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The Center Situation (Merge)


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what was clear was luck was calling for the ball, but obviously we'll never know whos fault it truly was

Yes, he was calling for the ball and he got it but unfortunately he looked away right as the snap came. I don't see Luck taking blame unless he truly thinks it's at least partially his fault. He'd go over and comfort him, discuss what went wrong, and say "we'll get them next time" or whatever but I doubt he'd take the blame.

I think both are partially to blame, really. Harrison should have got the snap out faster and Luck should have been ready for the ball.

Either way, this play is no reason to freak out over Harrison. He's played pretty well and should only get better.

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I'll take Harrison over satele anyday give him a break god, Wayne dropped some passes should we bench him.....the guy has the most up side, we need him playing his best in the play off not in game 6

I will take Harrison over Satele as well.  


People keep saying that Harrison ahs th most potential, or most upside.  What exactly is that based on?

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thats one way to look at it, but then why isnt holmes starting



I would guess that its either the ankle is not 100% or he just has not been as good as Harrison in practice. Holmes might be a slow healer and they want to make sure he's fully recovered. Remember that he played his whole senior season on a tender ankle and was hurt for around the first 6-7 weeks of his rookie year. I really don't know and can only guess.


I do hear what you guys are saying regarding the C position. I , for what it's worth , would suggest that we go with the coaches on this one. How can you really make sense of a situation that had...


1) Holmes ... played about 10 NFL plays

2) Costa  .... enough said there

3) Harrison ... RFA

4) Shipley  ... Colts sign off waivers , trade for a 7th , Balt waives and Colts sign off waivers. I will say that IMO , Shipley is a decent C and deserved better. 


Anyway , that's a heck of a depth chart.

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that botched snap almost cost us the game and it wasnt like there were running lanes or luck wasnt getting pressured up the middle. why is shipley in the doghouse? and for that matter why is holmes in the doghouse? what has harrison done to prove hes better then shipley and holmes? starting line for next week better be canstanzo mewhort shipley thornton chelius or else peko and atkins are gonna have a field day

Holmes just isn't very good he was a healthy inactive behind Meredith time for people to realize. It is week 6 if Holmes could play he would have we have had injuries at every interior line position he still doesn't dress. He will be cut in camp next year.


Harrison is our C give him the Trent business if you feel you must.

Holmes has never done anything on the field I really don't get the cry for the guy.


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Posted · Hidden by SteelCityColt, October 10, 2014 - Double Post
Hidden by SteelCityColt, October 10, 2014 - Double Post

that botched snap almost cost us the game and it wasnt like there were running lanes or luck wasnt getting pressured up the middle. why is shipley in the doghouse? and for that matter why is holmes in the doghouse? what has harrison done to prove hes better then shipley and holmes? starting line for next week better be canstanzo mewhort shipley thornton chelius or else peko and atkins are gonna have a field day

Holmes just isn't very good he was a healthy inactive behind Meredith time for people to realize. It is week 6 if Holmes could play he would have we have had injuries at every interior line position he still doesn't dress. He will be cut in camp next year.


Harrison is our C give him the Trent business if you feel you must.

Holmes has never done anything on the field I really don't get the cry for the guy.


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That snap was on Luck. He was looking up at play clock after calling for the snap.



Hmmm. I don't know. Off course Andrew takes the blame like he always does even if it is not his fault. My best guess is that Harrison missed or was to late with the snap, Luck then took a quick look at the game clock so it happened. Like the two bad snaps in the Baltimore game. 

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Holmes just isn't very good he was a healthy inactive behind Meredith time for people to realize. It is week 6 if Holmes could play he would have we have had injuries at every interior line position he still doesn't dress. He will be cut in camp next year.


Harrison is our C give him the Trent business if you feel you must.

Holmes has never done anything on the field I really don't get the cry for the guy.


i mean when a coaching staff comes out says a certain player is going to be our player for the future and never sees the field there is going some crys to see what hes got

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I will take Harrison over Satele as well.  


People keep saying that Harrison ahs th most potential, or most upside.  What exactly is that based on?


Age and experience. A 23 year old rookie generally has much more room to grow than a 28 year old journey man. Clearly the coaching staff believes in Harrison to displace Shipley who was playing well.

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thats one way to look at it, but then why isnt holmes starting

Holmes isn't even dressing. He isn't even a back up. What is the deal with that guy on the board?


He is a healthy inactive every week what does that say? It says he isn't even the back up. Maybe he can make a move to G at some point I would not hold my breath.


Harrison is our C and is doing a great job. We have not lost since he took over against the Ravens and Texans two of the best front 7 we will see all year.

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I have no problem with Harrison starting.  The guy is solid and strong.  Nice to see him holding up at the point of attack, even when taking on the NT or DT one on one.....as opposed to Satele who was always being driven back into Luck.  


I just still wonder about Holmes.  Either his performance plummeted, even after healing up, or Harrison just shot through the roof in the past 6 weeks.  Hard to image anything so dramatic happening.

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i mean when a coaching staff comes out says a certain player is going to be our player for the future and never sees the field there is going some crys to see what hes got

The coaches are trying to win games. If he was better than anyone or had anything to offer don't you think he would be dressing at least?


He has never done a thing don't understand the cry for the guy.

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Age and experience. A 23 year old rookie generally has much more room to grow than a 28 year old journey man. Clearly the coaching staff believes in Harrison to displace Shipley who was playing well.


So because he's younger then he has more upside?  Young does not mean upside it just means you don't know what his peak is... it could be he's reached it.


Yup, for some reason or another the coaching staff feels Harrison is a better option than Shipley.  Just like the coaching staff felt Satele was a better option than Shipley.  Or that Justice was a better option than Linkenbach or that Linkenbach was a better option than a bag of sand or that McGlynn was a better option than anyone else available at the guard position.


I like some of the moves that Grigs and the staff have made but when it comes to the line they have had a lot more misses than hits, especially when it comes to free agents.

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that botched snap almost cost us the game and it wasnt like there were running lanes or luck wasnt getting pressured up the middle. why is shipley in the doghouse? and for that matter why is holmes in the doghouse? what has harrison done to prove hes better then shipley and holmes? starting line for next week better be canstanzo mewhort shipley thornton chelius or else peko and atkins are gonna have a field day



your wrong luck said he # up on that play .  go lest too his interview.

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If you have not seen the increase in pressure up the middle the last two games then you are not really watching the line.

I wouldn't say it's coming from up the middle. It's basically coming entirely from the right side of the line. Thornton struggled in pass pro in the Ravens game, as did Louis last night, and Cherilus has been disappointing all season. LT, LG and C play has been solid the past 2 games (outside of the snap issues) in my opinion

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So because he's younger then he has more upside?  Young does not mean upside it just means you don't know what his peak is... it could be he's reached it.


Yup, for some reason or another the coaching staff feels Harrison is a better option than Shipley.  Just like the coaching staff felt Satele was a better option than Shipley.  Or that Justice was a better option than Linkenbach or that Linkenbach was a better option than a bag of sand or that McGlynn was a better option than anyone else available at the guard position.


I like some of the moves that Grigs and the staff have made but when it comes to the line they have had a lot more misses than hits, especially when it comes to free agents.


A young inexperienced player generally has more room to grow (not that he will) than an older veteran. That's what I said and I don't think it's all that foreign. At this point in Shipley's career I think what you see is pretty much what you get. Whereas Harrison can still mature a lot mentally and physically or he can crumble but still I think the potential is there and I think he's looked solid in his first two start..

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luck is a proven starter while harrison is making his second start. im sure harrison was already down on himself  and luck wanted to ease the pain by taking the blame. its what the QB does. takes the blame from others 



I think it's clear you don't know what you're talking about.

We really can't be sure who's at fault. One thing we do know is that Luck took blame when he met with Harrison, but that means nothing to you because it doesn't support your skewed view and if it doesn't support your opinion, you disregard it.



That's true, but sometimes the QB takes the blame for himself as well. 



what was clear was luck was calling for the ball, but obviously we'll never know whos fault it truly was  


Coltsrule91 -- you contradict yourself from the first quoted post here and the last.


You said it yourself best "What was clear was luck was calling for the ball" -- when the QB picks his leg up and the noise is as loud as it was at an away game, that is the signal for the center to hike it. Luck called for it, not Harrison's fault at all.

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Coltsrule91 -- you contradict yourself from the first quoted post here and the last.


You said it yourself best "What was clear was luck was calling for the ball" -- when the QB picks his leg up and the noise is as loud as it was at an away game, that is the signal for the center to hike it. Luck called for it, not Harrison's fault at all.

he called for it, but didn't get it when he called for it

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what has player A done to prove hes better then player B. I understand im not in the colts faculty and I dont have insider information on what pagano and his staff sees that makes harrison our best option at C, but when you lose your job abruptly not because of play or injury then something is up 


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he called for it, but didn't get it when he called for it


I am glad you aren't making any calls. 


There is a reason Harrison has taken over right when the teeth of our schedule hit if you watched him the last two weeks and all you saw were the bad snaps.....everyone has their opinion


We are 2-0 since he took over looks like you just need something to complain about.

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what has player A done to prove hes better then player B. I understand im not in the colts faculty and I dont have insider information on what pagano and his staff sees that makes harrison our best option at C, but when you lose your job abruptly not because of play or injury then something is up 

You just answered your own question and clearly pagano is not saying he's been asked several times by the media and refuses to answer the question so you might as well move on and get use to harrison at center.

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I wouldn't say it's coming from up the middle. It's basically coming entirely from the right side of the line. Thornton struggled in pass pro in the Ravens game, as did Louis last night, and Cherilus has been disappointing all season. LT, LG and C play has been solid the past 2 games (outside of the snap issues) in my opinion



That increase in pressure is coming from the guards, not the center.

It's not coming from just the guards.


that's due to the better teams

I don't think the Texans front 3 or 4 is significantly better than the Ravens, Titans or Broncos.


And I don't dislike Harrison, I have mentioned in a few threads the things I think he does well but I'm not going to pretend he's done as well as Shipley or ignore obvious shortcomings I've seen so far just because I hope the FO made the right move.

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Harrison is better at run blocking thats for sure. For being an undrafted free agent and only his second start the kid is playing big time.

Agreed. He run blocks better, and if this is who they are going to go with, then by all means play him. He'll get better and with Mewhort returning the line will have some young guys to complement the vets. There must be a reason that Shipley and Holmes aren't starting...

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The coaching staff is doing a great job of resting nicked up guys to heal injuries

and adding depth with getting guys experience by playing multiple different linemen.


This will payoff at the end of the season when we have a team full of fresh players

ready to do some damage in the playoffs, now if we were losing games then it would

be a different story.

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