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Defensive MVP so far?


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Quite honestly, I don't feel like anyone has played consistently enough yet to warrant that on the team yet. Maybe Davis but man has he had a couple of awful games, including yesterday's game. Next might be Walden but then who else has done anything that would warrant this award on the defense? Everyone else has been average or right around that mark. If I was forced, it would be Davis as he makes the defense look so much better when he is playing right. 

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1 hour ago, BullsColtsFan1 said:

Walden with Geathers not far behind.  I was really impressed with the 5 sacks yesterday.  That has to be a season high doesn't it?

I think that basically doubles our sack count for the year lol, so yeah I'd say a season high.

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37 minutes ago, Catloaf said:

I think that basically doubles our sack count for the year lol, so yeah I'd say a season high.

Colts have moved up to the middle of the pack in sacks now with 22


and the O line is getting better....they're not last in sacks given up anymore and are improving each week.

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In principle, it's still Davis, because he is the one guy we can't sustain success without over multiple games.  


However, the player that has raised the tide is Geathers.  His ability to run and hit in space has made everyone else better.


Without Geathers we don't match up at GB, and we certainly don't match up in run or pass defense against the Titans yesterday.  He was the guy that made us fluid, not just the guy that made some highly visible plays.

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Walden has had the pressures/sacks that we neede from SOMEONE/ANYONE this year.  

But the biggest jump in impact so far this year has got to ge Geathers. He has not only player a special part in special pachages, but he's played them well.    The last couple weeks, when Geathers is in that nickel, big run plays are limited, and TE's have not been heard from very much (unlike earlier this year when they were tearing us a new one.

Vonte is Vonte, we all know if he's not playing our secondary drops to sub-par.

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