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Let's Finish on a High


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I hope we go 2-0, play well and finish on a high. We are not getting into the post season, but I hope we finish strong. Road wins at Tennessee, NYJ, Minnesota, Green Bay and Oakland would convince me we are not without talent. I do not want an extra place or two up in the draft, I want to finish above .500.


Merry Christmas one and all, no matter what you wish for with this team. It's only a game.

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26 minutes ago, braveheartcolt said:

I hope we go 2-0, play well and finish on a high. We are not getting into the post season, but I hope we finish strong. Road wins at Tennessee, NYJ, Minnesota, Green Bay and Oakland would convince me we are not without talent. I do not want an extra place or two up in the draft, I want to finish above .500.


Merry Christmas one and all, no matter what you wish for with this team. It's only a game.


Agree completely with everything you said but particularly the last line. Life has a way of making you realize what is truly important and the NFL ain't it.  Like you said - it is only a game.


Merry Christmas my friend.

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Winning is always better than losing!  Football is on a very small scale compared to the things that are most important in life!! Our Colts are dear to all of us no matter the difference in our opinions, but it is just a game! Merry Christmas to you and all  our brothers and sisters on this forum!! 

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1 hour ago, jskinnz said:


Agree completely with everything you said but particularly the last line. Life has a way of making you realize what is truly important and the NFL ain't it.  Like you said - it is only a game.


Merry Christmas my friend.

And the same to you kind sir......my Indianapolis 2017 fund has been 'opened', so here's hoping we finally have that beer......

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2 hours ago, braveheartcolt said:

I hope we go 2-0, play well and finish on a high. We are not getting into the post season, but I hope we finish strong. Road wins at Tennessee, NYJ, Minnesota, Green Bay and Oakland would convince me we are not without talent. I do not want an extra place or two up in the draft, I want to finish above .500.


Merry Christmas one and all, no matter what you wish for with this team. It's only a game.

I couldn't have said it better.   Always play to Win.  Period.


And to the Bolded  ~~  Absolutely.   The past few months have been very difficult for my family, with two deaths, and also one of my son's best friends has been "missing"  since October 12,  so  real life does "kick in" and reminds us what is truly important.   


Have a Merry Christmas, my friend.  We hope to see you next season, so as soon as you plan your trip, be sure to let us know, so we can plan accordingly.

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I hope the Colts don't finish high, the NFL is pretty tough on drug tests :P hahaha


Really though, I hope they play good the last two games regardless of the post-season hopes. It's not too far-fetched for the Colts to make the playoffs though, A loss for Houston and Tennessee this weekend, Colts win out and Tennessee wins next weekend and we are in. Probable? No not really, but its not too crazy for it to happen.


Have a good and safe holiday folks!

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I would definitely like to at least finish 8-8 at this point. Not winning the Division and not making the Playoffs is bad enough, a losing season is more embarrassing. Whether we pick 14th or 17th really makes no difference to me and I don't think it makes a difference. We got Ryan Kelly at 17 and he has been Good for a Rookie. Who knows we could get lucky and still make the Playoffs if the Titans and Texans lose. Strange things have happened over the years.

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When the season ends, you never want to look back at these next two games and think "what if I had done more" should a favorable unforeseen situation arise. You can at least hold your head high, even if it ends up being bittersweet knowing you did what you could, even if only at the end.


Merry Christmas everyone!!! Enjoy the time with your family and reflect on your year. Have a good time :)



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4 hours ago, braveheartcolt said:

I hope we go 2-0, play well and finish on a high. We are not getting into the post season, but I hope we finish strong. Road wins at Tennessee, NYJ, Minnesota, Green Bay and Oakland would convince me we are not without talent. I do not want an extra place or two up in the draft, I want to finish above .500.


Merry Christmas one and all, no matter what you wish for with this team. It's only a game.

Absolutely. You don't build a winning culture by giving up or not caring about whether you win or not.


Let the young guys taste the sweet flavor of winning and let it carry over to the next season. 


... and merry Christmas!

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9 hours ago, braveheartcolt said:

I hope we go 2-0, play well and finish on a high. We are not getting into the post season, but I hope we finish strong. Road wins at Tennessee, NYJ, Minnesota, Green Bay and Oakland would convince me we are not without talent. I do not want an extra place or two up in the draft, I want to finish above .500.


Merry Christmas one and all, no matter what you wish for with this team. It's only a game.

That is a stupid,  Pacer mentality, never works..js

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12 hours ago, braveheartcolt said:

Merry Christmas one and all, no matter what you wish for with this team. It's only a game.

Next, you're gonna tell me Santa Claus isn't real & somebody else eats the cookies & drinks the milk I leave him. Ah man. What a bummer. haha


All shenanigans aside, you're a good man & I hope you & your family have a pleasant holiday season BHC. 


Finishing strong is always a good thing to shoot for as a team & whatever happens to Pagano & Grigson is out of my control & way outside my pay grade anyway. 


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14 hours ago, braveheartcolt said:

I hope we go 2-0, play well and finish on a high. We are not getting into the post season, but I hope we finish strong. Road wins at Tennessee, NYJ, Minnesota, Green Bay and Oakland would convince me we are not without talent. I do not want an extra place or two up in the draft, I want to finish above .500.


Merry Christmas one and all, no matter what you wish for with this team. It's only a game.


Thanks for this well thought out and much needed post.


There are just way too many posters here who need to read this again and again and again.


And then read it once more just to make sure it sinks in!


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone.       And here's to an even better 2017!!



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  This game against Oakland is important because the Colts need to see just how good they can be. Next week is just as important because they need to see they can win the games they should win and to go into the off-season (should it happen that way), with a winning mentality.


 This season has been bittersweet: Even though the Colts are playing better, too much poor play and mental mistakes earlier has left them (and us) in a place where all but the last glimmer of hope is gone.

   So many games were sooooo close, starting with Detroit (having the lead only to lose it with only 37 seconds to go, but the Colts playing with their 4th string secondary). I can't help but wonder how the season would have turned out, if they had started healthy and won that game.


   No matter what happens, there are indications this team's problems are correctable. Here's hoping for a strong finish and that they can stay relatively healthy next year.

   Even if they don't make the postseason this year, it has given some guys experience which will only help their depth, should some injuries happen.

    I'm optimistic about their long-term success because I believe we have yet to see the best of players like Luck, Geathers, Rogers, Dorsett, Moncrief, Tobin, etc.


    I've seen how well they can play, even without Geathers, Langford, Mewhort, etc.  

     Add those players back next year, add a good draft/FA  with 2 or 3 starters, confidence and consistency and we may see this year was a stepping stone to get to the place where multiple SBs are a possibility.


    Here's hoping you all have a blessed and safe Christmas and a Happy New Year. Keep the faith!!


   GO COLTS!!!!!!!!!!!!


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This season the Colts showed what they are. The ridiculous losses to division rivals and not winning yesterday after the Vikings game defines their character. The tackling yesterday was as bad as it has been all season with everything on the line. Even if they lose they should have gone in with both barrels blasting instead the defense looked bored and just wanted everything to be over. Well, it is over. Luck's continuing obsession with throwing interceptions will be a ball and chain on this team in every game in the future. The Chargers were the mirror of the Colts yesterday meaning they only have people wearing uniforms instead of players. Why did the Jags beat Tennessee yesterday? Perhaps it was character and pride.

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