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Chuck Pagano will be made available to the media at 1:30 today.


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14 minutes ago, Shafty138 said:

Pagano has the same amount of NFL DC experience as Ted Monachino does as of today......  why does everyone think he's an accomplished Defensive Guru at the NFL level?  


Hey may not be.


But it's hard to know,  because he's had little talent to work with.    Grigson has spent all 5 years trying to get the offense right around Luck.     The defense has been left to get addressed.      There's just not that much talent on that side of the ball.       Would Belichick or Carroll do a better job with our talent.     Probably.     But that doesn't mean Pagano can't coach.     Try giving the man some talent and let's see what he can do.....


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2 minutes ago, Coltsman1788 said:

Pagano says beating Jacksonville proves team has "right guys, coaches and players."

— Gregg Doyel (@GreggDoyelStar) January 2, 2017



This is the man currently leading this franchise.  Can't even make this ish up.

hey, beating a team that has picked in the lottery 10 yrs in a row, with an interim coach,  is very impressive.

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12 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


He looked scared to be in a press conference.     But he did NOT look scared to make mistakes by playing it safe.


In fact the opposite.    He completely gutted the roster so he could rebuild.    That meant he knew there was a good chance the Colts would have a losing record his first year.     No way he told Irsay we could gut the roster and go 11-5 the first year.     Not a chance.     He'd have set him self up to fail right out of the gate if he had done that.


He signed a bunch of hard working no names and won.     That spoiled this fan base from jump street.


He made a great draft day trade to get Hilton.      He drafted not one, but two tight ends back to back 2nd and 3rd rounds.....     who does that if they're afraid of making a mistake.


Don't confuse flops sweat in a press conference for what happens behind the scenes doing his job.   Grigson had a tremendous first year.



He had a good first year but I still believe that blinded him to the faults the team had. His mindset went from rebuilding to a we're one player away mentality and that led to some bad decisions. 

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3 minutes ago, runthepost said:

How so? How many times in important games do we so up unprepared? Like the Texans game this year and last year. How many slow starts do we go through? We had one on Sunday, had another one last Sunday. How much wood do we need to chop so everyone can see he is not a good coach? 


We don't have much talent.     It's been our problem from Day One.


I've never said Pagano is a great coach.     I've said I'm doubt we'd win a Super Bowl with him.    But I think he's a good coach.     He gets his guys to play hard.     Most games,  really hard.     


But this isn't a talented roster.     It's never been.    It's Andrew Luck and an average to below average roster.   This fanbase got spoiled with 11-5 and advancing in the playoffs for 3 straight years.      So, 8-8 feels like losing.


We're building on the fly.     We're just beginning to get the offense right.     We're just now going to start building a defense.    In Year 6.      Chuck has never had much talent and yet we win.      He may not be a great coach,  but I think he's a good coach.     Personally,   I'd give him one more year and see what happens....


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 Irsay not going to make changes until the attendance starts dropping off dramatically? I believe that happens next season if changes are not made. People can only be patient for so long. We've been hearing about this "monster" thing for a long time now.

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Just now, Bluefire4 said:

Or they just have a really good defense with or without Watt and we have nobody on our defense that even compares to Clowney, Mercilus, Cushing, Demps, etc.

It's a good defense, but I didn't see a #1 type of defense......even with Watt.


and yes, I know the colts defense lacks talent.

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2 minutes ago, deedub75 said:


He had a good first year but I still believe that blinded him to the faults the team had. His mindset went from rebuilding to a we're one player away mentality and that led to some bad decisions. 


Maybe not one player away, but one offseason away... And I don't have a problem with him grabbing FAs in 2013, they had the cap space and wanted to plug holes. The problem I have -- in retrospect -- is with the poor draft. If the FAs don't work out, they fall away, like they did, but the draft prospects were supposed to be able to step in by 2014-15 and be major contributors. Not one of them played for us in 2016. That -- to me -- is Grigson's greatest failure.

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5 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


He looked scared to be in a press conference.     But he did NOT look scared to make mistakes by playing it safe.


In fact the opposite.    He completely gutted the roster so he could rebuild.    That meant he knew there was a good chance the Colts would have a losing record his first year.     No way he told Irsay we could gut the roster and go 11-5 the first year.     Not a chance.     He'd have set him self up to fail right out of the gate if he had done that.


He signed a bunch of hard working no names and won.     That spoiled this fan base from jump street.


He made a great draft day trade to get Hilton.      He drafted not one, but two tight ends back to back 2nd and 3rd rounds.....     who does that if they're afraid of making a mistake.


Don't confuse flops sweat in a press conference for what happens behind the scenes doing his job.   Grigson had a tremendous first year.


I call drafting two best TEs in the draft playing it safe. Instead of trusting your scouting to find talent later in the draft at a position where you can normally find value late or even indrafted you double down to make sure you get quality early. That's playing safe to me. he gutted the team because that's what he was brought in to do. That's not a risk that was a prerequisite of the job. He gave up a first rd pick to take the highest selected RB in the previous draft despite the warning signs because he he didn't trust the team to find help in free agency or find a back later in the draft. He took a guy that had a late draft plummet because it looked safe nobody would question taking a guy that had been projected to go around top 10 earlier but kept sliding not examine closely what the other teams were seeing and passing. To me he constitsntly played it safe bringing in guys to cap friendly deals in case they didn't work out...and constantly bringing ex eagle and raven guys early on. But he has made some better moves last couple years as he started to get more comfortable in his decision making. Bringing in Gore and Johnson showed he was willing to take a big swing...and being focused and holding to his plan of building the OL last offseason and trusting his draft process and not signing any big free agents meant to me he is growing. I think he is a vastly superior GM today then when he started. I just think he was cautious when building this team and not as confident in his skills and that slowed our progress. I'm not nearly as upset with him coming back as Pagano. I'll root for both and I'm not rooting for us to lose to get rid of them. I want them both to succeed but I've seen enough of Chuck to come to the conclusion I don't see him as a great football mind that will take this team to the next level...Ryan I think is growing and getting better. Just hope he sticks to his guns.

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18 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


The point is Pagao's answers are roughly the same as the answers that most coaches give.


You and others here don't know that because you don't watch the press conferences from other coaches.


What Chuck said is normal.     You don't like it because you want him fired.    Fine.


But what Chuck said is roughly what all 32 head coaches did in that situation.     There aren't a lot of other options.



All true...and when it's your press conference performance is being over analyzed, you're getting attention for the wrong reasons as a coach.  Usually means you're not winning.

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17 minutes ago, runthepost said:

Texans were missing the best player of the league and still made the playoffs. And had the worst starting quarterback. We would still go 8-8 even with a healthy D because the D can't get any worse 


I don't understand.  Are you saying that if we had HA, Langford, Geathers, Davis, etc. Healthy and playing, it wouldn't have made a difference?  Sorry that just doesn't make sense. 

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2 minutes ago, presto123 said:

 Irsay not going to make changes until the attendance starts dropping off dramatically? I believe that happens next season if changes are not made. People can only be patient for so long. We've been hearing about this "monster" thing for a long time now.

Attendance will be fine

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17 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


No one is happy at 8-8.     I'm not.


But I'm happy we didn't go 7-9.      A losing record sucks all off-season.     8-8 gives at least some hope for some optimism.     And I have it.       You may not.    Others here may not.   Heck, most people here may not.


But I remain optimistic.     If Houston can't solve their QB problem,  then we've got a shot to win this division.


But we need more talent.      Talent is everything.


After the 2nd Houston loss I was more on board of getting rid of Chuck and Grigs but I have kept my negativity at a minimum Posting wise because I don't think they suck nor do I think our team sucks. We are just not SB contenders as of now but a lot of that has to do with not having a Good Defense. If we can build a Good Defense over the next 2 seasons through Drafting and F. Agency, no matter the Coach we could be dangerous. We have the QB to be at least .500 at worse and the QB who is the best in the Division so I am still GHF for the most part. I just don't think it does any good to complain about Chuck or Grigs 24/7 when we are probably keeping both. I guess some people will have to live with it and if they don't, then I say go root for another team. Also 8-8 is much better than finishing 7-9 because 8-8 isn't a losing a season. At least to me it is. Am I happy with 8-8, - NO but there is room for improvement.

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18 minutes ago, Superman said:


That's a matter of perspective. To me, the only reason to keep them is if you think they really can be the guys, and in that case, a prove-it deal isn't appropriate. Irsay preaches continuity, not because he's afraid of making changes, but because he believes in it. He doesn't want his guys looking over their shoulders, wondering about their next contract, he wants them doing their jobs without fear of being fired the moment something goes wrong. So, from his perspective, committing to his guys was the right thing to do.


Where most of us take issue with his approach is that we're done with these guys, and he's not. Evidently... But from a management standpoint, I understand why he'd give them multi year contract extensions.

I agree that's is probably his view point but it's garbage like that that is killing this team. He is starting to remind me of Al Davis in reverse. Instead of no continuity there's a little too much continuity. The attaboy attitude and glass is half full attitude is exactly what you can't have in football. If you can't coach with the pressure of possibly not getting your contract renewed how on earth are you going to coach in the biggest stage of them all? He should have thrown them in the deep end. Sink or swim. If not for the organization's sake then for the kid who's body is being demolished week in and week out and whose career is looking like it will become a what could have been situation. All because of the poor hiring decisions you made at the beginning of his career and continue to make because continuity is so important to you. There is absolutely no accountability when we play like hot garbage but a crap ton of high fives and butt slaps when we manage a first down. Heck there's that when we dont. Continuity only works if what you have is worth continuing.    

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8 minutes ago, dgambill said:

I call drafting two best TEs in the draft playing it safe. Instead of trusting your scouting to find talent later in the draft at a position where you can normally find value late or even indrafted you double down to make sure you get quality early. That's playing safe to me. he gutted the team because that's what he was brought in to do. That's not a risk that was a prerequisite of the job. He gave up a first rd pick to take the highest selected RB in the previous draft despite the warning signs because he he didn't trust the team to find help in free agency or find a back later in the draft. He took a guy that had a late draft plummet because it looked safe nobody would question taking a guy that had been projected to go around top 10 earlier but kept sliding not examine closely what the other teams were seeing and passing. To me he constitsntly played it safe bringing in guys to cap friendly deals in case they didn't work out...and constantly bringing ex eagle and raven guys early on. But he has made some better moves last couple years as he started to get more comfortable in his decision making. Bringing in Gore and Johnson showed he was willing to take a big swing...and being focused and holding to his plan of building the OL last offseason and trusting his draft process and not signing any big free agents meant to me he is growing. I think he is a vastly superior GM today then when he started. I just think he was cautious when building this team and not as confident in his skills and that slowed our progress. I'm not nearly as upset with him coming back as Pagano. I'll root for both and I'm not rooting for us to lose to get rid of them. I want them both to succeed but I've seen enough of Chuck to come to the conclusion I don't see him as a great football mind that will take this team to the next level...Ryan I think is growing and getting better. Just hope he sticks to his guns.

You have a ton of great posts....I just wish I could read more of them...which I could if you'd hit enter every few lines....

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37 minutes ago, Defjamz26 said:

Which is exactly the point. You won 1 SB with a HOF coach, QB, GM, WR, and RB. What the hell makes him think he's winning anything with Grigs and Pagano?


Im not dismissing winning a Super Bowl because some franchises don't have any, but Irsay himself said they should've won more. You're not going to win any with lesser front office people. 

That's how I meant it. Definitely not making excuses for the Rolling Ball of Turds that make up this front office and coaching staff.

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10 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


No one is happy at 8-8.     I'm not.


But I'm happy we didn't go 7-9.      A losing record sucks all off-season.     8-8 gives at least some hope for some optimism.     And I have it.       You may not.    Others here may not.   Heck, most people here may not.



I am kinda amazed at the mentality lately of "Well 8-8 is better then 7-9". We just about went 7-9!!!!!!! It took a comeback at home and a game winning drive to even get to 8-8. This IS NOT a good team. I am sorry but yes I am spoiled and yes I remember the old days when myself and other Colts fans on forums in say 2006 to 2009 would even LAUGH at the idea of anything less then going 12-4. We used to go nuts on playoff games we lost and why but then again we can't even do that now.  And looking back at all this it hit me this season that those days are long gone and I do accept that to some degree now since times change. Polian/Manning/Dungy were winners and we were blessed. What we have to now do is become used to being average and just hoping we can win the division again like Bengals fans.


Of course yes I am picky as hell too, I am a princess if so be it. But, being a fan of this team if you have been for a long time........a lot of us got SPOILED and I can't say you can really blame us all either.


Many of us including me have had to adjust our mindset to the new Colts. We are just another team now. In a way I accept this now. But, I still have a tough time imagining a full offseason of "going 8-8 is cool" talk when our franchise QB only missed one game all season long.


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1 minute ago, YourTearinApartLisa! said:

Continuity only works if what you have is worth continuing.  


The rest of your post was a little too salty for me, but I agree with this.


A year ago, the decision was made to stick with these two guys. If anything would have changed Irsay's mind, I would think that he wouldn't have doubled down on his commitment to them a couple weeks ago. All I'm saying is that if we take Irsay at his word, then Grigson and Pagano aren't going anywhere right now.


As for the rest, I do think Colts fans are being a little bratty right now. Not defending this mediocrity of the last two seasons, and not saying that keeping Pagano is the right decision, but this team isn't spiraling apart, it isn't crumbling, Luck's prime isn't being sacrificed, etc. I want more than this, just like everyone else, but this isn't the pits that it's being made out to be. This is NOTHING like Al Davis' Raiders, who spent 14 years as a cellar dweller. Remember, they fired an 8-8 coach four years ago, and that didn't work out too well for them.


Again, not defending Pagano or the decision to keep him, if it were up to me, he'd be gone. But comparisons like that, and the general whiny state of the fanbase/media over the past few weeks, are cringe-worthy, IMO.

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24 minutes ago, Coltsman1788 said:

Pagano says beating Jacksonville proves team has "right guys, coaches and players."

— Gregg Doyel (@GreggDoyelStar) January 2, 2017



This is the man currently leading this franchise.  Can't even make this ish up.

Absolutely disgusting. If Irsay was still on the fence before talking to Pagano, this should send him over the edge.

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Schefter - Irsay is not in the building yet.  Could meet with Chuck and Grigson tonight.  Essentially said nothing has been decided yet.  Assistant coaches are going home; will learn of their fate in the morning.


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2 hours ago, #12. said:

Schefter - Irsay is not in the building yet.  Could meet with Chuck and Grigson tonight.  Essentially said nothing has been decided yet.  Assistant coaches are going home; will learn of their fate in the morning.


Do you have a link for this? I don't see it anywhere on his twitter.

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32 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

Again  I ask,  When was the last time any coach did that at a press conference

I've seen coaches do this. I see it a lot when they recap the season and the things that went wrong. If u want to win over fans and an owner you prove you can self assess and know what things will be necessary to turn things around. I'm sure Chuck is easily aware of these things. He his an NFL coach after all...but to keep throwing out cliches 5 yrs old and to expect people to believe you makes people wonder how much longer he will keep telling his team the same thing and then see if they don't get discontent and tune him out the same way we fans are starting to do. I think Chuck will be back but he is on the hottest of seats..not just with us but with his players. How much longer are they going to hear the same thing and get the same results until they realize the man leading them into battle doesn't have the answers to turning this around. Chuck is a good guy but I'm not sure if he continues down this path of just keeping chopping he is going to get the results he or us fans are hoping for. Something will have to change...much like when Tom coughlin changed things up when he realized his approach wasn't working. It's going to take that type of turnaround to right the ship.

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Just now, #12. said:

Schefter - Irsay is not in the building yet.  Could meet with Chuck and Grigson tonight.  Essentially said nothing has been decided yet.  Assistant coaches are going home; will learn of their fate in the morning.


I trust schefter, so i'll take his word here. At least there's a chance to get rid these trash cans still.

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6 minutes ago, Jules said:


I am kinda amazed at the mentality lately of "Well 8-8 is better then 7-9". We just about went 7-9!!!!!!! It took a comeback at home and a game winning drive to even get to 8-8. This IS NOT a good team. I am sorry but yes I am spoiled and yes I remember the old days when myself and other Colts fans on forums in say 2006 to 2009 would even LAUGH at the idea of anything less then going 12-4. We used to go nuts on playoff games we lost and why but then again we can't even do that now.  And looking back at all this it hit me this season that those days are long gone and I do accept that to some degree now since times change. Polian/Manning/Dungy were winners and we were blessed. What we have to now do is become used to being average and just hoping we can win the division again like Bengals fans.


Of course yes I am picky as hell too, I am a princess if so be it. But, being a fan of this team if you have been for a long time........a lot of us got SPOILED and I can't say you can really blame us all either.


Many of us including me have had to adjust our mindset to the new Colts. We are just another team now. In a way I accept this now. But, I still have a tough time imagining a full offseason of "going 8-8 is cool" talk when our franchise QB only missed one game all season long.


8-8 is better than 7-9. Am I happy about going 8-8, no nor is anyone in here but nobody wants a losing a season. I am kind of amazed at how many people just totally ignore what Chuck did in his first 3 seasons winning over 60% of his games and making it to the AFC Title Game with and a Bad Defense and no run game. He had Luck and TY and a Defense that played well at times in those years but outside of that we way overachieved. People just look at the last 2 seasons and just flush the 1st 3 down the toilet??


Nobody in here thinks 8-8 is "cool"

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Just now, 2006Coltsbestever said:

8-8 is better than 7-9. Am I happy about going 8-8, no nor is anyone in here but nobody wants a losing a season. I am kind of amazed at how many people just totally ignore what Chuck did in his first 3 seasons winning over 60% of his games and making it to the AFC Title Game with and a Bad Defense and no run game. He had Luck and TY and a Defense that played well at times in those years but outside of that we way overachieved. People just look at the last 2 seasons and just flush the 1st 3 down the toilet??

8-8 is only better than 7-9 if you make the playoffs. Otherwise it gets you a worse draft spot and it's mediocrity at it's finest. I'd rather go 1-15 like the Browns did with Andrew Luck, because we know how good Andrew Luck is once we improve the team and we'd get that elite player and draft spot in 7 rounds to do it with. 8-8 and missing the playoffs is the worst of both worlds.

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1 minute ago, Jared Cisneros said:

8-8 is only better than 7-9 if you make the playoffs. Otherwise it gets you a worse draft spot and it's mediocrity at it's finest. I'd rather go 1-15 like the Browns did with Andrew Luck, because we know how good Andrew Luck is once we improve the team and we'd get that elite player and draft spot in 7 rounds to do it with. 8-8 and missing the playoffs is the worst of both worlds.

We are still picking in the top 15 so I am fine with winning yesterday.

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