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Should we really keep McDaniels hires?


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11 hours ago, bap1331 said:

I mean it sounds so bad to just let them go but...the head coach should be able to hire their own staff. I'd rather the coach be comfortable with his environment then be put with people he probably doesnt want to be with. Plus what if they were sent as spys by Robert Kraft and Bellychick?


It's so late in the game most of the coaches have jobs now.  The new coach is going to have a tough enough time filling the positions that are still left unfilled.  


They might be let go after this year, but for this year they have a job and I think we need them.  

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12 hours ago, bap1331 said:

I mean it sounds so bad to just let them go but...the head coach should be able to hire their own staff. I'd rather the coach be comfortable with his environment then be put with people he probably doesnt want to be with. Plus what if they were sent as spys by Robert Kraft and Bellychick?


11 hours ago, RollerColt said:

It’s the right thing to do. We cut them off we are just like the franchise northeast. 

I've been struggling with this as well.  On one hand, they got stood up too.  On the other hand, if they were hand picked by our now sworn enemy, who's to say they are truly what we need at those spots. I'm also not impressed about the OL coach what soever. The other two seem on paper to be workable.


I'd approach it like this.  Hire the new head coach, let him meet and talk for a while with each of them.  If he thinks he can work with them and likes what they offer, you keep them. If not, you either fire them or move them to other positions. 


If you fire them, you send the bill to Josh McDaniel's via the court systems. Technically, he hired them, he should have to buy out their contracts.

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I think it’s the right thing to do. Like he said, these guys were already in the building breaking down film. Remember that Ballard said he wanted teachers. And the 3 guys we have I feel are great teachers.


I don’t think it will impact the HC that much. Notice that 2/3 of the coaches we hired are on defense. This leads me to believe we’re going to go with an offensive minded HC so all he’ll really care about is picking his OC and QB coach.

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This is very far from ideal situation. Those coaches are now in a similar situation Pagano was last year - lame duck coach that was not hired by the guy responsible for the staff. On the flip side we do have some responsibility to them since we've signed them to a contract and they've left jobs to be in Indy. Also at this point of the process, a lot of the prime candidates for coaches and especially for coordinators have been hired and are not available, thus it's likely we couldn't get anyone better than Eberflus for example. In a weird way I'm happier with him being the defensive coordinator than with any of the new candidates for head coach. 


This is a horrible situation. I see very few if any silver linings here. I don't even like the head coaching options that are being floated around right now. I hate what McDaniels did to us and our coaching search. Now our no. 2 to no. 6 options are taken off the table and we are scraping the bottom of the barrel. I don't think Reich even interviewed for any coaching job and DeFilippo interviewed only for the Bears job. Campbell was never even in the conversation for any job. 


I'm kind of getting depressed looking at the pool we have to choose from. And this is a decision we should be making for the next 5+ years of the team. Arghhhh! I hate everything about it. I almost wish we appoint an interim coach and start the search all over next season... Almost! Because that would be another disaster of a decision to make. 


The only thing that's keeping me off the ledge is my trust in Ballard as a GM and decisionmaker for the Colts. 

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If they are all in...then we should be all in. We wouldn't have hired them if we didn't like the choices. I think Eberflus was a good candidate...and the way Ballard spoke of him I think he REALLY likes him. He was probably on Ballards short list anyways from the sound of it. It was clear he runs the type of defense Ballard wants to build. I'm not as concerned with the line coaches...they are important but I don't think they are as critical to what we are trying to put together. As long as personalities work (and there was no way to know before it would have) then that should be enough. There really aren't any scheme issues. It isn't ideal...but there is no going back...and let's be honest here. There is no grey area...just black and white when it comes to treating people with respect and dignity. We can buy out their contract at the end of the year if there was an issue...but we owe them and their families to do the right thing. Sometimes doing the right thing is hard...but that is why doing it is so rewarding in the end. I've never been more proud of the Colts franchise in the past week from the Jackson to handling the coaching situation....not since what we went through with Dungy and his family. It's why I root for us. If anything....maybe we were able to secure these guys early is a benefit...they may have gotten away if they hadn't committed. I'm 100% behind this team and who we have leading it....and a new coach should be too....and we will find that coach!

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Sean Mcvay just went to LA this past season to coach a team that had TEN straight losing seasons and got them into the playoffs, and some of you on here are worried about Frank Reich or any other canidate out there who would love to have this job? I'll say it again, we are much better off without mcsuckles

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In the presser, Ballard spoke very highly of the three coaches, especially of DC, Eberflus.  Ballard sounded very excited about Eberflus and the DL coach.  Assuming an offensive minded HC (Reich?) is hired, as long as he’s onboard with the defensive philosophy that Ballard and Eberflus are espousing, then of course you keep these Colts coach signings.

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8 minutes ago, stitches said:

This is a horrible situation. I see very few if any silver linings here. I don't even like the head coaching options that are being floated around right now. I hate what McDaniels did to us and our coaching search. Now our no. 2 to no. 6 options are taken off the table and we are scraping the bottom of the barrel. I don't think Reich even interviewed for any coaching job and DeFilippo interviewed only for the Bears job. Campbell was never even in the conversation for any job. 



I agree with your entire post but I only quote this part. Do you think that Wilks would have accepted the interview offer if McDaniels had not been the Colts' primary target. I thought he would have been a great hire. I also liked Shurmur. 


Vikes fans are hoping we can sign DeFillipo as OC. I think he is scheduled for an interview with the Vikes. 


Anyway, all the best with the coaching search.

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1 minute ago, NFLfan said:


I agree with your entire post but I only quote this part. Do you think that Wilks would have accepted the interview offer if McDaniels had not been the Colts' primary target. I thought he would have been a great hire. I also liked Shurmur. 


Vikes fans are hoping we can sign DeFillipo as OC. I think he is scheduled for an interview with the Vikes. 


Anyway, all the best with the coaching search.

I would assume he would have accepted the interview request if we weren't heavily leaning towards McDaniels already. I would have preferred Vrabel, Wilks, Shurmur ... to any of the names being floated around right now. Both Reich and Campbell just seems so... meh to me. I kind of prefer DeFilippo to be honest. Neither of them called plays, but DeFilippo is younger and the Eagles even seem to prefer to keep him by promoting him to OC. 


I don't know... I will wait for Ballard's decision I guess and will have to #TrustTheBinder... 

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13 minutes ago, stitches said:

This is very far from ideal situation. Those coaches are now in a similar situation Pagano was last year - lame duck coach that was not hired by the guy responsible for the staff. On the flip side we do have some responsibility to them since we've signed them to a contract and they've left jobs to be in Indy. Also at this point of the process, a lot of the prime candidates for coaches and especially for coordinators have been hired and are not available, thus it's likely we couldn't get anyone better than Eberflus for example. In a weird way I'm happier with him being the defensive coordinator than with any of the new candidates for head coach. 


This is a horrible situation. I see very few if any silver linings here. I don't even like the head coaching options that are being floated around right now. I hate what McDaniels did to us and our coaching search. Now our no. 2 to no. 6 options are taken off the table and we are scraping the bottom of the barrel. I don't think Reich even interviewed for any coaching job and DeFilippo interviewed only for the Bears job. Campbell was never even in the conversation for any job. 


I'm kind of getting depressed looking at the pool we have to choose from. And this is a decision we should be making for the next 5+ years of the team. Arghhhh! I hate everything about it. I almost wish we appoint an interim coach and start the search all over next season... Almost! Because that would be another disaster of a decision to make. 


The only thing that's keeping me off the ledge is my trust in Ballard as a GM and decisionmaker for the Colts. 

Step off the ledge my friend...sometimes in life things happen...but if you are worried I ask you watch the presser. Hearing how passionately Chris talked about finding the right guy...and not the first guy is exactly the reason we are going to be ok. I believe Chris speaks like a man that has faith...and faith that there was a reason it didn't work out...and that was to put the right man to work with beside him. God may not care if the Indianapolis Colts are successful or not...but I guarantee he cares about the people working for the Colts. It may be his will to put them through some hard times...maybe...or it might just be his will to say look...I'm saving you from some heartache...I want to bless you...and I'm going to put someone in your life that will allow me to do just that. So fear not...I just got all those other people out of the way so you don't stumble and pick one of those...and I am preparing a path for you forward. Now it could be either or...it could be Chris is about to get blessed or he is about to go through some tough times...but I believe in the power of positive thinking because until I'm told/shown otherwise...this situation is working out just as God would want it to. That's the thinking I would have if I'm Chris Ballard.

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1 hour ago, Defjamz26 said:

I think it’s the right thing to do. Like he said, these guys were already in the building breaking down film. Remember that Ballard said he wanted teachers. And the 3 guys we have I feel are great teachers.


I don’t think it will impact the HC that much. Notice that 2/3 of the coaches we hired are on defense. This leads me to believe we’re going to go with an offensive minded HC so all he’ll really care about is picking his OC and QB coach.

I agree there....the only thing I think it does is limit your coaching pool to the offensive side of the ball....but I think that choice was kinda made a long time ago. Andrew Luck needs help from a leadership standpoint on that side of the ball. Frank I think would be a great coach and mentor to Andrew. If that is the way we go I'm 100% behind it. That guy has lost SBs....brought a team back down like 30 pts in the playoffs, won a SB now as an underdog...he has experienced it all...played and coached now...he's been tried by fire. Everyone raves about him....so if he is the guy..I will be happy. One thing I don't believe I have to worry about with Frank is his leadership, class, and attitude. Those have been bragged about in the NFL circle....all things we questioned about Josh. We knew Josh could coach....at least offense...but there is more to the head gig then that....I think Frank can do both...and I would be excited to get him.

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14 minutes ago, Nadine said:

creative thinking

It's true.  Granted Irsay can afford it and wont do it. But a case could for sure be made that McDaniels is responsible.  I'd do it just to spite McDaniels.  Ideally, I'd make the court put it to where Josh himself must pay and not get reimbursed from the Patriots, or anyone else.

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9 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


I was actually responding to his title more than his content. But I see how that doesn’t flow well. I fixed it. :) 

Haha, okay. It was just the comment after that made perfect sense with what you were saying. Had a laugh about that because it’s something I would do, lol

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33 minutes ago, stitches said:

This is very far from ideal situation. Those coaches are now in a similar situation Pagano was last year - lame duck coach that was not hired by the guy responsible for the staff. On the flip side we do have some responsibility to them since we've signed them to a contract and they've left jobs to be in Indy. Also at this point of the process, a lot of the prime candidates for coaches and especially for coordinators have been hired and are not available, thus it's likely we couldn't get anyone better than Eberflus for example. In a weird way I'm happier with him being the defensive coordinator than with any of the new candidates for head coach. 


This is a horrible situation. I see very few if any silver linings here. I don't even like the head coaching options that are being floated around right now. I hate what McDaniels did to us and our coaching search. Now our no. 2 to no. 6 options are taken off the table and we are scraping the bottom of the barrel. I don't think Reich even interviewed for any coaching job and DeFilippo interviewed only for the Bears job. Campbell was never even in the conversation for any job. 


I'm kind of getting depressed looking at the pool we have to choose from. And this is a decision we should be making for the next 5+ years of the team. Arghhhh! I hate everything about it. I almost wish we appoint an interim coach and start the search all over next season... Almost! Because that would be another disaster of a decision to make. 


The only thing that's keeping me off the ledge is my trust in Ballard as a GM and decisionmaker for the Colts. 

Once Andrew Luck gets 100% it will be fine and he will IMO. Patience my friend. Frank Reich is going to get hired IMO and he will lead us. We will be ok.

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9 minutes ago, dgambill said:

I agree there....the only thing I think it does is limit your coaching pool to the offensive side of the ball....but I think that choice was kinda made a long time ago. Andrew Luck needs help from a leadership standpoint on that side of the ball. Frank I think would be a great coach and mentor to Andrew. If that is the way we go I'm 100% behind it. That guy has lost SBs....brought a team back down like 30 pts in the playoffs, won a SB now as an underdog...he has experienced it all...played and coached now...he's been tried by fire. Everyone raves about him....so if he is the guy..I will be happy. One thing I don't believe I have to worry about with Frank is his leadership, class, and attitude. Those have been bragged about in the NFL circle....all things we questioned about Josh. We knew Josh could coach....at least offense...but there is more to the head gig then that....I think Frank can do both...and I would be excited to get him.

My thoughts exactly friend. Plus I look at Sean McVay in LA. His DC is Wade Phillips. I’m sure he and Phillips don’t have any prior connection. McVay is an offensive guy. I think he just wanted someone good to handle the defense. That’s what I see Reich (who I think is the front runner) thinking. Getting his own OC (even though he’ll be calling plays) and QB coach and trusting someone else to run the defense. Most offensive guys don’t have a defensive preference anyways.

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Maybe we didn't watch the same presser? Ballard seemed happy to have them, he spoke pretty highly of them. He wants them here. he can put them in any position he wants,  if nothing else he can make them waterboys and they can learn his way. at least the colts are doing the right thing. we are nothing like the pats.  just imo


oh.. and pats suck!!

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1 hour ago, csmopar said:

It's true.  Granted Irsay can afford it and wont do it. But a case could for sure be made that McDaniels is responsible.  I'd do it just to spite McDaniels.  Ideally, I'd make the court put it to where Josh himself must pay and not get reimbursed from the Patriots, or anyone else.

It's a perma-grudge!

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9 hours ago, stitches said:

I'm kind of getting depressed looking at the pool we have to choose from. And this is a decision we should be making for the next 5+ years of the team. Arghhhh! I hate everything about it.


You sound so dejected. I have an idea. If the Ravens owner was considering firing John Harbaugh last month, perhaps he would be willing to trade Harbaugh for a draft pick. Harbaugh obviously has experience, he has won a SB, and he seems like a great guy. His brother was a Colt. He would be the best of all the new hires, including Gruden. I think he is among the top three best head coaches in the NFL. Would you be willing to part with a top draft pick for John Harbaugh? (Another plus: He too hates the Pats.)


I think Special Teams coaches are underrated. I like Keith Armstrong.




I don't like Leslie Frazier for head coach. If the Colts are looking for an experienced head coach, Mike Smith is available.

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23 hours ago, bap1331 said:

I mean it sounds so bad to just let them go but...the head coach should be able to hire their own staff. I'd rather the coach be comfortable with his environment then be put with people he probably doesnt want to be with. Plus what if they were sent as spys by Robert Kraft and Bellychick?


To hear Ballard tell it, Eberflus and Phair were his guys, not JM's. 


The OL coach is a JM guy, but Ballard said he can stay, which is understandable. 

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5 hours ago, Superman said:


To hear Ballard tell it, Eberflus and Phair were his guys, not JM's. 


The OL coach is a JM guy, but Ballard said he can stay, which is understandable. 

Do we think it's possible JM not liking how some of the positions were being filled impacted his decision? 

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7 minutes ago, stitches said:

Do we think it's possible JM not liking how some of the positions were being filled impacted his decision? 

that part of this whole thing is very messy.  i think it has to do with the fact we quasi-hired mcdaniels but had to wait for the super bowl to be over, in the mean-time, we have to hire coaches before they got swooped up by other teams or had to give them commitments because i'm sure the team THEY were with needed to know so they could do replacements....either way you look at it, having to wait for the super bowl to finish put us WAY behind the eight ball and to have a coach back out AFTER putting us way behind the eight ball makes it even more egregious that someone would go back on their word and make a mockery of the whole situation,,,,i think McDaniels actually likes all of this because that's the type of guy he is.....a real slimy, slithering, snake.  Ballard is the Mongoose however , and the Colts will have something for the Patriots come hell or high water moving forward.

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5 minutes ago, stitches said:

Do we think it's possible JM not liking how some of the positions were being filled impacted his decision? 


Maybe, but let's not try to legitimize his weasel-tude. If he didn't like his interactions with Ballard or Irsay or the way the staff was forming or the approach to the roster or the kind of air freshener in the office, whatever, he shouldn't have said he would take the job. I'm pretty sure Ballard moved forward with Eberflus and Phair with McDaniels full knowledge and approval.

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16 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Once Andrew Luck gets 100% it will be fine and he will IMO. Patience my friend. Frank Reich is going to get hired IMO and he will lead us. We will be ok.

Nah brethren.


Dan Campbell will get hired and lead this team to the promiselands.


Beliee that.

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1 hour ago, Superman said:


Maybe, but let's not try to legitimize his weasel-tude. If he didn't like his interactions with Ballard or Irsay or the way the staff was forming or the approach to the roster or the kind of air freshener in the office, whatever, he shouldn't have said he would take the job.


What's even more incredible is I heard it was McDaniels who was looking to become a head coach in the first place! In the end, he settled for being an OC! It might as well have been an episode of Seinfeld; only difference is no one's laughing.

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Mr. Irsay already gets slammed so much by the talking heads outside if Indy. Can't even imagine how bad it would be if he cut the throats of the new coaches. Other teams might get by with it and even praised for being all about building a winner. Jimmy doesn't have that luxury.

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