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Fire Pep

Jeff Tolle

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I liked the rush yards in the 1st half. What I didn't like was slow start to the second half due to Pep's inability to adapt to the change the Eagles made at halftime that let the Eagles climb back in the game or the horrendous play-calls in the 4th quarter. An NFL-level coordinator needs to be able to adapt. Our boys lost the game, so despite 169 rush yards I am not happy. Just like I am not happy the Colts lost to the Broncos even though Luck had 300+ passing yards. "You play to win the game," and each game saw the offense's struggles as a big reason they lost. That falls on the guy in charge of the offense.


There is nothing that mattered more in this game than the pick thrown by Andrew who had other options available than T.Y. Hilton.  Is that Peps fault?  The fumble which was commited by Trent Richardson.  You can scream Pep on that one if you want to, but a running back can fumble on any given run play at any point.  The third thing I think was crucial and I hadn't heard many speak on this, but the Vontae Davis pass interference call that allowed Philly a quick score.  These 3 thiings were more crucial in the game as to why we lost than any perceived play calling error made by Pep Hamilton.  But I don't see any acknowledgement of this by you at all.


We scored 27 points which should have been more than enough to beat the Eagles if not for the above things.

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I think a lot of fans are pointing the finger on the wrong side of the ball. We have scored enough points that should win a game but the Defense needs to step up, hold them to FG's and/or more 3 and out's.

I definitely think the defense has some work to do, but at the same time they have faced the no. 1 and 2 ranked offenses from last year. I wouldn't be surprised if both teams wind up with an average points per game at the end of the year that's higher than the number of points they scored against the colts
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Can I say that I agree with every play call of the last two games.  No.  That being said, we have been so spoiled over the past several years with the fast paced, up-tempo, chuck it from the cheap seats style of offense, that this run first/power running game has many calling for heads to roll.  Me personally, I love watching good ground and pound football, it does work especially late in the year and in the playoffs (just watch colts vs patriots playoff game from last year).  Since 2000 teams have won roughly 80% of games in the playoffs while attempting at least 27 rushes.  I know that doesn't mean that the run game was super effective, or it directly led to them winning, but these teams seemed to have great balance. I believe we are on our way to being a team with great balance, and that will make us a team who is very dangerous.


Right now we are 7th in the nfl in avg points per game, maybe we do need to make a change in OC?


At the end of the day WINNING cures most everything(?)

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Did one time you ever give credit to the other team? Denver just happens to be a very good team. The Eagles also are a very good team. Colts didn't play well enough to win the games but the other teams had a lot to do with that. Most who seen the first 5 games of the season and where we started there was a strong possibility we would be 0-2. So everything falls on the guy running the offense? Well how about the defense? They are not part of the team? The defense gave up more than our offense produced. Where the finger pointing there? There is none because it's jump on Pep and never let up time.

C'mon Man.

Get with it!


This ain't the Fire Manuresky thread.


But I do agree, There are enough weaknesses on this team to go around,

It's not all on Pep and the offense.


On top of that the players who are playing well aren't getting any credit either.

Losing Hurts!

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Everytime someone has a differing opinion they're considered a troll. Or if they're new and weren't around when a thread was created and create a similar thread, it's trolling?

Never understood the logic behind that :scorebad:

"I differ what they prefer, so they count me like the census"


Idk why disliking pep is trolling the guy does some of the stupidest crap. It can be 3rd and 15 in the 4th qtr abd were down 7 and the * will run the ball. When it's 3rd and inches he calls a dumb pass play and it fails its a DAMN INCH just run the damn ball! That's what I mean by he does everything backwards. I'm with you TK fire him I'm sick of him getting us in the hole with stupid calls game after game. I just know we prolly won't ever be that lucky
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I am willing to give him the rest of the season but I was unhappy with the play calling the last two weeks too. And with a QB as good and talented as Luck I feel as if "waiting" is pretty sad since as a whole I feel the AFC is up for grabs at times.


I doubt anyone right not gets fired though. 


IMO our offense should be killing teams at times......the potential is there. Use it. Our defense will get shown up at times and especially with Mathis out, we need our offense to be the killer aspect of this squad. And the play calling can KILL the offense......

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Everytime someone has a differing opinion they're considered a troll.

"I differ what they prefer, so they count me like the census"


It's not the differing of opinion that makes one a troll, it's the matter in which they present said argument. If you are blindly hurling insults, and calling for heads to roll (without more the 5 seconds of thought, and a taking an additional second to breathe) just hoping that some of that bull-poop will stick to the wall...that's trolling.


Or if you don't listen to the other side of the argument because you insist that your comments are the only correct comments because you are right and yours are the red words amongst the black (think about it) that is narcissistic elitist level trolling. ***Now this can be confusing if you are stating fact (take a moment and look that up, true believers) and the other person is spouting opinion, then feel free to break out the almighty red. That's not trolling that's simply educating the uneducated.


Turn down the smarminess and elitism to a cool ear-rattling 10 (I know 11 is more than 10, but really?) and make sure you present your well thought out (award winning...take a second and pat yourself on the back) opinions as just that an opinion and you too can live a troll-free existence.


Also realize even those with the noblest of intentions will be accused of trolling at times. It happens to the best of us. Since you ended your rant with a quote, I'll add one that seems very fitting given the nature of the internet.


"So the next time some (lets go with Troll) says to you, "I have a right to my opinion," you say, "Oh yeah? Well, I have a right to my opinion, and my opinion is that you have no right to your opinion." Then (block) the (we'll go with Troll again) and walk away!" - George Carlin


authors note: This is all based on my personal opinion and it was my intention for this to be taken as my opinion on the steps to take to avoid trolling. If you and your loved ones have another opinion on what trolling is by all means go with that.

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The title of the thread was more of a question, I should have placed an actual ? behind it. Sorry. But, I am amused at the way some of the posters in the forum(not all), have this elitist attitude towards new, and or the occasional visitor/ member. Aren't 99% of us Colts fans anyways??? Go Colts.


you obviously didn't get the point Superman and others, including me were trying to make..


from my personal experience this forum is very welcoming of new members and have nothing against new members joining and posting, on the contrary..


but don't you think it would have behooved you to join, take a look around first, read the forum rules and guidelines, read some existing threads, see how this forum breathes, join the discussions and see there is a plethora of those about pep and his (in)abilities?


you jump right in, made this redundant thread, broke several rules, and then got offended when others are trying to point that out to you..


i'm not trying to get into an argument with you, i'm just trying to bring you up to speed so you can enjoy your experience on this forum..

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It's not the differing of opinion that makes one a troll, it's the matter in which they present said argument. If you are blindly hurling insults, and calling for heads to roll (without more the 5 seconds of thought, and a taking an additional second to breathe) just hoping that some of that bull-poop will stick to the wall...that's trolling.


Or if you don't listen to the other side of the argument because you insist that your comments are the only correct comments because you are right and yours are the red words amongst the black (think about it) that is narcissistic elitist level trolling. ***Now this can be confusing if you are stating fact (take a moment and look that up, true believers) and the other person is spouting opinion, then feel free to break out the almighty red. That's not trolling that's simply educating the uneducated.


Turn down the smarminess and elitism to a cool ear-rattling 10 (I know 11 is more than 10, but really?) and make sure you present your well thought out (award winning...take a second and pat yourself on the back) opinions as just that an opinion and you too can live a troll-free existence.


Also realize even those with the noblest of intentions will be accused of trolling at times. It happens to the best of us. Since you ended your rant with a quote, I'll add one that seems very fitting given the nature of the internet.


"So the next time some (lets go with Troll) says to you, "I have a right to my opinion," you say, "Oh yeah? Well, I have a right to my opinion, and my opinion is that you have no right to your opinion." Then (block) the (we'll go with Troll again) and walk away!" - George Carlin


authors note: This is all based on my personal opinion and it was my intention for this to be taken as my opinion on the steps to take to avoid trolling. If you and your loved ones have another opinion on what trolling is by all means go with that.


A most excellent post... very erudite and well put. 


I think this is the point I try and make with people but fail through my own shortcomings in communication. It's fine to have difference of opinion, but if you discuss it in a adult manner don't be surprised if you get called a troll.



Besides everyone knows a Corgi is always correct, there not royal dogs for nothing :P 

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Did one time you ever give credit to the other team? Denver just happens to be a very good team. The Eagles also are a very good team. Colts didn't play well enough to win the games but the other teams had a lot to do with that. Most who seen the first 5 games of the season and where we started there was a strong possibility we would be 0-2. So everything falls on the guy running the offense? Well how about the defense? They are not part of the team? The defense gave up more than our offense produced. Where the finger pointing there? There is none because it's jump on Pep and never let up time.


I did give credit to the other teams. They are both elite offenses who I knew were going to hang points on our average defense. I thought our defense played pretty well against the Eagles, especially in the 1st half. Now, don't get me started on giving up multiple 3rd and long conversions on draw plays....this whiner will save that rant for another thread. All that said, neither the Broncos nor Eagles, especially the Eagles, have a good defense. The Colts should and did move the ball against them, but not as well as they could have.


People keep bringing up how we shouldn't be frustrated to be 0-2 right now because "the Broncos and Eagles are both great teams and before the season started we looked at the schedule and thought we could be 0-2." I don't disagree. But the point is the Colts SHOULD be 1-1 right now. The Colts cost themselves the win against the Eagles with bad plays and bad play-calling down the stretch in crunch time. A loss is always hard to take as a fan, but a loss that should by all means be a win is the absolute worst.


Edit: And just to be clear, my frustration with Pep goes back through last year. It wasn't just because of this game. But I can't speak for everyone else.

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There is nothing that mattered more in this game than the pick thrown by Andrew who had other options available than T.Y. Hilton.  Is that Peps fault?  The fumble which was commited by Trent Richardson.  You can scream Pep on that one if you want to, but a running back can fumble on any given run play at any point.  The third thing I think was crucial and I hadn't heard many speak on this, but the Vontae Davis pass interference call that allowed Philly a quick score.  These 3 thiings were more crucial in the game as to why we lost than any perceived play calling error made by Pep Hamilton.  But I don't see any acknowledgement of this by you at all.


We scored 27 points which should have been more than enough to beat the Eagles if not for the above things.


The INT was completely on Andrew. It was a missed call by the refs but he can't force a pass between 3 defenders. And Trent had a bad fumble. The PI call against Vontae was huge (and a bad call IMO). But again, this isn't an isolated incident for Pep. Yes, the running plays were working in the 1st half, just like it worked last year against SF. That doesn't give him a free pass for the play-calling in the 4th quarter.

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I'm not going back to see if this was already posted, so I apologize if I'm redundant.

Thursday afternoon I was listening to the NFL channel when a fan from Indy called to ask Jim Miller and Pat Kirwan their opinion on how Pep is doing.

Miller, who forgot more about football than anyone here ever knew, said Pep had the perfect gameplan to beat Philly. He said there may have been a couple plays in the 20/20 hindsight category, but overall it was masterful. He sited the missed call that caused the INT as the turning point, which we all know.

Both he and Pat said the O isn't the problem in Indy. It's on the other side of the ball.

I was going to stay out of this ridiculous thread, but I figured if someone can start such a misguided post, I can add what the people who actually know something said.

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Can I say that I agree with every play call of the last two games.  No.  That being said, we have been so spoiled over the past several years with the fast paced, up-tempo, chuck it from the cheap seats style of offense, that this run first/power running game has many calling for heads to roll.  Me personally, I love watching good ground and pound football, it does work especially late in the year and in the playoffs (just watch colts vs patriots playoff game from last year).  Since 2000 teams have won roughly 80% of games in the playoffs while attempting at least 27 rushes.  I know that doesn't mean that the run game was super effective, or it directly led to them winning, but these teams seemed to have great balance. I believe we are on our way to being a team with great balance, and that will make us a team who is very dangerous.


Right now we are 7th in the nfl in avg points per game, maybe we do need to make a change in OC?


At the end of the day WINNING cures most everything(?)

Good post and this is true in red above and that is why I am not having a meltdown over losing to

two top teams in the NFL so early.

The Colts are building a post season style of football and will win

at least 10 games this year and be a team that they don't want to play come post season.....especially

years to come as they build on the foundation that is being laid.

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I did give credit to the other teams. They are both elite offenses who I knew were going to hang points on our average defense. I thought our defense played pretty well against the Eagles, especially in the 1st half. Now, don't get me started on giving up multiple 3rd and long conversions on draw plays....this whiner will save that rant for another thread. All that said, neither the Broncos nor Eagles, especially the Eagles, have a good defense. The Colts should and did move the ball against them, but not as well as they could have.


People keep bringing up how we shouldn't be frustrated to be 0-2 right now because "the Broncos and Eagles are both great teams and before the season started we looked at the schedule and thought we could be 0-2." I don't disagree. But the point is the Colts SHOULD be 1-1 right now. The Colts cost themselves the win against the Eagles with bad plays and bad play-calling down the stretch in crunch time. A loss is always hard to take as a fan, but a loss that should by all means be a win is the absolute worst.


Edit: And just to be clear, my frustration with Pep goes back through last year. It wasn't just because of this game. But I can't speak for everyone else.


Good post  :thmup:


While I might not agree 100% with some of your opinions I can appreciate how you've put them across. 

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Have to admit this made me laugh ...there's an old sports adage..."you can only play what's put in front of you", I feel it applies to your interaction here.

To be honest a lot of the responses here make me question my membership of this forum, not agreeing with the coaching decisions is one thing, blindly bashing without substantiating your opinion is another. Problem is we seem to now be into a black and white scenario of either your a homer or whiner/troll. The middle ground for discussion is fast vanishing.


Well said, thank you.


I take issue also when fans are indignant that they have a right to complain but other fans can't complain about their complaining.




All of this is avoided if people state things in a more thoughtful way.

We welcome new members but, new members should take some time having a look around at what's been discussed already and endlessly...... :deadhorse:


Just so everyone knows, moderation receives a LOT of complaints about the complaining here and the 'Fire them' threads.  I don't blame them, it's not fun.


We try to strike a balance here between fans stating opinions and keeping the boards enjoyable for everyone.......

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Just so everyone knows, moderation receives a LOT of complaints about the complaining here and the 'Fire them' threads.  I don't blame them, it's not fun.


We try to strike a balance here between fans stating opinions and keeping the boards enjoyable for everyone.......


No no thank you, I know being a Mod must be a thankless task at times. 


I don't think some posters realise how lucky we are to have such an active fan community on these forums. When you go and browse some other team's forums it's like a ghost town. 

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A most excellent post... very erudite and well put. 


I think this is the point I try and make with people but fail through my own shortcomings in communication. It's fine to have difference of opinion, but if you discuss it in a adult manner don't be surprised if you get called a troll.



Besides everyone knows a Corgi is always correct, there not royal dogs for nothing :P


Oops, I meant don't discuss!

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Everytime someone has a differing opinion they're considered a troll. Or if they're new and weren't around when a thread was created and create a similar thread, it's trolling?

Never understood the logic behind that :scorebad:

"I differ what they prefer, so they count me like the census"



Quit trolling, lol. 

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New year....same thread...different coach....same thread...after every loss we here the same thing. Fire this coach or that. How about we execute his game plan without any turnovers or dumb dumb penalties or sacks and then revisit the thread. We eliminate those things and I will go out on a limb and say we win every game this year when we win the turnover battle and have less penalties than the opposition. Until then...I don't think the opinion of firing our cordinator is one that has much merit to it. We finish that game last week...we win. That was the right game plan...the right play calls...it worked flawlessly until our PLAYERS made mistakes. A fumble and int led to 14 second half points and easily took points off our board. We win going away if we eliminate those. Week 1 we throw two ints that killed drives and gave the Broncos chances to score putting us further behind the 8 ball. I have yet to see PEP call the "give the ball to the other team" play yet...pretty sure it isn't in our playbook. If it is...I'll call for his head too....however I might say we likely wouldn't execute it very well like our players haven't executed the rest of the offense in tight spots and might get a TD out of it....so let me think on that.

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I did give credit to the other teams. They are both elite offenses who I knew were going to hang points on our average defense. I thought our defense played pretty well against the Eagles, especially in the 1st half. Now, don't get me started on giving up multiple 3rd and long conversions on draw plays....this whiner will save that rant for another thread. All that said, neither the Broncos nor Eagles, especially the Eagles, have a good defense. The Colts should and did move the ball against them, but not as well as they could have.


People keep bringing up how we shouldn't be frustrated to be 0-2 right now because "the Broncos and Eagles are both great teams and before the season started we looked at the schedule and thought we could be 0-2." I don't disagree. But the point is the Colts SHOULD be 1-1 right now. The Colts cost themselves the win against the Eagles with bad plays and bad play-calling down the stretch in crunch time. A loss is always hard to take as a fan, but a loss that should by all means be a win is the absolute worst.


Edit: And just to be clear, my frustration with Pep goes back through last year. It wasn't just because of this game. But I can't speak for everyone else.

It's real plain to see that you have a deep hate for Pep. There is nothing at this point he could do that would make you happy or satisfied. Even if the Colts would win out and win a super bowl you would still find fault with Pep. There are 4 pages of you not listening or understanding anything someone else has to say. Great OCs do not grow on trees. It takes time just like any coach to learn and understand the game in the NFL. Pep has only 1 year under his belt but you seem to think he should be another Norv Turner or something. Even Bill Belichick took some time before becoming who he is and wasn't an automatic success. Bill Walsh went 2-14 his 1st season and then went 6-10 his 2nd season. Those are legends in the game right now. I am not saying that Pep is going to become a legend or anything close but the facts are very rarely does any coach start out being what is considered good. You have had a few years of hating on Pep so your bias is showing strong.

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It's real plain to see that you have a deep hate for Pep. There is nothing at this point he could do that would make you happy or satisfied. Even if the Colts would win out and win a super bowl you would still find fault with Pep. There are 4 pages of you not listening or understanding anything someone else has to say. Great OCs do not grow on trees. It takes time just like any coach to learn and understand the game in the NFL. Pep has only 1 year under his belt but you seem to think he should be another Norv Turner or something. Even Bill Belichick took some time before becoming who he is and wasn't an automatic success. Bill Walsh went 2-14 his 1st season and then went 6-10 his 2nd season. Those are legends in the game right now. I am not saying that Pep is going to become a legend or anything close but the facts are very rarely does any coach start out being what is considered good. You have had a few years of hating on Pep so your bias is showing strong.


I realize it's easier for you to simply paint me as an unreasonable doofus who just wants to argue with people because of my "deep hate" for Pep than to actually acknowledge the fact that reasonable minds can differ. I think I have come to an understanding with everyone else in this thread outside of yourself. Time will tell on Pep. You have your opinion and I have mine. Let's leave it at that for now shall we?


PS: Loved your "4 pages of [me] not listening or understanding anything" anyone else says comment. Thanks for that. You stay classy.

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I realize it's easier for you to simply paint me as an unreasonable doofus who just wants to argue with people because of my "deep hate" for Pep than to actually acknowledge the fact that reasonable minds can differ. I think I have come to an understanding with everyone else in this thread outside of yourself. Time will tell on Pep. You have your opinion and I have mine. Let's leave it at that for now shall we?


PS: Loved your "4 pages of [me] not listening or understanding anything" anyone else says comment. Thanks for that. You stay classy.

I did not intend to paint you anything except what you said yourself. No matter what was said about Pep or what could have been debated was squashed by you. You are 100% correct on time will tell if Pep will become more than what you expect of him. Class has zero to do with opinions. You have yours and I haven't had enough time to come to any conclusion as to what Pep will become. He had success at Stanford and helped take a completely rebuilt team to a division crown and a playoff win. Yes the Colts fell behind in the playoff game but it was Pep who called the plays for the comeback. You say he is not good but it seems the facts show different so far. The Colts may end up with another OC but till then I think it best to at least give Pep a chance without thinking he needs fired while still learning his job. Pep is far not the only coach on the Colts that has a lot of learning to do. It takes more than 1 season to build a team capable of securing a super bowl. This is not a letter so I will not end it with a P.S.

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So let me get this right. Fire the coach who just won a division title? Helped rebuild a 2-14 team to two 11-5 record team that advanced last season to a playoff win. Fire the head coach who for the first time lost back to back games after playing two of the top teams in the NFL. This is a joke? right? You cant be serious. Never have I witnessed such a bunch of crying and whining fans in any forum. Always seeing nothing but negative while completely overlooking anything positive.

I agree but he needs to change his stategy

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I agree but he needs to change his stategy

I also agree. It seem like some are under the assumption I think Pep can do no wrong. Not true. But the Colts problems are much deeper than Pep and some want him to be the fall guy for the whole teams problems. Last week it was TRich, week before that it was Grigson. The Colts have a lot of good players in place but in all honesty it's not ready to make a serious super bowl run. I think at least one more full draft might put us there.

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Just my two cents but especially in the Philly game I thought Pep made some good play calls especially with the run game from formations which it seemed Philly was unprepared to deal with, but in the same game he made some calls that basically broadcast by formation, down and distance to Philly what we were going to do and also removed Luck as a factor and a threat. Pep can be Jeckyll & Hyde and often is.


That being said, firing a coordinator 2 games into the season sends a message to the players that the coaching staff doesn't really have confidence and belief in the system (messaging and x's and o's) that they have been using for months now. It's a panic move.


People used to say about Tony that he was too low key, too nice, too Christian, he should be more like Bill Cowher that was often the rap why they weren't going to win.


With Pagano and staff the rap could be they are so philosophically committed to power running that how they go about winning is more important to them than the actual winning itself...."damn the torpedoes (wide open receivers) full speed ahead".


I don't believe in Chuck and Pep's run at all costs belief system the question is do the players?

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Open up the play book Pep! Quit being a conservative, cautious, predictable, . We have TOO many weapons in our arsenal too run a power run offense, cause we don't have the oline/ backs for it. If he has been paying attention to what the rest of the league is doing........they are throwing the _____ing football......alot. The Eagles loss is solely on Pep ' s sorry ___.


<mod edit on the personal insult of player /coach.

Please refrain in the future as it is against the rules>


Open up the play book Pep! Quit being a conservative, cautious, predictable, . We have TOO many weapons in our arsenal too run a power run offense, cause we don't have the oline/ backs for it. If he has been paying attention to what the rest of the league is doing........they are throwing the _____ing football......alot. The Eagles loss is solely on Pep ' s sorry ___.


<mod edit on the personal insult of player /coach.

Please refrain in the future as it is against the rules>


 His QB isn`t up to it if you haven`t noticed. He has to wait for his receivers to make their breaks so he knows where to throw it, then he throws it HIGH, or to the Wrong shoulder Over and Over and Over and.... he lacks touch and precision in the short game.

 Andrew has shown little progression so far from day 1.

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His QB isn`t up to it if you haven`t noticed. He has to wait for his receivers to make their breaks so he knows where to throw it, then he throws it HIGH, or to the Wrong shoulder Over and Over and Over and.... he lacks touch and precision in the short game.

Andrew has shown little progression so far from day 1.

I'll go with Andrew over our newly found run game, anyday. Luck doesn't have 11 game winning drives to his name for nothing. Put it in his hands not T. Rich's., that'd all I'm saying.
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"Crybabies." I like that even better than "whiners." That's what we are. Everything should be sunshine and roses and we shouldn't be allowed voice our frustrations on a message board or have an opinion that differs from the outright positive. Got it.


PS- God that would be boring.

There's nothing wrong with having an opinion, but crying about firing a HC in his 3rd year with playoff berths both years (yes I know only 1 season counts becuz coach P was out most of his rookie yr) is crazy. Expecting Luck to already be great (in his 3rd year) does come across as crying (btw playing in the nfl isn't easy it takes time to become great haha) it takes a few yrs for qb's to really figure out how to play the position and learn how to attack a defense. And same with OC, pep is not great I think ANYONE could say that, but just like players grow so do coordinators (he's only in his 2nd yr with this team) year 3 is when the heat really gets turned up on coordinators unless they bomb and their side of the ball falls apart, then it happens sooner. If Indy was below .500 the last two years you'd have point and I would agree with you, but when their 11-5 two yrs in a row after going 2-14 in 2011 (and replacing over 70% of the roster from 2011) I tend to cut the organization some slack haha. It takes time for a team of largely new faces ( to gel and learn how to play together especially when this is only the 2nd yr of the same offensive system and 3rd of the same defensive scheme. Just becuz Luck played in this system in college doesn't mean the rest of the players don't need time to get comfortable in the offense. Same goes for the defense.


Oh and as far as Grigson goes, "he has executed 16 trades, signed 17 unrestricted free agents from other teams and selected 22 players in the NFL Draft. In his first season, Grigson completed more than 250 transactions to fortify the roster, and to date has made more than 500 transactions" so I don't think he sittin on the sidelines and not doing EVERYTHING possible to upgrade this roster.

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What is the counter argument, that he would get luck "killed" I don't see Palmer or Stanton getting killed.


We finally have the O-line coming together to make that offense work.

Personally I like Arians, but you are using the wrong argument. Palmer is out with an injury and Stanton got drilled several times yesterday.

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