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Ballard is a genius


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4 hours ago, threeflight said:


Are you both liberals by chance?


You go both personal faster than any lefty I know.  :)


And that is saying something.

Wow, another comment ready for heavy trash pick up.

For you to even bring up politics into this shows you don't have a clue.

We must have left you at the train station.

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25 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

Wow, another comment ready for heavy trash pick up.

For you to even bring up politics into this shows you don't have a clue.

We must have left you at the train station.

I LOVE this board.

i can always count on it putting a smile on my face.

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8 hours ago, threeflight said:


Are you both liberals by chance?


You go both personal faster than any lefty I know.  :)


And that is saying something.


that has nothing to do with being liberal or conservative.  the same happens on both sides.  And finally, such a comment is completely out of place on a football forum (especially one that prohibits political discussion).

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2 hours ago, J@son said:


that has nothing to do with being liberal or conservative.  the same happens on both sides.  And finally, such a comment is completely out of place on a football forum (especially one that prohibits political discussion).

Things like this happens when you don't get your ticket punched.

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Question that I’m sure someone here can answer:


Was Ballard’s 2017 draft done with the old scouting staff and then new staff brought in for 2018, or was a new scouting staff brought in with Ballard for the 2017 draft? 


I seem to remember the old staff staying on until after the 2017 draft, but not 100% sure that was the case.

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8 minutes ago, coltsva said:

Question that I’m sure someone here can answer:


Was Ballard’s 2017 draft done with the old scouting staff and then new staff brought in for 2018, or was a new scouting staff brought in with Ballard for the 2017 draft? 


I seem to remember the old staff staying on until after the 2017 draft, but not 100% sure that was the case.

Ballard didn't have time to bring in his personal scouting staff until after the 2017 draft. So that was done with Grigson's guys. Ballard only used his personal scouts in the 2018 draft so far.

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Just now, Jared Cisneros said:

Ballard didn't have time to bring in his personal scouting staff until after the 2017 draft. So that was done with Grigson's guys. Ballard only used his personal scouts in the 2018 draft so far.

That’s what I thought. Thanks for confirming!

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4 minutes ago, coltsva said:

That’s what I thought. Thanks for confirming!

No problem. That's why, despite how poor the team is right now, I don't give Ballard flack right now. He was pretty handicapped that year. 2018 is more of a testament of his real drafting skills IMO.

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20 minutes ago, coltsva said:

Question that I’m sure someone here can answer:


Was Ballard’s 2017 draft done with the old scouting staff and then new staff brought in for 2018, or was a new scouting staff brought in with Ballard for the 2017 draft? 


I seem to remember the old staff staying on until after the 2017 draft, but not 100% sure that was the case.

ill add to this and say i thought many of them are still here now, but ballard retrained them at some point




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2018 draft is the framework for the team going forward

Nelson - annual pro bowler

Smith - annual near pro-bowler

Leonard - top 5 LB in the league

Turay - situational pass rusher, good for 8-12 sacks a year, not a good run defender. Very similar to Lance Johnstone from the Vikings. Also very similar sizes at 6'5'' and 250 lbs.

Wilkins - tough between the tackles RB ala Robert Turbin.

Hines - Dominic Rhodes.

Cain - good #3 receiver


And that's not factoring in Tyquan Lewis.


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Well, if you picked 7 players in the same draft and they all became pro-bowlers, that might achieve genius status. Unless the other GM's in the league did the same. 


Too extreme of an adjective to use on a position that is nearly always, around 50% successful. 


I would say leaning towards great on drafting, good on FA's, and dope on speaking to the fanbase.  


On a more personal level, I like the guy a lot. I want him for this job. I want him to lead the Colts into the future. I would absolutely love to drink beer and talk drafting with him. 

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1 hour ago, Four2itus said:


On a more personal level, I like the guy a lot. I want him for this job. I want him to lead the Colts into the future. I would absolutely love to drink beer and talk drafting with him. 

I’d like to talk Draft Beer with him!

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5 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Ballard didn't have time to bring in his personal scouting staff until after the 2017 draft. So that was done with Grigson's guys. Ballard only used his personal scouts in the 2018 draft so far.


Your answer is correct.    But I don't want the blame for the 2017 draft to fall on the previous scouting staff.    Ballard has a scoutng background.   He knew what he was doing.   The ultimate responsibility is with Ballard. 


If someone is not happy with the 2017 draft,  that's not on the scouts.   That's on Ballard.


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On 10/11/2018 at 11:24 PM, braveheartcolt said:

So, is Ballard a genius or what? 


I suspect you're being somewhat facetious....


But I think the answer is.....    it is way, WAY too early for any of us to know.


At this same point 5 years ago,  Ryan Grigson was a genius.    And we all know how that train wreck ended.....       :peek:

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1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:


I suspect you're being somewhat facetious....


But I think the answer is.....    it is way, WAY too early for any of us to know.


At this same point 5 years ago,  Ryan Grigson was a genius.    And we all know how that train wreck ended.....       :peek:

Not sure facetious is the correct adjective, but I was being glib, and just saying what you said there, only with less words. 

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I am a fan of Ballard as I think this year's draft looks pretty good.  That being said, it is kind of easy for most of the 2018 picks to become a starter on a team that lacks any real talent.  The future does look bright but these next three games against below 500 teams will tell us alot about the teams future.  I know everyone is high on the D coordinator but I was kind of disappointed by his play calling against New England. I know we were banged up but he refused to change and Bill and Josh made him pay.  U can't play one type of defense against today's  qbs and expect to win.  NE  made it way to easy.  Teams have some film on how we play D so let's see if we adjust.  I don't want a repeat of the old Tampa 2 . All we heard after each game wen we got torched is gap control. 

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8 hours ago, braveheartcolt said:

Not sure facetious is the correct adjective, but I was being glib, and just saying what you said there, only with less words. 


Fair enough....    unfortunately,  as we all know,  I've rarely been very good at the whole "less words" approach!         :thmup:

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On 10/13/2018 at 11:43 AM, rock8591 said:

2018 draft is the framework for the team going forward

Nelson - annual pro bowler

Smith - annual near pro-bowler

Leonard - top 5 LB in the league

Turay - situational pass rusher, good for 8-12 sacks a year, not a good run defender. Very similar to Lance Johnstone from the Vikings. Also very similar sizes at 6'5'' and 250 lbs.

Wilkins - tough between the tackles RB ala Robert Turbin.

Hines - Dominic Rhodes.

Cain - good #3 receiver


And that's not factoring in Tyquan Lewis.



Laugh  all you want, the trends have already shown themselves, and are not speculative.


Smith played extremely solid/great in his first start despite playing out of position. With his strength and youth (21-22 years old), not a stretch to see him playing like a poor man's Marshal Yanda for the rest of his career.


Leonard already playing better than Patrick Willis his rookie season.


Turay already playing like Yannick Ngakoue his rookie season.


Wilkins being compared with Turbin is not a stretch. Same with Hines and Dominic Rhodes, a situational RB. Cain being a #3 receiver, replacing Rodgers is not a stretch.


Nelson with his size, height, length, and strength, I have a very hard time seeing busting. May not be a Larry Allen, but can easily be a Kelichi Osemele.

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4 hours ago, needanoline63 said:

What kind of genius trades a player like Henry Anderson away for a bag of peanuts? Number one least favorite decision he has made by far.


Let me ask you a question....


If Henry Anderson is such a good player according to you,  then when Ballard made him available to the other 32 teams,   why didn't a single team offer anything better than a 7?


You might want to consider that Anderson isn't what you think he is.    A nice servicable 3-4 DL.


That's it.  


Just because he's playing well for another team,  doesn't mean he'd be playing that well for the Colts.



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Is Ballard still a genius? 


I told you guys, in 2 different threads now, that CB has done nothing....NOTHING to show me he has what it takes to rebuild this team.


A guard and a safety with 2 high picks?


Failure to supply a servicable WR crew?


Coaching fiasco?


No FA's to speak of?


Drafts are very suspect.


But hey, if you ask CB (and many of his white knight fans on this board, he is the greatest GM ever!

This team is 5-17 since he took over and getting worse.

Think about that.

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3 minutes ago, threeflight said:

Is Ballard still a genius? 


Im told you guys, in 2 different threads now, that CB has done nothing....NOTHING to show me he has what it takes to rebuild this team.


A guard and a safety with 2 high picks?


Failure to supply a servicable WR crew?


Coaching fiasco?


No FA's to speak of?


Drafts are very suspect.


But hey, if you ask CB (and many of his white knight fans on this board, he is the greatest GM ever!

This team is 5-17 since he took over and getting worse.

Think about that.


And 1-5 with a Franchise QB, who many here say he is a generational talent.

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