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Nate Burelson has Colts at 10-6


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    When you look at the schedule, you realize how difficult it is to predict how tough an opponent will be, let alone how good the Colts will be, come the fall.

     I see games he has us winning as possible losses and games he has us losing as possible wins.

     I don’t think 10-6 is unreasonable if Luck is playing well, the Oline is dominate and the defense improves. All signs are pointing up.

   Like to get your thoughts (scroll down to the NFL network video).





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19 minutes ago, coltsfeva said:

    When you look at the schedule, you realize how difficult it is to predict how tough an opponent will be, let alone how good the Colts will be, come the fall.

     I see games he has us winning as possible losses and games he has us losing as possible wins.

   Like to get your thoughts 




Always tough to predict these but there has been a generally good feeling about the Colts when people have looked at our schedule which does not translate to the "Power Rankings" etc that you see everywhere that have us somewhere in the 30-32 range.


Obviously all depends on Luck's rust and how long it takes for him to be truly back to his best, but I have a good feeling about this year and perhaps a wild card spot.


Ps, might want to edit Title to "Nate Burleson".

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1 minute ago, DaveA1102 said:


Always tough to predict these but there has been a generally good feeling about the Colts when people have looked at our schedule which does not translate to the "Power Rankings" etc that you see everywhere that have us somewhere in the 30-32 range.


Obviously all depends on Luck's rust and how long it takes for him to be truly back to his best, but I have a good feeling about this year and perhaps a wild card spot.


Ps, might want to edit Title to "Nate Burleson".

    Well put. Yeah, I saw the typo and changed it, thanks.

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I'm not THAT optimistic, although I wouldn't rule it out either.  The fact is nobody, including Luck himself, has any idea how healthy or good he will be this year after missing all of last year and having surgery.  Seeing how well he did in 2016 WITH a bad shoulder, you would think if there is no pain that he would be even better, but we just don't know yet.  I think it will take some time for him to knock off some rust.  I expect him to look like Luck of 2016 at times, and like Luck of 2012 at other times, still learning the ropes.  I think if the opponents are going to get him though, this is the year to do it because I believe with a year under his belt he will be awfully tough to stop next season, and I expect the Colts to make a major move in the playoffs that year.

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1 hour ago, 1959Colts said:

Lets hear it for Nate Burleson 


Nice of him but I'm still not over his antics at the draft. Would be happy not to hear from him till the season starts. Way overloaded on Burleson right now.

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2 hours ago, coltsfeva said:

    When you look at the schedule, you realize how difficult it is to predict how tough an opponent will be, let alone how good the Colts will be, come the fall.

     I see games he has us winning as possible losses and games he has us losing as possible wins.

     I don’t think 10-6 is unreasonable if Luck is playing well, the Oline is dominate and the defense improves. All signs are pointing up.

   Like to get your thoughts (scroll down to the NFL network video).






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It all depends on Luck.  We've seen what he can do with a mediocre team around him.


Good Luck:  11-5

Bad Luck:  8-8

No Luck: 4-12


A Tough Luck that starts out rusty but regains his old form can definitely get us to 10-6 and the wildcard.


I think we would need Lady Luck herself and her sister Karma at our sides to win 12+, the division, and make a run in the playoffs.


:clover:  :coltshelmet:  :clover:

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 If Luck is playing well, the Oline is dominate and the defense improves.  Lot of ifs there.  I would be happy if we get 2 of the 3.


Not saying the Colts can't win 10 games, but every other team in the NFL is working to improve too.  Not sure our Oline will be dominant yet.  We don't know yet that the defense will actually be an improvement.


But we know Luck can toss a football!

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I’d love 10-6. If Luck is OG Luck right away, with little to no rust, then I see it happening. Big if though.


OT, but man I just see the Jags being SO overhyped. I feel like they’re gonna come back down to earth and finish like 7-9. Yes, the Defense is great. They still have a trash quarterback. Fournette is good, but like, he averaged less than 4 yards and barely hit 1000 yards win 250+ carries. That Defense will get them wins, but let’s see them win the division with the colts being having a healthy Luck, the Texans having a healthy watt and Watson, and the titans having competent coaching (that team was too talented on O to be doing running old school smash mouth offense). Thing just fell in place for the Jags.

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57 minutes ago, NorthernBlue said:

 Fournette is good, but like, he averaged less than 4 yards and barely hit 1000 yards win 250+ carries. 

his ypc are a result of defenses game planning just for him, and he still moved the chains 

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1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:

It's the summer....    fans go crazy in the summer....


For the latest example...   we have this thread....



  Just so you know, I’m not a big fan of GMFB (it gets kind of silly at times to a point I have to turn it off). 

   But I saw this and thought Colts fans might be interested. To those (like yourself) who think the thread is a waste of time, I thought I labeled it to avoid you having to read it.

   I take everybody’s projection with a grain of salt and that includes those who are projecting 6-10, 7-9, 8-8 etc. I mean, we don’t even know what the roster will be, come September. So who really knows? But at this time of year, it’s interesting to me to hear some misconceptions from the National Media.

    Take his point about losing to the Jags twice because they won’t let Andrew “throw it all over the place” ( completely discounting the Colts run game). 


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2 minutes ago, coltsfeva said:

  Just so you know, I’m not a big fan of GMFB (it gets kind of silly at times to a point I have to turn it off). 

   I take everybody’s projection with a grain of salt and that includes those who are projecting 6-10, 7-9, 8-8 etc. I mean, we don’t even know what the roster will be, come September. So who really knows?





I understand...   and to be clear, I wasn't targeting you with my comment...    it was others...   and this isn't the first overly optimistic thread we've had this off-season.


I think there are a number of posters who have unrealistic expectations...   and they've set themselves up for probable disappointment.    I hope not.   I'm not rooting for the Colts to have a crappy season.    But this stuff surfaces around this time of year when optimism tends to run high...


If we go 8-8 and Luck begins to look like his old self and the team looks better in December than they do in September then I'll be happy and optimistic about 2019.    I hope others will feel that way too...


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On 6/22/2018 at 3:06 PM, NewColtsFan said:




I understand...   and to be clear, I wasn't targeting you with my comment...    it was others...   and this isn't the first overly optimistic thread we've had this off-season.


I think there are a number of posters who have unrealistic expectations...   and they've set themselves up for probable disappointment.    I hope not.   I'm not rooting for the Colts to have a crappy season.    But this stuff surfaces around this time of year when optimism tends to run high...


If we go 8-8 and Luck begins to look like his old self and the team looks better in December than they do in September then I'll be happy and optimistic about 2019.    I hope others will feel that way too...


We have had many more Negative Threads about Luck and the Colts so I would think an Optimistic Thread would be refreshing would it not? IMO, I am not sure why anyone wouldn't think we couldn't go 9-7 if Luck plays and stays healthy + the Defense will be better, and one would think the New Coaching Staff would be refreshing to the team. I think our Division will be Good but nobody in our Division is all world. Jacks has a Great Defense but Bortles is real inconsistent and who knows about Houston? Watson and Watt both have had health issues, they lose Watson again it's curtains for them. Tennessee = mediocre, a .500 team as well. 


-FWIW we lost 6 games last season by 7 points or less so 9-7 and perhaps a Wildcard spot isn't even a bold/risky prediction if Luck plays all season. Predicting 11-5 and saying Division Champs would be bold. Of course we could go something like 5-11 or 6-10 if Luck cant stay healthy but most people that are being Optimistic think he will stay healthy and play Good at worse, Great at times.

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On 6/22/2018 at 7:51 AM, coltsfeva said:

    When you look at the schedule, you realize how difficult it is to predict how tough an opponent will be, let alone how good the Colts will be, come the fall.

     I see games he has us winning as possible losses and games he has us losing as possible wins.

     I don’t think 10-6 is unreasonable if Luck is playing well, the Oline is dominate and the defense improves. All signs are pointing up.

   Like to get your thoughts (scroll down to the NFL network video).





That very well could happen. My only concern is the pass rush maybe Basham can come on. 

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On 6/22/2018 at 2:52 PM, coltsfeva said:

  Just so you know, I’m not a big fan of GMFB (it gets kind of silly at times to a point I have to turn it off). 

   But I saw this and thought Colts fans might be interested. To those (like yourself) who think the thread is a waste of time, I thought I labeled it to avoid you having to read it.

   I take everybody’s projection with a grain of salt and that includes those who are projecting 6-10, 7-9, 8-8 etc. I mean, we don’t even know what the roster will be, come September. So who really knows? But at this time of year, it’s interesting to me to hear some misconceptions from the National Media.

    Take his point about losing to the Jags twice because they won’t let Andrew “throw it all over the place” ( completely discounting the Colts run game). 


The most truthful post in this thread because your right we don't know. We don't know other teams full roster yet either. As far as being disappointed so what it's part of being a sports fan it happens all the time no matter what. I mean only one team's fan base is celebrating at the end of the season anyway.

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I think all us Colts fans should have something to look forward too with Luck coming back.  Here's a guy who went 8-7 in 2016 with a pretty serious shoulder injury.  I am sure it'll take sometime for him to get back to his normal self, but I am confident he will.  With a healthy Luck I can see the Colts going anywhere from 9-7 to 12-4.  I understand there are question marks at multiple positions, but with a new coach, Luck back, a better o-line (hopefully) and flying under the radar (kind of like 2012), I can see the Colts making some noise. 

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On 6/22/2018 at 11:17 AM, Lucky Colts Fan said:

It all depends on Luck.  We've seen what he can do with a mediocre team around him.


Good Luck:  11-5

Bad Luck:  8-8

No Luck: 4-12


A Tough Luck that starts out rusty but regains his old form can definitely get us to 10-6 and the wildcard.


I think we would need Lady Luck herself and her sister Karma at our sides to win 12+, the division, and make a run in the playoffs.


:clover:  :coltshelmet:  :clover:

We've seen a "Bad Luck"? lol

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On 6/22/2018 at 9:51 AM, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Heath Evans and Elliott Harrison must love Nate about now, they are probably so angry right now haha. They are probably like NO NO, we need to do our annual Colts picks so we can have them at 4-12 this season :funny::banana:

It would be nice to see Heath Evans be dumbfounded by a 10-6 record wouldn't it? If by some miracle we beat the Pats this season with a field goal, I think he'd blow a gasket or a have a stroke.

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On 6/22/2018 at 12:12 PM, NorthernBlue said:

I’d love 10-6. If Luck is OG Luck right away, with little to no rust, then I see it happening. Big if though.


OT, but man I just see the Jags being SO overhyped. I feel like they’re gonna come back down to earth and finish like 7-9. Yes, the Defense is great. They still have a trash quarterback. Fournette is good, but like, he averaged less than 4 yards and barely hit 1000 yards win 250+ carries. That Defense will get them wins, but let’s see them win the division with the colts being having a healthy Luck, the Texans having a healthy watt and Watson, and the titans having competent coaching (that team was too talented on O to be doing running old school smash mouth offense). Thing just fell in place for the Jags.

I agree with a vast majority of your post NB. I'm not really sold on Bortles as a legitimate QB that I fear either. Exactly, the Jags D is top notch & their secondary is nothing to dismiss or take for granted either. I just don't think Blake can get them consistently in the playoffs moving forward. I respect Tom Coughlin obviously. But, like you said next to Luck & Watson...Bortles doesn't exactly make me dread him with the ball in his hands with 45 seconds left in regulation. Just keeping it 100.

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On 6/22/2018 at 10:17 AM, Lucky Colts Fan said:

Good Luck:  11-5

Bad Luck:  8-8

No Luck: 4-12 

So, you're telling me without Luck we're toast & the season is basically over. Amen to that reality that I'd prefer not to repeat ever again LCF.


Reminds me of an old Hee Haw TV giggle...



"If It weren't for bad luck, I'd have no Luck at all."


Not all that funny I'd admit. Just a play on Andrew's last name I guess.


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7 hours ago, southwest1 said:

I agree with a vast majority of your post NB. I'm not really sold on Bortles as a legitimate QB that I fear either. Exactly, the Jags D is top notch & their secondary is nothing to dismiss or take for granted either. I just don't think Blake can get them consistently in the playoffs moving forward. I respect Tom Coughlin obviously. But, like you said next to Luck & Watson...Bortles doesn't exactly make me dread him with the ball in his hands with 45 seconds left in regulation. Just keeping it 100.

Exactly. In the NFL, the teams that consistently win are those with great QBs and the Jaguars have the worst QB in the division. 


They’ll be good, but their window to win is now (considering how much they overspend in FA), and they have to do it with an average (at best) QB.

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On 6/26/2018 at 6:10 AM, NorthernBlue said:

Exactly. In the NFL, the teams that consistently win are those with great QBs and the Jaguars have the worst QB in the division. 


They’ll be good, but their window to win is now (considering how much they overspend in FA), and they have to do it with an average (at best) QB.

Beautifully stated NB. When Bortles was given an extension, I was like for what? Substandard play? Blake isn't good enough to make a deep playoff run.

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I don't see the colts getting swept by the Jags this year. I think we win it at home


Cinc- W

@Wash - Loss

@Phi - loss

Houston - Win

@NE - Loss

@Jets - Win 

Buffalo - Loss

@Oak - Win

Jax - Win

TN - Win

MIA - Win

@Jax - Loss

@Hou- Win

Dal - Win

NYG - Win

@TN - Loss





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Although this is a very early prediction, but with a healthy Luck one reason why I think we can go 9-7 and be a Wildcard is because I think we start 2-0. Teams that start 2-0 make the Playoffs 75% of the time in NFL history:

Cincy = Win 1-0

atWashington = Win 2-0

atPhilly = Loss 2-1

Houston = Win 3-1

atNew England = Loss 3-2

atNY Jets = Win 4-2

Buffalo = Win 5-2

atOakland = Loss 5-3

Jax = Loss 5-4

Tennessee = Win 6-4

Miami = Win 7-4

atJacks = Loss 7-5

atHouston = Loss 7-6

Dallas = Loss 7-7 (everyone will panic in here after losing 3 in a row)

NY Giants = Win (Luck gets clutch in the final 2 games) 8-7

atTennessee = Win (this gets us the final Wildcard spot by sweeping the Titans) 9-7

-I have us going 3-3 in the Division. 

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8 minutes ago, CamMo said:

@2006Coltsbestever I am with you, but I would predict more of those losses coming in the first half of the season. Lots of rookies and a QB trying to get back into rhythm. 

9-7 but that game at Washington turned into an L. 2-0 to start the season just won’t happen haha

Washington will be favored in that game being at home but that is a 50/50 game to me. They were 7-9 last season, they now have Alex Smith at QB but he is up and down. If we don't start 2-0, we start 2-3 because I don't see us winning at Philly or at New England. if 2-3 happens, then the Dallas game later in the season needs to be win IMO. That or maybe we split with Jacks?

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