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Chris Ballard blew it


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If you are fortunate enough to be sought after by another employer, “101” theory says use this rare leverage to its max while being chased. Once you accept employment it is unlikely you will ever have such leverage again. In other words don’t accept the Colts GM job without making sure you have your basic expectations granted and at the top is your ability to hire your coach. If you fail to do this, Pagano, for example, is now your guy. You kept him, he did a crappy job of coaching up your new talent but it’s now on you, Chris Ballard. You blew it a year ago and you may never recover from that mistake.

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18 minutes ago, azcolt said:

If you are fortunate enough to be sought after by another employer, “101” theory says use this rare leverage to its max while being chased. Once you accept employment it is unlikely you will ever have such leverage again. In other words don’t accept the Colts GM job without making sure you have your basic expectations granted and at the top is your ability to hire your coach. If you fail to do this, Pagano, for example, is now your guy. You kept him, he did a crappy job of coaching up your new talent but it’s now on you, Chris Ballard. You blew it a year ago and you may never recover from that mistake.

Step away from the ledge AZ.

you are losing it.

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21 minutes ago, azcolt said:

If you are fortunate enough to be sought after by another employer, “101” theory says use this rare leverage to its max while being chased. Once you accept employment it is unlikely you will ever have such leverage again. In other words don’t accept the Colts GM job without making sure you have your basic expectations granted and at the top is your ability to hire your coach. If you fail to do this, Pagano, for example, is now your guy. You kept him, he did a crappy job of coaching up your new talent but it’s now on you, Chris Ballard. You blew it a year ago and you may never recover from that mistake.

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15 minutes ago, IndyD4U said:

It's reported that Irsay wanted Pagano to stay. It has also been reported that Ballard has names that he wants.


In due time. I hope

I think they were going to use this season as a reset and really see what they had with Pagano from the start. Now that it's all out in the open, there will most likely be a house cleaning at the end of the year, with a select few staying. We'll just have to see.

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Ballard blew it in the sense they should have had a backup QB plan that didn't include Tolzien during training camp , so that QB could have learned the offense better and faster.  Besides that , it's nearly impossible to judge his performance until  his coaches are in and he has a couple years to improve the roster.  

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3 minutes ago, 21isSuperman said:

I actually don't have a problem with Ballard's approach.  Give the current head coach (who the owner likes) a chance to prove himself.  If he doesn't cut it, you have the authority to fire him and bring in your own guy.

Uh, I think that ship has sailed.  Only thing makes sense is that they have a couple names they like as HC that were otherwise unavailable this season and they were hoping Pagano could hold it together , keep the fans into it , one more year . But he's completely lost the lockerroom , they are undisciplined , soft , and flat out quit this week. 

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35 minutes ago, azcolt said:

If you are fortunate enough to be sought after by another employer, “101” theory says use this rare leverage to its max while being chased. Once you accept employment it is unlikely you will ever have such leverage again. In other words don’t accept the Colts GM job without making sure you have your basic expectations granted and at the top is your ability to hire your coach. If you fail to do this, Pagano, for example, is now your guy. You kept him, he did a crappy job of coaching up your new talent but it’s now on you, Chris Ballard. You blew it a year ago and you may never recover from that mistake.

I fully agree with you and I also tell you why. It's so painful to see the Colts play this season while the clueless head coach is just standing on the sidelines and staring dumb. You know it's a very advanced stage of how angry I am. Sometime last season I just simply blamed Pagano for srewing up the team. Now I hate so much that he's still here that I have to find another one I can blame. Ballard is the obvious choise for keeping him around and for not firing after game 2, 3, 4... God, it's getting worse and worse. Yesterday I felt actual physical pain by watching this impotent performance. I sincerely pray to the Football Gods to help us to get rid of Pagano ASAP before he entirely ruins this team and the moreal of the franchise.

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I don’t think Ballard blew it.   It was understood upon his hiring that Pagano was Irsay’s coach for the upcoming year... and that Ballard & Irsay would spend this year evaluating the organization from the ground up.   Brilliant, actually, for it gives Ballard a free pass this year.  Failure is on the coaching staff.   Had Ballard brought in his own coaching staff and had the team fail like this, Ballard would already be on the hot seat.   Instead, this year’s failure simply serves to cement the idea that an entirely new coaching staff is needed.  Thus, basically Ballard has yet another year (next year) of a free pass, as the new coaching regime is given a honeymoon year.  Nope, Ballard has a sweet arrangement, methinks.


Now that being said, I think that after this past week, they should have seen enough and the HC, OC, & DC should now all be fired.

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38 minutes ago, azcolt said:

You blew it a year ago and you may never recover from that mistake.


What, exactly, did CB blow?  Winning a SB this year?  I know that's the goal every year, but if you're the GM, and you're looking at #s and %s (and this roster), you probably know the Colts were a VERY long shot to win the SB this year.  I held out hope until this week, but I'm an eternal optimist.


If Ballard wanted his own coaching staff and a top draft pick in every round in 2018, then he did the opposite of "blow it".  If I'm in Ballards' shoes, then I showed Irsay what his current staff is capable of, and now it's time to upgrade.

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1 minute ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


What, exactly, did CB blow?  Winning a SB this year?  I know that's the goal every year, but if you're the GM, and you're looking at #s and %s (and this roster), you probably know the Colts were a VERY long shot to win the SB this year.  I held out hope until this week, but I'm an eternal optimist.


If Ballard wanted his own coaching staff and a top draft pick in every round in 2018, then he did the opposite of "blow it".  If I'm in Ballards' shoes, then I showed Irsay what his current staff is capable of, and now it's time to upgrade.

agreed.  Its also obvious that Pagano has lost the locker room.  He's done now for sure. Question is when

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1 minute ago, rockywoj said:

I don’t think Ballard blew it.   It was understood upon his hiring that Pagano was Irsay’s coach for the ... and that this year would be Ballard & Irsay would spend the year evaluatin* the organization from the ground up.   Brilliant, actually, for it gives Zballard a free pass this year.  Failure is on the coaching staff.   Had Ballard brought in his own coaching staff and had the team fail like this, Ballard would already be on the hot seat.   Instead, this year’s failure simply serves to cement the idea that an entirely new coaching staff is needed.  Thus, basically Ballard has yet another year (next year) of a free pass, as the new coaching regime is given a honeymoon year.  Nope, Ballard has a sweet arrangement, methinks.

I see your point but I don't agree. Ballard shouldn't have a honeymoon year neither this year nor the next one.He's the GM, he has to take full responsibility right from the beginning. It's us the fans who have to suffer through all these painful games and we would deserve better, we would deserve to see a team that actually crawls and fights to make plays.

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Regardless of what you hear, have heard, or will not hear, The Colts organization knew 100% that Luck would not play this year. The actual shutting him down earlier wasn't done for tactical reasons of which there are a good many. Pagano was kept as you never would bring in a new staff knowing the QB wasn't going to play. It's MY personal belief that this season was fully calculated, where Ballard knowing this team would have zero percent chance to win games not just because of Luck not playing but an 50% or higher turnover rate with new players who didn't know system. Also, it bodes well in understanding that 25 new players would be well equipped to learn a whole new system next year after only experience one year of current system. I believe this is why a "Competent" back up QB was not sought after sooner. I think the Brissett move wasn't just desperation to give Colts a capable QB but more of an asset gain for the future knowing how QB starved this league usually is, even if this asset isn't used in 2018. 


Ballard is smart, a lot smarter than most would believe and he is calculated. This guy has known what he was doing all along and even though I'm not happy with this season, the future will be good. You can bank on it.



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13 minutes ago, Gyworks said:

I fully agree with you and I also tell you why. It's so painful to see the Colts play this season while the clueless head coach is just standing on the sidelines and staring dumb. You know it's a very advanced stage of how angry I am. Sometime last season I just simply blamed Pagano for srewing up the team. Now I hate so much that he's still here that I have to find another one I can blame. Ballard is the obvious choise for keeping him around and for not firing after game 2, 3, 4... God, it's getting worse and worse. Yesterday I felt actual physical pain by watching this impotent performance. I sincerely pray to the Football Gods to help us to get rid of Pagano ASAP before he entirely ruins this team and the moreal of the franchise.

Perhaps you've heard of a guy named Irsay???   Reports were, he liked Chuck.

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7 minutes ago, Gyworks said:

He's the GM, he has to take full responsibility right from the beginning. It's us the fans who have to suffer through all these painful games and we would deserve better, we would deserve to see a team that actually crawls and fights to make plays.


?  What are you saying?  It's possible the players and Colts employees suffer more than us fans.  What does "full responsibility" mean?  Should every GM that doesn't win the SB just resign every year?


Since NE doesn't technically have a GM (Belichick = HC/GM) that means every single GM in the NFL should have resigned after last year...


Does every fan of every NFL team deserve better?  Because the math does not compute.  Why do Colts fans "deserve" a SB more than any other fan-base?  Your high-horse, you need to get down off of it.

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27 minutes ago, mahagga73 said:

Uh, I think that ship has sailed.  Only thing makes sense is that they have a couple names they like as HC that were otherwise unavailable this season and they were hoping Pagano could hold it together , keep the fans into it , one more year . But he's completely lost the lockerroom , they are undisciplined , soft , and flat out quit this week. 

What ship has sailed?  It was largely reported that Ballard wants/wanted Dave Toub as his head coach, and Toub is still available.  However, it would be silly to make rash decisions without exploring all of your options first.  Give Pagano a shot just in case he manages to really turn things around and impress you.  If he does, then you have your head coach.  If he doesn't, you go out and get the guy you want, who is still available.  The guy Ballard reportedly wants is still available, so I don't understand what ship has sailed

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2 minutes ago, mahagga73 said:

Ballard blew it in the sense they should have had a backup QB plan that didn't include Tolzien during training camp , so that QB could have learned the offense better and faster.  Besides that , it's nearly impossible to judge his performance until  his coaches are in and he has a couple years to improve the roster.  

Yep...it has been my only criticism of his job so far. He has brought in a bunch of guys that are playing hard and honestly I feel are better than what we had last year even if the record doesn't show it. I do honestly believe that they knew Luck wouldn't be ready by Week 1....definitely knew he wasn't going to be in training camp. Thus you created competition at every position this year BUT QB. I know...maybe your trying to instill confidence in Tolzien...and even though I think he got the best backup he could in Brissett at the time...I do think there were guys we could have got in the offseason that could have served this team better then Tolzien...like Josh McKown, Brian Hoyer, Case Keenum, and Blaine Gabbert to name a few would have provided great competition and likely won the job from Tolzien. Anyways...everything else I think its to early to predict what will happen but I'm pretty satisfied with the job he has done. Not only will he need to nail the next offseason draft and free agency but he has a coaching search to do too....big pressure on the guy.

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8 minutes ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


?  What are you saying?  It's possible the players and Colts employees suffer more than us fans.  What does "full responsibility" mean?  Should every GM that doesn't win the SB just resign every year?


Since NE doesn't technically have a GM (Belichick = HC/GM) that means every single GM in the NFL should have resigned after last year...


Does every fan of every NFL team deserve better?  Because the math does not compute.  Why do Colts fans "deserve" a SB more than any other fan-base?  Your high-horse, you need to get down off of it.

I didn’t mention SB with a single word. But the fans of all teams deserve to see their team fight and try like mad to be competent. GM is responsible to not let Pagano to continue to ruin the team 

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Are these topics created just to incite insulting and argumentative comments? It's the only possible explanation for blantant premature criticizm of someone who clearly has a grasp on what "general manager" means  and what his 'job' is. He can't flip the bird to Irsay and just fire Pagano days after he's hired and say "get this guy" and hires a new head coach. What if the Colts had the same record with a new coach? Ballard looks like a [donkey], Irsay questions himself why he hired Ballard in the first place, Ballard loses reputation and possibly loses his job here. Not to mention a lot of people here would assemble and get their pitchforks and torches to #FireBallard or something. 




edit: and if someone could tell me/ guide me to how to put in gifs correctly, it would be much appreciated

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4 minutes ago, Gyworks said:

I didn’t mention SB with a single word. But the fans of all teams deserve to see their team fight and try like mad to be competent. GM is responsible to not let Pagano to continue to ruin the team 


Ok, but what do you mean by "responsible".  Should Ballard pay for this season with his job?  A cut in pay?


Responsibility has to be clearly defined.  What do you want?  An apology press-conference?

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7 minutes ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


Ok, but what do you mean by "responsible".  Should Ballard pay for this season with his job?  A cut in pay?


Responsibility has to be clearly defined.  What do you want?  An apology press-conference?

Oh, now I see what you are asking. By responsibility I mean that he is in charge and he has to something about it NOW 

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1 minute ago, Gyworks said:

Oh, now I see what you are asking. By responsibility I mean that he is in charge and he has to something about it NOW 


On one hand the situation of the team is bad (and I'm not only talking about the record), on the other hand shall we change just for the sake of change? Do we have better option at hand? 

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1 minute ago, HungarianColtsFan said:


On one hand the situation of the team is bad (and I'm not only talking about the record), on the other hand shall we change just for the sake of change? Do we have better option at hand? 


Game looks a lot better drinking Peyton Manning's beer of choice, Bud Light. Games are in fact a whole lot of fun that way

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Just now, Gyworks said:

Oh, now I see what you are asking. By responsibility I mean that he is in charge and he has to something about it NOW 


I see what you mean.  I was thinking of responsibility in terms of repercussions; you were thinking of responsibility in terms of making the next decision.


I halfway agree with you.  Pagano probably SHOULD be fired yesterday, but it might benefit the team in the long-run to let him stick around and (maybe) ensure a top-draft-pick.


4 minutes ago, HungarianColtsFan said:

On one hand the situation of the team is bad (and I'm not only talking about the record), on the other hand shall we change just for the sake of change? Do we have better option at hand? 


Exactly, it would behoove us to wait until the end of the season to make the necessary changes.  It would be premature to expect a new HC, OC, or DC to be available, much less be successful RIGHT NOW.

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3 minutes ago, HungarianColtsFan said:


On one hand the situation of the team is bad (and I'm not only talking about the record), on the other hand shall we change just for the sake of change? Do we have better option at hand? 

Hát nem tudom... én tegnap valós fizikai gyötrelmet éltem át, míg végignéztem a meccset és ezt a tehetetlen társaságot. Ennél bármi csak jobb lehet.

And also, just the change that we won't have to hear again the dumb excuses from Pagano after the games would already be a great relief

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2 minutes ago, Gyworks said:

Hát nem tudom... én tegnap valós fizikai gyötrelmet éltem át, míg végignéztem a meccset és ezt a tehetetlen társaságot. Ennél bármi csak jobb lehet.

And also, just the change that we won't have to hear again the dumb excuses from Pagano after the games would already be a great relief


Az a gyanúm, bárki lépne Pagano helyére a jelenlegi rezsimből ugyanezt látnánk...


LOL...Pagano's pressers are well...hmmm...I don't have the right word....

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51 minutes ago, Indeee said:

Regardless of what you hear, have heard, or will not hear, The Colts organization knew 100% that Luck would not play this year. The actual shutting him down earlier wasn't done for tactical reasons of which there are a good many. Pagano was kept as you never would bring in a new staff knowing the QB wasn't going to play. It's MY personal belief that this season was fully calculated, where Ballard knowing this team would have zero percent chance to win games not just because of Luck not playing but an 50% or higher turnover rate with new players who didn't know system. Also, it bodes well in understanding that 25 new players would be well equipped to learn a whole new system next year after only experience one year of current system. I believe this is why a "Competent" back up QB was not sought after sooner. I think the Brissett move wasn't just desperation to give Colts a capable QB but more of an asset gain for the future knowing how QB starved this league usually is, even if this asset isn't used in 2018. 


Ballard is smart, a lot smarter than most would believe and he is calculated. This guy has known what he was doing all along and even though I'm not happy with this season, the future will be good. You can bank on it.



I hope you don't gamble

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1 hour ago, azcolt said:

If you are fortunate enough to be sought after by another employer, “101” theory says use this rare leverage to its max while being chased. Once you accept employment it is unlikely you will ever have such leverage again. In other words don’t accept the Colts GM job without making sure you have your basic expectations granted and at the top is your ability to hire your coach. If you fail to do this, Pagano, for example, is now your guy. You kept him, he did a crappy job of coaching up your new talent but it’s now on you, Chris Ballard. You blew it a year ago and you may never recover from that mistake.


53 minutes ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:

What, exactly, did CB blow?


Sorry, I reread your OP, and I understand what you're saying.  My bad.


Ok, so you are saying that CB could have chosen a more favorable GM position with a different team last year.


I don't know.  At this point, I'm looking at the Colts situation compared to the other teams CB could have chosen... probably top-3 pick in every round of the draft, the most cap-space in the league, and oh yeah what could be the best QB in the league when healthy...


Could anyone starting out as a GM really ask for a better scenario?

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1 hour ago, azcolt said:

If you are fortunate enough to be sought after by another employer, “101” theory says use this rare leverage to its max while being chased. Once you accept employment it is unlikely you will ever have such leverage again. In other words don’t accept the Colts GM job without making sure you have your basic expectations granted and at the top is your ability to hire your coach. If you fail to do this, Pagano, for example, is now your guy. You kept him, he did a crappy job of coaching up your new talent but it’s now on you, Chris Ballard. You blew it a year ago and you may never recover from that mistake.

Or maybe, just maybe he saw an opportunity to get into the top 10 for next years draft, AND get a new head coach, AND then have a healthy Andrew Luck. I will reserve my judgement on Chris after next year's off season. That will be the most crucial off-season of his career. 

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21 minutes ago, Gyworks said:

Hát nem tudom... én tegnap valós fizikai gyötrelmet éltem át, míg végignéztem a meccset és ezt a tehetetlen társaságot. Ennél bármi csak jobb lehet.

And also, just the change that we won't have to hear again the dumb excuses from Pagano after the games would already be a great relief


Nem te vagy az egyetlen, aki ezt tapasztalja

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