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a "we want mcglynn at center" protest


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satle is stright up garbage the first time we first sighn him he was okay but over the years stright garbage mcgkynn is pretty good when at center we need to get khaled a shot he could be a beast 


Actually, the fact that Holmes couldn't get on the field in this situation means that after 14 games, the staff doesn't think he's any better than a  third sting center (behind Satele and McGlynn).  I must admit that has me worried a bit.  I really had high hopes for this guy.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Actually, the fact that Holmes couldn't get on the field in this situation means that after 14 games, the staff doesn't think he's any better than a  third sting center (behind Satele and McGlynn).  I must admit that has me worried a bit.  I really had high hopes for this guy.

I wouldn't worry about it...it seems they never intended on Holmes playing much this year, same with Thornton.

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ok nobody on the colts reads this forum im sure, but hey lets give it a try. express your opinion about how we feel about satale at center instead of mcglynn andddddddddddddddddddd go..............

I did notice, when we were in shotgun formation,  a couple of his snaps to AL were a little weak and low but I also noticed AL was able to step up in the pocket. There was a lot less of an inside push up the middle compared to previous weeks.

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McGlynn seems to make better reads on when to help than Satele does. Maybe it's just a combination of how bad McGlynn is at guard that causes Satele to overcompensate at times. Eitherway, those 2 don't need to be in the starting lineup at the same time. They both suck at the positions we insist on playing them at

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Pagano has already come out and said he does not believe players should lose their starting spot because of injuries so I will be surprised if McGlynn stays at center when Satele is healthy.


So unless Pagano has a change of heart I do not see us getting what we want on this one.

If the idea is whats best to protect then you go with whats most effective. This is crunch time and we need the best possible options out there if we want to make a serious run. This will be our first home playoff game this year since 2010

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A thread isn't gonna make a difference. Samson Satele will be back at center next week and Poe is gonna have a CAREER day against him.

May the football God's be with Andrew Luck on that dreadful day


I don't know about that, like my post earlier said, Pagano asked Kravitz whether or not he had plans to make McGlynn the new center, and Pagano said "All I know is, good things happen when Mike is at center". I think we will se McGlynn again

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A thread isn't gonna make a difference. Samson Satele will be back at center next week and Poe is gonna have a CAREER day against him.

May the football God's be with Andrew Luck on that dreadful day


Well tk what would you suggest

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Well tk what would you suggest

Me personally? I say we get the player from Denver who punched Samson Satele in the leg to do it again or something. (Obviously joking...... or am I? Lol)

But seriously.... the only way Mike McGlynn stays at C is if Samson Satele can't play. If Satele is healthy, he's starting. Unless they finally do to Satele what they did to DHB

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Kravitz said when he asked Pagano about McGlynn he said "all I know is with McGlynn at center, good things happen". Kravitz then said he smiled and walked away


From your post one may understand that Pagano said that when in fact it's all Kravitz. Here is the quote, 


"I asked Chuck Pagano after the game, "Do you have any inclination to keep McGlynn at center?" He tap-danced around the question. Then I mentioned it again as he walked off the podium, telling him, "All I know is, when McGlynn's at center, good things happen." He gritted his teeth, managed a wry smile and walked off without saying a thing."

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From your post one may understand that Pagano said that when in fact it's all Kravitz. Here is the quote,

"I asked Chuck Pagano after the game, "Do you have any inclination to keep McGlynn at center?" He tap-danced around the question. Then I mentioned it again as he walked off the podium, telling him, "All I know is, when McGlynn's at center, good things happen." He gritted his teeth, managed a wry smile and walked off without saying a thing."

Sheesh. Satele isn't going anywhere. He's one of Pagano's "guys"

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