I hope Robert Mathis drills his sorry rear into the ground.       

I am with you. Some of the fans seem to be scared of the Patriots but I highly doubt that the Colts players are. We will be a better team this season and are at home. There are 15 other games the Colts need to prepare for and to say we should cower down is nonsense.

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Has their been a public statement to that effect?     You appreciate that it was just last week that Kraft and his people said they'd accept whatever punishment was coming.


What link do you have to support the idea they're now going to fight that?    And, please tell us,  who do they appeal to?


Who do they go to to say please don't fine us, and please don't take away our draft picks?


One last thought.....  I am no fan of Goddell,  but given the lack of cooperation by your beloved franchise, the NFL had no choice but to drop the hammer.    This episode doesn't give anyone any reason to get rid of him.       All that would do is reduce the power of the office for whoever replaces him and would tell that person not to mess with Robert Kraft,  because he can get you fired.


That's not a healthy thing for the league.    I'm stunned you don't even realize that...........

I just posted Kraft's statement above ... here is link, http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/05/11/robert-kraft-todays-punishment-far-exceeded-any-reasonable-expectation/related/

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lol. Fully cooperating means granting a 5th interview and Brady not turning over his private phone? Good luck with that. Kraft has lawyers and money up the ying yang. This is going to be very messy but highly entertaining ... enjoy the ride. This is faar from over.

He didn't have to give over his phone. You apparently weren't understanding what was actually said. Brady and his lawyers could choose what texts/calls were given over but still refused. That was incredibly accommodating but apparently that was too much for Brady.

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Full cooperation means just that. Follow up interviews exist in just about every investigation. Like I said, Brady might get a reduction in his suspension, but the picks are gone

We'll see. But Kraft is going to tear into that report ... league will be raked over the coals. Get your popcorn ready!

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Actually, I love this news. Originally he had said he would accept the findings but not with what they dished out. Be happy. This should be the end of Goodell which we all can celebrate.

Why would Tom Brady getting caught cheating, and the Patriots refusing to cooperate with an investigation result in Goodell's firing? Oh yeah, New England bias and Patriots fan logic...

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lol. Fully cooperating means granting a 5th interview and Brady not turning over his private phone? Good luck with that. Kraft has lawyers and money up the ying yang. This is going to be very messy but highly entertaining ... enjoy the ride. This is faar from over.


lol. Fully cooperating means granting a 5th interview and Brady not turning over his private phone? Good luck with that. Kraft has lawyers and money up the ying yang. This is going to be very messy but highly entertaining ... enjoy the ride. This is faar from over.



Get it straight they did not ask for his phone they asked tom and toms lawyer for print out of toms text messages with the two involved in the tampering of the football, Not once did they ask for his phone.

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We'll see. But Kraft is going to tear into that report ... league will be raked over the coals. Get your popcorn ready!

The report could be completely blank other than the words. "The patriots did not fully cooperate in the investigation. That is a violation of the leagues bylaws Every owner and GM sign.

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I agree probably down to 2 but the NFL's track record in having its suspensions upheld is abysmal. 4 games will also be seen as excessive IMO so we will see. But I could see it all wiped out too.



Last one went NFL way (against Adrian Peterson) -





Adrian Peterson appeal denied; suspension upheld



Third-party arbitrator Harold Henderson has denied the appeal of Adrian Peterson's suspension.

Henderson concluded that Peterson did not demonstrate that the process and procedures surrounding his discipline were unfair and inconsistent.


"He was afforded all the protections and rights to which he is entitled," Henderson stated, "and I find no basis to vacate or reduce the discipline."

Henderson also noted that Peterson's public comments "do not reflect remorse or appreciation for the seriousness of his actions."





Same arbitrator was assigned to Greg Hardy's case. 


"Roger Goodell has waived his right to hear Greg Hardy's appeal of his 10-game suspension, instead he has appointed an arbitrator. His choice, though, is not likely to sit well with Hardy or the NFLPA. Goodell has chosen Harold Henderson to hear the appeal, the same arbitrator who upheld the NFL's suspension of Adrian Peterson.


I believe he'll get Tom's case as well.

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Only thing I can say is there are a few who seem to be really scared of the Patriots and what they are going to do to the Colts. That is nonsense. I am glad the Colts and their players will not be scared and play to win that game. The mighty Patriots are on their way down while the Colts are going up. The Colts got over the Patriots before and it will happen again. The mind set of worrying about the Patriots should not be any more than any other team they play.

Nicely stated, crazycolt1! I say : Bring them bad boys of the NFL : O N ! Indianapolis should be just as - if not more - MAD as H € || & not willing to sit back and watch "it's us against the world" bologna sausage, again!

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We'll see. But Kraft is going to tear into that report ... league will be raked over the coals. Get your popcorn ready!


Of course he is.....   he's already been doing that with his "lack of concrete proof" nonsense....


It's in the league's own by-laws which he voted for.....   a "preponderance of the evidence" is all that is needed.    And it gets worse when the team in question does NOT cooperate.


Who does Kraft appeal to?     A judge?    Is he really going to take this OUTSIDE of the NFL?!?


Is he going to put his own franchise ahead of the rest of the NFL?!?      Seriously?


And what is going to say when the NFL reminds him he and his franchise did NOT cooperate?

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Kraft's statement. Pats are going to fight this. I love it! Ugly times are ahead for Mr. Goodell.

“Despite our conviction that there was no tampering with footballs, it was our intention to accept any discipline levied by the league. Today’s punishment, however, far exceeded any reasonable expectation. It was based completely on circumstantial rather than hard or conclusive evidence,” the statement reads.

“We are humbled by the support the New England Patriots have received from our fans throughout the world. We recognize our fans’ concerns regarding the NFL’s penalties and share in their disappointment in how this one-sided investigation was handled, as well as the dismissal of the scientific evidence supported by the Ideal Gas Law in the final report.”

“Tom Brady has our unconditional support. Our belief in him has not wavered.”

Oh look...the lies continue....oh we will accept any penalty....oh wait we changed our minds...

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Lets not forget, the Pats actually save $880,000 some odd dollars with Brady's four game deduction...

I could be wrong but I think the Patriots will have to give Bradys pay to the NFL charities. If that's the case the Patriots will not save anything.

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Boy, Brady's lawyer is quite the blowhard isn't he?  He's out there so the press isn't asking "Why isn't Tom having a press conference himself?"  



After the Bob Costas interview they may never let him be put in a position to lie in public again -- he's so bad at it.  Let the professional liars do the work.

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Of course he is.....   he's already been doing that with his "lack of concrete proof" nonsense....


It's in the league's own by-laws which he voted for.....   a "preponderance of the evidence" is all that is needed.    And it gets worse when the team in question does NOT cooperate.


Who does Kraft appeal to?     A judge?    Is he really going to take this OUTSIDE of the NFL?!?


Is he going to put his own franchise ahead of the rest of the NFL?!?      Seriously?

Yes. It appears so. And he should. Too much at stake to let them mar his team like this and not fight it tooth and nail. Any owner in his situation would do the same with a report that was inconclusive and ultimately about ball tampering. Just let that sit in.

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I don't see how anyone can read the report with an unbiased POV and say that won't hold up in a court of law if you want to take it outside the NFL. Hate to break to you Pats fans, but in the court of law you are allowed to connect the dots.... So yea a court of law isn't taking that down.

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Yeah? No?

I was joking but it seemed that if Tom's 4 game take was roughly 1.9 mill & he is suspended without pay, then the Pats are actually saving $$$.

But I obviously don't know how that works, & was joking about it...

I'm pretty sure the team still has to pay the money. It goes to costs/charity. I'm 83% sure.
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Yes. It appears so. And he should. Too much at stake to let them mar his team like this and not fight it tooth and nail. Any owner in his situation would do the same with a report that was inconclusive and ultimately about ball tampering. Just let that sit in.

All they had to do was allow a few follow up interviews and not been elusive to the investigators and they wouldn't be in this spot. Or not cheat to begin with. Just let that sink in

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Yes. It appears so. And he should. Too much at stake to let them mar his team like this and not fight it tooth and nail. Any owner in his situation would do the same with a report that was inconclusive and ultimately about ball tampering. Just let that sit in.

The report was not inconclusive. It's was not ultimately about ball tampering.

You're bordering on delusional.

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I'm pretty sure the Patriots pay the salary to the league to then go to charity.  Not positive, but perhaps someone can chime in on that?  


Yes, has to go to charity!  Because if the league kept it, it would be just another fine.  Still, the 1 million doesn't hurt the Pats.  Losing Brady 4 games might, as does losing a round 1 pick.

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Yes. It appears so. And he should. Too much at stake to let them mar his team like this and not fight it tooth and nail. Any owner in his situation would do the same with a report that was inconclusive and ultimately about ball tampering. Just let that sit in.

His legacy has crap smears all over it after today. Just let that sink in. lol

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