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McDaniels rejects Colts.


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Alright, I'm a firm believer in second chances & I got burned badly. I thought Josh learned lessons from Denver & he apparently learned nothing except how to screw the Colts over. I defended you Josh & then you pull stuff like this. You're dead to me now. 


If you wanna crucify me for giving McDaniels another shot at coaching & thinking he would be productive for us, fine I deserve that & can take the heat. I am so furious right now. I feel betrayed & any sympathy I had for Josh is forever evaporated. I can't say anymore without going over the line & facing a possible forum suspension. 


I appreciate Yehoodi's posts as well as his regrets over what happened to Colts Nation earlier today. I like your commentary on possible NFL remedies too/compensatory picks.  Thank you. 

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Between this and the horrible Andrew Luck situation it just feels like a dark period for this franchise right now. I have a bad feeling about the future for some reason.


I don't even know what coach we will be able to get that will be cool with the fact that he isn't even able to pick half of his staff...

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4 minutes ago, Bluefire4 said:

Between this and the horrible Andrew Luck situation it just feels like a dark period for this franchise right now. I have a bad feeling about the future for some reason.


I don't even know what coach we will be able to get that will be cool with the fact that he isn't even able to pick half of his staff...

Luck will be fine we got to find a coach!

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5 minutes ago, Bluefire4 said:

Between this and the horrible Andrew Luck situation it just feels like a dark period for this franchise right now. I have a bad feeling about the future for some reason.


I don't even know what coach we will be able to get that will be cool with the fact that he isn't even able to pick half of his staff...

The colts have only hired 3 coaches.

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Also I'm confused about Ballard's decision when he said the coach would be dedicated, work with the GM, and be the right fit to represent the organization... and then picks the guy who bails on us.


I guess McDaniels' personality came off a lot better in his interviews than previously reports suggested, and Ballard fell for it.

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5 hours ago, Yehoodi said:

Just heard this on the radio on WEEI.   Looks like Josh handed in his version of the BB napkin.  I am sorry for you guys, but you got plenty of time to get another coach in line. 


Wow, what a circus that last few days.  They stated that the Krafts sweetened the contract with Josh, perhaps Josh may be the next in line for the head coach. 



I'm still a raw over this stunt right now, but I do appreciate that you understand how blindsided we INDY fans feel at the moment. Much obliged Yehoodi. 

5 hours ago, Yehoodi said:

Perhaps the SB loss may have jarred something with the Krafts, who knows . . . i am in shock also . .

Believe it or not, that makes me feel better. That my initial stunned reaction wasn't just an anomaly here in INDY alone. 

5 hours ago, Yehoodi said:


I thought Vrabel signed with Tenn before you guys sent an offer to Josh.   But i kind of forget.  


It is not the best situation, I agree and sucks for you guys.  It tough when one wants a coach who is still active in the playoffs.  I wish the coaching hiring did not start till after the season. 


We do not know how Josh left it with the Colts FO, perhaps he let them know he would not make a final decision till after the SB.  Who knows.  


it really sucks if he made a verbal commitment then backed out, that is just not right. 

This is why I like you man. You're always objective & fair minded. 

4 hours ago, Yehoodi said:


i hear yah.  i like him as a OC, but not really a fan of him as a HC.  If he ends up being the HC down the road so be it.  He was not great in Denver and made a few shaky personal moves. 


i do not disagree with your point.  

It takes courage to admit that as a Massachusetts native. I like your honesty Yehoodi. Keep doing it please. You'll never get any backlash from me for that kind of candor. 

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2 minutes ago, Narcosys said:

And another reason why the Patriots are the least respected organization.


You know what's worse is this comes off the heels of seeing one of our Colts players killed. Now this McDaniels decision has become a huge unnecessary distraction from that event.

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Are you that dense?! Enough time to find another coach? Oh ya sure, we can get another coach but we missed out on getting a quality coach because they are all gone. From my perspective, this was the Patriots play all along, to leave us with nobody of worth and make us wait for as long as possible. To ensure we get nobody. Wouldn't put past your spiteful organization for this to be retaliation for deflategate. Journalists and other people, like myself, saw this was a possibility.



Edit: Which some articles are already claiming its possible retaliation now that I'm reading more about it



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I think when I drill down into why I'm a little disappointed is that I wanted to see Luck get to work with a great offensive mind in a QB-friendly system.  I was basically viewing him as our OC who happened to be the HC.  But was he REALLY going to work out as the HC?  Do we have anymore proof that he will be a great HC than we do that he won't?  Sure, he could end up being the next Belichick.  Of course he could also become the next Josh McDaniels.


So we won't get to see Luck in his system.  That's the only thing bugging me.  But we may very well find a better HC.

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Patriots are the scummiest team in all of sports...


I want revenge (in the only way that matters). Like "up 30 with 3 minutes to go in the 4th and still throwing long passes" revenge.  I want to see Sheard stomp all over that goony Patriots logo in Fauxboro (lol) after whooping them in the AFCCG.


Wouldn't hurt my feelings to see matching cold sores on Brady and McDingle's faces, either.


When BB and Brady retire, McDummy's career will be on a death timer. 

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What a coward! The reasons? Lucks health isn't a issue because thats the first thing you are asking as a head coach candidate! Irsay isn't a reason because thats the guy that stick to Grigson and Pagano for years although they were terrible at their jobs something you would like as a new head coach. And Irsay isn't new in the business. McDaniels knows him if working with him would be a probleme he probably never would have accepted an interview.


So was it revenge for deflate gate? Don't know. I think that McDaniels was played off by the Patriots and is as much a loser as the Colts in this case.  He is probably not that smart if a last minute offer from the Pats motivates him to ruin his reputation. I really feel bad for the assistant coaches that fall for this coward and already moved their families.

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4 minutes ago, AZColt11 said:

I think when I drill down into why I'm a little disappointed is that I wanted to see Luck get to work with a great offensive mind in a QB-friendly system.  I was basically viewing him as our OC who happened to be the HC.  But was he REALLY going to work out as the HC?  Do we have anymore proof that he will be a great HC than we do that he won't?  Sure, he could end up being the next Belichick.  Of course he could also become the next Josh McDaniels.


So we won't get to see Luck in his system.  That's the only thing bugging me.  But we may very well find a better HC.


Just curious but who do you think this loser candidate will be?  We are literally picking from the bottom of the barrel, among the leftovers that no other team wanted.  Whoever comes in will not only be a bottom feeding loser passed over by all other teams but will be coming in knowing that they weren't a first or even second choice.  They might even be saddled with coordinators that they had no say in picking.  So I am just curious who you think it could possibly be Toub, Reich, Caldwell, Del Rio who's your Colts third pick loser candidate?

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26 minutes ago, CR91 said:

What I don't understand is why he couldn't talk to us to atleast try to convince him to still come. I mean all this work. The weeks of planning. What was this to him a game?

You finally put your finger on what's been bothering me all night CR91. Josh isn't some 18 yr old star athlete being recruited by top football programs who changes his mind about what university he wants to attend prior to signing a letter of intent or defacto promise that he will go to a specific college & play ball for them. He's a full fledged adult now not a kid away from home for the 1st time in their life. 


Like OUM said in another thread, think about all those coordinators Josh hired who don't have jobs now? Their families still got eat & sleep somewhere right? Hard to do with no reliable source of income coming in. 


And then there's all that preparation down the drain: The contract, the press conference that never took place, the welcoming committee in INDY, the help in pinpointing the perfect house to raise the McDaniels Family in; & just the enormous letdown for the city--From Euphoria, bewilderment, disillusionment, disgust, & pure rage....


NCF is right on the money, we're getting something from the Patriots for this outlandish act. They're not walking away from this unscathed. They are delusional if they believe that nonsense about an officially signed contract. This is the real world not Mr. Rogers Land of Make Believe Foxboro fans. 


Josh is a full grown man & like many have said his professional reputation took a huge hit. Good luck finding owners outside of Kraft that will deem you a reliable head coach now. Okay, maybe the Bengals or the Bears down the line, but those franchises are notoriously cheap as hades & you won't win _________ in either Cincinnati or Chicago. Trust me.

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8 minutes ago, Andrew86 said:


Just curious but who do you think this loser candidate will be?  We are literally picking from the bottom of the barrel, among the leftovers that no other team wanted.  Whoever comes in will not only be a bottom feeding loser passed over by all other teams but will be coming in knowing that they weren't a first or even second choice.  They might even be saddled with coordinators that they had no say in picking.  So I am just curious who you think it could possibly be Toub, Reich, Caldwell, Del Rio who's your Colts third pick loser candidate?

Well, that's one way to look at it I guess.  But do we have anymore proof JMD will be a good HC anymore than any of these "losers"?  No we don't.  Not yet anyway.  In fact we have more proof that he won't than he will.  Great OC?  Sure.  Great HC?  Not a shred of proof.  And I hope this guy falls flat on his fat face.  What he did not only to the Colts, but the other guys he brought in who will no doubt feel awkward here now, is sickening.  I hope the next "loser" coach comes in a goes 11-5.

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1 hour ago, southwest1 said:

Alright, I'm a firm believer in second chances & I got burned badly. I thought Josh learned lessons from Denver & he apparently learned nothing except how to screw the Colts over. I defended you Josh & then you pull stuff like this. You're dead to me now. 


If you wanna crucify me for giving McDaniels another shot at coaching & thinking he would be productive for us, fine I deserve that & can take the heat.

I'm right there with you man. I think I'm so mad because I defended McDaniels vehemently and believed that with all of the work he put into improving for his next HC job, he would be a great hire. Dude can kick rocks..


I hope somehow we manage to straight up embarrass the Pats on their own home field this season.

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1 minute ago, AZColt11 said:

Well, that's one way to look at it I guess.  But do we have anymore proof JMD will be a good HC anymore than any of these "losers"?  No we don't.  Not yet anyway.  In fact we have more proof that he won't than he will.  Great OC?  Sure.  Great HC?  Not a shred of proof.  And I hope this guy falls flat on his fat face.  What he did not only to the Colts, but the other guys he brought in who will no doubt feel awkward here now, is sickening.  I hope the next "loser" coach comes in a goes 11-5.


You can hope that all you want and so do I but I think you and I both know that's not going to happen.  

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2 minutes ago, Shive said:

I'm right there with you man. I think I'm so mad because I defended McDaniels vehemently and believed that with all of the work he put into improving for his next HC job, he would be a great hire. Dude can kick rocks..


I hope somehow we manage to straight up embarrass the Pats on their own home field this season.

We're on the exact same wavelength my friend. I'm not gonna lie to ya man. At first, I was kind of embarrassed that I believed in Josh & then, I like wait, what the hades do I have to be sorry for? The man dubbed & conned me. I have nothing to be ashamed of. Then, I got steaming mad. Yep, go kick rocks Mcdaniels exactly. 


Uh huh. This rivalry just intensified literally overnight. 


Look, I understand people can change their minds about an important decision in their life, but there's a right way or wrong way to execute it publicly. A mature or amateur way for lack of a better word. I read ya Shive. Preach my brother!


I'm wrong a lot on the Forum, but when I am--I own it & I never ever run & hide. 

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19 minutes ago, Andrew86 said:


Just curious but who do you think this loser candidate will be?  We are literally picking from the bottom of the barrel, among the leftovers that no other team wanted.  Whoever comes in will not only be a bottom feeding loser passed over by all other teams but will be coming in knowing that they weren't a first or even second choice.  They might even be saddled with coordinators that they had no say in picking.  So I am just curious who you think it could possibly be Toub, Reich, Caldwell, Del Rio who's your Colts third pick loser candidate?


Really? The situation isn't nearly that bad. There are still potential coaches just as good as the ones that were taken ... were you really that psyched for Vrabel, Nagy, etc ... ? (I wasn't)  McDaniels was my first choice .. .with him off the table I feel like there are still plenty of choices I would prefer to Vrabel or Nagy.


I also believe that whoever they choose as head coach will be able to replace any of the coordinators that were already hired; Irsay will either eat the contract or give them other positions within the organization. 


This is definitely not a good situation, but it is not the end of the world.

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5 minutes ago, esmort said:


Really? The situation isn't nearly that bad. There are still potential coaches just as good as the ones that were taken ... were you really that psyched for Vrabel, Nagy, etc ... ? (I wasn't)  McDaniels was my first choice .. .with him off the table I feel like there are still plenty of choices I would prefer to Vrabel or Nagy.


I also believe that whoever they choose as head coach will be able to replace any of the coordinators that were already hired; Irsay will either eat the contract or give them other positions within the organization. 


This is definitely not a good situation, but it is not the end of the world.


Who do you think those potential coaches are, please give me a name I can feel even slightly optimistic about.  I can't think of any which is why I am upset, why I am disappointed.  All the most likely candidates simply make me want to give up on Colts football for a while.  

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The whole reason I was on board with hiring McDaniels was that I thought he has changed his ways, matured and become a better leader of men. The aftermath of this whole situation(backing out after you've given your word to the team, leaving coaches and coordinators out to hang, etc.) seems to suggest that the reports on McDaniels growth as a person and a leader have been very much premature exaggerated... hell, call it what it is - fake. 


Right now I'm * off not that he didn't take the job, since we might have dodged a bullet on this one, but that we missed on other good candidates while he was fooling us around and that whoever accepts the job he might be stuck with a DC that he didn't pick and coaches that he didn't pick. What a disaster of a situation.  :( 

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11 minutes ago, Andrew86 said:


Who do you think those potential coaches are, please give me a name I can feel even slightly optimistic about.  I can't think of any which is why I am upset, why I am disappointed.  All the most likely candidates simply make me want to give up on Colts football for a while.  


Many have been mentioned on here ... Reich, Toub, DeFilippo, etc ... who did you think that was better than one of these guys or others still available(both young and old) that we missed out on? 

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36 minutes ago, ReMeDy said:


I'm cool with that too, but did he have to wait until literally the very day before his press conference? Oh, and after just learning a Colts player got killed? I mean come on. There's bad timing and then there's really bad timing. It feels like something from a wrestling soap opera.


I'm assuming it was an 11th hour bid from the Pats. But yes, it is awful timing!


Don't get me wrong, these are my feelings but i completely understand the fan anger and anyone who hates him and the Patriots for this. 


Years ago i would have been on here absolutely livid but i try not to get too upset these days over things i can not control i have wasted a lot of my life stressing over things just like this.......

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