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3 minutes ago, azcolt said:

Seems obvious that he's not going to win B1G anytime soon. This is the perfect time for Irsay to nab him. He may wear out his welcome, but will add some much needed toughness in the meantime. And he already had a relationship with Andrew.

So knowing he would wear out his welcome you realize that would mean starting a whole new system and coaching staff in a couple of years?  Somehow I just don't think that would work. If Pagano is fired we need a head coach who will be here long enough to make a long term impact.

Harbaugh  would not be in control like he wants and IMO we don't need a power struggle in the front office. Also treating pro players like children just doesn't work.

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Harbaugh's contract with Michigan is through the 2021.  It's pretty much guaranteed money of $5 million per season. Michigan sweetened the deal last year, with a $4 million loan and $2 million every December that he stays that is linked to an insurance policy the school bought on his life.  The loans don't have to be repayed until he dies, and his beneficiaries get at least 150% of the premiums paid.


Would he make out better than that in the NFL? I doubt it.

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Why would we want a guy that's been the epitome of underwhelming . . . in the Big 10?


I'm sorry, but Harbaugh's offense is light-years behind what innovative teams like the Rams, Chiefs, Patriots, and Steelers are doing.


That is not what the Colts need.

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1 minute ago, zibby43 said:

Why would we want a guy that's been the epitome of underwhelming . . . in the Big 10?


I'm sorry, but Harbaugh's offense is light-years behind what innovative teams like the Rams, Chiefs, Patriots, and Steelers are doing.


That is not what the Colts need.

I agree.  Nothing to see here.  Move along.

Go Colts!

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If you didn't live through it, Indianapolis was NFL Siberia before Harbaugh.  Prior to the playoff run in '95, if a fan wore Colts gear, people thought there was something wrong with them.  Colts gear was popular on Halloween.

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1 hour ago, #12. said:

If you didn't live through it, Indianapolis was NFL Siberia before Harbaugh.  Prior to the playoff run in '95, if a fan wore Colts gear, people thought there was something wrong with them.  Colts gear was popular on Halloween.

Yeah before the Manning days, really only 1987 the first season Dickerson was here and the 95 run were the only Very Good to Great years we had. We were decent in 88 as well but missed the Playoffs. Never will forget Dickerson's Halloween game on Monday night vs Denver in 88.

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1 hour ago, #12. said:

If you didn't live through it, Indianapolis was NFL Siberia before Harbaugh.  Prior to the playoff run in '95, if a fan wore Colts gear, people thought there was something wrong with them.  Colts gear was popular on Halloween.

You ain't lying.


People who've only been fans since Peyton have no idea how much it sucked for years.


I got laughed at multiple times growing up for being an Indy fan.

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49 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Yeah before the Manning days, really only 1987 the first season Dickerson was here and the 95 run were the only Very Good to Great years we had. We were decent in 88 as well but missed the Playoffs. Never will forget Dickerson's Halloween game on Monday night vs Denver in 88.

I've got that game on tape, somewhere.  Don't have a tape player anymore, tho...

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7 minutes ago, DonnieDarko1023 said:

If Harbaugh would come back he would want full control of the front office and everything......since we have a brand new GM I doubt that would workout 

We don't know that to be fact that he would want full control. People keep saying that but in Indy it could be different? He did want it in SF but maybe he wouldn't now? If we made him the highest paid Coach or one of the highest paid he may be happy just Coaching.

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1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

We don't know that to be fact that he would want full control. People keep saying that but in Indy it could be different? He did want it in SF but maybe he wouldn't now? If we made him the highest paid Coach or one of the highest paid he may be happy just Coaching.


4 hours ago, Roger said:

Harbaugh's contract with Michigan is through the 2021.  It's pretty much guaranteed money of $5 million per season. Michigan sweetened the deal last year, with a $4 million loan and $2 million every December that he stays that is linked to an insurance policy the school bought on his life.  The loans don't have to be repayed until he dies, and his beneficiaries get at least 150% of the premiums paid.


Would he make out better than that in the NFL? I doubt it.

Sounds like Harbaugh is signed to Michigan till death. haha

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1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

We don't know that to be fact that he would want full control. People keep saying that but in Indy it could be different? He did want it in SF but maybe he wouldn't now? If we made him the highest paid Coach or one of the highest paid he may be happy just Coaching.

Even money can't change a zebra's stripes. haha

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27 minutes ago, Smoke317 said:

I’ll pass on crazy Jim. We needed Jim when Luck was a rookie. That ship has sailed and sunk like the Titanic. Give me McDaniels. 


I'll second that... I agree with some that a more abrasive head coach might be a good way to go, but Jim is an overcorrection in my view.. I can't see him being our long term answer at this point, especially considering that he might want to take over some GM duties.


McDaniels and the OC at KC are both intriguing to me. I have heard lots of good things about McDaniels as far as in-game adjustments are concerned, an area where we have suffered under Pagano.

Philly seems to have struck gold picking from the Andy Reid tree, despite the fact that Reid is known for limiting the in-game control of his coordinators. KC has done amazing things with their offense despite (imo) the average talent of players like Smith, Hunt, Hill... 


I'll take either of those guys over JH mostly based on the fact that his personality got him run out of town despite his obvious coaching prowess... That's scary to me. 

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8 hours ago, Shadow_Creek said:

For the thousand time we are not going to go after Harbaugh if he comes available or not end of discussion. Please drive safely while leaving this topic everyone:runforhills:

How can it be for the thousandth time if you only have 71 posts?


do I think Harbaugh will be the Colts next coach?  No.  Do I want Harbaugh as the Colts next coach?  Unless John is his first name probably not.  Do I think Irsay will explore all realistic options and that might include Harbaugh?  Yes.

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2 hours ago, Carlos Danger said:


I'll second that... I agree with some that a more abrasive head coach might be a good way to go, but Jim is an overcorrection in my view.. I can't see him being our long term answer at this point, especially considering that he might want to take over some GM duties.


McDaniels and the OC at KC are both intriguing to me. I have heard lots of good things about McDaniels as far as in-game adjustments are concerned, an area where we have suffered under Pagano.

Philly seems to have struck gold picking from the Andy Reid tree, despite the fact that Reid is known for limiting the in-game control of his coordinators. KC has done amazing things with their offense despite (imo) the average talent of players like Smith, Hunt, Hill... 


I'll take either of those guys over JH mostly based on the fact that his personality got him run out of town despite his obvious coaching prowess... That's scary to me. 

The average talent of Smith? Maybe. But the talent level of Hunt and Hill Is not average. Do you watch the Chiefs at all?

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8 hours ago, Carlos Danger said:


I'll second that... I agree with some that a more abrasive head coach might be a good way to go, but Jim is an overcorrection in my view.. I can't see him being our long term answer at this point, especially considering that he might want to take over some GM duties.


McDaniels and the OC at KC are both intriguing to me. I have heard lots of good things about McDaniels as far as in-game adjustments are concerned, an area where we have suffered under Pagano.

Philly seems to have struck gold picking from the Andy Reid tree, despite the fact that Reid is known for limiting the in-game control of his coordinators. KC has done amazing things with their offense despite (imo) the average talent of players like Smith, Hunt, Hill... 


I'll take either of those guys over JH mostly based on the fact that his personality got him run out of town despite his obvious coaching prowess... That's scary to me. 

Pretty much spot on. Let's get an offensive innovator who can work with our new GM. Oh wait..... who is going to make that call? Ballard! Harbaugh does not play well in anybody else's sandbox. Ballard isn't going to pick a guy like that. Harbaugh fits the college game perfectly. That's where he'll stay. He'll be in charge and we'll paid. And he'll straighten things out in Michigan eventually. In the meantime, the Colts can get a ready to go modern coach who can mold the talent Ballard brings them. And put in a scheme that will better protect Luck. Can't wait. 

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16 hours ago, Roger said:

Harbaugh's contract with Michigan is through the 2021.  It's pretty much guaranteed money of $5 million per season. Michigan sweetened the deal last year, with a $4 million loan and $2 million every December that he stays that is linked to an insurance policy the school bought on his life.  The loans don't have to be repayed until he dies, and his beneficiaries get at least 150% of the premiums paid.


Would he make out better than that in the NFL? I doubt it.

Why does a person making 5 million per year need a 4 million dollar loan?!

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I"m currently for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  That's about the value I place on Chuck (aka Uni-kitty)  and crew.  McDaniels would be a better choice, but Harbaugh would be acceptable as well....as long as Chuckie is gone, I'll accept whomever replaces him as a greater value.

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16 hours ago, Shadow_Creek said:

For the thousand time we are not going to go after Harbaugh if he comes available or not end of discussion. Please drive safely while leaving this topic everyone:runforhills:

Unless your last name is Irsay, you have no clue who the next coach will be. And the last time I checked, this franchise is a train wreck -- not a place likely to attract the very best candidates, at least until Luck's future is clear.

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59 minutes ago, Hoose said:

Pretty much spot on. Let's get an offensive innovator who can work with our new GM. Oh wait..... who is going to make that call? Ballard! Harbaugh does not play well in anybody else's sandbox. Ballard isn't going to pick a guy like that. Harbaugh fits the college game perfectly. That's where he'll stay. He'll be in charge and we'll paid. And he'll straighten things out in Michigan eventually. In the meantime, the Colts can get a ready to go modern coach who can mold the talent Ballard brings them. And put in a scheme that will better protect Luck. Can't wait. 

Offensive innovator?  You don't need a new HC to achieve that.  All you need is a new OC.  Throw in a new OL coach and you have addressed the remaining major issues with the team.  The defense is well on its way to being fixed compared to a year ago.   Let's face it.  Chuck's offense has been playing with both hands tied behind it's back.  No Luck, Rookie QB.  You're not going to win many games that way.  I'm hoping our players continue to improve and we finish strong.   What happens happens.  Hopefully we can all support our coach going forward no matter who it is. 

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