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Grigson fired.


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3 hours ago, Gabriel Alexander Morillo said:

I don't understand your high and mighty take,  my man.   


You claim people don't know how to run a football team (which is obviously true)  but you don't either.  


Nothing is wrong with calling a coach a cancer.  Especially if they're such a polarizing character, like Chuck.  Don't get your panties in a knot just because the guy had cancer and is now unironicslly being referred to as a team cancer.  Half the fan base don't like Chuck and his problems while the other half does like him.  Opinion is divided.  


How does one earn being a fan of this team,  lol?  I think everyone on this site has bought merchandise that directly funds our beloved team.  As far as Irsay is concerned that's a loyal fan right there.  




I thought you had a heckuva good day yesterday.....    you made a number of good posts....


This isn't one of them.


You just tried to defend calling Chuck Pagano a cancer.


I don't care of the ENTIRE FANS BASE HATES CHUCK PAGANO.     Calling THAT MAN a cancer is an indictment of whoever said it,  and whoever supports it.


And I'm sorry to say, you defending it, puts you on the wrong side of the right/wrong spectrum.


All of the words in the English language and you can't come up with a better word than....... CANCER.


Even you were able to come up with POLARIZING FIGURE.       Is it really that hard?


Don't try and over-think things by trying to come up with a reason why using cancer,  and then mocking those who didn't like, is OK.       Because here's a free tip......     it's NEVER ok.



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3 hours ago, GoColts8818 said:

I think it goes to the 16-16 in the last two years.  Irsay saw a team that peaked by getting to the AFCCG and then had started regressing and has major holes to fill, especially on defense.  


I also think Irsay saw the success they had had which is why he said this was a hard decision but in the end the fact they have taken steps back the past couple of years won out IMO.


I don't mind Grigson losing his Job.      I'm not defending him.


All those stats are there because the poster I was responding to and tons of others just like him were saying that Grigson sucks at his job.       And he doesn't.       Just just wasn't good enough.


This is just like the Pep Hamilton rants here.      People said he sucked too.    Even thought the team stats and the Luck stats were good under him even with a bad OL and being stuck with Trent.      On and on people ranted about how Pepe sucked.       Now, it's Grigson sucks.


Pep didn't.     Grigson didn't.     Neither sucked.     Their record says they didn't suck.   


They simply weren't good enough and deserved to be fired.      I'm completely fine with Grigson losing his job.


I don't mind people being happy that Grigson is gone.    But I think it went over-the-top.      And when the owner notices it and says so publicly at his press conference,  I don't think that's a good look for the fan base.


And it isn't....




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35 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:




I thought you had a heckuva good day yesterday.....    you made a number of good posts....


This isn't one of them.


You just tried to defend calling Chuck Pagano a cancer.


I don't care of the ENTIRE FANS BASE HATES CHUCK PAGANO.     Calling THAT MAN a cancer is an indictment of whoever said it,  and whoever supports it.


And I'm sorry to say, you defending it, puts you on the wrong side of the right/wrong spectrum.


All of the words in the English language and you can't come up with a better word than....... CANCER.


Even you were able to come up with POLARIZING FIGURE.       Is it really that hard?


Don't try and over-think things by trying to come up with a reason why using cancer,  and then mocking those who didn't like, is OK.       Because here's a free tip......     it's NEVER ok.




Everyone is so sensitive about words.... Get over it

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2 hours ago, Tsarquise said:



You have only been a fan since the Luck era.      You come walk in telling a bunch of long time Colts fan that they suck.             With every post you talk as if you're omniscient.      Who do you think you are? 


If most of the fans who post on here are so beneath the great and mighty NewColtsFan,  why do you post here?      To  gain a false sense of superiority?


I agree with you; there are a lot of good, smart and knowledgeable posters on here, but, FWIW, I don't consider you among them. Most of your posts contain a condescending tone where you state your opinions as fact, and talk to people like they're *s. You also like to tell everyone that you worked in the media. 


Also,  why do you put so many spaces between sentences?           To make yourself stand out and feel special?


Hurl all the insults you want.


But this is an ignorant fan base.     And any objective reading of the posts and threads here would make any football fan feel sorry for this group.


By the way this is NOT the first time I've stated this.     I've criticized this fan base numerous times.    By the way,   I try to always add that there are a large number of very smart,  very sharp posters here who I learn from everyday.      I don't pretend I know everything.     There's tons I can and do learn right here.    But that's the thing,  I'm open to learning new information.    Many people here --- are not.


Irsay expressed his strong disappointment at what was being expressed here.     I think that's embarrassing for the fan base.


I tell people I worked in the media to explain to them how the media works.    Fans here mostly have no idea how the media works and they demonstrate it over and over and over again.      But there are always new fans who join this website everyday,  and a new fan doesn't know that I worked in the media.     So, I do that to explain to anyone who is new here.      Goes to credibility.


And I space out my sentences and paragraphs because I find it's easier for me to read and easier for posters here to read.     And the ONLY PEOPLE who complain about it are people like you who are complaining about me.      The vast majority of people here don't seem to have a problem with it.     I don't need to make myself feel special by HOW I write my posts.     It's WHAT I write,  and not HOW I write that either works for people, or it doesn't.       You are free to like me,  or not.     But feel free to check out how many likes I have.    Those that like me far outnumber people like you.


Good Luck.    


I'm always here whenever you want to insult me some more.




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5 hours ago, Majin Vegeta said:

Good post, but the bolded really says it all. You were surprised both times(like the majority) because they were bad picks. 

 I'm sticking with my opinion. 


True, so far, 1 bad pick (Werner truly did bust, and retired very early), but the jury is still debating on the other.  However, what if Björn Werner turned out to be the next Jared Allen or Justin Houston?  What if Dorsett goes on to become the next Reggie Wayne during his career?  Something along these lines must have been the vision of the Colts draft room when they submitted the picks to Goodell.  Nobody drafts busts or under performers on purpose to secure their legacy...  Thats why I give rookies their 3 year trial.  Yuo pretty much know a guy after 3 years, no matter what transpires over that time; IMO.



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5 minutes ago, Introspect said:


Everyone is so sensitive about words.... Get over it



It's not what you say but how you say it. Words do matter and people should be sensitive to them.


I haven't always been the most sensitive with words used but have been trying to be more mindful of the way I say things...not just about the Colts but any situation I discuss/write about. I will not claim to be perfect but admit to thinking that I, and people in general, can do better.


It's fair to criticize Pagano but it's also fair to be expected to do so without labeling him, of all people, a cancer. 

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30 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


True, so far, 1 bad pick (Werner truly did bust, and retired very early), but the jury is still debating on the other.  However, what if Björn Werner turned out to be the next Jared Allen or Justin Houston?  What if Dorsett goes on to become the next Reggie Wayne during his career?  Something along these lines must have been the vision of the Colts draft room when they submitted the picks to Goodell.  Nobody drafts busts or under performers on purpose to secure their legacy...  Thats why I give rookies their 3 year trial.  Yuo pretty much know a guy after 3 years, no matter what transpires over that time; IMO.



There was never a comparison to Allen or Houston though.. and I just disagree about Dorsett being a good pick. I dont think he was the BPA, and I also dont think he was what the colts needed. I'm just against taking skill positions in the 1st when there's soo many holes at way more important positions. *I tried to like your post but I'm all out.

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51 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


Hurl all the insults you want.


But this is an ignorant fan base.     And any objective reading of the posts and threads here would make any football fan feel sorry for this group.


By the way this is NOT the first time I've stated this.     I've criticized this fan base numerous times.    By the way,   I try to always add that there are a large number of very smart,  very sharp posters here who I learn from everyday.      I don't pretend I know everything.     There's tons I can and do learn right here.    But that's the thing,  I'm open to learning new information.    Many people here --- are not.



 Lolwut? An ignorant fan base? Out of the 32 teams, this one has an ignorant fan base? Do you spend as much time on the Bengals forum or the other 31 teams forums? Spend some months on the Bengals board and see how great that fanbase is.  And yes people are ecstatic Grigson is gone, and yes players got happy about it. Great move for the franchise.  But somehow this is bad? It's bad for the fan base? Again, lolwut? 

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2 minutes ago, Majin Vegeta said:

 Lolwut? An ignorant fan base? Out of the 32 teams, this one has an ignorant fan base? Do you spend as much time on the Bengals forum or the other 31 teams forums? Spend some months on the Bengals board and see how great that fanbase is.  And yes people are ecstatic Grigson is gone, and yes players got happy about it. Great move for the franchise.  But somehow this is bad? It's bad for the fan base? Again, lolwut? 


There aren't 31 other forums.     Not every website for every team has a fans message board section.


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7 minutes ago, Majin Vegeta said:

Is that all you have to say about my post


I didn't say it was bad for the fan base.


I said the fan base looks bad when the owner calls them out for their comments about Grigson.


And the owner was right.     Way too over the top. 


If fans here are happy -- great!     I'm all for that.     But saying that Grigson sucks is clearly false.     He just wasn't good enough.   I'm totally fine with Grigson getting fired.   He didn't do a good enough job.    And saying that Chuck Pagano is a cancer,  which one fan did,  and then defended it,  and then mocked those who were bothered by it,  is beyond terrible.


And that's what I stated in countless posts yesterday and today....


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9 minutes ago, Majin Vegeta said:

Is that all you have to say about my post


Fans here are incredibly uninformed.    And they rarely try to be informed.     They don't read NFL.com which is entirely free.    No premium content. 


They rarely read ESPN, which has a ton of free info.  and roughly $50 a year for premium content.


Fans here are rarely interested in info.    There far more interested in opinions no matter how ridiculous they are.


People here want to post their opinions...   read a few other opinions and be done with it....  


Those posters here who are informed,  and work hard to get more knowledge and learn new things are great.  They're what makes this website great.      The website is very well run.    The staff puts out a lot of information.   By the way,  most people seem to be unaware of the info on the website.     They rare seem to read the stories or view the videos.      I don't know why that is,  but it's been that way since I showed up here in May of 2012.


Very little has changed.....


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3 minutes ago, aaron11 said:

every team has a forum, who said they had to be part of an official web site?


That's what I've been talking about.....    Irsay approves of a forum for his fans despite the fact that fans here saw awful, terrible things about hm, his family,  and his franchise.


Not all owners do that....     that's part of the conversation I've been having here the past 24 hours....


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8 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


Fans here are incredibly uninformed.    And they rarely try to be informed.     They don't read NFL.com which is entirely free.    No premium content. 


They rarely read ESPN, which has a ton of free info.  and roughly $50 a year for premium content.


Fans here are rarely interested in info.    There far more interested in opinions no matter how ridiculous they are.


People here want to post their opinions...   read a few other opinions and be done with it....  


Those posters here who are informed,  and work hard to get more knowledge and learn new things are great.  They're what makes this website great.      The website is very well run.    The staff puts out a lot of information.   By the way,  most people seem to be unaware of the info on the website.     They rare seem to read the stories or view the videos.      I don't know why that is,  but it's been that way since I showed up here in May of 2012.


Very little has changed.....


It's a forum, it's purpose is for people to present opinions and discuss things. People can go to a news website to get news. Not everyone here is a former member of the media, a lawyer, a published author, etc... 

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26 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


I didn't say it was bad for the fan base.


I said the fan base looks bad when the owner calls them out for their comments about Grigson.


And the owner was right.     Way too over the top. 


If fans here are happy -- great!     I'm all for that.     But saying that Grigson sucks is clearly false.     He just wasn't good enough.   I'm totally fine with Grigson getting fired.   He didn't do a good enough job.    And saying that Chuck Pagano is a cancer,  which one fan did,  and then defended it,  and then mocked those who were bothered by it,  is beyond terrible.


And that's what I stated in countless posts yesterday and today....


Grigson did make some good picks, so I'll agree that he wasn't terrible, but not nearly good enough. His firing was a big step for the Colts that's why people are so happy.(imo) And I do also agree that the Pagano and cancer comments are classless.

But saying the Colts fan base is ignorant is too much. 

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46 minutes ago, corgi said:

It's a forum, it's purpose is for people to present opinions and discuss things. People can go to a news website to get news. Not everyone here is a former member of the media, a lawyer, a published author, etc... 


That's my point.


Most here don't.      And don't seem interested in doing so.


So when they come here to offer an opinion,  it is often an uninformed opinion.


You don't have to be a member of the media, or a lawyer or a published author here to be even a little informed.


There are a good number of very informed posters here....    and they're don't have some great super elite job.  


They just spend some time learning about the Colts,  their favorite team.     It's not hard...


But most here are just not interested in that....


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37 minutes ago, Majin Vegeta said:

Grigson did make some good picks, so I'll agree that he wasn't terrible, but not nearly good enough. His firing was a big step for the Colts that's why people are so happy.(imo) And I do also agree that the Pagano and cancer comments are classless.

But saying the Colts fan base is ignorant is too much. 


I'm glad we agree on the part I put into bold...


And if we disagree on other things....    OK....     I don't expect people to always agree with me,  especially when I'm saying something controversial and insulting people here.     I don't like doing that.    I take no joy or gain any happiness doing that.      


But I thought things got carried away yesterday.....   as I stated yesterday,  I don't like celebrating over a dead body....     

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2 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:




I thought you had a heckuva good day yesterday.....    you made a number of good posts....


This isn't one of them.


You just tried to defend calling Chuck Pagano a cancer.


I don't care of the ENTIRE FANS BASE HATES CHUCK PAGANO.     Calling THAT MAN a cancer is an indictment of whoever said it,  and whoever supports it.


And I'm sorry to say, you defending it, puts you on the wrong side of the right/wrong spectrum.


All of the words in the English language and you can't come up with a better word than....... CANCER.


Even you were able to come up with POLARIZING FIGURE.       Is it really that hard?


Don't try and over-think things by trying to come up with a reason why using cancer,  and then mocking those who didn't like, is OK.       Because here's a free tip......     it's NEVER ok.



"Even you were able to come up with polarizing figure.  Is it really that hard?" 


Maybe you have some type of problem going on but do you just not realize how condescending pretty much all your posts quoting others are?  


Calling for someone to be banned due to poor choice of words is pretty immature imo.  He didn't even "attack" Pagano 

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1 minute ago, NewColtsFan said:


I'm glad we agree on the part I put into bold...


And if we disagree on other things....    OK....     I don't expect people to always agree with me,  especially when I'm saying something controversial and insulting people here.     I don't like doing that.    I take no joy or gain any happiness doing that.      


But I thought things got carried away yesterday.....   as I stated yesterday,  I don't like celebrating over a dead body....     

Hey like I said, take a break from this forum, and go chill on other teams forums for awhile. I'm sure you'll find some ignorance in every single one.(And worse)


And well that's life bud, that happens everywhere not just here. The man made millions being bad at his job, get some thicker skin. 

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2 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


Hurl all the insults you want.


But this is an ignorant fan base.     And any objective reading of the posts and threads here would make any football fan feel sorry for this group.


By the way this is NOT the first time I've stated this.     I've criticized this fan base numerous times.    By the way,   I try to always add that there are a large number of very smart,  very sharp posters here who I learn from everyday.      I don't pretend I know everything.     There's tons I can and do learn right here.    But that's the thing,  I'm open to learning new information.    Many people here --- are not.


Irsay expressed his strong disappointment at what was being expressed here.     I think that's embarrassing for the fan base.


I tell people I worked in the media to explain to them how the media works.    Fans here mostly have no idea how the media works and they demonstrate it over and over and over again.      But there are always new fans who join this website everyday,  and a new fan doesn't know that I worked in the media.     So, I do that to explain to anyone who is new here.      Goes to credibility.


And I space out my sentences and paragraphs because I find it's easier for me to read and easier for posters here to read.     And the ONLY PEOPLE who complain about it are people like you who are complaining about me.      The vast majority of people here don't seem to have a problem with it.     I don't need to make myself feel special by HOW I write my posts.     It's WHAT I write,  and not HOW I write that either works for people, or it doesn't.       You are free to like me,  or not.     But feel free to check out how many likes I have.    Those that like me far outnumber people like you.


Good Luck.    


I'm always here whenever you want to insult me some more.




Mr. High-and-Mighty, although I have been going to this site since 2004, I don't post much on here, and when I do it's usually just in the game day threads; hence why I don't have many likes. The post you responded to got a lot more likes than your response to me, anyways. 


There is nothing special about WHAT you write. Temper your ego, my man. 


You are part of the ignorance that you have a problem with. 


And I'm hurling insults because you are hurling insults at our fanbase and the posters here. 


This is one of the best football forums I have been to. 


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56 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


That's my point.


Most here don't.      And don't seem interested in doing so.


So when they come here to offer an opinion,  it is often an uninformed opinion.


You don't have to be a member of the media, or a lawyer or a published author here to be even a little informed.


There are a good number of very informed posters here....    and they're don't have some great super elite job.  


They just spend some time learning about the Colts,  their favorite team.     It's not hard...


But most here are just not interested in that....


That's people in general though. Instead of reading they get their news from a drunken brother at a bar. 

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3 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


Hurl all the insults you want.


But this is an ignorant fan base.     And any objective reading of the posts and threads here would make any football fan feel sorry for this group.


By the way this is NOT the first time I've stated this.     I've criticized this fan base numerous times.    By the way,   I try to always add that there are a large number of very smart,  very sharp posters here who I learn from everyday.      I don't pretend I know everything.     There's tons I can and do learn right here.    But that's the thing,  I'm open to learning new information.    Many people here --- are not.


Irsay expressed his strong disappointment at what was being expressed here.     I think that's embarrassing for the fan base.


I tell people I worked in the media to explain to them how the media works.    Fans here mostly have no idea how the media works and they demonstrate it over and over and over again.      But there are always new fans who join this website everyday,  and a new fan doesn't know that I worked in the media.     So, I do that to explain to anyone who is new here.      Goes to credibility.


And I space out my sentences and paragraphs because I find it's easier for me to read and easier for posters here to read.     And the ONLY PEOPLE who complain about it are people like you who are complaining about me.      The vast majority of people here don't seem to have a problem with it.     I don't need to make myself feel special by HOW I write my posts.     It's WHAT I write,  and not HOW I write that either works for people, or it doesn't.       You are free to like me,  or not.     But feel free to check out how many likes I have.    Those that like me far outnumber people like you.


Good Luck.    


I'm always here whenever you want to insult me some more.




I think you take yourself just a little too seriously.


It's a forum, not your life.



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2 hours ago, Tsarquise said:


Mr. High-and-Mighty, although I have been going to this site since 2004, I don't post much on here, and when I do it's usually just in the game day threads; hence why I don't have many likes. The post you responded to got a lot more likes than your response to me, anyways. 


There is nothing special about WHAT you write. Temper your ego, my man. 


You are part of the ignorance that you have a problem with. 


And I'm hurling insults because you are hurling insults at our fanbase and the posters here. 


This is one of the best football forums I have been to. 




Do we give post of the month awards ? 

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On 1/21/2017 at 4:25 PM, Rally5 said:


#3 Bjorn Werner - As we swtiched to a 3-4 and dump a HOF 4-3 DE, we draft a 4-3 DE with our first pick, who has never dropped in coverage and showed absolutely zero ability to play OLB at any level.  


You early didn't watch any of werner at fsu.  He did drop into coverage there. Not much, but he did. He played all over the field. Yes, he lined up mostly as the LDE but I also saw him lineup at every LB spot.



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3 hours ago, Gabriel Alexander Morillo said:

"Even you were able to come up with polarizing figure.  Is it really that hard?" 


Maybe you have some type of problem going on but do you just not realize how condescending pretty much all your posts quoting others are?  


Calling for someone to be banned due to poor choice of words is pretty immature imo.  He didn't even "attack" Pagano 



You're defending cancer repeatedly and you're calling me condescending.


I simply noted without breaking a sweat you were able to come up with polarizing figure.      It's not hard.


But now you continue to do this......


Sorry,  but I'm not interested in debating this one.


You agree with the poster I've criticized.       That's your right.


It's my right not to keep this conversation going.       So,  I'm saying I'm bringing this conversation to an end.


I'm not debating this.      There are not words that are going to make you say "Oh, I see it now.   You're right, he shouldn't have done this."       I'm not changing your mind,  so we're done with this.....


We'll find agreement on other things another day.....


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3 hours ago, Tsarquise said:


Mr. High-and-Mighty, although I have been going to this site since 2004, I don't post much on here, and when I do it's usually just in the game day threads; hence why I don't have many likes. The post you responded to got a lot more likes than your response to me, anyways. 


There is nothing special about WHAT you write. Temper your ego, my man. 


You are part of the ignorance that you have a problem with. 


And I'm hurling insults because you are hurling insults at our fanbase and the posters here. 


This is one of the best football forums I have been to. 



It is a good football forum.    And I've said so since I joined up nearly 5 years ago.    I say so every year.


But it's not good because of people like you.


I hurled insults yesterday,  and guess what?    So did the owner of the franchise.   The man who owns this website.     Guess whose side I'd rather be on?


So,  keep the shots coming.....    I'll be happy to ignore them.



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Honestly I don't really care to do extra research on all these news sites to be allowed to please others. I post on here, read others takes, some are good and some are bad. I choose to ignore the bad and move on. Some people are smart and some people are not. That's okay. I'm okay with it.


Also, it's safe to assume that dumb** people reading things will likely still be dumb. They'll just form dumb opinions. They're probably better at plenty of things that I'm not.


**Note: When I say dumb people I mean football dumb, not overall dumb; though they're probably a decent number of those as well.

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6 minutes ago, AZColt11 said:

Well, no matter what, I think tonight showed just how far apart the Colts are from the Patriots.  I think the 2012 Colts were closer to these guys than the 2016 version, and that is damning.


Steelers played horrible ball on both sides.  KC would've been a much better match.  Zone defense against Brady is laughable

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6 minutes ago, Rynoace said:

Gruden and Peyton would be great, but it's a pipe dream.  Our owner is to meddling to ever land a great gm. Think about it, would you want to work for an owner who is always on twitter?  



Nothing wrong with using Twitter.  He was fooled by Grigson.  Just glad he woke up, swallowed his pride and axed the arrogant fool

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4 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


It is a good football forum.    And I've said so since I joined up nearly 5 years ago.    I say so every year.


But it's not good because of people like you.


I hurled insults yesterday,  and guess what?    So did the owner of the franchise.   The man who owns this website.     Guess whose side I'd rather be on?


So,  keep the shots coming.....    I'll be happy to ignore them.



The irony in you calling us an ignorant fan base is unvelievable. 


Youre one of the most ignorant, condescending, pompous, and u informed people on this website.

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1 hour ago, Bubbz said:

The irony in you calling us an ignorant fan base is unvelievable. 


Youre one of the most ignorant, condescending, pompous, and u informed people on this website.


Condescending and pompous are a matter of opinion, but he's hardly ignorant or uninformed.

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1 hour ago, Bubbz said:

The irony in you calling us an ignorant fan base is unvelievable. 


Youre one of the most ignorant, condescending, pompous, and u informed people on this website.


Thanks, Bubbz....


Nice to know you're a fan and I can count on you to have my back.


That means a lot!            :peek:

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    • Packers fans can tell me about Joe Barry that was their DC from 2021-23. They were always in the Top 12-15 range in terms of points per game as opposed to the Colts.   But the year 2021, the Colts were on par because we ran the ball well and possessed it well. Not so much in 2022, and 2023 was a bit of defensive regression for decent possession of the ball from Bradley’s unit.   Brandon Staley is another name but I’d prefer Jon Barry for his units to generate pressure. Otherwise we’d have to look at college like Packers getting the Boston College HC.   I’m a fan of Jim Leonhard that was a heck of a defensive coach / DC at Wisconsin, and is now a DB coach with Broncos. Dave Merritt, the Chiefs DB coach has done an outstanding job there and was interviewed for DC by 49ers.   My pick would be Jim Leonhard or Dave Merritt.    
    • You can’t keep winning only scoring one TD A game. I think they have gotten some what lucky with who they have played. Colds dline beat up so we will see.
    • What I meant is they are not going to come out and just throw 50 times. They are going to try and break your will and run out the clock. It’s  probably going to be a low scoring game. They have only scored 3 offensive TD. I am shocked they str 3-0. They don’t have many offensive weapons. Harris is not really a pass catching back who will break a long run. Now could that change. Off course. But their Oline id beat up. I was reading an article how they tried to open things up and Fields immediately got sacked. He they try to open things up till he revert back to Bears fields. 
    • I don’t know enough of the position coaches on other teams to say who is worthy of promotion. Best to keep an eye out on head coaches on the hot seat and their staffs. 
    • Sadly also changing my Colts pick.. 😞   Steelers 21 vs Colts 17
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