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Irsay cryptic tweet/Bob Lamey (Voice of the Colts) retiring (merge)

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3 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

I am a story teller a change things often depending on the crowd 


That is understandable. But in a crowd and stories are a little different then a quote in private. 

We don't know if Bob said anything past what he quoted being said as in such, I don't approve of that guy saying that word but thats what he said ect. We are told only what makes the story look good or bad. 

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3 minutes ago, strt182 said:

That is understandable. But in a crowd and stories are a little different then a quote in private. 

We don't know if Bob said anything past what he quoted being said as in such, I don't approve of that guy saying that word but thats what he said ect. We are told only what makes the story look good or bad. 

There are other ways to get the point across

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4 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

Because it will make them money 


   The same reason studios produce R movies

I hear people quote R movies all the time.     Ever seen the movie Pulp Fiction?  The Tarentino scene? Haven't heard any back lash about that.   And he wrote the screen play.   I'm just saying,  quoting someone,  or singing lyrics or quoting a movie scene isn't the same thing as the word being used in an offensive manner

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2 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

I hear people quote R movies all the time.     Ever seen the movie Pulp Fiction?  The Tarentino scene? Haven't heard any back lash about that.   And he wrote the screen play.   I'm just saying,  quoting someone,  or singing lyrics or quoting a movie scene isn't the same thing as the word being used in an offensive manner

If a kid does at school or community center they can be in trouble 

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11 minutes ago, indyagent17 said:

We are ALL the subject of racism but the media brings one type up and ignores the other

I don't feel like I am. Right now where I live almost everyone is white.

Where I used to live that wasn't the case.  Never had any problems except one time when my daughter was a crossing guard a black mom yelled at her that she couldn't tell her son to follow her instructions. She was telling him to walk on the sidewalk and NOT in the street. I thought it was pretty inappropriate for a mom to do that to a kid.


the next day that same kid was hit by a car.  I don't think she was racist so much as she was stupid.  He broke his arm.

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1 minute ago, Nadine said:

I don't feel like I am. Right now where I live almost everyone is white.

Where I used to live that wasn't the case.  Never had any problems except one time when my daughter was a crossing guard a black mom yelled at her that she couldn't tell her son to follow her instructions. She was telling him to walk on the sidewalk and NOT in the street. I thought it was pretty inappropriate for a mom to do that to a kid.


the next day that same kid was hit by a car.  I don't think she was racist so much as she was stupid.  He broke his arm.

That my friends is Karma. 

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52 minutes ago, strt182 said:

But he was Quoting somebody. If he changed what was said then its not a quote. 


I know a lot of people who take more offense being called (female dog) then the n-word. 


As has been stated before, no matter what colour you are, people know that word is better left off everyone's lips due to the offence it causes. Quoting a story or not, that word is probably the ultimate taboo in modern society.


I would be amazed if people of colour would rather be called the n-word than a female dog. 

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23 minutes ago, RockThatBlue said:

If he really lost his job for that, that is ridiculous IMO. Should he have said it? Obviously not, but context is important.


The Colts put out a statement that they have zero tolerance for this no matter what the context. 

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3 hours ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


Apples & oranges. People have the choice to see those movies or read those books. The person that was offended by Lamey's comments worked with him on a daily basis, & shouldn't have to encounter hearing racial slurs in a professional environment, regardless of context. If I said that at my job right now 12:41pm MT, I'd be fired by the 1:30pm. It really isn't that difficult, nor is it some deep philosophical concept, it's common sense.


It was not apples & oranges to the post I was responding to.  However, for some reason you decided to take that context out of your response.  Also, no one is arguing that it was not a very inappropriate comment by Lamey.

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6 minutes ago, deedub75 said:


The Colts put out a statement that they have zero tolerance for this no matter what the context. 

Why is that?  Fear of litigation.  If someone who worked under or with Lamey were to bring a discrimination suit, and Lamey were on record with, depending upon how you read it, a racial joke, you would be screwed.  If the Colts had knowledge of it going on in the workplace and did nothing, they would be even more screwed.

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4 minutes ago, #12. said:

Why is that?  Fear of litigation.  If someone who worked under or with Lamey were to bring a discrimination suit, and Lamey were on record with, depending upon how you read it, a racial joke, you would be screwed.  If the Colts had knowledge of it going on in the workplace and did nothing, they would be even more screwed.


You’d have to ask Irsay that one. It may be in their contracts. If I did the same thing at my job and someone heard it and reported it I would at the very least be suspended and possibly fired. 

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I'm disappointed in Bob Lamey.  I can't believe he thought it was okay to repeat that word to a black co-worker even if he was just telling a story.  It's was a stupid thing to do at work and very insensitive even if he lacked malicious intent, which I believe he did. 


As far as the Colts organization, they should have just been upfront at the beginning.  It looks like they were trying to avoid this coming to light.  That now opens up the Horseshoe for criticism.  Had they just explained what happened they would have been perceived as doing the right thing even though it was a painful decision for all involved.  They should have known that there was no way this would stay a secret. 


As a person of color I'm very disappointed.  As a person with a Christian-based belief system...I personally choose to forgive Lamey.  He made a stupid decision to repeat that word.  Now he has to deal with the repercussions.   He was still a very good announcer in my  opinion and will be missed by me as a Colts fan. 

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The bottom line is that this is unacceptable. No one has immunity from saying something racist, whether the intent is there or not. You will get crucified in this day and age. So don't say anything you may regret later, whether you are a public figure, or just an everyday person like one of us on the forum. It will affect you and follow you for a long time.


I have nothing else to say on this matter. It's unfortunate it ended this way for Lamey.

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16 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

The bottom line is that this is unacceptable. No one has immunity from saying something racist, whether the intent is there or not. You will get crucified in this day and age. So don't say anything you may regret later, whether you are a public figure, or just an everyday person like one of us on the forum. It will affect you and follow you for a long time.


I have nothing else to say on this matter. It's unfortunate it ended this way for Lamey.


Unfortunate indeed.

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7 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


I think the person who looks worst in this....   is Doyle who comes across as a jerk. 


But maybe thats just me.....


Doyle always has a condescending tone. It can be good when someone is wrong and he's roasting them. You are right though, he comes across as a jerk here. I was originally happy that he was moving from CBSSports to the Indystar because I enjoyed his columns there, but now I wonder why he even writes for them now as he seems to hate the Colts and is very miserable with his job.

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As a long time Colts fan I’m disappointed in the team for the slight cover up, Lamey for the messed up joke, and a lot of posters on here trying to rationalize and give him a pass...  Not too shocking coming from the state of Indiana but still...  


But help me understand something here to maybe help clarify things?  The gist or punchline of the joke was that blacks hold back or don’t give their all?  Or is there a different meaning?  If that was the point then how in the hell is it funny and why would he repeat telling that lame joke?  Please help me understand so I can see why a lot of you guys want to give him a pass?  What am I missing from this incident?

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4 minutes ago, Smoke317 said:

As a long time Colts fan I’m disappointed in the team for the slight cover up, Lamey for the messed up joke, and a lot of posters on here trying to rationalize and give him a pass...  Not too shocking coming from the state of Indiana but still...  


But help me understand something here to maybe help clarify things?  The gist or punchline of the joke was that blacks hold back or don’t give their all?  Or is there a different meaning?  If that was the point then how in the hell is it funny and why would he repeat telling that lame joke?  Please help me understand so I can see why a lot of you guys want to give him a pass?  What am I missing from this incident?

I did not hear what the joke was personally, I just heard he used the n-word in a joke. I don't know the context of the joke. Maybe a black person was being lazy that day on the job and Lamey was hazing him with the joke, I have no idea. The only reason I'm giving him somewhat of a pass is because he's 80. If he was a 30 year old up and comer, I would tear him up for it. He isn't though. 


He probably should of thought about his actions, but his brain doesn't always operate with the times, and think like the average younger person does. I also had sympathized with my grandparents who were taught the wrong way when they were younger, and have a hard time understanding why people are so "crazy" to them and think the way they do, and I relate it to Lamey. I may be wrong, but I don't believe he is racist at all.

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14 minutes ago, Smoke317 said:

As a long time Colts fan I’m disappointed in the team for the slight cover up, Lamey for the messed up joke, and a lot of posters on here trying to rationalize and give him a pass...  Not too shocking coming from the state of Indiana but still...  


But help me understand something here to maybe help clarify things?  The gist or punchline of the joke was that blacks hold back or don’t give their all?  Or is there a different meaning?  If that was the point then how in the hell is it funny and why would he repeat telling that lame joke?  Please help me understand so I can see why a lot of you guys want to give him a pass?  What am I missing from this incident?

I don't think it was a joke.   It was a quote from a member of an IRL racing team member.   

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22 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

I don't think it was a joke.   It was a quote from a member of an IRL racing team member.   


He's asking what does "holding back one's speed" mean. I actually had the same question. I am not familiar with the language of car racing. In the article he is quoted as saying:


Do you think anyone's holding back their speed at IMS during quals? Do you think anyone's holding back?  


^^What does that mean?


He continues:

And that person had replied 'there aren't any 'blank' in this race."




Now that I have read this more, it does not seem as innocuous as I originally believed, but I still don't think someone should lose a job over it. JMO

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18 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

It doesn’t matter

Yes it does. Only in a warped echo chamber would it not matter. IOW, the sports world, academia, and social media.


What is happening is just another form of bullying.  Its amazing that a well respected person is being fired for telling a third hand story.


Irsay's a wimp.

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Just now, DougDew said:

Yes it does. Only in a warped echo chamber would it not matter. IOW, the sports world and social media.


What is happening is just another form of bullying.  Its amazing that a well respected person is being fired for telling a third hand story.


Irsay's a wimp.


 A teacher/mentor/parent still punishes a child for rude language if he is only repeating what someone has told him


  a Court/Jury still punishes a defendant if he/she did something based on A movie


Just now, RockThatBlue said:

They have to say something like that though, they would be killed for it if they didn't.

They had too say that because they used he “Seattle” story

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4 hours ago, NewEra said:

Being racist against whites is still racism....

Not really in today's world. I remember when I was in high school a kid was calling a white boy every racial slur he could think of for white people and the boy finally called him the n word bet you can guess who was suspended from school. 

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1 minute ago, DougDew said:



Firing Lamey for using a rude word would be akin to a parent kicking a child out of his house forever even though the child didn't even harbor the feelings himself.


That parent would be considered brainwashed blind soldier of fascism.

  Yes Suspension of play, grounding, and yes expulsion(if needed) often happens 


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1 hour ago, Smoke317 said:

As a long time Colts fan I’m disappointed in the team for the slight cover up, Lamey for the messed up joke, and a lot of posters on here trying to rationalize and give him a pass...  Not too shocking coming from the state of Indiana but still...  

The bolded is not very tolerant.


Why is the assumption that all posters on this site live in Indiana? 

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I did read in one of the articles ( i tried to find it again) and i think it was from WTHR with the ladies silhouette on it. And she is quoted saying that Bob immediately apologized to her.  


Kravitz is a joke can't decide himself if anybody or just white people should not say the word. One article says nobody should say it, on says nobody especially white people and another says its ok for people of color to say it. He also goes on to say that black people own the word. 


Wheres the EQUALITY. After all thats what we are all after right? 

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18 minutes ago, Colts_Fan12 said:

Not really in today's world. I remember when I was in high school a kid was calling a white boy every racial slur he could think of for white people and the boy finally called him the n word bet you can guess who was suspended from school. 

That was my point. The hypocrisy is disgusting. This is one of those triggering conversations for me lol. 

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5 minutes ago, NewEra said:

That was my point. The hypocrisy is disgusting. This is one of those triggering conversations for me lol. 

Totally agree I'm the same way I usually stay out of this stuff cause i just end up mad cause it's not fair all the way around 

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