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Protesting this team


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45 minutes ago, Colt Overseas said:

Guys don't ever stop supporting the Colts as an excuse to protest, the players are trying their best. It's now more than ever they need our support and encouragement. We had tons of support when things were going well in the 00's, but it is through the dark times we need to keep positive, and not go down he route of other franchises.


You look at the Browns, Bears even Jags for example, for so long they have been subject to ridicule especially, and it definitely effects their mentality as why they don't win games (ok, along with a bad roster). It think yesterday was a good example, where the Jags let a 14 point lead slip as they are coming of the back of a prolonged losing culture.


We can get through this!


Forgive me for not wanting to be linked in with other losing franchises. The Colts have a rich tradition unlike that of the Browns and Jags and should be better than what they are being ridiculed as now. 

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1 minute ago, NewColtsFan said:




But it's not like I don't know the recent history of the team...


The Manning years were unbelievably great for fans....


And the Luck years have been pretty terrific too.


In short,  fans here have nothing to complain about,  but complain they do....


I don't think anything should be held against you or anyone that loves the Colts because of Luck, especially if you are not from Indy. He's a Great talent and a Good to Very Good QB. He has had a Very Good career so far. He wins 60% of his games, had a 40 passing TD season already and led us to a Final 4. It is what it is. I just grew up in Indy so I have been fan since the 80's.

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23 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I don't disagree that those 2 aren't better but I was pointing out the W/L thing out of sarcasm because that seems to be what most people look at. We could easily be 3-1 and if we were I bet almost everyone in here would say Chuck is just as good as those guys if not better.

Gotcha.   That's fair.

Except that I don't agree with everyone liking Pagano as a coach if we were winning.    If we had won in 4th quarter comebacks each game, it would still be the play in the first 3 quarters that showed us Pagano's ineffectiveness.  

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There sure is allot of hate directed at the people who criticize Pagano and Grigson.   People should be able to talk about how they don't like them.   Just like the people who complain about Allen's play.  


I seen some of the same directed at the people who predicted the Jags would win.  

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1 hour ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


I think Bobby Petrino could do well as an NFL head coach. Jon Gruden could potentially be available this offseason as well because ESPN cleaning house and trimming the salaries of all their commentators and TV personalities. Those would be my 2 candidates for HC, in a perfect world, assuming they were available.


GM's a little trickier because it's such a crap shoot, but the best bet would be to look at the director of scouting for any team that has perennial success (Broncos, Steelers, Seahawks, Packers, etc), and offer him a job.

I'd take gruden but I still don't know if it will happen


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3 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

There didn't seem to be that much of a problem when the Colts went three 11-5 seasons was there?

Look, you been around long enough to know that no one can just snap their finger and all the problems go away.  That is exactly what you want Irsay to do by firing Grigson and or Pagano.

Starting over at this point would be worse than what is going on now IMO.

We are all frustrated with the season so far but Irsay firing or having knee jerk reactions will not make this better.


Colts had the same issues then.  The only differences are that the division has gotten slightly better and Luck was able complete the miracle comebacks at a higher than normal rate.  For whatever reason, those miracle comebacks are falling short now.  We also had a decent pass rush which is non-existent now.  Luck is also taking hits and sacks at a higher than average rate and that is taking a toll on him.  It's obvious that he is frustrated.  

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5 hours ago, BProland85 said:

I don't know how you all feel about this, but it is very hard for me to support a team and owner that refuses to admit he made a mistake by bringing back Pagano and Grigson. He is wasting away Luck's career and will continue to do so the longer he keeps these two at the helm.


I for one will be taking a stand and won't be attending any Colts games this season or buying any Colts merchandise until Irsay does what is necessary to start surrounding Andrew Luck with a capable coaching staff and roster to compete for a championship.


I think it is time for us Colts fans to take a stand and voice our frustrations of this team to Mr. Irsay. This is the best way I know how to do so.


Don't get me wrong, I love the Colts and am glad for the years they have spent in Indianapolis. But it's time to show our feelings towards Irsay allowing this franchise to go backwards instead of progressing towards a championship.

I think you ought to just sit down or take a knee when the players are intorduced....   maybe hold one hand in the air  I dont know  But anyway Good luck to ya

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48 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:




But it's not like I don't know the recent history of the team...


The Manning years were unbelievably great for fans....


And the Luck years have been pretty terrific too.


In short,  fans here have nothing to complain about,  but complain they do....


My point is that you haven't had the pleasure and displeasure of watching the colts for a long period of time. Stuff starts to weigh on you... 


I'm only 20 but even I can say that every year of the Manning days we knew we'd do phenomenal, offense wise and demolish our division. But there was always the knowledge in the back of our minds that we were not a good playoff team and year after year were prone to the same mistakes. 


Imagine being a fan like some people on this site for 30+ years...

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2 hours ago, Gramz said:

Whatever floats your boat.  If it makes you feel better to protest, knock yourself out.  


Yes, its frustrating, but I still plan to support the team, and our players, and  I'm still going to my scheduled games and hope for the best that things improve.

You tell 'em Gramz! 

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9 minutes ago, Gabriel Alexander Morillo said:

My point is that you haven't had the pleasure and displeasure of watching the colts for a long period of time. Stuff starts to weigh on you... 


I'm only 20 but even I can say that every year of the Manning days we knew we'd do phenomenal, offense wise and demolish our division. But there was always the knowledge in the back of our minds that we were not a good playoff team and year after year were prone to the same mistakes. 


Imagine being a fan like some people on this site for 30+ years...

I have been a Colts fan since 1973. There is very little the Colts could do one way or another that would surprise me. I have seen the Colts be the bottom dwellers all the way to the super bowls. The largest majority of forum fans really have very little knowledge beside what is read before Manning signed with the Colts.

There is truth in the saying that a lot of Colt fans are spoiled. I don't mean that as an insult or a put down, just the way it is.

Being any fan can run the full spectrum of emotion in the long term.

I hear a lot of forum members talk about how great let's say the Patriots are. Well I can remember when they were the bottom dwellers for a long time. I know a lot of die hard 49er and Cowboy fans who at one time had a lot to cheer about. Not so much now.

The draft is set up to keep the balance and it works through time.

The old teams had more team spirit than todays teams do because players spent years playing for one team. Now we live in a me me world where the players cash out and become rich beyond most of our wildest dreams.

Do I miss the older ways? Yes, but the game has evolved into a game where it's win or your are trash attitude.

Having the mentality of your trash if you don't win and passing out the opinion of an almost hatred attitude goes beyond being an NFL fan. It says something about yourself when you let a game put you in that frame of mind.

It's football, not life lessons.

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Not including the Colts early years in Indy, I've only had one reason to protest. And that was when Polian threw away our perfect season.... that was the darkest day in Colts history in my opinion. We were sitting at 13-0 with home field sowed up and a Thursday night game in Jax.  If you're gonna throw away perfection you do it then on the short week. Instead we go all out and barely won a shootout. Gave the impression we were going for it. Then the next week you let Colts fan show up through a snow storm to watch us give the game away to the Jets.  That was worthy of a protest and the football gods punished us for it. Because yes the Jets made the playoffs and beat some of our nemesis' for us and gave us an easier AFC championship game but karma had Freeney injure his foot at the end when ironically he shouldn't have been in.... so we entered the Super Bowl with no chance at perfection, a limited Freeney, and the Saints entered with "playing for Katrina".... I never liked Polian after that and clearly it still bothers me all these years later.  Lol. Now that was worthy of protest. If Chuck doesn't make adjustments and get this team on track and this season continues to spiral down the tube and Irsay still brings him back next season.... then I may have another reason to protest. Chuck has the rest of this year to get it together. This is the last year I can stomach the lack of preparation, lack of adjustments, and mediocrity. 

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1 hour ago, Gabriel Alexander Morillo said:

My point is that you haven't had the pleasure and displeasure of watching the colts for a long period of time. Stuff starts to weigh on you... 


I'm only 20 but even I can say that every year of the Manning days we knew we'd do phenomenal, offense wise and demolish our division. But there was always the knowledge in the back of our minds that we were not a good playoff team and year after year were prone to the same mistakes. 


Imagine being a fan like some people on this site for 30+ years...


There haven't been enough bad years for anything to weigh on you or anyone else here....


This fan base has had a stretch of roughly 20 years of high caliber winning football.


And now that we've hit hard times,  the fans who are completely spoiled come out.


There are far too many spoiled rotten fans here.....    they don't know just how good they've had it.


I confess,  it bothers me.....



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As my handle indicates, I've been a Colts fan since 1965. I have seen them at their best & at their worst. I am very frustrated with this current team & I'm beginning to drink some of the cool aid about the head coach & front office. 


I'm not a smart enough man to know what the answers are to turn this thing around here & now.

I do see some light at the end of the tunnel with some of the pieces in place from recent drafts & FA signings.

I'm willing to give it more time in hopes things will come together. 


I went to games at Memorial stadium in Baltimore with my Father & Brother many years ago a couple of times to see the Colts play. I'm not fortunate enough to live close enough to LOS to go see them play. I WILL however be at Metlife stadium on December 5th wearing my Colts Jersey in enemy territory.  I don't begrudge the OP for his decision to "protest" in what ever way he chooses. My hope is the Team can turn it around & have you back cheering them on & celebrating each victory in your own unique way.

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9 minutes ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


Because this offense is clearly better when they go up-tempo, and when the offense is clicking, there's really no reason to sub. Not to mention it's just pure stubbornness.


I think your subbing is a legitimate factor, especially for  situations. The Colts are struggling to figure out their best packages right now -- I want them to stick to 11 and 12 personnel, and 12 has probably been the best because Doyle is playing great. Subbing is going to happen, and then you might as well huddle (not really, huddling is probably overrated for this offense right now). 


I also think the Colts sub too much. I've been saying that since Arians, I said it about Pep, and it's still true of Chud, IMO. Figure out your best packages, and use them as much as possible. Subbing for every situation tips your hand and undermines your ability to establish a rhythm. Again, JMO.


I was asking because I thought you didn't agree with his explanation. The explanation makes sense, but it should not ultimately be a barrier to doing something that would obviously help the offense. If the trade off for less subbing is greater efficiency... I don't think I need to finish that sentence.

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10 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


There haven't been enough bad years for anything to weigh on you or anyone else here....


This fan base has had a stretch of roughly 20 years of high caliber winning football.


And now that we've hit hard times,  the fans who are completely spoiled come out.


There are far too many spoiled rotten fans here.....    they don't know just how good they've had it.


I confess,  it bothers me.....



NCF. I must admit that I am one of those spoiled fans. 18, 88, 32, 87, 93, 98, 78, 44.... how could we not be spoiled?  Lol.  And we may be experiencing hard times but I don't think it's because of a lack of talent. I think it's from us not getting the most out of the talent we do have. And that bothers me.  But I've been here through the good and bad and ain't going nowhere. I'd just like to see us maximize our talents. If we still lose then I'll accept that we're not good enough. But I still think we are good enough to accomplish everything we set out to accomplish this year.  It's just time for Chuck, as the head coach, to press the right buttons. 

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2 minutes ago, Smoke317 said:

don't think it's because of a lack of talent. I think it's from us not getting the most out of the talent we do have. And that bothers me


I think it's both, but right now the roster is what it is, so the pressing issue and the only thing that can actually be improved realistically is the coaching. 

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6 hours ago, BProland85 said:

I for one will be taking a stand and won't be attending any Colts games this season or buying any Colts merchandise until Irsay does what is necessary to start surrounding Andrew Luck with a capable coaching staff and roster to compete for a championship.


I think it is time for us Colts fans to take a stand and voice our frustrations of this team to Mr. Irsay. This is the best way I know how to do so.


What if they turn it around with same staff?  Will you end your boycott or it's "no matter what" they have to go?


I would imagine that Irsay will be/is applying way more pressure than your boycott will accomplish.  He is not the type to settle for mediocrity, he has clearly stated that he expects superbowls with Luck. 


Go to the games and root them on.  They need positive support.  Sometimes that's all that is needed to get them to catch fire.  

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3 minutes ago, Superman said:


I think it's both, but right now the roster is what it is, so the pressing issue and the only thing that can actually be improved realistically is the coaching. 

Reminds of me of what Peyton said in 2006 when he was specifically talking about our porous run defense.  "It is what it is".   Gotta try to make lemonade out of lemons with this team at this point.   Not a fan or Pags or Grigs, but I don't think it's a good idea to make a major change in the front office a quarter of the way through the season.  

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12 minutes ago, JohnnyUnitas19 said:

Not really Pagano as much as it is Grigson..   Grigson must go bring in a real GM who can evaluate talent oh those Bill Polian days gone by !

JohnnyU I think it's the opposite. I think it's more Chuck than Grigs. Now don't get me wrong, the Werner and Richardson trades really set us back. So if you think Grigs should be fired for that, then I won't complain but I think this team has enough talent to compete with anyone and contend right now. We're 1-3 and every game has been competitive. Every game we had a chance to go win it. So we're not light years behind anyone be it Denver, NE, Seattle, Minn, whoever...   We're just not getting the most out of the guys we have. And that falls on the head coach, Chuck Pagano.  And Polian did draft well early in his tenure here but his ego and and meddling in too many coaching decisions (probably where Grigs got that from) cost us many championships in my opinion. Too many draft picks spent on offense when we should have been building up the defense. 18, 88, 32, & 87 was all the offense we needed. We let too many pro bowl linebackers walk rather than pay them. Sorry, but Polian's act got old to me. Not to mention when he gave away our chance at perfection...

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32 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


There haven't been enough bad years for anything to weigh on you or anyone else here....


This fan base has had a stretch of roughly 20 years of high caliber winning football.


And now that we've hit hard times,  the fans who are completely spoiled come out.


There are far too many spoiled rotten fans here.....    they don't know just how good they've had it.


I confess,  it bothers me.....



That's all your perspective. There has not been a 20 year stretch of high caliber winning football. 


For some fans, such as myself, it's not fun seeing Good/great teams consistently under perform when it matters the most (The Playoffs). 


No one has the right to call another fan spoiled as that's incredibly subjective. It's not spoiled to expect more out of your team than the browns and teams like that perform. 


At the end of the day we're all fans and all experience the game differently. It's not cool to call someone spoiled just because they're frustrated with circumstances out of their control. 

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10 minutes ago, Superman said:


I think it's both, but right now the roster is what it is, so the pressing issue and the only thing that can actually be improved realistically is the coaching. 

Yeah we definitely have some holes on this team, most noticeably the lack of a pass rush.  And we have a lot of inexperienced players in the secondary, Oline, and receiver positions but I think they are learning on the job and I like what I see. If our coaches make a few tweaks and adjustments we'll turn this thing around. Now we've just gotta see if they can do it. 

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7 hours ago, BProland85 said:



I haven't spent the time needed to go out and see who will be available because that's not my job, but for HC, I'm sure there are candidates out there that I think could do a better job than Pagano. I think we can all agree Pagano is not suited to be a HC. He has a team full of undisciplined players who don't do their jobs (Tackling, blocking assignments, dropped passes, studying opponents on tape, etc.).


Grigson actually hasn't been as bad as Pagano at his job. Yes he has had some bad free agent signings, and horrible draft picks. But he also has had some quality players drafted like Geathers, Green, Kelly, Haeg, Moncrief, Mewhort, among others).


But Pagano seems to not prepare players for each game properly. As a HC you have to study your opponent and limit what they do best. Pagano's players seem to be lost on the field and don't play inspired football until the 4th quarter.


Perhaps when I have some time this week I'll look through the names that could be made available and would be quality HC candidates. One name I would love having is Tom Herman from Houston.



Pagano's methodology may be related to his experience with cancer.  A life-altering experience like that tends to make a person more mellow and willing to realize each day is precious, so -- "take it easy, stop and smell the roses."  An NFL head coach needs to be a butt-kicking, bridge-burning,take no prisoners  ******* who DEMANDS his players "do their jobs."


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29 minutes ago, Mr Coffee said:

Reminds of me of what Peyton said in 2006 when he was specifically talking about our porous run defense.  "It is what it is".   Gotta try to make lemonade out of lemons with this team at this point.   Not a fan or Pags or Grigs, but I don't think it's a good idea to make a major change in the front office a quarter of the way through the season.  


If the coaches get their act together and things improve this season, I'm fine with that.

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7 hours ago, BProland85 said:

I don't know how you all feel about this, but it is very hard for me to support a team and owner that refuses to admit he made a mistake by bringing back Pagano and Grigson. He is wasting away Luck's career and will continue to do so the longer he keeps these two at the helm.


I for one will be taking a stand and won't be attending any Colts games this season or buying any Colts merchandise until Irsay does what is necessary to start surrounding Andrew Luck with a capable coaching staff and roster to compete for a championship.


I think it is time for us Colts fans to take a stand and voice our frustrations of this team to Mr. Irsay. This is the best way I know how to do so.


Don't get me wrong, I love the Colts and am glad for the years they have spent in Indianapolis. But it's time to show our feelings towards Irsay allowing this franchise to go backwards instead of progressing towards a championship.

The door is over there.

i think the Jags have room on their wagon. Maybe a Bortles jersy?

heck, they'd probably remove a tarp just for you.

they DID address the needs. Except perhaps pass rush, and they certainly don't grow on trees.  You can't plan on losing 5 CBs and half your offensive line, not to mention all the other injuries.

i'm not overjoyed either, but common sense tells me even if we were the Indianapolis Magicians, we couldn't overcome all these injuries.

perhaps Belichek and his "tricks" could, but short of that, not likely.

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24 minutes ago, WoolMagnet said:

The door is over there.

i think the Jags have room on their wagon. Maybe a Bortles jersy?

heck, they'd probably remove a tarp just for you.

they DID address the needs. Except perhaps pass rush, and they certainly don't grow on trees.  You can't plan on losing 5 CBs and half your offensive line, not to mention all the other injuries.

i'm not overjoyed either, but common sense tells me even if we were the Indianapolis Magicians, we couldn't overcome all these injuries.

perhaps Belichek and his "tricks" could, but short of that, not likely.


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1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:


There haven't been enough bad years for anything to weigh on you or anyone else here....


This fan base has had a stretch of roughly 20 years of high caliber winning football.


And now that we've hit hard times,  the fans who are completely spoiled come out.


There are far too many spoiled rotten fans here.....    they don't know just how good they've had it.


I confess,  it bothers me.....



'I call nonsense.  20 years ago was 1996 and the Colts were bad for several years after that.  Those of us who watched also knew that during much of the Manning era the team wasn't that good.  Manning hid so much.  


It's OK for fans to complain.  It shows their interest.  

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