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The Progress I Hope For...


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Go ahead and complete the sentence. The time frame, the circumstances, and the results are irrelevant. Just complete the phrase as you see fit. It can be about a player, the team, or even the NFL in general.

Me? I don't expect Luck to take us anywhere in 2012. It's not reasonable to think he pick up this mess and drive it efficiently.

Therefore, the progress I hope for is about 3-4 wins, signs we're starting to work well together by seasons' end, and another top 5 pick in next year's draft. This could potentially land us the Barkley or Jones pick, which we trade for a ransom (as we will hopefully have our QB of the future), and continue to build upon some young, deep talent in Indy. Maybe a stud WR or the Honey Badger will be there for us?

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The progress I hope for is.... A defense that can actually stop the run on a consistant basis and play the pass well. A young QB stud in Luck and a smash mouth offensive line. To assume that will happen this year is probably asking for to much but I'm optimistic for the future.

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The progress I hope for is.....to finally a a head coach and coaching staff that isn't ultra conservative and makes embarrassing decisions that cost the Colts games and more importantly playoff games. Also to not have a defense that could be mistaken as a powder puff league defense and instead be feared throughout the league.

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The progress I hope for is.....to finally a a head coach and coaching staff that isn't ultra conservative and makes embarrassing decisions that cost the Colts games and more importantly playoff games. Also to not have a defense that could be mistaken as a powder puff league defense and instead be feared throughout the league.


I hope vanilla-ball is over in Indy.

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The progress I hope for.... is a good running game and defense. It has been years since we have had a decent running game and at least a decade since we have had a respectable defense. I don't expect the passing game to be all that great this year because Luck is a rookie and will probably be the starter day one and the history of number 1 overall picks doing well in their rookie season is short.

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The progress I hope for....is a top 15-20 defense. A solid Oline that has spectacular moments every game or 3. Improved special teams. Great punting. Much improved running, in fact downright good running game. Luck using his mobility to find open receivers despite the fact that he won't have any young studs in his WR ranks. I hope for and believe that Luck will be our difference maker. He comes to the hunting party hungry, so I say "Let's Hunt!".

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The progress I hope for....is a united fan base. The front office, coaches and players will eventually make this team a contender in a few years. We fans need to get right behind them, no matter our feelings about The Sheriff and his posse.....

Oh, and maybe a high class O-Line for a change....

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The progress I hope for...is a rookie QB exceeding expectations and getting us at least 6-8 wins, an O-line that can pass block and run block to give us a middle of the road offense in year 1 and a top 10 one for years to come, a defense that can take the pressure off the rookie QB and be able to make timely plays to give him the ball back enough times, and a special teams unit that makes plays for a change setting the bar considerably different than years past.

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Defense - a more aggressive defense that can create turnovers and 3 and outs.

Running game - doesn't have to be great from a total yardage standpoint, but effective in picking up 1st downs on 3rd and short, and not put us in 2nd and 3rd and long.

Record - Robert Mathis gets ticked when fans talk about rebuilding. He wants and thinks they can win now. I like that attitude. The goal should be to make the playoffs. If the Bengals could do it with a 2nd round rookie QB last year, there is no reason the Colts can't do it.

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The progress I hope for... a run defense that ranks at least in the middle to upper half of the league. Way to many season being at the bottom or close to the bottom. I'd like to see us not give up on running the ball like we have done in the past. Although the playoffs would be very nice, I would hope that we can win more than 2 games. I don't think 5-7 games would be much to ask for.

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The progress I hope for is...a defense that learns to stand on it's own and not rely on a 17 point lead to be effective. I also hope for signs that the coaching staff is actually "coaching" and not relying on a HOF QB to do all the work for them. I also hope that the run game develops into something that opposing defenses actually need to worry about. That is asking a lot considering all the new faces, but any improvements in these areas and I will be happy. GO COLTS!!!!

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The progress I hope for is .......A top 5 running game and a top 5 defense. I've had my fill of seasons that produce top 5 draft picks, despite the potential for return, I want to win now.

The progress I hope for is.... A defense that can actually stop the run on a consistant basis and play the pass well. A young QB stud in Luck and a smash mouth offensive line. To assume that will happen this year is probably asking for to much but I'm optimistic for the future.

Both of those scenarios are highly unlikely for any franchise, let alone the next 5 years for the Colts. No team has all of that going for them at the same time.

Sadly, the NFL is pass-happy or go home now. Running and defense get you bounced before the Super Bowl. Ask the 49ers and the Ravens about that. The Chiefs and Bears before that. The Ravens and Jets the year before, and so on.

It is impossible to have those things, plus a top QB in the NFL. There's also no way you'll get a great offensive line at the same time. It's just not feasible under the salary cap.

We are talking about near-future progress, and you guys want what will never happen anywhere - let alone Indy.

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Both of those scenarios are highly unlikely for any franchise, let alone the next 5 years for the Colts. No team has all of that going for them at the same time.

Sadly, the NFL is pass-happy or go home now. Running and defense get you bounced before the Super Bowl. Ask the 49ers and the Ravens about that. The Chiefs and Bears before that. The Ravens and Jets the year before, and so on.

It is impossible to have those things, plus a top QB in the NFL. There's also no way you'll get a great offensive line at the same time. It's just not feasible under the salary cap.

We are talking about near-future progress, and you guys want what will never happen anywhere - let alone Indy.

Wow you are crushing my dreams. I don't think it's impossible to have a well balanced team, I guess that is what I trying to go for. Obviously it will take much time to build a well balanced team so it's definitely not near term at all.

I guess primarily in the near term the progress I would want to see is effective execution with the new defensive schemes. Also effective integration of players into the new system. In short putting the right players in and executing the new scheme(s) efficiently. There is much more but I would be ecstatic if the could do that in the near term on the defensive side of the ball.

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Go ahead and complete the sentence. The time frame, the circumstances, and the results are irrelevant. Just complete the phrase as you see fit. It can be about a player, the team, or even the NFL in general.

Me? I don't expect Luck to take us anywhere in 2012. It's not reasonable to think he pick up this mess and drive it efficiently.

Therefore, the progress I hope for is about 3-4 wins, signs we're starting to work well together by seasons' end, and another top 5 pick in next year's draft. This could potentially land us the Barkley or Jones pick, which we trade for a ransom (as we will hopefully have our QB of the future), and continue to build upon some young, deep talent in Indy. Maybe a stud WR or the Honey Badger will be there for us?

I agree entirely. I want to see promise from Luck and fully expect to, I have full faith in him. But with the franchise in the state it is in, it's very unreasonable to expect more than 4 or 5 wins.

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The progress I expect is that this team achieves 3 or more wins in the upcoming season.

The progress I hope to see every year is :

1) the new OL gelling to provide very good pass protection and run blocks efficiently enough to improve the running game.

2) the new Defense to not only rush the passer effectively, but also provide tight coverage to potential receivers, as well as stop the run game.

3) the new ST to improve every game.

4) the QB to WR/TE chemistry to improve such that completions become like second nature.

5) the QB to get used to the speed of the NFL and take advantage of his natural talents to improve

6) the FO to draft and sign FAs of better and better quality to improve the talent of the team

7) the coaching staff to coach up the team to perform effectively.

I expect that after 3 or 4 years that the team will be of playoff caliber, and contend for the championship.

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Both of those scenarios are highly unlikely for any franchise, let alone the next 5 years for the Colts. No team has all of that going for them at the same time.

Sadly, the NFL is pass-happy or go home now. Running and defense get you bounced before the Super Bowl. Ask the 49ers and the Ravens about that. The Chiefs and Bears before that. The Ravens and Jets the year before, and so on.

It is impossible to have those things, plus a top QB in the NFL. There's also no way you'll get a great offensive line at the same time. It's just not feasible under the salary cap.

We are talking about near-future progress, and you guys want what will never happen anywhere - let alone Indy.

Ask for peoples opinions, then ridicule them when they take the time out to respond. Nice.

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Go ahead and complete the sentence. The time frame, the circumstances, and the results are irrelevant. Just complete the phrase as you see fit. It can be about a player, the team, or even the NFL in general.

Me? I don't expect Luck to take us anywhere in 2012. It's not reasonable to think he pick up this mess and drive it efficiently.

Therefore, the progress I hope for is about 3-4 wins, signs we're starting to work well together by seasons' end, and another top 5 pick in next year's draft. This could potentially land us the Barkley or Jones pick, which we trade for a ransom (as we will hopefully have our QB of the future), and continue to build upon some young, deep talent in Indy. Maybe a stud WR or the Honey Badger will be there for us?

I am hoping for 7-8 wins this season.

but any W's will suffice...

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The progress I hope for is on special teams. Our special teams units have been the laughing stock of the league for years. How many times have we seen huge kick returns against us? How often do we lose the field position game? When is the last time we returned a kickoff for a touchdown? Regardless of what many say and think, special teams plays are the most important in the game and they dictate who wins and losses.

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Posted · Hidden by Coltssouth, March 25, 2012 - Duplicate Post
Hidden by Coltssouth, March 25, 2012 - Duplicate Post

Go ahead and complete the sentence. The time frame, the circumstances, and the results are irrelevant. Just complete the phrase as you see fit. It can be about a player, the team, or even the NFL in general.

Me? I don't expect Luck to take us anywhere in 2012. It's not reasonable to think he pick up this mess and drive it efficiently.

Therefore, the progress I hope for is about 3-4 wins, signs we're starting to work well together by seasons' end, and another top 5 pick in next year's draft. This could potentially land us the Barkley or Jones pick, which we trade for a ransom (as we will hopefully have our QB of the future), and continue to build upon some young, deep talent in Indy. Maybe a stud WR or the Honey Badger will be there for us?

The progress I hope for is on special teams. Our special teams units have been the laughing stock of the league for years. How many times have we seen huge kick returns against us? How often do we lose the field position game? When is the last time we returned a kickoff for a touchdown? Regardless of what many say and think, special teams plays are the most important in the game and they dictate who wins and losses.

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The progress I hope for is .......A top 5 running game and a top 5 defense. I've had my fill of seasons that produce top 5 draft picks, despite the potential for return, I want to win now.

I'm actually the opposite. I'd actually prefer not winning too much for the next few years. Because if we do, it'll likely be on the backs of established free agents, who have likely just passed their prime. That's not a good formula for sustained success in this league, and really not a good formula for eventually winning multiple Superbowls.

I would much rather see gradual improvement from Luck (or whichever QB we pick) on a year to year basis, gradual improvement from a young offensive line, built through the draft and young FAs, star offensive skills players picked with HIGH draft picks (read: top 10 picks) and a stalwart defense built through the draft and more established veteran free agents.

What you don't want, is to peak too soon. If you do, you'll be back to square one because you have to let your high-priced free agents go after a few years. I would much rather we gradually improve over 3-4 years (ie the number of years it typically takes to have your offensive line completely gel), benefit from the high draft picks, and then make a sustained run for a championship.

I'm a patient man. If you want an eventual SB, I think this is the way you go.

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I'm actually the opposite. I'd actually prefer not winning too much for the next few years. Because if we do, it'll likely be on the backs of established free agents, who have likely just passed their prime. That's not a good formula for sustained success in this league, and really not a good formula for eventually winning multiple Superbowls.

I would much rather see gradual improvement from Luck (or whichever QB we pick) on a year to year basis, gradual improvement from a young offensive line, built through the draft and young FAs, star offensive skills players picked with HIGH draft picks (read: top 10 picks) and a stalwart defense built through the draft and more established veteran free agents.

What you don't want, is to peak too soon. If you do, you'll be back to square one because you have to let your high-priced free agents go after a few years. I would much rather we gradually improve over 3-4 years (ie the number of years it typically takes to have your offensive line completely gel), benefit from the high draft picks, and then make a sustained run for a championship.

I'm a patient man. If you want an eventual SB, I think this is the way you go.

I have to disagree. We can win now and later.

What we need is better draft practices. Trade-ups and scouting better players for our system. Success attracts younger star free-agents as well, failure sends them elsewhere. Look at teams like NE, whom never earn top-10 draft picks from their season records, yet they always have 9-10 picks and they manipulate the draft with precision.

If Grigs is worth his salt, he'd not require top-5 picks and multiple losing seasons to build properly. Success breeds success, and losing breeds losing.

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The progress I hope for... is a defensive line that can keep the linebackers noses clean and an offensive line that can do about an average job of opening holes for running backs and pass blocking.

The rest I feel will come as a result.

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The Progress I hope for....is for our coaches to put players in a position to make plays, our players to make those plays, and the rest of the NFL not to take games against us lightly. I don't want us to be the team everyone wants to play like last year.

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I have to disagree. We can win now and later.

What we need is better draft practices. Trade-ups and scouting better players for our system. Success attracts younger star free-agents as well, failure sends them elsewhere. Look at teams like NE, whom never earn top-10 draft picks from their season records, yet they always have 9-10 picks and they manipulate the draft with precision.

If Grigs is worth his salt, he'd not require top-5 picks and multiple losing seasons to build properly. Success breeds success, and losing breeds losing.

Heheh... I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. Younger star free-agents don't typically come at a cheap price. Also, the NE situation is different b/c they're perpetually in a re-loading mode, not a re-building mode. We are most definitely re-building. And, the free agents that NE typically attracts are just-past or well-past their prime (although there are exceptions). Again, re-loading and not re-building.

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Heheh... I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. Younger star free-agents don't typically come at a cheap price. Also, the NE situation is different b/c they're perpetually in a re-loading mode, not a re-building mode. We are most definitely re-building. And, the free agents that NE typically attracts are just-past or well-past their prime (although there are exceptions). Again, re-loading and not re-building.

Did I ever tell you I think you're smart? You're smart. lol.....good post.


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