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Harrison getting first team reps at C.


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He mis-snapped the ball twice but he blocked very well. 

he did mis-snap the ball twice but that is not what I was talking about.  He did not block "very well" most of the time is was at the average level.  Once he engaged a defender he was very good and strong but his technique suffered when he had to move to get to a defender.  His feet got too close together, he would not maintain his balance, his head needs to be on more of a swivel and he really lumbered trying to get the cut off on the LB at the second level.

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Actually I take back the dysfunctional statement.  When I first said it, it was based on.

  • When a team needs to make a change because of injury, it's not the time to make other changes as well.
  • Part of it was because I thought Pagano said Shipley will be starting the rest of the season... but I researched it and it wasn't Pags, it was just the beat writer speculating. 
  • And the plan at the beginning of the season was to role with Holmes and now that he's back and healthy there is no talk about him.


But now that I think about it a bit, I think they are probably just trying some different lineups because Lance was not that good (sorry Superman, I just disagree with your analysis of his play) and/or if another injury happens during the game they have a game plan worked out.


I didn't say he was necessarily good, and I'm not singing his praises. I just don't think he was the reason we couldn't run the ball. He had some sloppy plays, but I thought the problem was Cherilus and some sloppy pulls by Mewhort and sloppy lead blocks by Doyle. 

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I really just want them to use the next man up mentality for the offensive line. There is a reason Shipley got cut from the Ravens, they forced him out of his natural center position and made him play guard.

Why are they trying to get fancy with the successful OL when everything has been going great?? They should be getting fancy in secondary that hasnt been so successful (safeties mainly).


 IF, Shipley were to lose the center job they would expect him to be a backup C/G if he is on the game day active roster.

Gotta give him Some snaps at guard to prepare him. 101

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If Shipley is at G........... I'm convinced the staff doesn't want Andrew to succeed

Why are they trying to fix what's not broke?


It's not about trying to fix what isn't broke...it's about trying to improve what isn't optimal.  Huge difference.

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The paranoid part of me says Holmes is regressing or hurt worse than they are letting on and we'll soon be calling him bust.  Or the coaching staff is incompetent and are thinking about benching Shipley even though he's been doing a great job.


The optimistic side says this is a normal part of their practices as they always talk about interchangeable parts on the interior of the line.  Everybody gets a little taste of working out with the first team.  


Holmes isn't even listed on the injury report anymore. I take that to mean he is healthy. He's listed as G/C on the roster which boggles my mind why he was inactive last week and Harrison was active.

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I don't think you're understanding the severity of Shipley playing G. We're putting Andrews health at risk now


I don't think you understand, we're just talking about a few snaps...in practice.  Now, step away from the ledge, get your sippy cup of apple juice and go sit in the corner for a little bit until you calm down.  :reaction:

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I didn't say he was necessarily good, and I'm not singing his praises. I just don't think he was the reason we couldn't run the ball. He had some sloppy plays, but I thought the problem was Cherilus and some sloppy pulls by Mewhort and sloppy lead blocks by Doyle. 


I didn't say he was necessarily good, and I'm not singing his praises. I just don't think he was the reason we couldn't run the ball. He had some sloppy plays, but I thought the problem was Cherilus and some sloppy pulls by Mewhort and sloppy lead blocks by Doyle. 


 Nope. Castonzo & Mewhort got stuffed all game long. Love that noone is bashing AC for his several total whiffs that resulted in tackles for loss.

 Lance Louis gave Andrew the most consistent space to pass he has seen from RG in his Colts career. Not saying a lot is it?

 And we saw TRich actually turn the right corner for the 1st time ever lmao, because Lance set the edge to start it. Gee whizz that was a long time coming. Great blocks also by Doyle and Reggie had to follow to get TR around the bend but Darn it was nice to see it was possible.

 Shipley is not moving anyone by himself up the middle either.

 We have executed a number of nice run plays rather than been run blocking all game very well.

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If Shipley is at G........... I'm convinced the staff doesn't want Andrew to succeed

Why are they trying to fix what's not broke?

The staff, whose very job depends on Luck's success, does not want him to succeed?

Not good. Not good at all

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 Nope. Castonzo & Mewhort got stuffed all game long. Love that noone is bashing AC for his several total whiffs that resulted in tackles for loss.

 Lance Louis gave Andrew the most consistent space to pass he has seen from RG in his Colts career. Not saying a lot is it?

 And we saw TRich actually turn the right corner for the 1st time ever lmao, because Lance set the edge to start it. Gee whizz that was a long time coming. Great blocks also by Doyle and Reggie had to follow to get TR around the bend but Darn it was nice to see it was possible.

 Shipley is not moving anyone by himself up the middle either.

 We have executed a number of nice run plays rather than been run blocking all game very well.

There is not one item in your post that is true.

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I didn't say he was necessarily good, and I'm not singing his praises. I just don't think he was the reason we couldn't run the ball. He had some sloppy plays, but I thought the problem was Cherilus and some sloppy pulls by Mewhort and sloppy lead blocks by Doyle. 

Cherilus did look average.  I don't know if you remember you, chad72 and I had a discussion about Mewhort after he was drafted.  I watched the Northwest game (i believe) and I talked about how he was bad on the second level and would have trouble pulling in the NFL.  So I'm not surprised about Mewhort.


And I didn't think Lance was too bad at run blocking, like you sad, sloppy and out of practice but he gave up a lot in pass protection.  The pocket was getting collapsed on that right side a lot, and Luck had to make some nice throws while getting hit or having someone in his face as he was throwing it.

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 Nope. Castonzo & Mewhort got stuffed all game long. Love that noone is bashing AC for his several total whiffs that resulted in tackles for loss.

 Lance Louis gave Andrew the most consistent space to pass he has seen from RG in his Colts career. Not saying a lot is it?

 And we saw TRich actually turn the right corner for the 1st time ever lmao, because Lance set the edge to start it. Gee whizz that was a long time coming. Great blocks also by Doyle and Reggie had to follow to get TR around the bend but Darn it was nice to see it was possible.

 Shipley is not moving anyone by himself up the middle either.

 We have executed a number of nice run plays rather than been run blocking all game very well.


So much of what you're saying is completely unrelated to anything at issue. I'm all about discussing the team, but I'm not sure what kind of response you're looking for here.


No one needs to bash Castonzo in order to recognize that he didn't have a great game. That's your own personal crusade. And I don't see you here giving him credit when he has a good game, like last week. I guess you forgot your password and couldn't log in, huh?

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Cherilus did look average.  I don't know if you remember you, chad72 and I had a discussion about Mewhort after he was drafted.  I watched the Northwest game (i believe) and I talked about how he was bad on the second level and would have trouble pulling in the NFL.  So I'm not surprised about Mewhort.


And I didn't think Lance was too bad at run blocking, like you sad, sloppy and out of practice but he gave up a lot in pass protection.  The pocket was getting collapsed on that right side a lot, and Luck had to make some nice throws while getting hit or having someone in his face as he was throwing it.


I remember a lot of discussions about Mewhort trying to pull in the pros. Definitely going to take some refinement for him, but I think he has the feet and the tenacity for it. He played mostly LT in college, so pulling isn't something he's used to. 


On Louis in pass pro, yeah he wasn't great there, either. Me personally, I'm so much more concerned with the run blocking than the pass blocking, especially from the interior guys, that I haven't spent too much time concerning myself with who is giving up pressure and who isn't. Collectively, there was more pressure last week than the previous two, so that's not good, but I'd rather have an interior who can move the other team off the ball in the run game. We can protect Luck with scheme and play calling, but you can't fake your way to an effective rushing attack. 

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If we move Shipley to G, we can kiss the offensive line success goodbye



 Shipley can't play G if his life depended on it.




If Shipley is at G........... I'm convinced the staff doesn't want Andrew to succeed



I don't think you're understanding the severity of Shipley playing G. We're putting Andrews health at risk now


So are you saying that Shipley is NOT a good guard???

I cant really tell what you really think of Shipley, if he plays guard???

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Yes he is saying Shipley is not a good guard.  I was on the Ravens forum and they didn't speak too highly of Shipley as far as their scheme was concerned . Their consent was the same whether he was at guard or center.  We all concluded that it may have been he was a bad fit for the zone running scheme and a better fit for man blocking.  I kind of agree he's a better fit in the man scheme.  

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I don't think you're understanding the severity of Shipley playing G. We're putting Andrews health at risk now


I have no idea what gets into you when you write this kind of stuff and you're doing more and more often.


Shipley is getting some snaps at guard during practice so in case there are injuries, and he's forced in to play the position he has at least a little experience there with what we're doing.


No one wants this.    This is emergency planning.    It's having a plan in case the worst happens and guys get hurt.


Shipley is the center.    That's where the teams likes him.    But he's got to have a few snaps at guard just in case.......

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Don't know how long you've been a Colts fan. But if you saw Andrews rookie year, Shipley can't play G if his life depended on it.

He needs to be at C or on the bench


What in the world are you talking about?  Is this a test to see if anybody is paying attention?


I don't recall Shipley playing guard at all in 2012.  And the ~500 snaps he did have at C graded out +7.9 on PFF for 2012.. well above the other interior linemen (Satele -5.7, Link -16.4, McGlynn -23.2, Rietz -9.2).

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What in the world are you talking about? Is this a test to see if anybody is paying attention?

I don't recall Shipley playing guard at all in 2012. And the ~500 snaps he did have at C graded out +7.9 on PFF for 2012.. well above the other interior linemen (Satele -5.7, Link -16.4, McGlynn -23.2, Rietz -9.2).

he doesn't watch the games

What do you expect from him?

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Remember..... this is just the roughly 15 minutes of time that the media gets to observe practice.

We have no idea what is happening in the other hour or two.

Holmes could be getting 1st team reps. Shipley surely is.

This is just a quick look through a very small window of time.

I'm not sure how much to read into it?

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Right. It's Thursday, this is what practice is for. 


To be perfectly honest, I don't like the idea of Shipley at guard. He was pretty bad at guard last year, which is why he's not a Raven anymore. I also don't like seeing Harrison taking first team reps, and not hearing Holmes' name. I'm scratching my head about all of this. But I'm not there at practice, I don't know what the health situations are like, I don't know who is doing what or how they look while they're doing it. These are the times where I defer to the people who have waaaaay more information about this than I do, and that's the coaching staff. Whoever they trot out there on Sunday, I'm sure they will have considered every pertinent angle and made the decisions they think are best. They might not be right, but I give them the benefit of the doubt. Especially on Thursday.

Samson Satele? Explain that one? This is where probably 99% of the "do they know what they are doing?" rhetoric stems from. And for good reason. But again as you stated, we don't know what the current  circumstances are either.

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Remember..... this is just the roughly 15 minutes of time that the media gets to observe practice.

We have no idea what is happening in the other hour or two.

Holmes could be getting 1st team reps. Shipley surely is.

This is just a quick look through a very small window of time.

I'm not sure how much to read into it?



I'm sorry.....   did you mean to say something?


Because your post to me was empty.


Same with your post below to TKnight.     Also empty.


If you come up with something,  give another shot.    I'm always here.

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I'm sorry.....   did you mean to say something?


Because your post to me was empty.


Same with your post below to TKnight.     Also empty.


If you come up with something,  give another shot.    I'm always here.

Thanks I was trying to post from my phone not having much luck back to the lap top.


My two cents seems like a lot of to do about nothing. So what Harrison was taking snaps with the first team during what the 15 mins of the media time?


Could it be the staff just wants the Ravens to do exactly what we are doing trying to figure out what the heck is going on?


It appeared to me that Mewhort was in the picture too and he isn't even supposed to play. I think every thing will be just fine. I really doubt the coaches are trying to get Luck killed or back slide the O Line. That is crazy.


I kind of like the idea of all the attention being on what is going on with the O Line that is going to be the least of the Ravens problem come Sunday if you ask me. TY is due for a big game came close last week I can feel it coming.

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I'm sorry.....   did you mean to say something?


Because your post to me was empty.


Same with your post below to TKnight.     Also empty.


If you come up with something,  give another shot.    I'm always here.

Just looked again wasn't Mewhort still don't think you can make too much of what was going on during the media portion.

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Don't know how long you've been a Colts fan. But if you saw Andrews rookie year, Shipley can't play G if his life depended on it.

He needs to be at C or on the bench


Woah, chill amigo.


I've been a Colts fan for about 20 years, so I've seen Shipley at G. He's not great, but it's still nice to have that versatility. If the coaches want to swap the interior line, that can't be anything but good.

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Samson Satele? Explain that one? This is where probably 99% of the "do they know what they are doing?" rhetoric stems from. And for good reason. But again as you stated, we don't know what the current circumstances are either.

At least in the case of Satele, we saw him play bad. This is just practice chatter, we have no idea what's going to happen or whether it will be good or bad.
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All I want to know is what is our starting O line looking like this week?  How long is Mewhort out?  Since Holmes is still not getting the nod at Center, what direction are we going with this interior line?  It seems that the first 4 weeks was going over somewhat smoothly.  Nothing overly impressive, yet getting the job done.  Now with Mewhort going down it seems we got to change everything.  Is Harrison getting reps at Center something the coaching staff is doing for developement purposes, or are they seriously debating on making Harrison our starting Center?

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