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2014 Season: No Hits On The Knees/National Flag Football League [Merge]

King Colt

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Watching NFL on Showtime last night all the guys agreed there will be a new rule passed against hits on the knees especially Chris Collingsworth was furious about it. If it does go through and it should that means from the neck down to the thighs is the new target area. I personally don't see any harm in grabbing the head area and twisting a guy down but what do I know. Didn't most everyone predict this when they took away the head shots??

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So no hitting in the knees, and no hitting above the shoulders.  So in a matter of milliseconds, defensive players will have to see where the offensive player is, determine his position and velocity and their own position and velocity, then adjust their body to hit in a proper area making sure they avoid the knees and avoid going up high?  Just watch...this will then lead to internal bleeding, which will then cause the NFL to bring in a rule where you can't tackle them in the gut.  It's getting ridiculous.


Not only that, but I could see this leading to more injuries to defensive players because they will continually have to reposition their bodies (many times awkwardly) to avoid a penalty, which could leave them in a vulnerable position.  You mean to tell me you expect a 5'10, 185 lbs Darius Butler to tackle a 6'6", 265 lbs Gronkowski by hitting him in the gut?

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Watching NFL on Showtime last night all the guys agreed there will be a new rule passed against hits on the knees especially Chris Collingsworth was furious about it. If it does go through and it should that means from the neck down to the thighs is the new target area. I personally don't see any harm in grabbing the head area and twisting a guy down but what do I know. Didn't most everyone predict this when they took away the head shots??


So what about tackles at the ankles or shins? Will shoestring tackles still be allowed? Maybe this rule will only apply when it is not a wrap up tackle and just when they try to smash the ball carrier.

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So no hitting in the knees, and no hitting above the shoulders.  So in a matter of milliseconds, defensive players will have to see where the offensive player is, determine his position and velocity and their own position and velocity, then adjust their body to hit in a proper area making sure they avoid the knees and avoid going up high?  Just watch...this will then lead to internal bleeding, which will then cause the NFL to bring in a rule where you can't tackle them in the gut.  It's getting ridiculous.


Not only that, but I could see this leading to more injuries to defensive players because they will continually have to reposition their bodies (many times awkwardly) to avoid a penalty, which could leave them in a vulnerable position.  You mean to tell me you expect a 5'10, 185 lbs Darius Butler to tackle a 6'6", 265 lbs Gronkowski by hitting him in the gut?

I agree enough is enough. I had to laugh though because a hit to the body is what put Tom Brady on the fast track to 5 SB's to date and the HOF.

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This should be "helmet to knee" IMO.


I tackled with an "all hell breaks loose" mentality and I NEVER hit helmet to knee.  Shoulder pads around the waist or lower depending on the size of my prey....hit them as hard as I could and for gosh sakes...Wrap em Up!!!!


We have officials/referees now that cannot call holding...what the heck on tackles?  I feel they are missing a lot of the helmet to helmet calls:  Both legitimate ones NOT being called and ones being legit not being called.


More flags from an elderly officiating  bunch.....Don't Doublet......Triplett :)  Can he even get the coin flip right?



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excellent . . . .glad to see it . .. looks like the NFL has finally got its head out of its behind and is going to institute rules that work, at least this is a start . . . I am tired of all of whining by players, media and fans about rule changes . . .


for me it would not bother me if they had the same rules as rugby . . . no hits above the shoulder (and its a penalty still if you start lower and your arm rides up over the shoulders) and when you tackle you have to wrap up your man and must go down with your man . .. so there are no torpedo tackles in rugby . . . a very far cry from the rules in the nfl and I don't see any rugby players, fans or media getting in to a hissy fit about the rules in rugby . . .


if it is good enough for rugby its good enough for the nfl . . . that is my opinion . . .

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excellent . . . .glad to see it . .. looks like the NFL has finally got its head out of its behind and is going to institute rules that work, at least this is a start . . . I am tired of all of whining by players, media and fans about rule changes . . .


for me it would not bother me if they had the same rules as rugby . . . no hits above the shoulder (and its a penalty still if you start lower and your arm rides up over the shoulders) and when you tackle you have to wrap up your man and must go down with your man . .. so there are no torpedo tackles in rugby . . . a very far cry from the rules in the nfl and I don't see any rugby players, fans or media getting in to a hissy fit about the rules in rugby . . .


if it is good enough for rugby its good enough for the nfl . . . that is my opinion . . .

Point well taken, but we have some decrepit officials out their now making horrendous calls league-wide.  Cannot wait to see the assisted living crew making THESE calls.  


My Pops has been in an assisted living for 11 years...no way is this a slam on older people..of which I am :)

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So no hitting in the knees, and no hitting above the shoulders.  So in a matter of milliseconds, defensive players will have to see where the offensive player is, determine his position and velocity and their own position and velocity, then adjust their body to hit in a proper area making sure they avoid the knees and avoid going up high?  Just watch...this will then lead to internal bleeding, which will then cause the NFL to bring in a rule where you can't tackle them in the gut.  It's getting ridiculous.


Not only that, but I could see this leading to more injuries to defensive players because they will continually have to reposition their bodies (many times awkwardly) to avoid a penalty, which could leave them in a vulnerable position.  You mean to tell me you expect a 5'10, 185 lbs Darius Butler to tackle a 6'6", 265 lbs Gronkowski by hitting him in the gut?


I agree. It's gonna be extremely hard. Basically hold on for dear life. You can't trip them either.

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I agree. It's gonna be extremely hard. Basically hold on for dear life. You can't trip them either.


That is why I want a rule much like the offside rule in soccer. If you are in front of the player, you go above the knees and below the neck.


If you are level with a player or trailing, you can tackle them the same way you have always done, from the ankles to below the neck because it is harder to get hold of a player that has gotten in front of you that you are trailing.


That rule will work much better and will be relatively easier to call.

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Just curious,did they give any stats on knee injuries as a result of knee tackles?

I'm wondering if there has been and increase or if they project fewer


I'd be all for it if it meant losing fewer players to ACL/MCL tears. I'm just unsure if itwill

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Watching NFL on Showtime last night all the guys agreed there will be a new rule passed against hits on the knees especially Chris Collingsworth was furious about it. If it does go through and it should that means from the neck down to the thighs is the new target area. I personally don't see any harm in grabbing the head area and twisting a guy down but what do I know. Didn't most everyone predict this when they took away the head shots??

Football really has become a joke. And folks here wonder why Manning's TD record is not getting more media attention. Because teams can't play defense anymore and that trend will continue even moreso next year.

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Football really has become a joke. And folks here wonder why Manning's TD record is not getting more media attention. Because teams can't play defense anymore and that trend will continue even moreso next year.

There is a whole lot of backyard pitch and catch going on....easy stuff...not really, but guys like Peyton and Brady make it look like pitch and catch....:)

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So no hitting in the knees, and no hitting above the shoulders.  So in a matter of milliseconds, defensive players will have to see where the offensive player is, determine his position and velocity and their own position and velocity, then adjust their body to hit in a proper area making sure they avoid the knees and avoid going up high?  Just watch...this will then lead to internal bleeding, which will then cause the NFL to bring in a rule where you can't tackle them in the gut.  It's getting ridiculous.


Not only that, but I could see this leading to more injuries to defensive players because they will continually have to reposition their bodies (many times awkwardly) to avoid a penalty, which could leave them in a vulnerable position.  You mean to tell me you expect a 5'10, 185 lbs Darius Butler to tackle a 6'6", 265 lbs Gronkowski by hitting him in the gut?

If it's only for defenseless players I don't see it as that big of deal. There will be some sticky situations like the Gronk hit, but hits like the one on Dustin Keller was plain dumb.

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Football really has become a joke. And folks here wonder why Manning's TD record is not getting more media attention. Because teams can't play defense anymore and that trend will continue even moreso next year.

I think they can try to balance it out with some tinkering of the rules. I don't know if they will or not, and while I love the passing game, I don't enjoy games that feel like 7 on 7.

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Flag football? Nothing like taking a concept.....violent football......and then when we don't hear what we want to here....throw an example in the complete opposite direction to make a point. Silly reference in my opinion based on players admission that it feels like they've been in a car wreck on the Sunday after a game. 

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Watching NFL on Showtime last night all the guys agreed there will be a new rule passed against hits on the knees especially Chris Collingsworth was furious about it. If it does go through and it should that means from the neck down to the thighs is the new target area. I personally don't see any harm in grabbing the head area and twisting a guy down but what do I know. Didn't most everyone predict this when they took away the head shots??

They're quickly ruining the NFL with all the penalties. The players are paid handsomely at the risk of injury. That's why they're paid so much. Most people don't want to see guys get hurt but they do want to see that big hit. Now most of those big hits are penalties and the NFL will be losing a lot of fans.

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So no hitting in the knees, and no hitting above the shoulders.  So in a matter of milliseconds, defensive players will have to see where the offensive player is, determine his position and velocity and their own position and velocity, then adjust their body to hit in a proper area making sure they avoid the knees and avoid going up high?  Just watch...this will then lead to internal bleeding, which will then cause the NFL to bring in a rule where you can't tackle them in the gut.  It's getting ridiculous.


Not only that, but I could see this leading to more injuries to defensive players because they will continually have to reposition their bodies (many times awkwardly) to avoid a penalty, which could leave them in a vulnerable position.  You mean to tell me you expect a 5'10, 185 lbs Darius Butler to tackle a 6'6", 265 lbs Gronkowski by hitting him in the gut?


& u forgot, now even more chance of a penalty if goes unnoticed you were blocked into the offensive player or he was pushed into u and u glanced the wrong area

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They're quickly ruining the NFL with all the penalties. The players are paid handsomely at the risk of injury. That's why they're paid so much. Most people don't want to see guys get hurt but they do want to see that big hit. Now most of those big hits are penalties and the NFL will be losing a lot of fans.

People keep saying this, but the ratings don't go down.

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One of the reasons I watch football is for the bone chilling tackles. Dont take away the tradition of the game. Football is a grown men gladiator sport. Getting injured is part of the game. if players are complaining about getting hit below the knee than they should not even play football at all. Such wussies.

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One of the reasons I watch football is for the bone chilling tackles. Dont take away the tradition of the game. Football is a grown men gladiator sport. Getting injured is part of the game. if players are complaining about getting hit below the knee than they should not even play football at all. Such wussies.



And here's one of the guys who carved out that tradition....back when players were paid a pittance of what they make now, by the way.



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And here's one of the guys who carved out that tradition....back when players were paid a pittance of what they make now, by the way.

Ahhh I wish players could still tackle like that. I would be okay with the face mask rule. Pulling on the face mask or horse collar tackle were the right rules to implement. Any other tackles should be legal. Thanks for showing the video. I enjoyed it very much. 

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I've already caught myself slowly disengaging from the NFL. 


No real "ah ha' moment for me, I just noticed I cared a little bit less this year, than the year before, and the year before....


One thing thats really begun to alienate me is the duration of games. Which I dont know are any longer now than they have been, but it has recently begun to really bother me. Maybe its because the best team rarely wins it all. Or does that make it more exciting. Maybe its the constant NFL barrage by the media. Over saturation on radio, TV etc. 

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I've already caught myself slowly disengaging from the NFL. 


No real "ah ha' moment for me, I just noticed I cared a little bit less this year, than the year before, and the year before....


One thing thats really begun to alienate me is the duration of games. Which I dont know are any longer now than they have been, but it has recently begun to really bother meI



I agree. Just like nascar imploded by themselves.

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