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russell wilson

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Is he over hyped?  is he the new rg3 this year?  or is he better than luck?  I don't think he is as good as luck but people on a couple of other  nfl forums seem to think he is  better.


 people are throwing out that wilson has better stats  than luck inside and outside the pocket both this year and last . proving he is the best player in the 2012 draft , and a better pocket passer than luck. Also stating he has turned guys like tate and baldwin into star like brady did with his wrs


what do you guys think? With the eye test luck looks better to me he is not just a one read qb he goes through all his progressions and comes back to ones like a veteran.

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Meh, Wilson is very good but its a stretch to call him better than Luck, I think they're on par.


The stats people usually list tend to lack the perspective needed when evualiting QB's, and miss important insights that affect the stats that you can't explain by a differential in talent. The Seahawks O-Line has had injuries, but is pretty good when healthy, our O-Line sucks regardless of injuries.

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Dude that whole Seattle team is absolutely STACKED! Most talent on any team by far. Luck would not lose with that team. Seriously. Wilson is a good player but after watching him play sometimes his height does affect him. 

I like him, he's very elusive and he'll be top 5 in the near future but I'd take Luck over him any day. No questions asked. 

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Dude that whole Seattle team is absolutely STACKED! Most talent on any team by far. Luck would not lose with that team. Seriously. Wilson is a good player but after watching him play sometimes his height does affect him. 

I like him, he's very elusive and he'll be top 5 in the near future but I'd take Luck over him any day. No questions asked. 


And now add Percy Harvin to the mix of weapons Wilson has now...I'd still take Luck, but Wilson's team is stacked even more so now.

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Wilson isnt even the best player on his offense - Marshawn Lynch is.  Lynch had 1600 yards last year and hes currently #2 in the league in rushing with almost 1000.


Why does that matter? If you stop Lynch you stop Seattles offense;

Panthers held Lynch to 40 yards and Seattle scores 12 points.

St Louis held Lynch to 23 yards and Seattle scores 14 points.


We have an erratic running game and ask Luck to win games. Seattle has a monster running game and asks Wilson not to lose games. Big difference.

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Wilson was better last year and Wilson is still better this year.  He has more support, for sure, but he's the quickest thinking, quickest moving, and quickest to get the ball out with great touch on his throws of any of the 2012 QBs.


Luck still has a good deal more long-term upside but he needs to continue to improve on the accuracy.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Wilson was better last year and Wilson is still better this year.  He has more support, for sure, but he's the quickest thinking, quickest moving, and quickest to get the ball out with great touch on his throws of any of the 2012 QBs.


Luck still has a good deal more long-term upside but he needs to continue to improve on the accuracy.

In five years when Brees, Brady, Peyton have retired, and Rodgers is on the decline, this league will belong to Luck, Wilson, and Newton.  RG3 and Kaepernick will be lucky to even be playing.

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In five years when Brees, Brady, Peyton have retired, and Rodgers is on the decline, this league will belong to Luck and Wilson.  RG3 will be lucky to even be playing.


As someone with a track record of being mostly very generous towards Luck, Pagano, and the Colts franchise I often find it hilarious how bitter a select few of you guys come across about the 2012 honors and attention Griffin received.  There's no rivalry between the teams, so it's just straight up insecurity as far as I can tell.


I hope both Griffin and Luck have good, long careers and maybe one day there will be a legitimate cause for a rivalry.  Until then this sentiment is just silly, especially when directed at someone who goes out of his way not to mention Griffin at all unless it's already actually relevant to the discussion in a thread (hint: it was not in this one).

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Is he over hyped?  is he the new rg3 this year?  or is he better than luck?  I don't think he is as good as luck but people on a couple of other  nfl forums seem to think he is  better.


 people are throwing out that wilson has better stats  than luck inside and outside the pocket both this year and last . proving he is the best player in the 2012 draft , and a better pocket passer than luck. Also stating he has turned guys like tate and baldwin into star like brady did with his wrs


what do you guys think? With the eye test luck looks better to me he is not just a one read qb he goes through all his progressions and comes back to ones like a veteran.


you've been on that seahawks site they hate everything about us there fanbase bashes us so much makes me laugh we dont win games we get games from refs thats all the go on bout and moan so much. i like rw think he will be a top qb in the future but i will always stay with my qb 

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As someone with a track record of being mostly very generous towards Luck, Pagano, and the Colts franchise I often find it hilarious how bitter a select few of you guys come across about the 2012 honors and attention Griffin received.  There's no rivalry between the teams, so it's just straight up insecurity as far as I can tell.


I hope both Griffin and Luck have good, long careers and maybe one day there will be a legitimate cause for a rivalry.  Until then this sentiment is just silly, especially when directed at someone who goes out of his way not to mention Griffin at all unless it's already actually relevant to the discussion in a thread (hint: it was not in this one).

I feel the RG3 and Luck comparisons and 'fan-media-fed' rivalry are due only to the number 1 and number 2 picks of the draft.  As you correctly say, the teams have no rivalry.


As of now there is no rivalry with Seattle either and we beat them.  Russell Wilson carried the team that day.  Luck has to carry us every single week it would seem.


Whether they are MVPs of the team...or the league at some point.  I will say they are two exceptional QBs.  RG3 is in no way done either!!

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you've been on that seahawks site they hate everything about us there fanbase bashes us so much makes me laugh we dont win games we get games from refs thats all the go on bout and moan so much. i like rw think he will be a top qb in the future but i will always stay with my qb 

Glad I just stay here...the big dog would be on a 'biting mission.'  :)

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Guest TeamLoloJones

As someone with a track record of being mostly very generous towards Luck, Pagano, and the Colts franchise I often find it hilarious how bitter a select few of you guys come across about the 2012 honors and attention Griffin received.  There's no rivalry between the teams, so it's just straight up insecurity as far as I can tell.


I hope both Griffin and Luck have good, long careers and maybe one day there will be a legitimate cause for a rivalry.  Until then this sentiment is just silly, especially when directed at someone who goes out of his way not to mention Griffin at all unless it's already actually relevant to the discussion in a thread (hint: it was not in this one).

I find this hilarious...

First of all I love Griffin, and don't root against him like a lot of other people here do.  

My response is not base on any kind of bias or insecurity...it's based soley on the fact the RG3 has proven to be a mediocre at best quarterback.  Even if his health survives for the next half a decade, I don't see him developing in a fashion that would constitute him being a solid starter.  He is much like Kaepernick in that they are both one read and one trick ponies.  I love RG3 and have since college, but I am really beginning to question why he was ever considered to be in the same league as Luck and Wilson.  And for the record...I said on draft day 2012 that Russell Wilson should have been the second pick in the draft...and yes, I was laughed at for that.

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Rusty is the real deal without a doubt. RG3 and Kap will never last if they don't refine their game. I don't care if you're Cam Newton. In the NFL a QB that relies heavily on his legs is running on barrowed time.



Rusty and Luck are smart guys who play NFL style and will last.

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They're both good.  We wouldn't trade for him and they wouldn't trade for Luck.  But I can tell you that both fanbases are glad we only see each other once every 4 years.  Would be fun to see a superbowl between those two teams though. 

Most Seahawk fans are already saying they're going to the SuperBowl this year.

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