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The Reason You Hate the Patriots is Because they Win.


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People jumped on the story when it came out all their balls were below the allowable limit.  Seems legitimate to me and the proper response once that was confirmed.  With a history of cheating it is safe to assume that it is a possibility they are doing it again.  Again, another proper response to me.  If they don't like it, don't cheat.  They brought this on themselves.  I apply this logic to everything, even when players complain about getting called for penalties.  Dont like it then stop doing it.


And if it turns out that they didnt do it, then what? All the hate and criticism and legacies being questioned is still justified?

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You talk about arrogance, but your last line shows complete ignorance.

They've been caught once and are being investigated for a second instance.

Just because the official word hasn't come out doesn't make them innocent. If it walks like a duck, talks like a ducks, then it is a duck.

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I know he's good but people say he might be the greatest of all time and that's why he's overrated. I don't believe he's better than Peyton and I think that if he wasn't fortunate enough to land on a team that immediately won three Superbowls then he would just be another good quarterback.

I don't know about the being just another good quarterback.  Certainly the discussion about him would be different if he hadn't won 3 super bowls.  But I've always thought people who judged a QB's overall value by super bowl rings to be silly anyway.  It's part of the discussion, but Brady had one thing that Manning really never had (consistently anyway), a top 5 defense.  The one time Manning did, he won a super bowl. 

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And if it turns out that they didnt do it, then what? All the hate and criticism and legacies being questioned is still justified?

Absolutely.  This whole deflate gate has absolutely no impact on spygate and the first 3 super bowls.  If you win this one, you know what the discussion will be from the "haterzzz."  3 tainted, one legitimate.  Being found innocent on deflate gate doesn't take back the spygate decision.

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Absolutely.  This whole deflate gate has absolutely no impact on spygate and the first 3 super bowls.  If you win this one, you know what the discussion will be from the "haterzzz."  3 tainted, one legitimate.  Being found innocent on deflate gate doesn't take back the spygate decision.

Which begs the question "who really cares what uninformed whiny fans of other teams think?"

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And if it turns out that they didnt do it, then what? All the hate and criticism and legacies being questioned is still justified?


If it turns out true that only the weather affected the balls, which it wont, then it has to be undisputable evidence.  In which case people can till bring it up and you can tell them to shove off.  But the results are going to be so gray and unclear that this event will still hang over them.  And yes, people will still bring up spygate about the legacy thing. 


And i say it wont because the weather, when it was colder, did not affect the second half balls.  That is why the weather theory cannot be applied.  There is no way it affected the first half balls and not the second half balls.

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It's the vogue thing to do these days I guess.... :scratch:   I know all the grade school kids around here are going through this phase   ;)


I was wondering about that. I don't like it but <JJ slaps himself to be tolerant of the young's fad> :)

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For those basing their 'dislike' for the Patriots on the fans who frequent this forum, then I do have to ask, do you hate the Colts as well? I think we all know we have some 'tasty' Colts fans who post on here very regularly indeed.

Just trying to be Devil's Advocate....

...and trying to protect JJ and GoPats, who are always fair, open, and up for some friendly baiting!

I'll give you a weird hate. The only time I hate the colts is when their playing because their players are always so small. It just doesn't look football to me. Now if they had some big linemen and linebackers............

Somehow I'm betting a number of colts fans will agree with me ;)


The only thing I hate on colts fans are the ones that think their going to win the SB all the time instead of just enjoying the games and see what happens. (that's a why you watch football irate for me)

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A lot of good posts in this thread... some not-so-good ones... lol...


I think there is absolutely culpability on both sides here. I don't believe that 100% of the criticism and scrutiny the Patriots face is purely bred of hatred, and to a great extent a (seemingly) younger generation of NE fans - those who do not remember the much darker days, or even weren't alive at the time - is antagonistic and at times arrogant. 


At the same time, I've found over the past ten days that when it comes to the New England Patriots, a lot of people will just throw away all objectivity and assume the worst. Is that justified? I suppose so. Belichick is not Tony Dungy. He's gruff, he makes people uncomfortable, and he's aggressive about implementing elements of gamesmanship that some have issues with (like the eligible/ineligible receivers thing). I can understand why no other fans would give the Patriots the benefit of any doubt. 


But, when you look at the AFCCG, and most of the games throughout the season, the Patriots were the top team in the conference. Denver may have challenged if Manning hadn't fallen off. The Colts may have challenged if they hadn't dropped a couple of hard-to-explain games to inferior teams. I've asked myself honestly if they deserve to be in AZ right now, waiting to take on the Seahawks. As a fan it would feel "empty" if I had doubts there. But I don't. I think they've earned this spot. A 2 PSI difference doesn't win you 12 or more games almost every year. 


I've really hated these past 10 days... not just because of the news, and because there should be an incredible football game Sunday night and no one is really focused on it or talking about it. I've hated it because of how I've seen people interact with each other. The vitriol has flowed freely... on both sides. It's been a kind of sad picture of humanity from my perspective. 


Personally I'm done arguing about it, I'm done being angry about it, and I'm no longer feeling disappointed as I was most of last week. I'm ready for Sunday and will root on my team, as I've done for most of the past 40 or so years of my life. After today I'm staying off the Internet until Monday, haha... 


Hope everyone enjoys the game if you're still tuning in. I may even watch halftime in hopes of a "wardrobe malfunction."  ;)

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I'll give you a weird hate. The only time I hate the colts is when their playing because their players are always so small. It just doesn't look football to me. Now if they had some big linemen and linebackers............

Somehow I'm betting a number of colts fans will agree with me ;)


The only thing I hate on colts fans are the ones that think their going to win the SB all the time instead of just enjoying the games and see what happens. (that's a why you watch football irate for me)

I'd have to find the link but the Colts had the biggest DL in football this year. Problem isn't our size...we have size...its skill and coaching imo.

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A lot of good posts in this thread... some not-so-good ones... lol...


I think there is absolutely culpability on both sides here. I don't believe that 100% of the criticism and scrutiny the Patriots face is purely bred of hatred, and to a great extent a (seemingly) younger generation of NE fans - those who do not remember the much darker days, or even weren't alive at the time - is antagonistic and at times arrogant. 


At the same time, I've found over the past ten days that when it comes to the New England Patriots, a lot of people will just throw away all objectivity and assume the worst. Is that justified? I suppose so. Belichick is not Tony Dungy. He's gruff, he makes people uncomfortable, and he's aggressive about implementing elements of gamesmanship that some have issues with (like the eligible/ineligible receivers thing). I can understand why no other fans would give the Patriots the benefit of any doubt. 


But, when you look at the AFCCG, and most of the games throughout the season, the Patriots were the top team in the conference. Denver may have challenged if Manning hadn't fallen off. The Colts may have challenged if they hadn't dropped a couple of hard-to-explain games to inferior teams. I've asked myself honestly if they deserve to be in AZ right now, waiting to take on the Seahawks. As a fan it would feel "empty" if I had doubts there. But I don't. I think they've earned this spot. A 2 PSI difference doesn't win you 12 or more games almost every year. 


I've really hated these past 10 days... not just because of the news, and because there should be an incredible football game Sunday night and no one is really focused on it or talking about it. I've hated it because of how I've seen people interact with each other. The vitriol has flowed freely... on both sides. It's been a kind of sad picture of humanity from my perspective. 


Personally I'm done arguing about it, I'm done being angry about it, and I'm no longer feeling disappointed as I was most of last week. I'm ready for Sunday and will root on my team, as I've done for most of the past 40 or so years of my life. After today I'm staying off the Internet until Monday, haha... 


Hope everyone enjoys the game if you're still tuning in. I may even watch halftime in hopes of a "wardrobe malfunction."  ;)

Agree 100% with this post. Post of the week imo.

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I find it interesting that you use a Colts NFL football forum to judge humanity, you should get out more.


Actually, it's a pretty good way to take society's temperature. The reason is that it provides anonymity. 


I try to post as though we were sitting there, in person, talking face-to-face. Most people have an "internet persona." The keyboard is the weapon of the passive-aggressive. I really strive to avoid being guilty of that. Sometimes I slip a little. I figure most people can't really be such jack-wagons in person. You included.  ;)   (I kid, I kid...) 

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I hate the Patriots because they are cheaters and Tom Brady lies through his teeth. Plus most of their fans are cocky as all get out. A couple on here are cool, but there is only a handful. 

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Actually, it's a pretty good way to take society's temperature. The reason is that it provides anonymity.

I try to post as though we were sitting there, in person, talking face-to-face. Most people have an "internet persona." The keyboard is the weapon of the passive-aggressive. I really strive to avoid being guilty of that. Sometimes I slip a little. I figure most people can't really be such jack-wagons in person. You included. ;) (I kid, I kid...)


Grrrrr...... I hate that I can't hate you!!!!

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Actually, it's a pretty good way to take society's temperature. The reason is that it provides anonymity. 


I try to post as though we were sitting there, in person, talking face-to-face. Most people have an "internet persona." The keyboard is the weapon of the passive-aggressive. I really strive to avoid being guilty of that. Sometimes I slip a little. I figure most people can't really be such jack-wagons in person. You included.  ;)   (I kid, I kid...) 


Yeah, I think it takes away the filter that most people have in person. We all think things we shouldn't say, but the Internet comes with less personal accountability, so people say those things they normally wouldn't. 

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Grrrrr...... I hate that I can't hate you!!!!


No need to man! We're just fans of different teams... we probably have a lot more in common that we do differences. 


If we were hanging around a bar right now, I'd buy the next pitcher. Then possibly make you drive. (No, no... Uber? Do they have that in Indianapolis? LOL...) 



Yeah, I think it takes away the filter that most people have in person. We all think things we shouldn't say, but the Internet comes with less personal accountability, so people say those things they normally wouldn't. 


I catch myself once in a while being snarkier than I'd really be. I mean, I've kind of been a wise(guy) since I was a kid, but I'm anything but combative. My Dad was in the USMC for 30 years... you don't grow up all lippy when your Dad is a Marine, lol... 

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No need to man! We're just fans of different teams... we probably have a lot more in common that we do differences. 


If we were hanging around a bar right now, I'd buy the next pitcher. Then possibly make you drive. (No, no... Uber? Do they have that in Indianapolis? LOL...) 




I catch myself once in a while being snarkier than I'd really be. I mean, I've kind of been a wise(guy) since I was a kid, but I'm anything but combative. My Dad was in the USMC for 30 years... you don't grow up all lippy when your Dad is a Marine, lol... 

lol @ "wise(guy)."  We all get caught up in the anonymity of the internet from time to time.  But I'm with you.  Try to talk like you would sitting at a table.  It's just a respect thing which shouldn't be abandoned the second you open up a web browser.  Perhaps I'm a little quick to get "caught up in the anonymity" and return fire when someone is disrespectful, but at that point, the person has it coming.  One of the things that is at the top of my most annoying things in the world list is when people bait others with passive agressive behavior and then cry foul when someone responds in blatantly aggressive behavior.  As if saying something indirectly insulting is somehow better than saying it in a direct manner.  It's like acts and omissions.  To act or teh failure to act can be equally offensive depending on the context.

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I'd have to find the link but the Colts had the biggest DL in football this year. Problem isn't our size...we have size...its skill and coaching imo.

No I know who you're talking about and he is big which is a step in the right direction. The LBs look small (maybe me?)

Clearly the tackling is bad. Of course I'm happy when we run the ball on them like crazy but in my football mind like come on guys- you gotta tackle him. ;-)

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 I hate the pats because they Cheat and the Refs save their sorry ***** all the time just like the "Tuck Rule" game, just look at how they bended the rules against the Ravens in the divisional round and the refs did nothing, you can best believe that never would have gotten by if another team did that to the pats.


Go Seahawks!!!

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I hate the pats because they Cheat and the Refs save their sorry ***** all the time just like the "Tuck Rule" game, just look at how they bended the rules against the Ravens in the divisional round and the refs did nothing, you can best believe that never would have gotten by if another team did that to the pats.

Go Seahawks!!!

Yes just like that great hit on Brady at the bigging of the game I knew it was over right there and turned the game off and they were not going to let them play. Well at least not the Colts.
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A lot of good posts in this thread... some not-so-good ones... lol...


I think there is absolutely culpability on both sides here. I don't believe that 100% of the criticism and scrutiny the Patriots face is purely bred of hatred, and to a great extent a (seemingly) younger generation of NE fans - those who do not remember the much darker days, or even weren't alive at the time - is antagonistic and at times arrogant. 


At the same time, I've found over the past ten days that when it comes to the New England Patriots, a lot of people will just throw away all objectivity and assume the worst. Is that justified? I suppose so. Belichick is not Tony Dungy. He's gruff, he makes people uncomfortable, and he's aggressive about implementing elements of gamesmanship that some have issues with (like the eligible/ineligible receivers thing). I can understand why no other fans would give the Patriots the benefit of any doubt. 


But, when you look at the AFCCG, and most of the games throughout the season, the Patriots were the top team in the conference. Denver may have challenged if Manning hadn't fallen off. The Colts may have challenged if they hadn't dropped a couple of hard-to-explain games to inferior teams. I've asked myself honestly if they deserve to be in AZ right now, waiting to take on the Seahawks. As a fan it would feel "empty" if I had doubts there. But I don't. I think they've earned this spot. A 2 PSI difference doesn't win you 12 or more games almost every year. 


I've really hated these past 10 days... not just because of the news, and because there should be an incredible football game Sunday night and no one is really focused on it or talking about it. I've hated it because of how I've seen people interact with each other. The vitriol has flowed freely... on both sides. It's been a kind of sad picture of humanity from my perspective. 


Personally I'm done arguing about it, I'm done being angry about it, and I'm no longer feeling disappointed as I was most of last week. I'm ready for Sunday and will root on my team, as I've done for most of the past 40 or so years of my life. After today I'm staying off the Internet until Monday, haha... 


Hope everyone enjoys the game if you're still tuning in. I may even watch halftime in hopes of a "wardrobe malfunction."  ;)

This is a good post! Your assessments I think are right on. We or at least I don't like the patriots because they are smug, don't care for the coach, have beaten the Colts pretty regularly, and the Patriots unlike what your coach said don't stay away from the line of conduct, instead the Patriots DANCE ALL OVER IT! That being said you were the best team in the AFC this year & the the Colts honestly were the 3rd best team in the AFC we have got more work to do still. I hopped that Baltimore beat you because I knew we could not beat you! The last 3 games with Patriots have been painful to to watch as a Colts fan as we were crushed all 3 times. I will root against the Patriots in the super bowl but expect them to win! Good luck

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You are all proving the writer's point .


None of you talked about the Panthers "cheating" when it came to their inflation issues. Or the Vikings.

Because they don't win.

The Jets don't win much, but they were called out for Sal Alosi's thing.  I forget what the Raiders did, but they were found to be doing some cheating (while still losing) a few years ago and I remember them getting attention for cheating and losing.  It's not that winning cheaters are disliked; all cheaters are disliked.  I don't like what Eli Manning or John Elway did at their drafts because I kind of consider that cheating.  You get drafted by a team and you refuse to play for them, so you try to dictate where you play?  To me, that's finding loopholes to get your way, which is very similar to cheating. 


Also, is it really winning if you're cheating?

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