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Brutal on TRich


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it's a pile on

Is there an element of risk here? Absolutely. A pretty substantial one, in fact.
For all his obvious talent and the hype he brought with him out of Alabama, Richardson is a relatively unproven NFL commodity. Though he totaled more than 1,300 yards last season, Richardson has a career yards-per-carry average of 3.5 and has struggled to stay healthy. Plus, there’s this, as told to the NFL Network’s Jeff Darlington by an anonymous Browns player: “Trent has some things he needs to figure out before he becomes a dominant player in the league.”
Edited by Nadine
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Saying he faced a "stacked box" is kinda another excuse.


Bradshaw is not 100% durable. If you can keep him around 15 carries a game that is much better for him. Enter Richardson. Bradshaw gets hurt. Enter Richardson. Regardless it is a smart move. You want to be deep at running back, having 2 legit #1 rushers does that. Keep Bradshaw motivated. It does not matter who starts.


I think Richardson might field better next time as he gets more of the play book and can get some more complicated runs. The 49ers are an ideal team for Bradshaw. He likes to run between the tackles, one cut, one bounce and go. Since the 49ers are so fast that is the only way to really run against them. In any case Richardson could be the short yardage guy, he seems to be natural at that. The colts will do well so losing a 1st round pick is not terrible, Richardson is servicable at minimum even with excuses and 1st round picks do not always pan out anyway.


Anyway, I still think Bradshaw is the legit #1 15 carries a game for him, 8 for Richardson, the rest for Brown.

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Saying he faced a "stacked box" is kinda another excuse.


Bradshaw is not 100% durable. If you can keep him around 15 carries a game that is much better for him. Enter Richardson. Bradshaw gets hurt. Enter Richardson. Regardless it is a smart move. You want to be deep at running back, having 2 legit #1 rushers does that. Keep Bradshaw motivated. It does not matter who starts.


I think Richardson might field better next time as he gets more of the play book and can get some more complicated runs. The 49ers are an ideal team for Bradshaw. He likes to run between the tackles, one cut, one bounce and go. Since the 49ers are so fast that is the only way to really run against them. In any case Richardson could be the short yardage guy, he seems to be natural at that. The colts will do well so losing a 1st round pick is not terrible, Richardson is servicable at minimum even with excuses and 1st round picks do not always pan out anyway.


Anyway, I still think Bradshaw is the legit #1 15 carries a game for him, 8 for Richardson, the rest for Brown.

I think brown is averaging about 8 ypc

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Call this an excuse if you want, but Richardson barely had time to get comfortable with the team, let alone play effectively. The moment he heard about the trade from his friend and on the radio, he got over to Indy, had to undergo a physical, then immediately was working on blitz pick-up packages. He did the best he could with what little time he had left. Not to mention the guy was clearly saddened by the trade, so mentally, his head may not have been in the game.


Again, call them excuses, but the guy is a human being.

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Unfortunately Trent Richardson will have this cloud lingering over him until he has a break-out game. The only way to silent the critics is to make them eat their words, which is what I expect him to do very soon. 


Jacksonville looks like a possible treat for T-Rich. If he breaks out against Seattle then all of the critics will retract their words quickly.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

The funny thing is TRich is still younger than most of the players that were drafted this year. He's a full year younger than Eddie Lacy.

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Just his strong opinion I think, I dont think he was trying to stir anything up, Richardson has underperformed a bit watching him play but he has also made some nice runs, He misses some holes he should run through and will sometimes leave his blocks to do his own thing when he should not (9:04 2nd Quarter massive hole opened up by Cherilus on the right side, That happened a couple times in his runs where Cherilus opened up a couple holes......2) overall I think in his limited touches he did alright, No negative runs from him I think without looking at the moment

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One thing I noticed, when Richardson was in the game, they seemed to bring another guy up in the box. They didn't do it every time, but they looked to have done it more than they did when Bradshaw was in the backfield. I did like seeing how the 49'ers put A LOT of effort in trying to tackle him. Even the short runs he had it looked like they needed 3-4 guys to help get him down. He's going to get his, I have no doubts, but this is kind of rediculous in the fact the guy was traded on Wednesday and absorbed enough of the playbook to play on Sunday. Give the kid some time... geesh.

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Call this an excuse if you want, but Richardson barely had time to get comfortable with the team, let alone play effectively. The moment he heard about the trade from his friend and on the radio, he got over to Indy, had to undergo a physical, then immediately was working on blitz pick-up packages. He did the best he could with what little time he had left. Not to mention the guy was clearly saddened by the trade, so mentally, his head may not have been in the game.


Again, call them excuses, but the guy is a human being.

Informed, thoughtful, and accurate post.

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nope nope nope.  He is a plug and play guy.  Clearly due COMPLETELY on his first preformance as a colt, Irsay, Grigson and company made another terrible decision.  I mean what, Richardson got their thursday, he should have had enough time to completely understand all the plays, blitz pick-ups and reads.  Clearly the kid is garbage.  Not to mention develop chemistry with our absolutely inpenatratable O-line.  He had all of what a single practice and maybe a walk-through.  He should have had this wrapped up.  Doesn't he have a photographic memo...... oh wait




SMH  :facepalm:  <---I wish I could make this bigger!

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 There is to much that Bradshaw needs to learn before he becomes comfortable. I mean there is the obvious stuff like playbook. However timing with the offensive line. How does he lineman push the opposing player of the defensive? Is he pushing him straight back. Does he tend to push left or right? Lead blocker, does he meet blockers straight on? Does he shed and lead into the 2nd tier of the defense? I mean seriously, we could do this all night and tomorrow night.


 Physical gift will only get a player so far. You must understand the how your team mates play, learn their tendencies. I don't know if this makes sense or not but you have to learn how you as a runner fit.

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Just his strong opinion I think, I dont think he was trying to stir anything up, Richardson has underperformed a bit watching him play but he has also made some nice runs, He misses some holes he should run through and will sometimes leave his blocks to do his own thing when he should not (9:04 2nd Quarter massive hole opened up by Cherilus on the right side, That happened a couple times in his runs where Cherilus opened up a couple holes......2) overall I think in his limited touches he did alright, No negative runs from him I think without looking at the moment

I noticed that to.  He will be fine once he gets the PB down.

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it's a pile on

Is there an element of risk here? Absolutely. A pretty substantial one, in fact.
For all his obvious talent and the hype he brought with him out of Alabama, Richardson is a relatively unproven NFL commodity. Though he totaled more than 1,300 yards last season, Richardson has a career yards-per-carry average of 3.5 and has struggled to stay healthy. Plus, there’s this, as told to the NFL Network’s Jeff Darlington by an anonymous Browns player: “Trent has some things he needs to figure out before he becomes a dominant player in the league.”


I would say that the whole Browns organization has a few things to figure out as well

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Stopped reading when I came to this:


"His first game with the Colts, Richardson averaged 2.7 yards per carry. Wait, Richardson had less than a week to acclimate himself to his new team and surroundings. At least that’s the latest excuse.

The other running backs for the Colts didn’t seem to have any trouble finding space to run against San Francisco. Ahmad Bradshaw and Donald Brown combined to run for 5.46 yards per carry.  While Cleveland RBs continued to struggle, those directly around Richardson no longer did."


The author's response doesn't even address the argument.  Yeah, other colts running backs found holes to run through.  And they've been with the colts all year.

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we need to get the third overall pick expectations out of our heads. richardson doesn't need to be the next edgerrin james for the colts. sure that was the expectation in cleveland, but not in indy


we spent what is likely to be a 20 something pick on him. given his obvious talent, it looks like a bargain. even if he only last 4 or 5 years here, it's still a great value

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Really didn't look like anything more than the author of that article quoting numbers.  There may be good reason for the numbers but they don't lie.  Until Richardson has a breakout game (and for the record I think he will) it's reasonable to question him given his ypc numbers to far.

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High expectations come with being the 3rd overall pick, most being unrealistic expectations at that. With that said, I think TRich will come into his own. I think anyone judging this guy off of his first game in Indy is complete rubbish. Give him time and we'll have an outstanding RB. Take into account where he came from. He has to get use to our locker room. He has to get confident, something that I feel like he struggled with while a Cleveland.


The guy is the complete package, but critics will be critics.

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Yea lets pile on a guy who had less than a week to learn a whole new playbook and system  :scratch:. Terrible article.  

There are those who will never be sold on this guy.  As a previous comment stated, once he "breaks out" and has a stunner (a stunner to some), then they will put their pens up.


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wow, pretty harsh.  any truth in this or is this guy trying to stir up an opinion storm?




He arrived in Indy like 2 or 3 days before the game!


I won't even think about judging his performances until he's been here a few weeks, at the very least.

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I dont care what some writer who thinks he knows everything about a sport he prob had never played before in his life, fact of the matter is it takes teams a week to prepare for the next team they are playing and Richardson had Thursday afternoon, friday and saturday to get ready for the niners. and saturday it was the flight to San Fran that he was going over the play book with luck. 

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I'm going to say by the Denver game we will know TRich's true capability. Running backs you find out quickly about.  Edge, Addai, etc.  It doesn't take long to know if they can cut on a dime, have elusiveness, power, speed, etc.  Yes, the offensive line is important, but you are going to know something pretty quick.  By the time the PEY-LUCK bowl rolls around, he will have cut his teeth pretty good.  I think he could have a break out game in the PEY-LUCK bowl.

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Saying he faced a "stacked box" is kinda another excuse.


Bradshaw is not 100% durable. If you can keep him around 15 carries a game that is much better for him. Enter Richardson. Bradshaw gets hurt. Enter Richardson. Regardless it is a smart move. You want to be deep at running back, having 2 legit #1 rushers does that. Keep Bradshaw motivated. It does not matter who starts.


I think Richardson might field better next time as he gets more of the play book and can get some more complicated runs. The 49ers are an ideal team for Bradshaw. He likes to run between the tackles, one cut, one bounce and go. Since the 49ers are so fast that is the only way to really run against them. In any case Richardson could be the short yardage guy, he seems to be natural at that. The colts will do well so losing a 1st round pick is not terrible, Richardson is servicable at minimum even with excuses and 1st round picks do not always pan out anyway.


Anyway, I still think Bradshaw is the legit #1 15 carries a game for him, 8 for Richardson, the rest for Brown.


So you expect 12-15 for Brown? haha! We will run 35+ most weeks don`t ya think? We will see.

Very Good analysis IMO. I know I had plenty to learn about life at his age. He has very usable skills.


Rich broke right on one play with a big hole to his left. It will come.

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