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"Giants Will Give the Colts All They Can Handle"


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That's a quote from Paul Dottino, the Giants beat writer.  He didn't say it as a brag.  He said that if the team has accepted what the coaches have been preaching all year, they'll come out to prove last week not the norm.  And this is the time players are auditioning for keeping their jobs next year, and coaches separate the wheat...


And if we think the Colts will follow the same scheme the Titans ran, sell out to stop Barkley, he pointed out that it's been the game plan for many teams and Barkley put up huge numbers.  The difference was that the Titans executed and tackled extremely well.


Bottom line - I don't count any game as a 'should win'.  I know our coaches don't either. 

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9 minutes ago, Smonroe said:

That's a quote from Paul Dottino, the Giants beat writer.  He didn't say it as a brag.  He said that if the team has accepted what the coaches have been preaching all year, they'll come out to prove last week not the norm.  And this is the time players are auditioning for keeping their jobs next year, and coaches separate the wheat...


And if we think the Colts will follow the same scheme the Titans ran, sell out to stop Barkley, he pointed out that it's been the game plan for many teams and Barkley put up huge numbers.  The difference was that the Titans executed and tackled extremely well.


Bottom line - I don't count any game as a 'should win'.  I know our coaches don't either. 


Colts defense is pretty solid against the run.  


I think the question of if Beckham plays or not will be a big one.  Our defense certainly has a weakness in the secondary.   A high level WR could give us fits.  

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2 minutes ago, Valpo2004 said:


Colts defense is pretty solid against the run.  


I think the question of if Beckham plays or not will be a big one.  Our defense certainly has a weakness in the secondary.   A high level WR could give us fits.  


If they can continue to play like they did against Hopkins and Cooper, we'll be in good shape.


The Giants are on their 4th or 5th iteration of offensive line and they seem to found something that works.


I think it's going to be a close game, and I'm just happy it's fun watching the Colts again!

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19 minutes ago, Smonroe said:

That's a quote from Paul Dottino, the Giants beat writer.  He didn't say it as a brag.  He said that if the team has accepted what the coaches have been preaching all year, they'll come out to prove last week not the norm.  And this is the time players are auditioning for keeping their jobs next year, and coaches separate the wheat...


And if we think the Colts will follow the same scheme the Titans ran, sell out to stop Barkley, he pointed out that it's been the game plan for many teams and Barkley put up huge numbers.  The difference was that the Titans executed and tackled extremely well.


Bottom line - I don't count any game as a 'should win'.  I know our coaches don't either. 

Oroy against the droy.  Should be interesting to see if they meet up in the open field.   

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This game has trap game written all over it. The Colts better ready to play and are focused because they could very well get beat if not. Since no one on here is talking about tells me even more that it's a trap game just because Colts have a better means nothing at this point remember any given Sunday. 

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14 minutes ago, superrep1967 said:

This game has trap game written all over it. The Colts better ready to play and are focused because they could very well get beat if not. Since no one on here is talking about tells me even more that it's a trap game just because Colts have a better means nothing at this point remember any given Sunday. 

At this point in the season, there is no such thing as a trap game when your team is one loss away from missing the playoffs in my opinion. The Colts have known since losing that Jags game (questionably a trap game if any game is) the colts have been in a lose one and you are done atmosphere. So if this teams falls into a “trap”, that is on the coaching staff to fail to do their jobs and don’t deserve an nfl spot. If the team loses the game Sunday, it will be because the Giants put together a better game plan and the giants executed it like an nfl team should. It’s also a possibility that the Colts players just couldn’t execute their plan as an nfl team should. I fully believe though, 100% of these players understand the gravity of this game and there is zero chance that a “trap” exists. 

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1 hour ago, Valpo2004 said:


Colts defense is pretty solid against the run.  


I think the question of if Beckham plays or not will be a big one.  Our defense certainly has a weakness in the secondary.   A high level WR could give us fits.  

I see Hopkins as a high level WR, and we did alright against him. 

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39 minutes ago, superrep1967 said:

This game has trap game written all over it. The Colts better ready to play and are focused because they could very well get beat if not. Since no one on here is talking about tells me even more that it's a trap game just because Colts have a better means nothing at this point remember any given Sunday. 


Every game from here on out is essentially a playoff game, they pretty much have to win out to get into the postseason, & I'd guess they learned their lesson after that Jaguars game.

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I have (kind of ) known Paul Dottino for about 30 years going back to when I would walk past him covering  Fairleigh Dickerson basketball...…. 80 percent of his pay check comes from Madison Square Garden Network WHICH (according to rumors) is paid by the Giants to be its soul  TV Network (which it is )…..Long story short The Giants own...….OWN !!!! Mr. Paul Dottino !!!!!!!!!!!! He is the KING of super soft interviews when interviewing Giants players...… Super soft interviews !

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43 minutes ago, Luck 4 president said:

The Giants are much better than their record indicates. We need to show up big for this game. Barkley only needs 3 big plays to make an impact and containing him will be much harder than containing Zeke last week


They're 4-2 in their last 6 games.  Personally, I think Eli is a better QB than Dak when it comes to decisions.  If he gets time, he will make the right throw.  Barkley and Zeke are similar in that they're both threats running and receiving.  And if OBJ plays, he's always a factor.


I don't think there's any such thing as a 'trap game'.  Any given Sunday, etc...  I love Reich's mantra - let's just go 1-0 this week.

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1 hour ago, Smonroe said:

That's a quote from Paul Dottino, the Giants beat writer.  He didn't say it as a brag.  He said that if the team has accepted what the coaches have been preaching all year, they'll come out to prove last week not the norm.  And this is the time players are auditioning for keeping their jobs next year, and coaches separate the wheat...


And if we think the Colts will follow the same scheme the Titans ran, sell out to stop Barkley, he pointed out that it's been the game plan for many teams and Barkley put up huge numbers.  The difference was that the Titans executed and tackled extremely well.


Bottom line - I don't count any game as a 'should win'.  I know our coaches don't either. 

Good, I'm sure the Colts will give the Giants all THEY can handle.  And I think the Colts can handle more than the Giants and I think they can give more than the Giants.


I don't think last week was the norm for the Giants but I the flip side, I don't think they are a very good team.


I think the Colts game plan will be similar to hat we saw against the Cowboys, Redskins and Eagles.  After all between, Flus and Reich, they are very familiar with the NFC East teams.

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34 minutes ago, HOF19 said:

I have (kind of ) known Paul Dottino for about 30 years going back to when I would walk past him covering  Fairleigh Dickerson basketball...…. 80 percent of his pay check comes from Madison Square Garden Network WHICH (according to rumors) is paid by the Giants to be its soul  TV Network (which it is )…..Long story short The Giants own...….OWN !!!! Mr. Paul Dottino !!!!!!!!!!!! He is the KING of super soft interviews when interviewing Giants players...… Super soft interviews !


31 minutes ago, HOF19 said:

My family (full of Giants fans ) consider Dottino THE LEAST objective NFL Reporter on this planet !!!!!!!!!


23 minutes ago, HOF19 said:

My family (full of Giants fans ) will not listen to read ANY of this guys stories or interviews. My brother (lifelong Giants fan ) is convinced (and has been for years) that Dottino washes Jon Mara's car and cuts his grass.


So, you're saying you really respect Dottino?


Lol!  We get it, he's a shill for the team. 

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I’m counting on our guys to win against the Giants — so much so I just bought tix to the Nashville game because I want to be there when we beat them to go the playoffs!!  I am a realist and I know “any given Sunday” could be a loss but I’m all-in rooting for and believing in this team. Go Colts!!

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I'm normally pretty conservative on the Colts' chances but something tells me they will handle business fairly well Sunday.  IDK if it was the Jags game or the matchups in this one or what, but for some strange reason I feel pretty good about this one going in...…..which scares the hell outta me.

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The colts 1-0 mentality will prove to counter this "trap" game. This post is 90% stat based. 


If you look at the last two games and then the giants: 

The Texans had Hopkins/Miller/Watson.

The Cowboys had Zeke/Cooper/Dak.

The Giants got OBJ/Barkley/Eli. 


I think Dallas, Houston, and the Giants are built very similar. A top ranked WR/RB then the other RB/WR is a great person to pair with. The QBs are ranked in the middle no real all star QBs. Their O-lines are all very horrible. The Defenses are kinds sporadic however.


3) Hopkins            1)Zeke                  7)Luck            5)Dallas D               1)Colts O-line 16 Sacks

15)TY                  3)Barkley            11)Eli          10) Colts D              28) Giants O-line 46 Sacks  16)OBJ         8) Miller      14)Watson     14) Houston D       31) Dallas O-line 51 Sacks

39)Cooper              21) Mack            17)Dak             21) Giants D           32)Houston O-line 52 Sacks


The WRs, RBs, and QBs are all total yards. The Defense is total yards allowed. The O-line is sacks allowed. The rankings are out of all the NFL.

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4 minutes ago, NagelHausForge said:


From your fingertips to the football gods' ears!


I could certainly see that happening.  But I think realistically this will be more like the Texans game.  Colts will be in control but the G-men will do just enough to stay in the game until late.

Blow out. It's the end of the year, the bad teams are starting to quit at this time.  I say we come out first couple drives sharp, get up about 14 and never look back. Just like Cowboys but worse. Giants are the type of team we should beat soundly if we handle our biz. They ain't Jax. I think we make quick work of them if we take this thing seriously and come with some playoff football. Real playoff football!

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The only real concern I have is how well we spy Barks on those swing passes.  Giants do a good job of getting him the ball in space.  We, on the other hand, have problems defending those plays.  We did okay against Dallas,but from what I have seen the Giants are better at it.


I expect Leonard to have monster game.


We'll win it going away after a sluggish start.

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17 minutes ago, krunk said:

Blow out. It's the end of the year, the bad teams are starting to quit at this time.  I say we come out first couple drives sharp, get up about 14 and never look back. Just like Cowboys but worse. Giants are the type of team we should beat soundly if we handle our biz. They ain't Jax. I think we make quick work of them if we take this thing seriously and come with some playoff football. Real playoff football!


I would love nothing more than just that!

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