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Patriots being investigated for Deflating footballs.....(Mega Merge)


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The guy who broke this story is from Indy..... so let's take that with a grain of salt. I did call the New York Post, as they hate the Patriots like no other, and the guy at the sports desk said they are investigating it. If this is true and they did tamper with the footballs, I will have a horrible feeling in my gut these next couple weeks. They didn't need to do anything of the sort. With spygate, they got caught doing something many teams did, but it just so happens the Patriots got caught doing it. They were punished. But if this new story is true, and I hope it's not, I will have much less respect for this team, and this is a team I love. I'm hoping this isn't true and it's some nutbag on twitter who started a bunch of stuff after a big loss.


If this is true, I'll be the first to apologize for them.


When I saw the call letters of the guy who broke this, Kravitz.. I remember reading a story about how he was arguing with a Pats fan, for ratings no doubt. But if this guy turns out to have created this without merit, there should be a hell storm against him.

hes reporting what he's been TOLD which you just confirmed to be true. He didn't come out and break it like I saw the Pats deflating balls.

He just reported that he was told that the league was investigating the Pats for doing it and if it turns out that they were what the punishment would mostly likely be. Repeating what someone tells you is going on is a whole lot different than him accusing the Pats of doing it, and you have already confirmed what Kravitz reported to be true.

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On his link the NFL logo appears to be on the back, not on the side.


The fact of the matter is he is a Patriot employee. You were wrong. Your team is unethical. it's not the first time, and it probably won't be the last.


If you are seriously going to try and discredit the proof because he is wearing a different variant than the one sold to the fans then I don't know what to say. Maybe you deserve the Patriots as your team. You fit well together.

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If this is true, I have absolutely 0 respect for that organization. Purely disgusting. Once a cheater always a cheater.








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Deflate-gate? Report: Patriots being investigated for using deflated footballs


According to Bob Kravitz of WTHR.com, the NFL will investigate the possibility that the New England Patriots deflated footballs during the AFC championship game, which they won 45-7 over the Indianapolis Colts.

The game was marred by constant rain, which makes gripping the ball more challenging. Obviously, a less-inflated ball is easier to grip than a fully inflated one.

The league has specific guidelines on just how much pressure the ball must have — between 12.5 and 13.5 pounds per square inch, weighing between 14 and 15 ounces.

Kravitz believes the fine could be a stiff one if the Patriots are found guilty, even if they'll still play the Seattle Seahawks in the Super Bowl.

There was a delay before the third-quarter-opening kickoff that might have included game officials investigating the balls the Patriots were using.

Although there hasn't been an NFL team accused or found guilty of this recently, former USC head coach Lane Kiffin — who, coicindentally, was named the front-runner in several reports to become the San Francisco 49ers' offensive coordinator — was accused of doing the same against Oregon in 2012 before losing his job during that season.

The Patriots have faced accusations that they've skirted the rules for years, and they were penalized for spying on the New York Jets during the 2007 season with the loss of a first-round draft pick and a hefty fine paid not by the team but by Bill Belichick himself.

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TSFH Fan, Yesterday at 10:51 PM

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The fact of the matter is he is a Patriot employee. You were wrong. Your team is unethical. it's not the first time, and it probably won't be the last.


If you are seriously going to try and discredit the proof because he is wearing a different variant than the one sold to the fans then I don't know what to say. Maybe you deserve the Patriots as your team. You fit well together.



All ball handlers are monitored by the NFL, the balls are being put into play by NFL Officials, the ball boy brings the balls to the officials. If an error is made then its the officials fault. In this case the wrong ball was brought to play is all. Kicking ball instead of game ball.

The balls are inside a sack, which all been checked by the NFL officials prior to the game. What else is there to say?

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The fact of the matter is he is a Patriot employee. You were wrong. Your team is unethical. it's not the first time, and it probably won't be the last.


If you are seriously going to try and discredit the proof because he is wearing a different variant than the one sold to the fans then I don't know what to say. Maybe you deserve the Patriots as your team. You fit well together.


has alot do with kicking , passing ,holding the ball. since wind was 10 to 15 mph.

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Posted · Hidden by SteelCityColt, January 19, 2015 - Banned Poster
Hidden by SteelCityColt, January 19, 2015 - Banned Poster

LMMFAO!!! The mouth breathers choke again. Russell Wilson---->Andrew Luck
Maybe he should shave that beard and he could see the receivers better. Maybe the Colts shouldn't pick so many draft busts year after year after year. Anthony Gonzalez--BUST...Donald Brown....BUST...Jerry Hughes....BUST...Bjoern Werner on the bench for this game....BUST. Trent "2.3YPC"Richardson for a 1st round pick...BUST!!! The Colts haven't been able to stop the run for as long as they've been in Indianapolis. They literally suck every year and they literally get pimp slapped by the Pats in this respect. The Colts are not a good football team. Poor leadership = poor execution. This was the beatdown of all beatdowns today. But is it any surprise for a team that was too cowardly to let their players try for a perfect season a few years back? That took al...l of the air out of the Colts' players when they were pulled out of that Jets game. They played not to lose rather than to win. They don't have any identity for being able to persevere through adversity or when it matters most. With all the talent they've had since Manning got there in the late 90's and all they have to show for it is ONE SB win. Talk about underachieving when it matters most.

Rushing: J. Gray (NE) - 37 CAR, 201 YDS, 4 TD
Rushing: L. Blount (NE) - 30 CAR, 148 YDS, 3 TD

Rushing: L. Blount (NE) - 24 CAR, 166 YDS, 4 TD



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This didn't affect us getting spanked up and down the field, but whatever.

People will use whatever excuse they can to cover up the farce we witnessed last night.

I didn't notice anyone claiming that this was the reason we lost? In fact, quite the opposite. However, that doesn't make it okay.

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Hello, Pats Fan Here -

I signed up for the forum today to send my condolences for a difficult loss, and let you know how much respect we have for your team, organization, and community. You have the best young quarterback in football, and things will only continue to get better.

I was saddened to read this thread. I know the sting of a loss like today takes a while to wear off, but I hope the situation won't be reduced to rumors and mud-slinging.

Today wasn't your day, and every team has losses that hurt, but either way, I hope we can continue to have a mutual respect for two great organizations.

Here's hoping we can face-off again in next year's AFC Championship.

You know this team reminds me of the Manning team that couldn't beat the patriots at first. Too bad we won't see if it will end the same way or not for Andrew is just a tad younger than Brady.

On one hand this stings. On the other hand I don't see a lot of AFC QB competition for luck for next decade after Brady hangs them up. So win as many as you can now! Your reign will soon be over.

But the hardest part is watching your team go out there and aggressively play football for the first 120 min of the playoffs just to lay an egg all game come AFCCG. Then again, I think this year we exceeded expectations. I'm already excited for next year, and the wa each year seems to go by faster I'll be watching colts ball again in no time. Good luck in the SB. Seahawks don't look inpressive.

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Bob Kravitz @bkravitz 14m14 minutes ago

I'm told at one point the officials took a ball out of play and weighed it. Should hear more tomorrow on this subject.


Bob Kravitz @bkravitz 11m11 minutes ago

Told if a league investigation confirms deflated footballs it will result in lost draft picks. Stay tuned.

Assuming this was when they "they left the kicking ball on the field and were waiting for a dry game ball" like they didnt have 4 ready and didn't do it over the commercial break after the kickoff...

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Footballs along with tires lose pressure in cold weather.





1:45 mark.


A football left out at 10 degree temperatures for an hour loses over 20% pressure.


Its basic science folks.

kickoff was 51 degrees, I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul...

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Hello, Pats Fan Here - 


I signed up for the forum today to send my condolences for a difficult loss, and let you know how much respect we have for your team, organization, and community. You have the best young quarterback in football, and things will only continue to get better. 


I was saddened to read this thread. I know the sting of a loss like today takes a while to wear off, but I hope the situation won't be reduced to rumors and mud-slinging. 


Today wasn't your day, and every team has losses that hurt, but either way, I hope we can continue to have a mutual respect for two great organizations.


Here's hoping we can face-off again in next year's AFC Championship. 


Welcome to the board. 


The better team won

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NFL spokesman Michael Signora confirms the NFL is looking into whether footballs were properly inflated in Patriots-Colts game.




so Pats are investigated.


Still I believe this wasn't the reason we lost and doesn't make me feel any different about that loss. Colts were playing below their talent. Keep on working...this is the best we can do now.

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I havn't heard anything other then from this one source, so I'm not ready to buy into it yet.


But if it is true then Belichek needs to go.  Forever.  


If he's caught cheating a 2nd time and continues to be allowed to be a head coach it only sends the message "If you arn't cheating, you arn't trying."


All that said I have a hard time buying into it.  It came right after the game from one source who is biased towards Indy.  While deflated balls could give them an edge it was one they hardly needed.  And on top of all of this, I believe the refs are suppose to inspect the balls before the game for proper pressurization.  So that would mean that someone in the Pats organization would have had to get the balls and deflate them without being seen by cameras.  

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Hello, Pats Fan Here - 


I signed up for the forum today to send my condolences for a difficult loss, and let you know how much respect we have for your team, organization, and community. You have the best young quarterback in football, and things will only continue to get better. 


I was saddened to read this thread. I know the sting of a loss like today takes a while to wear off, but I hope the situation won't be reduced to rumors and mud-slinging. 


Today wasn't your day, and every team has losses that hurt, but either way, I hope we can continue to have a mutual respect for two great organizations.


Here's hoping we can face-off again in next year's AFC Championship. 


Welcome on the board, and thank you for Your classy post! 


I truly believe NFL investigates this thing for a reason, but I know this issue hasn't any effect on the game. Deflated balls (if they were deflated) didn't prevent us to play at the level we could, and unfortunately Pats were the better team yesterday. 


I won't make any excuses, we weren't in par with NE, and we have a lot to improve, to undo the gap between the 2 teams. 





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I havn't heard anything other then from this one source, so I'm not ready to buy into it yet.


But if it is true then Belichek needs to go.  Forever.  


If he's caught cheating a 2nd time and continues to be allowed to be a head coach it only sends the message "If you arn't cheating, you arn't trying."


All that said I have a hard time buying into it.  It came right after the game from one source who is biased towards Indy.  While deflated balls could give them an edge it was one they hardly needed.  And on top of all of this, I believe the refs are suppose to inspect the balls before the game for proper pressurization.  So that would mean that someone in the Pats organization would have had to get the balls and deflate them without being seen by cameras.  


NFL just confirmed it. 

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NFL just confirmed it. 


Well if they do find it to be true, the whole Pats coaching staff and front office staff need to go.  Suspended indefinitely.  


Otherwise teams and coaches are gonna start to get the idea that the fines and draft picks are a worthwhile price to pay for cheating.  

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Why deflate footballs?  Deflated footballs are easier to catch in bad weather.


Easier to hold onto during bad weather running the football too. It all really doesn't make any sense. Why do anything when you've beaten the team every time for the past 4 years? Just play a fair game and whatever happens, happens.

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