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Carlos Danger

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...Brad Wells? I understand that many fans and journalists are puzzled by the Shipley trade, but Brad goes too far in this article, suggesting that Grigson should be fired. Overreact much Mr. Wells?


I know that some will point out the context of the statement: "I honestly hope that wasn't the rationale for Shipley getting shipped. I really do. If it was, Jim Irsay should fire Ryan Grigson immediately." with regard to a statement made by a Bleacher Report writer's statement that getting rid of Satele would embarrass the reigning E.O.T.Y..., However, these statements are ridiculous, the embarrassment statement and the firing statement... there is no reason to believe that Grigson would make bad personnel decisions to save face... and Mr. Wells is sure to point out that he is the first to call for Grigson's firing later in the article...


Saying that trading Shipley was "dumb" is needlessly insulting. Shipley was better in pass protection than Satele, but is probably not as good a fit in the new scheme we are trying to run under Pep... I personally expect Holmes to take over at some point in the season, which makes the Shipley trade look bad because he would be a cheaper backup, but like I said... its probably scheme that determined this move more than anything...


I know that many of you have no respect for what Mr. Wells writes as it is, but I thought I'd share this with you all and see what you think...


Here's the article..


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...Brad Wells?


Where do I begin?


But for the sake of your question as it relates to the Colts, he is something similiar to a guy who yells fire in a crowded room. Only in his case, when people turn to figure out what is going on, it generates clicks/ad dollars for his website.


If there was ever guy in all of Colts Nation to dismiss out of hand, it is Brad Wells (followed closely by Curtis Painter).

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Usually I ignore everything he writes.  Now that Polian is gone he's trying to use the same tiresome rhetoric except aiming it Grigson.


It's all about the page hits for him, so when people respond that he's an *, he's happy because it's another hit.


 Talk about arrested development, he writes like a 9th grader who's just trying to get attention.  Maybe if we ignore him he'll go away.

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Talk about arrested development, he writes like a 9th grader who's just trying to get attention.  Maybe if we ignore him he'll go away.


Unfortunately it is looking like we have quite a few of those within Colts Nation. So, that ignoring part probably isn't going to happen. He is definitely the pied piper of stupid Colts fans.

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Usually I ignore everything he writes. Now that Polian is gone he's trying to use the same tiresome rhetoric except aiming it Grigson.

It's all about the page hits for him, so when people respond that he's an *, he's happy because it's another hit.

Talk about arrested development, he writes like a 9th grader who's just trying to get attention. Maybe if we ignore him he'll go away.

Sounds like Skip Bayless to me

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I just hope that since we will be using alot more Zone Blocking in our scheme that it will help Satele out because he is much more mobile then he is a mauler in my opinion, He can lay a huge hit on someone up at the 2nd level but I wouldn't classify him as a mauling O Lineman, Nor is he overly strong, He must work on his balance off the snap of the ball, he has a tendency to lean to far forward which puts him off balance at times leaving a D Lineman able to blow right past him or throw him down, if he can show improvement from last year (which should not be difficult to do) and keep Luck from having to be on the run several times a game Ill be happy. If it was me I would have let him go, I simply dont think he is the answer. I think Shipley would have been the better option

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I don't get Brad Wells at all.   I used to think he hated Bill Polian so much because some years back Polian made a comment that the gay community took some offense to.  Brad Wells in particular.  But not sure what Ryan Grigson has done.  He is always screaming for someone's head if they don't do what he thinks.  Once Polian left, I thought Wells would settle down, but now he is on the hate Grigson campaign.  Another thing he does is make up crap.  Like how Colts GMs keep players because of the money they paid.  Or how how Polian kept Curtis Painter because he drafted him.   That makes absolutely no sense.  Polian cut much higher draft picks than Painter.  Another thing to remember about Wells is that he has only really covered the Colts since 2006 so he doesn't have a real long relationship with the Colts.

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Wells is kind of like a Skip Bayless x with Cowherd x with a die hard Colts fan x with Richard Simmons. Still, Skip tops them all.

Here is the strange thing about Cowherd since we got Luck he likes the Colts after hating on them for years with Manning...


I am scared...

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Here is the strange thing about Cowherd since we got Luck he likes the Colts after hating on them for years with Manning...

I am scared...

Definitely, I do agree. Enter The Twilight Zone!!!! Cowherd would probably like The Twilight saga much more however. haha

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Definitely, I do agree. Enter The Twilight Zone!!!! Cowherd would probably like The Twilight saga much more however. haha

I guess in fairness you had to be a real Grinch to not like the Colts last year with the whole Pagano thing.  However, I think it could just be he likes Andrew Luck and didn't like Peyton Manning. 

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I just hope that since we will be using alot more Zone Blocking in our scheme that it will help Satele out because he is much more mobile then he is a mauler in my opinion, He can lay a huge hit on someone up at the 2nd level but I wouldn't classify him as a mauling O Lineman, Nor is he overly strong, He must work on his balance off the snap of the ball, he has a tendency to lean to far forward which puts him off balance at times leaving a D Lineman able to blow right past him or throw him down, if he can show improvement from last year (which should not be difficult to do) and keep Luck from having to be on the run several times a game Ill be happy. If it was me I would have let him go, I simply dont think he is the answer. I think Shipley would have been the better option


I'm not sure it's clear we're going to be using "a lot" more zone blocking...


I think all we know we know at this point is that there will be more than last year....     how much more I don't think any of us really knows...

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I guess in fairness you had to be a real Grinch to not like the Colts last year with the whole Pagano thing. However, I think it could just be he likes Andrew Luck and didn't like Peyton Manning.

Very possibly, he did admit earlier this year that Peyton and Brady were the best QBs of this generation. He recognizes the greatness atleast.

That being said I just cannot bare myself to be a fan of him.

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Shipley was a stopgap backup C. Satele is more experienced and more able to teach Holmes whom some of us believe will eventually take over at C. It might also be possible that McGlynn has looked better at C during workouts making Shipley expendable.

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Brad wells is not my favorite cat, but I do appreciate his alternate take on most situations even if I rarely agree with him....but the Shipley stuff is borderline Skip Bayless look at me sensationalist.......I don't think tying up to much emotion in him is in anyone's best interest. You will be faced with the "can't beat stupid" conundrum.....where it lowers you to its level and then beats you with experience

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.... #73 & #46? If someone can tell me who they are id appreciated it.

#73 looks photo-shopped. Thats a big duwd. & #46 looks like he about his bidness.

Just wondering so I can keep an eye on them - thanks.

I'm positive 73 is montori Hughes and yes he is massive. ..46 I have been thinking the same thing not sure
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No need to fire a guy over ONE mistake. yes in my opinion, shipping A.Q. to baltimore was a mistake. Holmes is a proven COLLEGE center, not a proven NFL center. he could end up being a bust. but , there is nothing wrong in keeping 3 centers for depth reasons. Satele couldnt even stay healthy last year. but  that being said, at least there is a chance we can get a extra draft pick for next years draft lol

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Shipley was a stopgap backup C. Satele is more experienced and more able to teach Holmes whom some of us believe will eventually take over at C. It might also be possible that McGlynn has looked better at C during workouts making Shipley expendable.

yeah he can teach holmes the ropes of being hurt as we saw last year. 

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Every website has someone like this.  I call them one trick ponies.  And the one trick is writing anything that will get people angry.  I find it disingenuous and lazy.  That's why I never bother to click on anything these people write.  You can usually spot them pretty quickly.

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People that are this upset over a career backup center are completely embarrassing theirselves. The hate for Satele and the absolute ignorant "head bob" argument simply have no idea about football. The "head bob" has been explained by me and others dozens of times and many other centers do the exact same thing. Shipley's gone...who cares?. No big deal at all to anybody with a tiny fraction of common sense.

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...Brad Wells? I understand that many fans and journalists are puzzled by the Shipley trade, but Brad goes too far in this article, suggesting that Grigson should be fired. Overreact much Mr. Wells?


I know that some will point out the context of the statement: "I honestly hope that wasn't the rationale for Shipley getting shipped. I really do. If it was, Jim Irsay should fire Ryan Grigson immediately." with regard to a statement made by a Bleacher Report writer's statement that getting rid of Satele would embarrass the reigning E.O.T.Y..., However, these statements are ridiculous, the embarrassment statement and the firing statement... there is no reason to believe that Grigson would make bad personnel decisions to save face... and Mr. Wells is sure to point out that he is the first to call for Grigson's firing later in the article...


Saying that trading Shipley was "dumb" is needlessly insulting. Shipley was better in pass protection than Satele, but is probably not as good a fit in the new scheme we are trying to run under Pep... I personally expect Holmes to take over at some point in the season, which makes the Shipley trade look bad because he would be a cheaper backup, but like I said... its probably scheme that determined this move more than anything...


I know that many of you have no respect for what Mr. Wells writes as it is, but I thought I'd share this with you all and see what you think...


Here's the article..


with regard to a statement made by a Bleacher Report writer's statement that getting rid of Satele would embarrass the reigning E.O.T.Y.


??  Didn't Grigs bring in Shipley also in 2012?   Heck Indy ran half of the FA OL men and CB's through this city for a workout last season.  


I liked Shipley, and felt he earned a spot on this team but when your employer drafts a C in the 4th round at your position...  you know someone has to go....

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No need to fire a guy over ONE mistake. yes in my opinion, shipping A.Q. to baltimore was a mistake. Holmes is a proven COLLEGE center, not a proven NFL center. he could end up being a bust. but , there is nothing wrong in keeping 3 centers for depth reasons. Satele couldnt even stay healthy last year. but  that being said, at least there is a chance we can get a extra draft pick for next years draft lol

Well, to be fair you could make that argument about every single draft pick and free agent - top class first rounders and multi million dollar signees, all the way down to undrafted rookie free agents. You just never know until the lights come on, so labeling a move like this a dumb mistake...is probably a dumb mistake in itself.


People were screaming their heads off last year when we drafted Allen in the third round, right after Fleener and then traded up for Hilton. I'm gonna give Grigson the benefit of the doubt until the season actually begins. I think he's earned it.....

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For any writer to call for Grigson's firing over the Shipley trade just shows the writers ignorance. I can think of no GM that has done more with less than Grigson. Maybe the Colts did over achieve last season but it was Grigson at the lead. Grigson was tied with huge cap dead money but did pull together a roster that went 11-5. Grigson brought in 5 of the 7 receivers that Luck worked with. He patched worked an O-line that never worked together before. I have never paid too much attention to Wells but this article will tell me never to waste my time doing so. 

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Yeah that is a way over-the-top reaction, calling for Grigson to be fired.

But Grigson NEEDS to understand how sensitive Colts fans have become to favoritism and nepotism because of the Polians.

Colts fans will not tolerate any Grigson decisions that smell of politics over football...no favoritism for a pal like McGlynn who is inferior to someone Grigson cuts...no favoritism for Satele to protect a bad past decision and cutting/.trading a better player.

Colts fans EXPECT sound football decisions from GM Grigson even if it means cutting some of his acquaintances and favorites.

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Yeah that is a way over-the-top reaction, calling for Grigson to be fired.

But Grigson NEEDS to understand how sensitive Colts fans have become to favoritism and nepotism because of the Polians.

Colts fans will not tolerate any Grigson decisions that smell of politics over football...no favoritism for a pal like McGlynn who is inferior to someone Grigson cuts...no favoritism for Satele to protect a bad past decision and cutting/.trading a better player.

Colts fans EXPECT sound football decisions from GM Grigson even if it means cutting some of his acquaintances and favorites.

won't tolerate it? you realize we have zero input into front office hirings and firings right?

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Yeah that is a way over-the-top reaction, calling for Grigson to be fired.

But Grigson NEEDS to understand how sensitive Colts fans have become to favoritism and nepotism because of the Polians.

Colts fans will not tolerate any Grigson decisions that smell of politics over football...no favoritism for a pal like McGlynn who is inferior to someone Grigson cuts...no favoritism for Satele to protect a bad past decision and cutting/.trading a better player.

Colts fans EXPECT sound football decisions from GM Grigson even if it means cutting some of his acquaintances and favorites.

Just because you think someone is in inferior doesn't mean Grigson sees it that way.  So just because you happen to disklike McGlynn doesn't mean Grigson is keeping him because they are "pals".  In fact there is no proof to suggest they are pals at all.  Are you best friends with your boss at work? Most people are not.  All Grigson did was get a player he knows last year in McGlynn it doesn't mean they are buddies.  Also, I enjoy how posters who tend to dislike a player go after a GM or coach and say that player is hanging around because they must like them yet completing ignoring the fact that maybe they are letting their own personal dislike cloud their judgment. 


Look McGlynn is not going to be a great player in this league.  I think the fact Grigson signed a guard and drafted another one pretty high is proof to the fact that Grigson didn't like the guard play last year no matter who was in there.  With that said McGlynn was solid at times last year and could very well provide depth off the bench.  If he stays around that will be the reason why not because Grigson and him are "pals". 


Also the fans have no say in if someone gets fired or not.  That's up to Irsay and Irsay alone.  Yes fans can voice their opinion by not going to games but that doesn't mean Irsay HAS to listen to it.  His dad clearly didn't when he ran the team.  At the end of the day Jim Irsay didn't fire the Polians because the fans were unhappy.  He fired them because he was unhappy with them. 

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No need to fire a guy over ONE mistake. yes in my opinion, shipping A.Q. to baltimore was a mistake. Holmes is a proven COLLEGE center, not a proven NFL center. he could end up being a bust. but , there is nothing wrong in keeping 3 centers for depth reasons. Satele couldnt even stay healthy last year. but  that being said, at least there is a chance we can get a extra draft pick for next years draft lol


i understand your point - but you cant factor weather a player will be a bust into the equation. Thats like factoring in injuries. There are success stories in every round & at every pick. Unfortunately failures share the same resume.


I choose to believe they did what they are paid to do - they took a risk. If the success of our OL hasnt began to be evaluated yet - how are you comfortable speaking about trading Shipley as a mistake?

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i understand your point - but you cant factor weather a player will be a bust into the equation. Thats like factoring in injuries. There are success stories in every round & at every pick. Unfortunately failures share the same resume.

I choose to believe they did what they are paid to do - they took a risk. If the success of our OL hasnt began to be evaluated yet - how are you comfortable speaking about trading Shipley as a mistake?

Whether is the one you should've used lol I agree with you though. Can't label a player a bust until you see them play.
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I truely believe Brad thinks he knows more about football than anyone in the Colts Org.  The guy can't write worth a darn, so instead, he uses the...I love the Colts, I am their biggest fan, but since I can't write, I will write negative stuff, so I can upset people and get attention that way.


If you want to really read good articles, Phillip Wilson is one of the best!  Even when he wants to write against something we did, he does it in a great way!  He is a great writer and journalist.  He adds value and good insight when he writes up something.


Brad is a wanna be and honestly should either just stop all together or go find another team.  The guy really has no idea most of the time what he is talking about and is one of the biggest cry babies out there.

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