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bad news for jimmy/Jim Irsay arrested (((merge)))


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It is concerning to me that he had, on his person, multiple different pills in different jars with mismatched labels. Like I said, the team will compartmentalize and move forward; however, I am a bit more concerned about Irsay's health moving forward. Opioid addiction can be among the most difficult to rehabilitate.


I'd comment more on this but it would likely end up violating forum rules. Instead I'll just post that I agree entirely.

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Amen. A real heroin epidemic in my area stemming for Oxy. It's decaying society.


FYI I don't think it's Oxy, the felony counts are for schedule IV substances, Oxy is a schedule II substances.  Schedule IV substances are your standard Valium/Xanax/etc. stuff.

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He does not have any prescription for his drugs, meaning they were bought illegally or something along those lines.


He had an addiction to prescription painkillers in 2002. I hope he doesn't have an addiction.

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Amen. A real heroin epidemic in my area stemming for Oxy. It's decaying society.

Yeah that stuff is terrible. The fact that it's in pill form makes it even more dangerous because I don't think people initially realize they're basically taking smack it just doesn't require a needle and spoon.

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Jim should have known better. I love the guy, but come on. 4 counts of felony possession can be a big deal. Carmel did right in getting him off the street.


From a football aspect, I hope this doesn't hurt us. Jim is loved by the players and coaches. However, this isn't really a football matter. It's not about the NFL, the Colts, or any potential Roger Goodell punishment. This is about a man fighting his demons in the public spotlight. Addiction is a very sad road to go down. That said, Jim, we wish you well, and that you get the help you need.

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Not surprised at all. The interview before the Broncos game i could tell that he had been drinking and that was 4 months ago. It's unacceptable for an owner to behave this way, he needs to let his daughters take over.


Sorry I'll quote you as you're the nearest to say regards Jim and drinking alcohol. As more facts are coming to light it seems alcohol may not have been a factor at all, until proven without doubt I still believe he hasn't been drinking. However... I do think he has been having an issue with painkillers, again. 


This isn't an excuse for his actions, just a clarification.

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I will bet they go away...     In the end. 


$$$ talks, ordinary guys do time.   


It is the way of the world.    Jim will do rehab, and make some donations ...  and poof ...       probation at WORST.

I just saw he faces four felony charges over this. Those don't just go away and could very well have some jail time with them.

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Sad. That is really all that can be said at this point. I will wait for the facts, but if there is a problem I hope Mr.Irsay gets the help he needs to stay clean.




I'm as guilty as the next guy of forming an uneducated opinion , but really until we know the full story it's a bit early to condemn the man. 

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I know this is kind of selfish when there are felony charges and Mr. Irsay has such deep and serious issues to deal with but I really hope that the team doesn't get hurt even more by losing draft picks or that the city of Indianapolis isn't hurt by losing a chance to host the Super Bowl. If they do than we as a team should have seen the signs and investigated and done something more before it came to this.  Such a sad disappointing day to be a Colts fan, I only hope it doesn't get worse.

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I will bet they go away...     In the end. 


$$$ talks, ordinary guys do time.   


It is the way of the world.    Jim will do rehab, and make some donations ...  and poof ...       probation at WORST.

felonys don't just go away. Yes he might very well avoid jail time but unless the lower the charges the felonys will follow him for the rest of his life if convicted.
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felonies don't just go away. Yes he might very well avoid jail time but unless the lower the charges the felonies will follow him for the rest of his life if convicted.

Well it's not like he will be applying for a cashiers job at Wal-Mart.

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I'm as guilty as the next guy of forming an uneducated opinion , but really until we know the full story it's a bit early to condemn the man.

I flipped on my tv for a second to see the weather, and they said that it had happened... but didn't even know what it was for until jumping on here. Oddly enough it happened around St. Patrick's Day when a lot of people will be drinking and driving through the streets. The police are hyper vigilant around such holidays, and any thing strange will get their attention.

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How could a judge have handed down a bond. They just now convened for the day.

I'm not quite sure of all the details really.  It's possible that bail was set at the booking phase, which is basically a set guideline with further possible enhancements (i.e. with a DUI, if he had gotten into a car wreck, previous criminal history, etc.).  I can't say for sure, but I don't think there would be any discretion for the booking officer to increase bail that high for variables such as employment (I would imagine only a judge could do that).  But in all honesty, there are so many variables that bail amounts can be modified.  And for Irsay, $22,500 is chump change (...sigh), but if he really did want to contest it, he could have the bail amount reviewed and modified by the judge at a later date - but that's going to be pointless with a $22,500 bail, since the court costs will eat that up pretty quick.

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felonys don't just go away. Yes he might very well avoid jail time but unless the lower the charges the felonys will follow him for the rest of his life if convicted.

Will likely plead down. Do the classes and help out organizations who deal with these types of situations.

I guess now they'll debate the moral side of the system allowing that instead of jail time... :rolleyes:

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Will likely plead down. Do the classes and help out organizations who deal with these types of situations.

I guess now they'll debate the moral side of the system allowing that instead of jail time... :rolleyes:

At some point, we'll figure out that locking people up with drug problems doesn't really help them.

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To those arguing to about the likes of Boyett etc., saying how can we let this slide with Jim when we've booted players to the kerb for it. It's very simple, he owns the freaking franchise! The only way he gets "booted" is if the NFL step in and even then I think at worse it would be a encouraged to "step down" in lieu of his daughter. 


Is it a double standard? Yes but that's the way of the world. For instance, where I work we each have a company car and as you can imagine the rules for conduct are a bit stricter than if it was your own vehicle (they're tracked for once thing so yeah best keep the speed down!). However my boss, who owns the company, got caught drink driving and had his license suspended for a year. Now if that had been one of us, then out the door we would have gone but when you own the company it's a different story. Unfair? Sure. Does it insult my ideals of equality? Sure. Did I still yuck it up and ferry the man around for that year? You bet :P 

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As embarrasing that it is, it's equally just as sad. Thank God nobody was hurt during this severe wakeup call for Jim. That being said, we can only speculate what type of penalty will be handed down by the NFL. He obviously has legal ramifications coming his way but it's not like he cheated the sport or did anything to maliciously hurt someone (I believe someone mentioned the 49ers owner in the late 90's). Yes, players with less money who are actually playing the sport get DUI's all the time and are accepted in the locker rooms everywhere but are still fined/suspended. However we have an older man, an admitted addict with a ton of money, coming off hip replacement surgery and going through a divorce getting in trouble like this. It's extremely sad to see.


Not the best day in Colts history but you're crazy if you think this really hurts us more than just a bad image/reputation move that few will bring up by this time next year anyway. This is the same guy who, after barely a month into his first season when Chuck was diagnosed with cancer, concentrated so much effort into the #CHUCKSTRONG campaign and helped raise so much awareness and money for cancer research and patients. It's the same guy who engages his fans and gives away money, tickets, and hats/shirts over twitter in fun trivia contests. He hypes every move (admittedly overhypes sometimes). He took us to so many playoffs. He made the hard move that we all knew had to be made when taking Luck and releasing Peyton. He doesn't accept losing (shown by his cleaning house after one bad season). He got us a Super Bowl.


Nothing will change in the locker room, if anything Chuck will remind the players how much Jim has been there for him during his time of need and now this is any time more than ever where the players need to be there for the owner in his time of need. Chuck will flip this into a life lesson which the team will take in and hopefully not let affect them on the field, if anything they will be more driven to make their owner happy. It sucks for now but there is a lot of positivity that will come from this.

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