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Is Jim Harbaugh available?


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There are rumors that there is a big rift between Harbaugh and the 49ers front office. There was a rumor last week that there was talk about a trade for him to go to Cleveland. Should the Colt be interested? There is the Stanford and previous Colts connection. I think he would be a huge upgrade over what we have now. Your thoughts?

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As what, our head coach? Pagano deserves a little more time. And Harbaugh is considered a QB/offensive head coach. We already have enough there with Pep, Chud, and Christenson. We need better defensive minds.

I agree that Pagano deserves more time, but with Harbaugh would come a more complete turnover in staff (including Roman?).
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If there was even a remote chance to get Harbaugh I'd definitely explore it....COACHING is the weak link...If we had Harbaugh and Roman it would be scary how good we could be...Unfortunately, it'll never happen, just got to hope Chudzinski helps make up for Paganos inferior coaching enough....

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If there was even a remote chance to get Harbaugh I'd definitely explore it....COACHING is the weak link...If we had Harbaugh and Roman it would be scary how good we could be...Unfortunately, it'll never happen, just got to hope Chudzinski helps make up for Paganos inferior coaching enough....


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There are rumors that there is a big rift between Harbaugh and the 49ers front office. There was a rumor last week that there was talk about a trade for him to go to Cleveland. Should the Colt be interested? There is the Stanford and previous Colts connection. I think he would be a huge upgrade over what we have now. Your thoughts?

It was my understanding that the Browns were interested in trading for Harbaugh, not that SF was looking to trade him.

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There are rumors that there is a big rift between Harbaugh and the 49ers front office. There was a rumor last week that there was talk about a trade for him to go to Cleveland. Should the Colt be interested? There is the Stanford and previous Colts connection. I think he would be a huge upgrade over what we have now. Your thoughts?

haha god your hilarious can you post something that isn't utter garbage

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All I know is Pagano coaches too conservative, coaches scared, coaching not too lose instead of to win....

He was brought in to change the defense and make it better and we give up 80+ points in 2 playoff games...Don't want to hear injury excuse because everyone dealt with injuries and our defense was relatively healthy all year except Toler....27th ranked defense it's regressing!

He tries to turn our once in a generation QB into Trent Dilfer and mimmick the Ravens of old who had no qb or wr's and an all time great defense..Waits until the 2nd half when we are down 21 points to let Luck do his thing and save the day and his job!

Team looked ill prepated and fell behind and started slow way too many times ...That is coaching! He was horribly outcoached and embarrassed by Arians against Cardinals who proceeded to destroy us with a washed up QB..Same goes for Jeff Fisher who destroyed us with a backup and rookies...

He is a likable guy the players love him, that's not necessarily good...I keep hearing 22-10 , last year doesn't count! All he did was coach terrible against ravens and helped us lose playoff game..

He was 11-5 Last year mainly by riding Lucks coat tails and miracle comebacks...Could have easily been 5-11 if not for Lucks heroics ...

Besides 49ERS game the defense which is supposed to be why he's here was at best below average ....

I know we are STUCK with him so I hope he gets better...I'm not going to be a blind homer who acts like he is a great coach and questions nothing..Doesn't make me less of a fan it's just a reality...I want a coach that makes us better not just one along for the ride but I digress ...

Hope he proves me wrong and becomes a genius and wins multiple super bowls..I'll be the 1 st to praise him...He hasn't showed me anything yet..

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We don't have an opening at Head Coach and this team has gone 11-5 and shown growth in both years under Pagano after being 2-14. There isn't going to be a Head Coach opening here either at least not this off-season. Some fans need to come to grips with it. I really don't get where all the Pagano hate comes from that some seem to have for him.

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I would trade Link and Cassius Vaughn to them.. :yahoo: ..that would be a steal for the 49ers!!

Seriously....the Colts are 22-10 in two seasons with the Colts....

I think people tend to forget how close to 0-16 we were in the 2011 season....makes me quiver....URRGH!

In spite of our head coach's short-comings. I think we could be at or around 22-10 in 2 seasons with a number of coaches at the helm, as long as Luck is here. The identical records between last season and this season, despite having basically a totally different head coach and offense is proof of this, in my opinion.

I'd trade a 1st and Pagano for Jim Harbaugh in a second, provided we can bring his staff with him

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All I know is Pagano coaches too conservative, coaches scared, coaching not too lose instead of to win....

He was brought in to change the defense and make it better and we give up 80+ points in 2 playoff games...Don't want to hear injury excuse because everyone dealt with injuries and our defense was relatively healthy all year except Toler....27th ranked defense it's regressing!

He tries to turn our once in a generation QB into Trent Dilfer and mimmick the Ravens of old who had no qb or wr's and an all time great defense..Waits until the 2nd half when we are down 21 points to let Luck do his thing and save the day and his job!

Team looked ill prepated and fell behind and started slow way too many times ...That is coaching! He was horribly outcoached and embarrassed by Arians against Cardinals who proceeded to destroy us with a washed up QB..Same goes for Jeff Fisher who destroyed us with a backup and rookies...

He is a likable guy the players love him, that's not necessarily good...I keep hearing 22-10 , last year doesn't count! All he did was coach terrible against ravens and helped us lose playoff game..

He was 11-5 Last year mainly by riding Lucks coat tails and miracle comebacks...Could have easily been 5-11 if not for Lucks heroics ...

Besides 49ERS game the defense which is supposed to be why he's here was at best below average ....

I know we are STUCK with him so I hope he gets better...I'm not going to be a blind homer who acts like he is a great coach and questions nothing..Doesn't make me less of a fan it's just a reality...I want a coach that makes us better not just one along for the ride but I digress ...

Hope he proves me wrong and becomes a genius and wins multiple super bowls..I'll be the 1 st to praise him...He hasn't showed me anything yet..







I'd have no desire to attempt a trade for Harbaugh. I like Pagano and the direction the team is headed.

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There are rumors that there is a big rift between Harbaugh and the 49ers front office. There was a rumor last week that there was talk about a trade for him to go to Cleveland. Should the Colt be interested? There is the Stanford and previous Colts connection. I think he would be a huge upgrade over what we have now. Your thoughts?



This take you have on Pagano might have some merit if the Colts were coming off back to back 5-11 seasons but since they are 22-10 in the first couple of years into a complete rebuild, it is just simply ridiculous.  No other way to say it - well, actually there is - comical comes to mind.

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He sucks plain in simple...He is a figurehead coach who contributes not game planning or game managing....Yes the players like him and play hard for him I'll give him that..Heck I like the guy, I just wish he could actually be a difference maker which he is not....We have Andrew Luck so we will always he in the mix and a playoff team I just wish we'd make better decision's on coaches and stop wasting all- time great QBs....We did the same thing with Manning and we r repeating history


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In spite of our head coach's short-comings. I think we could be at or around 22-10 in 2 seasons with a number of coaches at the helm, as long as Luck is here. The identical records between last season and this season, despite having basically a totally different head coach and offense is proof of this, in my opinion.

I'd trade a 1st and Pagano for Jim Harbaugh in a second, provided we can bring his staff with him

Nah....I will keep Pags...or bring in your avatar.... :spit:


May have to go on the offensive here in a little bit.  This trade will never happen so it is a moot point  So I feel some folks are using this opportunity to hate on him.  Not fair to Pags after his first two years and one step up...

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Don't fix what aint broke. The Colts do not have a coaching problem as their record shows. The defense plays with a lot intensity but we have personnel concerns along with offensive line not protecting Luck. Last, Harbaugh is a mile away in style from Pagano and we simply do not NEED him.

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He sucks plain in simple...He is a figurehead coach who contributes not game planning or game managing....Yes the players like him and play hard for him I'll give him that..Heck I like the guy, I just wish he could actually be a difference maker which he is not....We have Andrew Luck so we will always he in the mix and a playoff team I just wish we'd make better decision's on coaches and stop wasting all- time great QBs....We did the same thing with Manning and we r repeating history



Again, garbage.  There is no way Chuck is a "figurehead".  You can see his imprints all over the team, especially on the defense.  And your preaching that the defense has regressed?  Did you not see the way they were playing early in the season?  And there were injuries to more than just Toler.  There were injuries at one point or another to the entire secondary except for Bethea.  


Yes, the team went through an especially terrible patch midway through the season...right after both Toler and Wayne got hurt.  so the team had to figure out how to compensate for the lack of their #1 WR AND their second best press man CB.  The offense suffered, and the coverage suffered which led to some very poorly played games.  


Andrew Luck is NOT yet at the point where he can carry the team.  He is NOT solely responsible for the last two 11 win seasons.  He is NOT one of the all-time great QB's.  Not yet. 

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What is Paganos contribution? ? How is the defense looking? How about giving up and punting against New England? How about punting against San Diego? What in game decision contributed to a win? Every time we got a lead lets run, run, run punt and give the other team every opportunity to comeback! What has he done? The defense still can't stop the run, create turnovers, or stop the pass, or create a pass rush...He makes Jim Caldwell look good...My grandma would go 11-5 in a weak division if Luck was making miracle comebacks time and time again...Name 1 game that hia coaching contributed to a win? I can name a bunch that contributed to losses and that's the truth..

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He is gonna be an all- time great QB..I said I didn't want to waste another 1! He obviously is on his way and has already done amazing things..

I saw that defense make a lot if backup washed up QB' s good....I hate the injury excuse, New England and Denver were hit hard by injuries too

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If there was even a remote chance to get Harbaugh I'd definitely explore it....COACHING is the weak link...If we had Harbaugh and Roman it would be scary how good we could be...Unfortunately, it'll never happen, just got to hope Chudzinski helps make up for Paganos inferior coaching enough....

Pagano took a 2-14 team and made them into consecutive 11-5 teams.  With more turnover in roster personnel than any other team in the league, and with a rookie/2nd year QB.  You gotta be kidding me with your complaints about 'inferior coaching', pal.

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Pagano was a rookie head coach last year (realistically) and he also didn't walk into a team with a bunch of first rd draft picks on defense... Pagano is doing fine. 2014 was made out to seem like this would be our year to contend in our division after the rebuild. instead we won it easily last year. Pagano/BA could have just won back to back SBs and some of you people still wouldn't be happy. The grass isn't always greener.

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What is Paganos contribution? ? How is the defense looking? How about giving up and punting against New England? How about punting against San Diego? What in game decision contributed to a win? Every time we got a lead lets run, run, run punt and give the other team every opportunity to comeback! What has he done? The defense still can't stop the run, create turnovers, or stop the pass, or create a pass rush...He makes Jim Caldwell look good...My grandma would go 11-5 in a weak division if Luck was making miracle comebacks time and time again...Name 1 game that hia coaching contributed to a win? I can name a bunch that contributed to losses and that's the truth..

How about beating the 49rs 27-7 at their house ?

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