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To All the People Overreacting...


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Don't you think you have carried this discussion on long enough? :dunno: I personally think you have gotten on a lot of peoples last nerves.  :scratch::popcorn:

I'm done with that. Idk why you brought it up again... I'm just wondering how i offended blueshoe by saying pagano is like billy bob thornton. They have the same voice, and that is all i meant. 

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Pagano had cancer and he (and his story) inspires our team with motivational speeches, while Billy Bob played the drunken coach of the Bad News Bears. It is a very poor choice of comparison. 

I compared him to Billy Bob, not the coach whom i don't know since i've never seen "Bad News Bears" haha. I only said that because to me, or in my opinion Pagano has a similar voice to him.

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The irony of that post made me smirk.....




No. I hate that. That is incorrect. 


You're right if we're talking the post season or just the static W/L column on paper. There's a difference between winning and not losing, as semantic laden as that comment may appear. 


Straight up, we only won because the Raiders are terrible. We can't make those mistakes going forward. 


hahaha.... ok

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I still haven't figured out if acknowledging anything negative that happened is allowed or is it considered overreacting?

Around here? Nothing.

People also think because you have something negative to say that you are on the edge of a bridge ready to jump.

I guess the people who are positive must by riding rainbow unicorns with lucky charms marshmallows coming out of there butts.

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You could continue to write chapters in your novel of homer, or, you could be objective and recognize that Colts fans have legitimate reason for concern when this show hits the road.

We lost total control at home against a team that sported a one-trick-pony offense.

This season could go 2-ways. We squeak into the Wildcard or we lose 10 games. Some positives; Our run game looked solid. We didn't turn the ball over. I think we'll be fine, but some serious issues arose. We have good leadership, that's our calling card ATM.

We aren't the first team to be unprepared for a gimmick offense. Remember what the wildcat did to the Pats years back? These things unfortunately happen. I don't think they're as big of indications of future success as your making it seem.

One game in which our D was caught off guard, but still won us the game. I can live with.

I don't think those two scenarios are the only options this year. You never know what's going to happen, but the notion that you would read 10 losses out of this one game is surprising.

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Around here? Nothing.

People also think because you have something negative to say that you are on the edge of a bridge ready to jump.

I guess the people who are positive must by riding rainbow unicorns with lucky charms marshmallows coming out of there butts.

There is such a thing as constructive, or rational criticism. Something most of those losing their minds aren't engaging in.

Though feel free to jump into the "Fire Pep" thread, with all the other "normal" posters. I'll stay here with my marshmallows.

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There is such a thing as constructive, or rational criticism. Something most of those losing their minds aren't engaging in.

Though feel free to jump into the "Fire Pep" thread, with all the other "normal" posters. I'll stay here with my marshmallows.

Exactly, it's one thing to go we won and that's good but I don't think the o-line played very well and we need to work on that, it's another to scream fire the OC after his first real game that the team WON by the way!

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Exactly, it's one thing to go we won and that's good but I don't think the o-line played very well and we need to work on that, it's another to scream fire the OC after his first real game that the team WON by the way!

I mean I've been listing criticisms I've had about the game all day, no ones given me grief.

Why could that possibly be.....

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That I will agree with. I am not on the fire PEP bandwagon. I am just tired of this team having some of the same issues year after year.

Well then clearly you aren't the fan people are calling over the top and hysterical.

It's the "Fire Pep" fans that are wearing thin.

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hit up irsay on twitter. im sure he will address it ASAP

Yep that seams like the right thing to do, again back to this "you can't see something is wrong if you are not a GM" thing around here.

Look here it is, I can't fix my car, I pay someone to do that but I dont have to be an ase certified mechanic to know that if it is leaking oil all over the ground that something is wrong.

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hit up irsay on twitter. im sure he will address it ASAP

The sweet irony is that when Irsay tweeted he wanted to see a better effort, he was killed for it.

Now when the not super product from the preseason transferred over, all his critics are calling for a better effort.


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Yep that seams like the right thing to do, again back to this "you can't see something is wrong if you are not a GM" thing around here.

Look here it is, I can't fix my car, I pay someone to do that but I dont have to be an ase certified mechanic to know that if it is leaking oil all over the ground that something is wrong.

I'm sure the leaders on the team realize it was far from a perfect game. It will be addressed the best they can. Stressing out on a forum won't fix it.

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I'm sure the leaders on the team realize it was far from a perfect game. It will be addressed the best they can. Stressing out on a forum won't fix it.

You are stressing about your amused stress that i have about it.

I am sitting here watching the Sunday night game with a frosty beverage enjoying a win. No stress here.

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Its not surprising that an AFC South team had trouble with a scrambler... there aren't any in the division. The best way to win the south consistently is to sell out against the run.. This season we face a few mobile guys who run the read option, but the majority of our games are against more traditional NFL offenses...


we won... on to next week for me...  Luck was very good... Ballard looked great, too... no drops for the receivers.. I think the D will sort itself out...


The Raiders ought not be the "consensus worst team" with Pryor at QB... he gives them a shot to win some games...

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Only one word fits the Colts performance today, PATHETIC . I feel bad for all of the fans that were actually in LOS today. My feeling is that the players should pool their money together and send a refund to all the paying fans at LOS for having to watch that garbage on the field this afternoon. The O line isn't any better than it was last year so thank goodness that we have Hasselbeck. The D line didn't do themselves any favors, except show the other 30 teams how to beat us. I heard Pagano in an interview before the game when asked about the read option and his response was "We did our due diligence". As soon as I heard that comment I knew the Colts were going to be in trouble. If we had problems with the Raiders think about what the 49ers and Seahawks are going to do to us.

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I don't think those two scenarios are the only options this year. You never know what's going to happen, but the notion that you would read 10 losses out of this one game is surprising.

I think we look like a 6-10 loss team, yes. 


Remember what the wildcat did to the Pats years back? These things unfortunately happen. I don't think they're as big of indications of future success as your making it seem. 



We have a dangerous team. I'll start with that. We also appear to have a wildly inconsistent team. Luck was hit repeatedly, constant pressure. How is this gonna fly against Seattle, Denver and SF? I'm not a doomsayer, but get ready for a roller coaster ride if this sort of inconsistency continues.

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Yep that seams like the right thing to do, again back to this "you can't see something is wrong if you are not a GM" thing around here.

Look here it is, I can't fix my car, I pay someone to do that but I dont have to be an ase certified mechanic to know that if it is leaking oil all over the ground that something is wrong.

Even the simplest of life forms can recognize that it is getting cold outside, that somethings is wrong, and that they should get in out of the weather....but it doesn't mean they have the skill to comment about the weather.


I have seen no issues with posters commenting that there are issues. There isn't a single team that played today that doesn't have issues. What has brought criticism regarding the types of posts is unsubstantiated conclusions based on emotion. So be it. If one has to get the emotion out, get it out. Just don't be so defensive that one can't take that same criticism of their posts in return.

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hit up irsay on twitter. im sure he will address it ASAP


I will admit I did consider tweeting him this little math equation 64 + 75 = Dead 12. 


I can understand some people's frustration, I was actually quite angry watching the game because it was like watching vintage 2012 problems all over again. However I've yet to get on the Fire Pep or Cut Fleener/DHB/Brown bandwagons just yet. 

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I think we look like a 6-10 loss team, yes.

We have a dangerous team. I'll start with that. We also appear to have a wildly inconsistent team. Luck was hit repeatedly, constant pressure. How is this gonna fly against Seattle, Denver and SF? I'm not a doomsayer, but get ready for a roller coaster ride if this sort of inconsistency continues.

I got that. I just think its surprising like I said. That you would pull all of that out of a season opening win.

We lost to the Jags last year. That loss didn't prevent us from beating Greenbay or the Texans. And we looked much worse in that game last year than we did yesterday.

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What happened was we played against a very athletic quarterback, who ran around from sideline to sideline and he wore our defense out. We need to work on setting the edge better against the more mobile quarterback and we also need to start laying some hits on him when we get the opportunity. 


All I heard all week and the day of the game was that Pryor was a horrible QB and a horrible passer - on the same level as Tebow - heck the guy played like a seasoned vet against our D; I agree with Ruksak that is very concerning!     Why do NFL caliber players need to work at setting the edge?  That is a concept taught to them in peewee leagues - they should be able to recognize and adjust on the fly at this level, yet they just kept getting burnt play after play.


Can't wait to see how both teams do next week.   If the Colts have another iffy game and the Raiders get throttled we will have more to talk about!

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Lots of folks confuse being critical about the state of play with being negative. Most of the time players and coaches (and everyone else) try to fulfill expectations, and if those expectations are high, well, so much the better.

There was this one coach that wrote a book on negativity. http://www.amazon.com/The-Power-Negative-Thinking-Unconventional/dp/054402771X

Maybe you remember him?

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With the way we played against the Raiders, we didn't deserve to win. No, I'm not overreacting. Pryor folded in the end, or they would've won.



Our LB play was abysmal, as well as our O-Line. I hope Castanzo was just playing hurt, because he didn't look very good. 


Can we telegraph the run anymore than we do now? 


I'm not going to say he's a bust, but Fleener is not as good as everyone keeps saying he is. At least not yet. 


I guess I don't understand why we didn't prepare better for Pryor because everybody knew what he was going to do. 


I did like the running game from Ballard. 


I would've liked to see Havili come out of the run formation for a few passes. 


Why was Hilton not used alot more?? 

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We were clearly unprepared for Pryor and his attack. We didn't contain and our D was afraid to flush Pryor when he was in the pocket. We simply didn't know what to expect and were unprepared from a coaching standpoint. We didn't target our WR's enough and the line still needs help!


Did we look sloppy, confused, and lost?....Yes


Will we get better?....wait for it.....yes


True story

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he was targeted 6 times in 23 pass plays. He didn't play much (25 plays) because we didn't have the ball much (7 possessions)

Good point as well as Lollygaggers ,we didn't have it enough because the Linebackers miserably failed the job at hand.I really didn't think they were prepared for that.My opinion is if a QB is gonna run that much make him pay dearly when you hit him !

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