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Thanks Peyton


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no manning left the field almost immediately. He shook chucks hand and turned and left the field. They showed him post game walking to the locker room head down, helmet on

he met Andrew but said little...He talked tgo some Colts but I dont think he found Reggie.

He might have gone to see him in the locker room time ,like he did Ray Lewis 2 years ago

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He has been declining for a while, today is the first time a lot of the media seems to have "noticed". I noticed it most visibly starting in the SB loss to the Seahawks when he was pretty much their MVP. Many MANY have been in denial over Peyton's decline for a while. Just pop in old videos of him or look on you tube to see old highlights of him here back in the day when he was in his prime. He NEVER IMO was as good as people thought while with Denver for 3 years.


This isn't to be rude either.


The Colts deserve credit too here for winning and playing tough. Peyton was off a lot yeah......but it's not just about him suddenly being a 90 year old in the home. And the week before this is was all about how bad Andy Dalton can be.


And now we get to go play model boy in NE so this should be a hoot. But, he will probably just hand the ball off a lot anyway in the title game.

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I have a tear in one eye, and a gleam in the other. I feel the sun has set on the greatest QB to ever play the game. I couldn't even recognize #18 all night. That was hard to watch. 


Thank you for being a Colt. 


Yeah before the game started I did kind of tear up a bit when they were showing Manning and Luck while playing Dream On by Aerosmith. 

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He has been declining for a while, today is the first time a lot of the media seems to have "noticed". I noticed it most visibly starting in the SB loss to the Seahawks when he was pretty much their MVP. Many MANY have been in denial over Peyton's decline for a while. Just pop in old videos of him or look on you tube to see old highlights of him here back in the day when he was in his prime. He NEVER IMO was as good as people thought while with Denver for 3 years.


This isn't to be rude either.


The Colts deserve credit too here for winning and playing tough. Peyton was off a lot yeah......but it's not just about him suddenly being a 90 year old in the home. And the week before this is was all about how bad Andy Dalton can be.


And now we get to go play model boy in NE so this should be a hoot. But, he will probably just hand the ball off a lot anyway in the title game.

Jules...he broke every single season passing record in existence last year

..and he was on his way to similar things until the loss at St. Louis

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no manning left the field almost immediately. He shook chucks hand and turned and left the field. They showed him post game walking to the locker room head down, helmet on


Explains why Reggie was looking around lost shrugging his shoulders as if he was just stood up ... guess Peyton was pretty upset about the loss-  bummer!


Could see them both retiring after this season.

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Denver crowd booooooing was total GARBAGE...     at the end.. 


Peyton did ALL HE COULD...   Colt DB's played SPECTACULAR TODAY   D Thomas catch a ball?   oh and how many penalties on Indy? 


The Colts TOOK this game.      And that is how it should be.

I hated that little disrespectful sack dance at the end too.

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I'm just gonna go out on the limb and say this. If Peyton does retire, what a way to go out, in the play offs, against your team of 14 years. The team that you put on the map. The QB you mentored in your camps, the owner you like and respect so much. You know it has to be going thru his mind and deep down he's happy it was a loss to the Colts and Andrew Luck.

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During the game, I loved seeing the Manning regression.

Once it was all said and done I felt bad for him and I felt bad for the Broncos fans, even though most of them were looking past us to the AFC championship game.

Manning had a great year, but to go out with around 150 yards passing (until garbage time) hurting your team is just a shame.

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I didn't feel the crowd was booing Peyton as much as they where booing the fact that they weren't pushing the ball farther down field on the last drive.   There was some great tackling by the Colts to limit those plays to minimal yardage -- the same plays that the Broncos broke for good yardage though the past couple of years.  Credit to the Colts for stuffing plays that has often worked for the Broncos before.

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I do not know if he returns but some of you guys stated he is washed up is a joke. We just out played them we earned it . Yeah he missed some deep throws by over throwing them does that not mean he still has the arm streght. The only play I seen that was just a bad play bad Peyton was on the 3rd and 5 I think where he could had walked for a first down and elected to throw down field to a covered receiver. Our team just out played them on o and d

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no manning left the field almost immediately. He shook chucks hand and turned and left the field. They showed him post game walking to the locker room head down, helmet on

He shook hands with several Colts....Then, just as the camera panned off you could hear him yell out, "Hey Reggie".

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I still expect to see him back next year.   Greater then 10,000 yards and 94 TD passes in the last two years -- let that sink in -- he still produces at a high level.


He was clearly injured down the stretch and not playing as well.  He'll heal during he off season and be back next year I bet.

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It made me mad also that the fans would boo Peyton.  I guess they just didn't have him long enough to truly come to love him as we do.  The Peyton's last drive was hard to watch.  I kept expecting him to make one of those perfect Peyton passes for a huge gain - and it simply didn't happen.  I hate seeing it but I am truly CRAZY HAPPY that my COLTS are moving on!!  GO LUCK TAKE US ALL THE WAY!!!

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Hey whats up fellow colts fans and good evening to all! Im new to all this but I've been on this site for a while now. Just got back from watching the game at my buddies house, (Who is a broncos fan btw) and Im not sure how to feel right now tbh.....one side of me is ecstatic that we won while my counterpart is completely torn. As a longtime colts fan I couldn't help but feel bad for Peyton towards the end of the game, it was hard to watch. If he does decide to hang em up then I hope he comes back and retires as a colt. Thank you Peyton for representing the horshoe all them years, it was an honor watching you play here......Semper Fi

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This thread just used up all my likes....and all my tears.



I love the guy so much, it's so hard to see it end this way. I do feel it's the end of the road for him. Maybe if Pep gets a head coaching job, we bring in P to be the OC of the new era. He's always said how he'd like to be a coach, what better for him than to come back home?

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I have a feeling that this could be the end of the line for good ol' number 18, but he will have a career as a coach/commentary guy lined up when he does hang up the cleats. A sad day... but it happens even to the best of us. :thanks:

I guarantee you he doesn't retire. One half season away from the all time passing record.
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