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Irsay tweet about Ed Reed.


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I don't know what it is, but the past couple years a lot of what Irsay says rubs me the wrong way. So i guess I'm venting. haha

I didn't know what Pedant meant either so I looked it up. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, pedant means "a person who is excessively concerned with minor details and rules." Often, this attention to detail has been known to annoy some people or ruffle more than a few feathers. Been there; done that more than once in my own lifetime. 


Thanks Superman for broadening my horizons today. I have no problem with FX. He's a cool & laid back guy to me. I like thoroughness myself even though I don't always display that quality myself from time to time.  ;) No worries. It's all good.  :thmup:

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Well, I will give Jim credit. At least, he didn't tweet an image of Ed Reed with a Colts uniform on. Then again, twitter is not something I monitor very closely either. Let Jim be Jim I suppose. People put up with my nonsense on here so I guess it's only fair that I grant Jim the same courtesy I guess.

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Well, I will give Jim credit. At least, he didn't tweet an image of Ed Reed with a Colts uniform on. Then again, twitter is not something I monitor very closely either. Let Jim be Jim I suppose. People put up with my nonsense on here so I guess it's only fair that I grant Jim the same courtesy I guess.

I agree SW....let Jim have some fun. After all...he's the one paying for this clown show....I mean, fan forum. :)

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A snide, left-handed slap at the Texans for signing Reed. A twitter comment designed to show his NFL acumen is superior to Mr. McNair. I'm also sure Ed Reed would not find it funny. It's ironic, Mr. Irsay didn't think those T-Shirts about his father were so funny in Baltimore, before the 2006 Playoff game. I guess it's only funny when he's chortling at someone else's expense, in this case, a proud, future Hall of Fame safety who was unceremoniously released. 

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A snide, left-handed slap at the Texans for signing Reed. A twitter comment designed to show his NFL acumen is superior to Mr. McNair. I'm also sure Ed Reed would not find it funny. It's ironic, Mr. Irsay didn't think those T-Shirts about his father were so funny in Baltimore, before the 2006 Playoff game. I guess it's only funny when he's chortling at someone else's expense, in this case, a proud, future Hall of Fame safety who was unceremoniously released.

Yeah your definitely not reading way too much into to this.

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Your owner said it. I think there is always some truth behind jest. I think many teams are looking at Reed ... be foolish not to.

He is signing with NE... book it.  I'm almost positive that Coach Vader has been using some dark side mojo to reanimate corpses like Randy Moss and breathe talent into scrubs like Julian Edelman and BenJarvis Green-Ellis...  I'd swear that they sacrifice chickens in the training room and all go kneel in front a large owl statue while BB chants some Child's Play action.


If Reed signs in Indy he never plays a down, probably crumbles to dust as soon as he gets off the plane, but send him to NE and he's got 2 ProBowls left in him... Man, that org. is GREAT. (and they never cheat... and even if they did, they'd win a bunch of SBs after they got caught... oh wait...) If I had my way, they'd pass out urine tests with the Pats' breakfasts and have at least 1 NSA agent monitoring BB's communications at all times...  Our owner may be a troll, but theirs is Damballah...

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A snide, left-handed slap at the Texans for signing Reed. A twitter comment designed to show his NFL acumen is superior to Mr. McNair. I'm also sure Ed Reed would not find it funny. It's ironic, Mr. Irsay didn't think those T-Shirts about his father were so funny in Baltimore, before the 2006 Playoff game. I guess it's only funny when he's chortling at someone else's expense, in this case, a proud, future Hall of Fame safety who was unceremoniously released. 

He'd have been unceremoniously released twice already if he'd had time left on his Baltimore contract...


I like Reed, but he doesn't need defending from the fans... he will get his bust in Canton... He does not care what our eccentric owner says (if he's not petty) He obviously should have retired after last season, but nobody will remember his awful final year in the context of his great career.. just like nobody remembers Johnny U's season as a Charger, Reggie White's as a Panther, Namath for the Rams, or Thurman Thomas as a Dolphin...

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I get his joke. It was funny. Howver,


Jim Irsay ‏@JimIrsay1h

2 things pre-existed that made things extra tough on rebuild--1)Salary Cap Nightmare 2)Decimated OL from old regime/slowly getting fixed



Ummmmmm, didn't we have close to $50M in cap? Wasn't he the one bragging on Twitter how much money he is spending. Real salary cap nightmare.


And we have what? Two guys that played in the old regime on that line? Really Irsay...

I dont now when he's kidding and when he's serious/..Stryk

But I do know when he's wrong.

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Colts need help at saftety and WR. Not to mention Reed and Pagno have a past history. Why wouldn't the Colts be considering signing him at what would be peanuts?


This actually doesn't surprise me for someone who thought Tim Tebow could be an elite QB.

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No he didn't. We signed two free agent linemen this year. That's 40% of the starting line. We signed Satele and McGlynn last year, in the midst of the cap nightmare (neither of them have played well, but we did sign them). And we drafted two linemen this year also.


We can debate the merits of those moves, but saying the team didn't address the line is patently false. Grigson has addressed it in both of his offseasons as the GM, and did so very significantly this year.


He addressed 2 problems with the line, but left 2 problems who were glaring weaknesses last year.  Even if your plan is to get their replacements in the draft you got to at least get some respectable stop gaps in there.

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And out of the other side of his mouth, he says Ozzie Newsome is a "genius" for not re-signing Reed.


But let Irsay say something on Twitter, and all hell breaks loose.

It's one thing to make a business decision to release a player , it's another thing from a goofy owner uninvolved from another team, to make sport of the released player and the team that was using him ten snaps a game. Honestly , he is the only owner on twitter making goofy statements and jokes. Most don't get his bizarre sense of humor.

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He'd have been unceremoniously released twice already if he'd had time left on his Baltimore contract...


I like Reed, but he doesn't need defending from the fans... he will get his bust in Canton... He does not care what our eccentric owner says (if he's not petty) He obviously should have retired after last season, but nobody will remember his awful final year in the context of his great career.. just like nobody remembers Johnny U's season as a Charger, Reggie White's as a Panther, Namath for the Rams, or Thurman Thomas as a Dolphin...

He would have been released for business reasons. I'm sure Ed doesn't need defending from fans, but he doesn't need a comedic owner from another team tweeting ill-timed jokes, like a two bit Catskills comic.

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It's one thing to make a business decision to release a player , it's another thing from a goofy owner uninvolved from another team, to make sport of the released player and the team that was using him ten snaps a game. Honestly , he is the only owner on twitter making goofy statements and jokes. Most don't get his bizarre sense of humor.

It was a clear jab at Colts fans and the pining some do on message boards to sign every big-name player who gets released. If there are some who don't get that, the problem is them, not Jim Irsay.

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It was a clear jab at Colts fans and the pining some do on message boards to sign every big-name player who gets released. If there are some who don't get that, the problem is them, not Jim Irsay.

yeah he is not all serious all the time by any means. People that follow him should know that

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It's one thing to make a business decision to release a player , it's another thing from a goofy owner uninvolved from another team, to make sport of the released player and the team that was using him ten snaps a game. Honestly , he is the only owner on twitter making goofy statements and jokes. Most don't get his bizarre sense of humor.


Just speak for yourself. You have an issue with everything Jim Irsay does, and then you come to a Colts message board to make noise about it. 

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He addressed 2 problems with the line, but left 2 problems who were glaring weaknesses last year.  Even if your plan is to get their replacements in the draft you got to at least get some respectable stop gaps in there.


I believe the thinking was that Satele wasn't 100% last year, and that McGlynn would play better with better C and RT play to either side. It hasn't worked out that way.


But even if you do want to upgrade those two spots, what kind of signings were there to make in secondary free agency? There weren't a lot of free agent linemen moving around. Several teams were desperate for centers. I think we were expected Satele and McGlynn to be better stop gaps than they've been so far this year. Especially Satele.

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I believe the thinking was that Satele wasn't 100% last year, and that McGlynn would play better with better C and RT play to either side. It hasn't worked out that way.


But even if you do want to upgrade those two spots, what kind of signings were there to make in secondary free agency? There weren't a lot of free agent linemen moving around. Several teams were desperate for centers. I think we were expected Satele and McGlynn to be better stop gaps than they've been so far this year. Especially Satele.


Centers were a little harder to come by, I will give you that, but OGs Geoff Schwartz, Kevin Boothe, Matt Slauson were all available and signed cheap one year deals.  Matt Slauson set on the FA market for a while and is one of the top rated OGs in the league this year. 


I know looking back is 20/20, but I don't think this scenario is a stretch at all (I was actually expecting the signing of one more guard): Had we signed one of those guards as insurance we can move McGlynn to center and our line is significantly better. If we had also kept Shipley and we are looking even that much better.


Grigson's assumption that McGlynn and Satele were going to get better was bad judgement, and even if he had believed that they might get better, "hedging his bet" by grabbing one more guard in free agency would have still been affordable and smart ... and we would not be in the horrible situation we are currently in.

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I'm not the one making fun of Ed Reed. I just find it in poor taste. If it came from a fan, that would be one thing, but an owner ? Come on.

He wasn't making fun of Reed. More so of the boneheads like myself who want to bring him in as a nickel back ;) he went further with the wr talk. Was all in fun and poking at the fanbase if anything.

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