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predict the final score of the colts lions game


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this team has earned that rep against teams with good defense and qb

The only team the Lions have beat by more than one score are the Jaguars, by 17, the same margin as the Colts the following week, both games in Jacksonville. They lost to the Titans and twice to the Vikings. They beat the Rams, Eagles, and Seahawks by a combined 11 points. They're 2-3 at home. The Colts aren't going to lose by 35.

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The only team the Lions have beat by more than one score are the Jaguars, by 17, the same margin as the Colts the following week, both games in Jacksonville. They lost to the Titans and twice to the Vikings. They beat the Rams, Eagles, and Seahawks by a combined 11 points. They're 2-3 at home. The Colts aren't going to lose by 35.

I would hope not but if they go up there and get turnover itis it wont be close

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I don't know the final score, but I suspect it'll be a high scoring game.

While I wouldn't be surprised to see us score at least 30.... I also wouldn't be surprised to see the Lions score in the 40's.

Sorry, but I don't see how we stop them. Hope I'm wrong, but fear I'm not.

So, Detroit 40-something, Indy 30-something.

One last thought, we all saw how well that Buffalo front-4 handled our OL.... this Detroit front-4 might be even better.

I'd like to see most of Luck's passes be 3 and 5 steps throws on timing. Get the ball out of his hands FAST!!! As few 7-step drops as possible please. If we can get out of this game without any serious injuries -- especially to Andrew -- I'll be fine.....

Good luck, Colts!!! :thmup:

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Normally if you go one-on-one with another team you have a fifty-fifty chance of winning. But Andrew Luck is a genetic freak, and he's not normal. You've got a 25%, at best, of beating the Colts. And then you add in Reggie Wayne to the mix, your chances of winning drastically go down. See, the game on Sunday, the Lions have a 33 and 1/3 chance of winning, but the Colts have a 66 and 2/3 chance of winning, cause the Lions knows they can't beat the Colts, and they're not even gonna try. So Detroit, you take your 33 and 1/3 chance, minus the Colts' 25% chance, and you've got an 8 and 1/3 chance of winning on Sunday. But then you take the Colts' 75% chance of winning and then add 66 and 2/3 percent, the Colts have a 141 and 2/3 percent chance of winning Sunday. You see Detroit, the numbers don't lie.

:coltslogo: -141

LIONS - 33

....bonus points to anyone who gets this obscure and ridiculous wrestling reference.

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this team has earned that rep against teams with good defense and qb

i think that this team has put up more than ten points against those "good defenses" and i really don't see the lions as a defensly good team. they have an above average d-line other than that there is nothing thats really impressed me. and offensively megatron is the only one that would really keep me up at night. they have a poor running game and we should be able to provide enough bodies to cover megatron and rush the qb.

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