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15 minutes ago, OLD FAN MAN said:

why is there a noticeable lack of people wearing colts clothing? here in kokomo it is rare to see colts clothing on anyone

Before they drafted Manning  you saw more Bears crap around Indy than Colts.  I can remember my Dad taking me to games in the mid-80s and wondering where all the Colts stuff was outside.  

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24 minutes ago, OLD FAN MAN said:

why is there a noticeable lack of people wearing colts clothing? here in kokomo it is rare to see colts clothing on anyone


Losing certainly plays a huge part. However, I believe the media is purposely not properly reporting NFL lost ratings. I think we are getting a double dose in Indiana. 

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2 minutes ago, mahagga73 said:

Before they drafted Manning  you saw more Bears crap around Indy than Colts.  I can remember my Dad taking me to games in the mid-80s and wondering where all the Colts stuff was outside.  

That's because a lot of people here in Indy are Bears fans. They were Bears fans before the move. I have a few friends that are Bears fans but they were before the move. Most people chose the Bears here in Indy because we didn't have a team much like I am a Cubs fan because we have no Baseball team.

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7 minutes ago, mahagga73 said:

Before they drafted Manning  you saw more Bears crap around Indy than Colts.  I can remember my Dad taking me to games in the mid-80s and wondering where all the Colts stuff was outside.  


Yeah there were many Bears fans down here in Evansville too. However, we also had a large following of Dolphins fans here, due to Bob Griese being from Evansville. 


I had the magic age range where I only followed the Colts. First generation Indianapolis Colts fan.  :) 

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16 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

That's because a lot of people here in Indy are Bears fans. They were Bears fans before the move. I have a few friends that are Bears fans but they were before the move. Most people chose the Bears here in Indy because we didn't have a team much like I am a Cubs fan because we have no Baseball team.

Reds are only what 80,90 miles away ? 

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15 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


Yeah there were many Bears fans down here in Evansville too. However, we also had a large following of Dolphins fans here, due to Bob Griese being from Evansville. 


I had the magic age range where I only followed the Colts. First generation Indianapolis Colts fan.  :) 

I am a native Illinoisian that has been a lifelong Baltimore, Indy Colts fan because my Dad lived in Maryland . Been in Bears country my whole life hence why I can't really stand them . Huge White Sox fan but hate the Bears.  

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18 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


Losing certainly plays a huge part. However, I believe the media is purposely not properly reporting NFL lost ratings. I think we are getting a double dose in Indiana. 


Do you think it is because of their liberal slant towards the protests? I wondered why you implied that. Just asking. 


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20 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


Yeah there were many Bears fans down here in Evansville too. However, we also had a large following of Dolphins fans here, due to Bob Griese being from Evansville. 


I had the magic age range where I only followed the Colts. First generation Indianapolis Colts fan.  :) 

Dolphins had 2 or 3 players from Indy in the 80s , Marino years. Duper and Uhlenake? Remember going to those games and seeing way too many Dolphin fans . 

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Just now, mahagga73 said:

Dolphins had 2 or 3 players from Indy in the 80s , Marino years. Duper and Uhlenake? Remember going to those games and seeing way too many Dolphin fans . 


Oh yeah. The Dolphins fans filled the RCA (Hoosier) Dome back then. 

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4 minutes ago, mahagga73 said:

Reds are only what 80,90 miles away ? 

A lot of people are Reds fans here as well and growing up were Bengals fans. I chose the Cubs over Reds at a young age because they were always on WGN. Chicago Is pretty close to here as well. I never really got into the Bears or Bengals much. When the move happened I just went with Colts.

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10 minutes ago, mahagga73 said:

I am a native Illinoisian that has been a lifelong Baltimore, Indy Colts fan because my Dad lived in Maryland . Been in Bears country my whole life hence why I can't really stand them . Huge White Sox fan but hate the Bears.  

That's great to hear.

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30 minutes ago, chad72 said:


Do you think it is because of their liberal slant towards the protests? I wondered why you implied that. Just asking. 



Advertisers. Why would companies pay premiums for spots during games if the ratings are down.


Sure the newspaper or radio don't sell those spots...but the NFL being less popular is bad for everyone.

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2 hours ago, shastamasta said:


Advertisers. Why would companies pay premiums for spots during games if the ratings are down.


Sure the newspaper or radio don't sell those spots...but the NFL being less popular is bad for everyone.

That is why the owners are between a rock and a hard place. They are trying to protect their teams and rating and all the protest and negativity that has been going around here lately has hurt the viewership. The TV contracts pay the bills so losing advertising hurts all involved. The players who chose to kneel are hurting the sport more than making a statement.

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1 hour ago, crazycolt1 said:

That is why the owners are between a rock and a hard place. They are trying to protect their teams and rating and all the protest and negativity that has been going around here lately has hurt the viewership. The TV contracts pay the bills so losing advertising hurts all involved. The players who chose to kneel are hurting the sport more than making a statement.

i concur, i hate to see the nfl going down hill, hope the issue goes away before the nfl self destructs

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9 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

That is why the owners are between a rock and a hard place. They are trying to protect their teams and rating and all the protest and negativity that has been going around here lately has hurt the viewership. The TV contracts pay the bills so losing advertising hurts all involved. The players who chose to kneel are hurting the sport more than making a statement.

The ratings have very little to do with protests imo, and a lot to do with mediocre football.  The NBA is getting more popular all the time and the players and coaches have been outspoken about these issues and the president.  If you think for a millisecond that if the Colts weren't 7-1 that Lucas wouldn't be filled to the brim and everyone in front of their TV watching I have some beachfront property in Arizona to sell ya. 

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I haven't noticed more or less.  Maybe your seeing some confirmation bias?


If what your saying is true, I would bet it has to do with a bad season.  NFL didn't used to be as huge as it got to be.  


I saw some data a few  years ago talking about the average age of an NFL fan skewing older, meaning younger people were not becoming fans in the same number.  Speculation at the time was that it had to do with the price of going to the game.....that going to the games used to be a family affair. That changed as ticket prices increased


Still, a lot of people love watching the game on tv.  Perhaps though, if it's not entertaining, people tune out in favor of something else. 


That's the most obvious factor anyway. 

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16 hours ago, IinD said:

Speaking only for myself, I love seeing the occasional fellow Colts fan in nj.

Part of it is related to fan disgust with ongoing SJW actions during the national anthem.  People have burned gear from all franchises.  It's not just Colts.  NFL viewership is down.  People who won't watch the games won't wear NFL gear.

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3 hours ago, Nadine said:

I saw some data a few  years ago talking about the average age of an NFL fan skewing older, meaning younger people were not becoming fans in the same number.  Speculation at the time was that it had to do with the price of going to the game.....that going to the games used to be a family affair. That changed as ticket prices increased 


The average NFL fan is getting older. I have seen it with my own eyes, and completely understand why. The reasons are logical and make perfect sense. 


First and foremost, kids are not signing up to play youth football like they used to. Parents want their kids playing “perceived” (real or not) safer sports. I know parents who refuse to allow their kids to play football, and the main reason is CTE.


My sons youth football coach explained that youth football players are a dying breed. He has been coaching youth football for over 20 years, and has noticed the numbers decline every year. He told me he used to have 5 times the turnout that we see now, and he is with the top organization in my town. He said all the youth football leagues in our area are experiencing the same thing. 


This is not something that can be taken lightly, and will eventually lead to the NFL losing talent to other “safer” sports. Head trauma is a very serious issue for the NFL’s future, and we need technology, safety rules, and proper coaching techniques to eliminate it. 


Another huge issue the NFL faces is millennials TV viewing habits. They don’t watch TV like we used to. They rarely watch anything on live TV, and mostly stream and game. Kids are not watching football on Sundays like they did when I was a kid.


There are also political ramifications, but we don’t need to get into details about that. No matter what belief a person has, we can all agree that politics in the NFL has hurt the NFL. 


It’s not likely these kids will grow up and suddenly change their habits to coincide with football. The NFL has a future problem of prospective talent and ratings.


I believe we have seen the NFL peak, and I’m not sure how far it will decline, but we are witnessing the beginning of it. I think the decline will be gradual and take several years. At this time, I don’t see any way to prevent it. In my mind, it’s eminent. 

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3 hours ago, mahagga73 said:

The ratings have very little to do with protests imo, and a lot to do with mediocre football.  The NBA is getting more popular all the time and the players and coaches have been outspoken about these issues and the president.  If you think for a millisecond that if the Colts weren't 7-1 that Lucas wouldn't be filled to the brim and everyone in front of their TV watching I have some beachfront property in Arizona to sell ya. 

You are talking about locally.

According to Forbes and S.I. the NFL has lost huge viewership and fans over the kneeling and protest. I would send both links but I am unable to do that. It's easy to pull those links up if you make an effort.

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Just now, crazycolt1 said:

You are talking about locally.

According to Forbes and S.I. the NFL has lost huge viewership and fans over the kneeling and protest. I would sent both links but I am unable to do that. It's easy to pull those links up if you make an effort.


I know you did not address this to me, and I am not disagreeing, but please - let’s dont go there with politics. I want to have this conversation with everyone without breaking the rules.


We can have some great discussion about this without breaking the rules. No politics, please. I don’t want this thread locked. Thank you. :) 

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1 minute ago, BlueShoe said:


I know you did not address this to me, and I am not disagreeing, but please - let’s dont go there with politics. I want to have this conversation with everyone without breaking the rules.


We can have some great discussion about this without breaking the rules. No politics, please. I don’t want this thread locked. Thank you. :) 

  Peoples politics don't have anything to do with their boycotting the NFL. Peoples negativity at players disrespecting the flag look at as disrespecting America and politics have nothing to do with that.

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2 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

  Peoples politics don't have anything to do with their boycotting the NFL. Peoples negativity at players disrespecting the flag look at as disrespecting America and politics have nothing to do with that.


I am not disagreeing. As soon as this thread turns into a political discussion then it will get locked. You understand that. We can talk about a lot of things that have to do with why the NFL is popular or losing popularity, but we cannot include politics, especially with kneeling. It’s against the rules, and understandable. 

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