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Gabbert gets start vs Colts


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If we go out there expecting a win and play with no intensity, we could be in for a rough time.

Divisional games on the road are never easy.  Jax is going to be all jacked up for the game...are we going to show some intensity or just go out for a stroll?

Minnesota went into Cleveland expecting a win this week...when the smoke cleared it was Cle 31  Min 27, and no-name QB Brian Hoyer had passed for 321 yds and 3 TDs.

Are we going to prepare for a division rival on the road or for a lowly team who should be easy to beat?

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Breaking News Draft Day:  Blaine Gabbert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Gabbert: "With MJD, we will be yearly contenders with me at QB and my man MJD running.  He is the best RB....and UH UH...I am the BEST QB in the NFL!!!"


Crowd:  "Boo"


Gabbert:  "Hey....it worked for Flacco!"



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 No guarantees! I always hate playing JAX, they always seem to play us tough.. But they have a banged up MJD and we have a rejuvenated defense. Hope for the best and that we don't fall to the level of our competition

I hate all division games....but JAX has been a thorn for years whether they are good or bad!!  I am going to have some TUMS handy.....:)

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I hate all division games....but JAX has been a thorn for years whether they are good or bad!!  I am going to have some TUMS handy..... :)

Don't blame you one bit on the TUMS haha. But there is something about playing JAX that I just don't like. However, I enjoy the matchups with TEN and HOU

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 No guarantees! I always hate playing JAX, they always seem to play us tough.. But they have a banged up MJD and we have a rejuvenated defense. Hope for the best and that we don't fall to the level of our competition


In one of my leagues I have MJD for the first time ever. I never would pick him high in prior years, but he fell so low this year that he was worth a gamble. 


Anyway, his butt has been on the bench all year, and he is staying there this week. 


I will start the Colts defense in all 3 leagues again this week though. :)

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It's almost unfair that our backup, Hasselbeck, is significantly better than Gabbert. God, it must be excruciatingly painful to watch a whole season as a Jags Fan. Mad respect for the Jag Nation, assuming they still have a fan base. 


I watched every game every year, but one year in particular stands out, and that is 1991. It was like sliding down a razor blade into a puddle of alcohol. 

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I understand the any given Sunday sentiment....but it's Blaine Gabbert!  All we need to do is keep MJD in check and he has been having a terrible season so far anyway.  Blackmon does come back, but our defense seems to be playing well, so I expect them to be ready for Blackmon and Shorts

Isn't Blackmon out until after our game. 4 game suspension.

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In one of my leagues I have MJD for the first time ever. I never would pick him high in prior years, but he fell so low this year that he was worth a gamble. 


Anyway, his butt has been on the bench all year, and he is staying there this week. 


I will start the Colts defense in all 3 leagues again this week though. :)

Yeah I have the Colts D starting as well. I play matchups when it comes to the D, but I will definitely be rolling them out this week

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