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Cromartie needs to be cut asap


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Just now, Dustin said:


Why would I be OK with that? I'm just not OK with giving a huge role in an already terrible defense to a literal who

How worse could this guy have done vs. what Cromartie did? That guy was one of the main reason we lost today.

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Just now, ColtsUrUs said:

How worse could this guy have done vs. what Cromartie did? That guy was one of the main reason we lost today.


Im sure having a fringe-roster guy covering one of the best WRs in the game would have turned out well in our favor. 

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2 minutes ago, Dustin said:


Im sure having a fringe-roster guy covering one of the best WRs in the game would have turned out well in our favor. 


Dude I watched one player hurt the whole defense the whole first half and 3rd until the coaching staff decided to finally take his bum tell out. If our coaching staff can't game plan for a wr they need to be fired also.

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15 minutes ago, Gabriel Alexander Morillo said:

Enough. This is his first bad game in our uniform. You guys that want him gone are just bootyblasted that he kneels during the anthem. 

Today was not just a bad game.    It was attrocious.  I don't want him cut,    but he was terrible

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29 minutes ago, ColtsUrUs said:


Dude Cromartie  had about 7 penalties on himself and you're ok with that?



I don't think he's fine with it I think his main point is that there are slim pickins.  This team is just very bad and lacks talent let alone depth.

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4 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

Today was not just a bad game.    It was attrocious.  I don't want him cut,    but he was terrible

I Don't disagree with you. I just know for a fact rhat most posters here are more lebelheaded as tl want a guy being cut for one terrible game. Especially when Robinson is busting as hard as he is right now. That Guy isn't a #2 corner. 

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7 minutes ago, Malakai432 said:


I don't think he's fine with it I think his main point is that there are slim pickins.  This team is just very bad and lacks talent let alone depth.

We don't have the defensive players to be more than a .500 team...

If we end up with a winning record...our offense will have carried us..and right now?

That offense has 3 rookie linemen...

So where are we

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2 minutes ago, oldunclemark said:

We don't have the defensive players to be more than a .500 team...

If we end up with a winning record...our offense will have carried us..and right now?

That offense has 3 rookie linemen...

So where are we


Yep, can't disagree with you there......  We'll really find out where they stand if they take a loss next week to the Bears.

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He was actually better than I expected he would be the first three weeks. I don't know if he has been in London before but that could have an impact. Right now he should be fourth corner when Butler gets back. Vontae needs to get 100% as well or we are in trouble.

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OMG guys I just realized how to solve this problem.  We can go onto another Teams roster, change their top cb to a dt, making him seem terrible at his job,  and just trade a late Round pick for him!!! Then we change him back to a CB and BAM! We have a top cb and we can cut Cromartie (or better yet, trade him back to that same team for the draft pick we gave them, plus a few more). 


Oh wait, that only works in madden.... 


Unfortunately there isn't much we can do about it right now. Our players behind Cromartie arent exactly world class either. 

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Cromartie vs Toler............who you want ?   The injuries have seriously hurt the development of the younger guys.  We did not address the position in the draft.   T.J. Green is a safety, and I think the jury is out on him yet.  

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It's not a secret he's a paycheck player, so I'm not sure why we're shocked.


He has no desire to tackle out cover tight, the right way.


I don't blame him honestly, he's got no interest in helping in the big scheme. He's here for one last pay day.

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When Butler gets healthy he goes back to nickel and Robinson to the number two.  I would put Vontae on their number one all the time.  No matter what side of the field they play on.  If he's one of our best players then I think we should use him on their best receiver all the time.  Cromartie has shown he is no longer a full time starting corner.  He was on the street for a long time before we picked him up.  Today really showed why.

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11 minutes ago, Archangel said:


Look I don t have a promblem with him kneeling because that is his right, but their are other ways of protesting then doing it the way he did because all he did was send a wrong message to some people. Some people only got the message to protest against the National Anthem, Because some people did not understand the true message he was trying to get through.


The way Cromartie's  been playing... You'd think he'd want the least amount of attention drawn his way.

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