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Whalen has been released


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:facepalm: ....he came up with some big catches last week on third downs plus he can at least catch the ball. should have released stone hands  DHB,


DHB has a higher ceiling than Whalen does in the potential department, so I don't agree with letting DHB go over Whalen.

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Slow, small and bad hands is enough to get any WR cut.  I have to believe he never would have been on an NFL roster if it wasn't for Luck's familiarity with him from Stanford days. Ironically, when Luck was at Stanford, the WR group was considered the weakest position group on the team, which meant the passing game was focused on the tight ends. He still can't get separation, the same problem he had at Stanford.

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Well, he's baaaack... on the practice squad...again.

Hope he keeps his apartment every time we cut him!

Not surprised, he is not bad, but with his size and skill level he can ill afford any drops. I think he will be called back at some point. Maybe its MR Rodgers coming to town time? Have to admit I am anxious to see what hes all about. Interesting the Signing of Rainey, & addition of Cunningham now. 4 TE's on the roster. I will say this about Grigson he NEVER STOPS!! That probably an understatement.

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Last year Whalen seemed faster. He added 13 pounds on his frame which may have slowed him up. In preseason last year he seemed to find the seams and catch the ball well.
This year he got very little separation and dropped a lot of balls. Maybe on the PS he can work on speed training. Maybe a 10 pound loss would help also.

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Not surprised, he is not bad, but with his size and skill level he can ill afford any drops. I think he will be called back at some point. Maybe its MR Rodgers coming to town time? Have to admit I am anxious to see what hes all about. Interesting the Signing of Rainey, & addition of Cunningham now. 4 TE's on the roster. I will say this about Grigson he NEVER STOPS!! That probably an understatement.

all pieces of the short pass west coast offense that we are building

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I think we needed him. We need a slot type receiver like Wes Welker to gain big yards. But I guess that is what Brazil is for. Maybe we are trying to run a 2 tight end offense?

Except Whalen never got big yards, and had one of the worst drop rates among recievers. Hes just bad.
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Last year Whalen seemed faster. He added 13 pounds on his frame which may have slowed him up. In preseason last year he seemed to find the seams and catch the ball well.

This year he got very little separation and dropped a lot of balls. Maybe on the PS he can work on speed training. Maybe a 10 pound loss would help also.

I know what you mean, he seemed so much better last year. Preseason, and playing against backups had a lot to do with it though.

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Except Whalen never got big yards, and had one of the worst drop rates among recievers. Hes just bad.


he would have had a better chance if he had talent


he barely got a chance. He had like 5 receptions and was coming straight off the practice squad...lol



Bap, dont argue with these guys.  They really have no idea what they are talking about.  and thats not being insulting.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

He seems like a decent depth guy, but that's about it. He'll never be more than that imo.

I don't think anybody is ever going to sign him away from us...so he can be a guy we kind of keep around in case of emergency.

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He is a guy that's definitely raw, Did not catch a couple he should have had, However he did make some plays and showed some potential, Not a big loss or a loss that will set us back or be noticeable probably on the field. I expect him to improve in time as Luck becomes with his ball placement however if we get him back (One of Whalens drops came when Luck threw behind him)

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It looks like the Colts don't think he is the second coming of Wes Welker, Steve Largent, Brandon Stokley, Lance Alworth and Dwight Clark after all. Thank goodness, that unlike some fans, the Colts are a classy organization that judges talent based on skill and not extracurricular circumstances.


Classy, maybe, but so are perhaps 27 other teams.  And we don't exactly lead the classy status, as Irsay is a minor step up from MArk Cuban.  Juding based on talent?  I dunno... explain the pickups of DHB and Richardson?  Super duper former first rounders so far.  In other news, Irsay will soon be pushing for Mr Purple Drank himself (drum roll) - - - Jamarcus!!  1st overall to the colts!

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I am not surprised, he cannot get open. He is too slow. He had a couple nice catches but too often was a non-factor.


I still have no idea what the team sees in David Reed. He is an absolute waste of a roster spot. He cannot return kicks and is not a factor on offense. Bring someone else in. I would rather have kept Whalen that Reed.

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Where were all these Whalen detractors months ago, when it seemed like I was about the only one saying he wasn't NFL material.

Interestingly enough, I've come around a little. He certainly isn't ever going to be a star, but I give him credit for being more serviceable than I expected. He still can't seperate, and doesn't have enough presence to help too much, but he seems to make up for that (a little) with good (not great) hands and the kind if grit that I think is this team's identity this year.

I expect him to bounce back and forth between the practice squad and the team until he is no longer eligible for the PS. By then, I expect we'll see him replaced by a more promising prospect.

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How many times can player be put on the practice squad? There has to be a limit I would think.

Infinitely. The limit, I believe, is how many games have you been on the active roster. Once you are on the active gameday roster x amount of times, you become practice squad ineligible.

In other words, they could elevate and demote you every day if they felt like it, as long as you dont hit the gameday active limit.

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