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Colts Defense As Of Now....


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46 minutes ago, Superman said:


No outlook from me. I watched a couple videos, didn't take notes or try to grade/scout what I saw, just wanted to see what he looked like. I wasn't impressed, but I didn't think he was bad. I have him as a camp guy who won't stick around past final cuts. 


He struck me as a typical Grigson/Pagano pass rusher, which isn't a good thing. Some quickness and burst, but not agile and fluid, stiff, no real moves, no range in space, high effort, plays hard. Smaller, slightly more athletic Werner, with more motor. I hope I'm wrong.


I think he's a couple notches quicker than Werner off the edge.   Didn't see much of him playing in space as he was a 4-3 end for most of his stint at UT, although he has some experience playing linebacker. Not sure if it was inside or outside.  I think he needs work containing the edge when it comes to run defense.  I do agree he plays with a high motor.    Don't know what he'll look like as a stand up rusher as he played most often with his hand in the dirt for the Vols.  Think he's got a little more talent than Werner overall. 


The other guy Thompson from Syracuse it's been hard for me to get a read on him.  Not much film available other than a full Syracuse game or two but you have to sit there and watch the whole game to get a feel.  I watched some months back most of the game they had against LSU in Syracuse.  He got a sack and some pressures.  4-3 end as well but he's kind of built like a stand up OLB to me. Body type reminds me of Trent Cole.


I'm with you on Bates. I think he'll probably be a good player.  We'll see in the next couple weeks.

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Zierlein had a pretty decent write up on Thompson.  I just haven't gotten a chance to see much of him playing live.  Even the negatives Zierlein wrote weren't really all that bad. More like pointers than anything else.



Former high school tight end and basketball player with fluid footwork. Has lateral quickness and closing burst to to chase and finish. Can dial up dangerous inside spin move from either end spot as rusher. Rushes with forward lean creating momentum towards quarterback when he defeats blocker?s punch. Aware and intelligent. Recognizes play progression. Knee-­bender who can sink and spring laterally into tackles. Forced six fumbles over last two seasons. Can drop easily into space and squeezes coverage responsibilities. Scheme flexible as end or outside backer. Looks to get hands into passing lane

Bottom Line

Thompson played inside as an undersized tackle in 2014, but was moved to his natural defensive end spot this year. The more tape you get through, the easier it becomes to see his NFL fit. Thompson might be slotted as a defensive end, but I see him as an instinctive 3-­4 edge rusher who can put a hand in the ground in sub packages. Thompson could benefit by leaning down to improve his overall quickness as a rusher.


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I don't know if they'll be great, my money says prolly not, but I don't think they need to be.  The problem was the offense last year.  If they are back to form this is a playoff team, plain and simple.  The defense improving would get them over the hump into Superbowl caliber.  So if Superbowl caliber is what you are expecting, then yes you should be worried.  If getting back to the playoffs is what you are worried about, I wouldn't worry.  Next season's draft will and should be mostly about the defense and MAY just be the one that gets us into that next level we all want.


As for positions, relative to the Colts and NOT the rest of the league in general, I like the way the DL and DB's are shaping up.  I like Robinson over Toler and I think a couple of the young guys are ready to step up and play well.  Smith, Geathers?  The LB position is a little more up-in-the-air to me but I like some of the pieces and some of the younger guys I think will show some things.  Will they get beaten and look lousy at times?  Most likely.  The DL, to me, is the strength.  I like just about all those guys really, even Jones IF he can actually play.  Not worried there at all even if he can't.  They only need 3 of them at any one time anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seems the Veterans really like this new scheme that Monachino is implementing.  Dqwell Jackson seems to be very high on it.  Interesting how he highlights how clean the communication is versus the defense we had under Manusky.


“As a defensive player on this team, we’ve talked about it more than anything this year in particular -- we want to change the narrative,” linebacker D’Qwell Jackson said. "We know what our offense can produce. We know we’re going to be able to generate points, but so what. I think with the consistency and cleanness of our calls and attention to details that we’re getting, it clears things up a lot and we’re doing things now we haven’t done in the past and that’s getting the communication down.”



Mathis seems to be of the same mindset when it comes to the new defense:


“It’s a lot of tools we have in place,” said linebacker Robert Mathis, who tied for the team lead with seven sacks last season. “Guys are making big strides. We’re improving by leaps and bounds. I feel real good about what we have. It’s a lot of team defense. It’s not relying on one, two or three guys. It’s all 11 guys responsible for every position. Anything [Monachino] calls, everybody has to know what’s going on.”


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"I've been in a lot of systems, and this system here, just being around Ted, you see why Baltimore had been so stout against the run and so consistent with whoever they plugged in," linebacker D'Qwell Jackson said. "Our philosophy here, is now we want to dictate to the offense, not vice versa. Giving them multiple looks up front and in the back end, it's really fascinating to see what we've come up with.""


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On 7/24/2016 at 1:11 PM, Gavin said:

If we get the run game going and make more of an effort to run the ball that will help some.....Otherwise I'm expecting a 20th or worse defense yards per game average

You look at our DVOA from last year and we were 13th in the leauge. And you consider that with the absolutley putrid offense we had for 70% of the season that really struggled not to go 3 and out constantly. So when you look at how our offense gave no help to our defense last year, it probably explains alot of the high numbers. If you're allowing the opposing teams offense a bunch of possessions and time on the field by going 3 and out all the time and letting them wear down your D, then yeah the numbers probably aren't going to look pretty against your D. A big help in and of itself this year to our D I believe, will be the offense carrying it's weight and sustaining drives and putting up points.

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22 minutes ago, krunk said:

"I've been in a lot of systems, and this system here, just being around Ted, you see why Baltimore had been so stout against the run and so consistent with whoever they plugged in," linebacker D'Qwell Jackson said. "Our philosophy here, is now we want to dictate to the offense, not vice versa. Giving them multiple looks up front and in the back end, it's really fascinating to see what we've come up with.""


I really like the way it sounds, but now it's time to see it in action!!!

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19 minutes ago, weslo1812 said:

I really like the way it sounds, but now it's time to see it in action!!!


A couple years ago there was outrage by some fans when Pagano said we want to be a run first, hard nosed D team. How dare they waste young Andrews talents!  We all know how that turned out.


There are things you want to do, and then there are things you have to do because of the talent you have.  It remains to be seen if we have the talent to execute that defense that we all want.  I hope so, but...



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Walden got a Int today. It started to rain so I left with a couple friends that showed up. D Line got gashed for a couple what would have been long runs had they been at full go. One of my friends noticed Mathis had a bit of a limp back to a huddle at one point. I missed it however as I was more focusing on the trench play. Coaches teaching and instructing. Some very nice grabs by wide receivers during the drills. I was watching in particular to see if every player was really engaged because sometimes that is not always the case but just about everyone seemed very engaged and focused

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On 7/23/2016 at 5:17 PM, twfish said:

I really don't see huge weaknesses outside of possible OLB. Our corner back group will be improved from last year with the subtraction of toler alone. However add in djoun smith (3rd round pick highly touted by some including gruden) and tevin Mitchell (who we had our eyes set on in last year's draft that we stole from the redskins) I'm not huge on robinson but he should suffice this year. We have Irving Moore sylvestre (quick and should be able to cover) and Morrison who the colts are very high on. I really liked freeman and he is the definition of a class act to me however last year was his first year without and injury. The D-line I'm rather excited about. Keep in mind Art probably would have been cut if he had not taken a pay cut and wasn't fully expected in training camp to begin the year so between langford Ridgeway Kerricane Parry (say all you want about him being undersized I still think he's a great player) McGill Quarles and then getting Anderson back sometime in the middle of the season hopefully I have very little doubt that Jones will be missed greatly. Olb hopefully Mathis gets on fire early like he did late in the season and Cole starts finishing plays. Bates and maggitt will probably surprise some people. I really don't think our D will be bad and should be better than last years

Don't forget about Trevor Bates. He'll be a force to deal with by opposing teams.

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I think the young guys as a collective group will help assist Mathis and Cole with the pressures.  It takes a bit for a young pass rusher to immediately stand out in this league.  I think Okine will make some noise and whoever else we keep from the group. I don't feel that strong out of those young guys that any one of them is going to get a bunch of sacks, but I think the whole collective between Cole, Mathis, Okine, Bates, Thompson, Maggitt(whoever we keep) will be more productive than last year. Especially when we get Anderson and Arthur Jones back.

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6 minutes ago, superrep1967 said:

Don't forget about Trevor Bates. He'll be a force to deal with by opposing teams.

Yup I mentioned bates in my second to last sentence. Still not sure if he will make a huge impact this year, I would almost say maggit could out perform bates, but I think bates will learn and be much better next year.

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In the preseason I want to see what it looks like to have Maggitt and Okine coming off the edge at the same time.  I want to see what kind of pressure that creates.  A big 6'6" and a 6'3" guy coming off that edge.  I think we've got some good combinations of guys to do some damage.  Got to see how it all plays out.

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On 7/22/2016 at 8:05 PM, MarquisJ said:

I must say fellow colts fans.. Im worried.. I tried to be very optimistic about our defense with a new DC and small acqusitions this year but after this Art Jones situation it got me thinking more. Our new and improve O-line/Offense won't mean anything if our defense can't get off the field. As of now I'm looking at a DB room that is very shaky besides Vontae.. Questions at ILB, who's going to start with DQ do we have any ILB that can cover etc etc. and our dline lord... Everyone in our division running backs are people to be worried about murray, ivory, lamar miller... They are going to run the football down our throats, Im not saying to doing anything stupid trade wise but this could be a long season.. I hope we are way better prepared than last year in some games. In 97 seasons of the NFL nothings changed.. DEFENSE WINS CHAMPIONSHIPS (p.s i know its early still we haven't even reached TC and I'm ranting but boredom strikes again) 


The Leagues worst regular season defense lite it up in the playoffs & led the Colts to a Superbowl Win  . 


I do agree Defense Wins Championships lets give the New Coach's a chance before we get to excited . 

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9 hours ago, ÅÐØNϧ 1 said:


The Leagues worst regular season defense lite it up in the playoffs & led the Colts to a Superbowl Win  . 


I do agree Defense Wins Championships lets give the New Coach's a chance before we get to excited . 

That was almost certainly an anomaly, but it proves it can all come together at the right time. You just never know with football and that's why i love it so much.

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People are too quick to knock the defensive players on this team, and not quick enough to look at the main problem our defense had all along, which was Greg Manusky. Constantly calling the wrong plays, bad schemes, bad protections, If it wasn't for the talent level of some of our defensive players it could have been a real dumpster fire.


Let's let Monachino get his hands dirty with the defense and play calling this season before we start worrying about what we're fielding.

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My initial impression of this defense without Anderson, without Art Jones, without a true pass rush threat in his prime is that it is very very average. Even with those two guys I still think it's going to be average. In order to move from the average catagory I really believe we need to add a true pass rush threat on the outside and an impact safety. If we can do that next off season then our defense will be much improved. We are still going to have to bring in young talent at CB, ILB and DE looking a few years down the road tho.

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We need to get to the QB for the D to take a step forward. I am not as high on Maggitt as most. I liked Thompson more when we brought them in as UDFA's and still do. I think Bates and Okine are both ahead of him too. 


I'm anxious to see them play especially Bates. I like Okine and Thompson's versitilaty you can stand them up or put a hand In the dirt. I want to see Slyvestre too he's a name I expected to hear early in camp. Edwin Jackson has been the guy you hear about.


I like hearing Green is turning heads. I haven't heard much about Southward but I am looking forward to see what he brings. He's as freakish an athlete as Green. If McLure can stay healthy he could surprise. 


We have a handful of CB's I want to see in action. It starts with Smith and Mitchel. I am interested to see Glover-Wright then UDFA's Rose and Milton. 


I know they are UDFA's for a reason but we have some guys on both sides of the ball that can play.  There are a few I feel fortunate to get I thought they'd go in the draft. Thompson is one I think the poor combine times caused him to slip out of the draft. I can't wait to see some football.

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Again I think the defense is going to be fine.  Especially when being combined with an offense that puts up points.  I'm not that worried.  We've got good personnel to me.  Could be better, but the bulk of the problem with our young guys is inexperience.  Not that they are bad players.  For the veteran players the claim of having an "Old Defense" doesn't hold that much weight with me.  Monachino said "Old Players don't last in this league, but experience and skill do". 


What he meant was age does not matter if you still have experience and skill.  All of our old players can still play. Walden can play, Mathis can play, Adams can play.  The worst of the bunch is Trent Cole and he still gets pressures on the QB.  Being old is a problem only if the skills are not there anymore.  Our old guys can still play.  And the rest of the mix is up and coming young guys, and late 20s guys like Vontae, Pat Robinson, Sio Moore, Nate Irving.     I think this defense is going be pretty good.  Middle of the pack or better in most categories.

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2 hours ago, akcolt said:

We need to get to the QB for the D to take a step forward. I am not as high on Maggitt as most. I liked Thompson more when we brought them in as UDFA's and still do. I think Bates and Okine are both ahead of him too. 


I'm anxious to see them play especially Bates. I like Okine and Thompson's versitilaty you can stand them up or put a hand In the dirt. I want to see Slyvestre too he's a name I expected to hear early in camp. Edwin Jackson has been the guy you hear about.


I like hearing Green is turning heads. I haven't heard much about Southward but I am looking forward to see what he brings. He's as freakish an athlete as Green. If McLure can stay healthy he could surprise. 


We have a handful of CB's I want to see in action. It starts with Smith and Mitchel. I am interested to see Glover-Wright then UDFA's Rose and Milton. 


I know they are UDFA's for a reason but we have some guys on both sides of the ball that can play.  There are a few I feel fortunate to get I thought they'd go in the draft. Thompson is one I think the poor combine times caused him to slip out of the draft. I can't wait to see some football.

No one really heard Junior Sylvestres name last preseason either during camp.  We didn't really see what he had until that Bears game. I'm expecting we'll hear his name when the preseason games start.  Most of the news on the ILB this preseason has been quiet for the most part.  Play here or a play there.

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3 hours ago, krunk said:

No one really heard Junior Sylvestres name last preseason either during camp.  We didn't really see what he had until that Bears game. I'm expecting we'll hear his name when the preseason games start.  Most of the news on the ILB this preseason has been quiet for the most part.  Play here or a play there.

I saw somewhere he's up close to 250lbs I think the only ILB with more size is DQ. We know his speed. I thought I remembered hearing his name during camp but you are right the games are where he made the roster. He led the team in tackles last preseason.


I don't see how Herrera makes even the PS this year. I feel the same about  Maggitt. I know he's the darling on the board. I think he's behind Thompson Bates and Okine. He's been missing time already. People are sleeping on Thompson  IMO. 

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10 minutes ago, akcolt said:

I saw somewhere he's up close to 250lbs I think the only ILB with more size is DQ. We know his speed. I thought I remembered hearing his name during camp but you are right the games are where he made the roster. He led the team in tackles last preseason.


I don't see how Herrera makes even the PS this year. I feel the same about  Maggitt. I know he's the darling on the board. I think he's behind Thompson Bates and Okine. He's been missing time already. People are sleeping on Thompson  IMO. 

I think Okine, Bates and Thompson are ahead for sure.   Maggitt I think will make some plays during the Preseason now that he's back, but I'm still not totally confident his body is going to hold up.  We'll see I guess!  Agreed on Thompson,  I think he can play too and he's versatile.  Bates, Okine, Thompson are all more versatile than Maggitt.  Each one of them can play more than one position.

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25 minutes ago, akcolt said:

I saw somewhere he's up close to 250lbs I think the only ILB with more size is DQ. We know his speed. I thought I remembered hearing his name during camp but you are right the games are where he made the roster. He led the team in tackles last preseason.


I don't see how Herrera makes even the PS this year. I feel the same about  Maggitt. I know he's the darling on the board. I think he's behind Thompson Bates and Okine. He's been missing time already. People are sleeping on Thompson  IMO. 

Yeah I don't think Herrera has much chance.  I think they probably like Sylvestre and Edwin Jackson more than him.

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37 minutes ago, akcolt said:

I saw somewhere he's up close to 250lbs I think the only ILB with more size is DQ. We know his speed. I thought I remembered hearing his name during camp but you are right the games are where he made the roster. He led the team in tackles last preseason.


I don't see how Herrera makes even the PS this year. I feel the same about  Maggitt. I know he's the darling on the board. I think he's behind Thompson Bates and Okine. He's been missing time already. People are sleeping on Thompson  IMO. 

According to Wilson at Stampede Blue Maggitt has been working as a SAM backer.


Curt Maggitt. I mentioned this yesterday in my notebook, but I wanted to expand upon it/confirm it today: I think the Colts are working with Curt Maggitt as a strongside outside linebacker behind Erik Walden. Yesterday, Maggitt stayed with the skill players to do 7-on-7 work while the pass rushers went to do a pass rush drill. That was the first indication, and then today during 11-on-11 work Maggitt was working as the second-team strongside backer while Ron Thompson was in at the rush spot. I don’t know if this is something the Colts plan to continue or if they’re just trying it out, but it makes sense: they have several young, developmental pass rushers but no one to play behind Walden, so working someone else at the spot is a smart thing to do.


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26 minutes ago, krunk said:

According to Wilson at Stampede Blue Maggitt has been working as a SAM backer.


Curt Maggitt. I mentioned this yesterday in my notebook, but I wanted to expand upon it/confirm it today: I think the Colts are working with Curt Maggitt as a strongside outside linebacker behind Erik Walden. Yesterday, Maggitt stayed with the skill players to do 7-on-7 work while the pass rushers went to do a pass rush drill. That was the first indication, and then today during 11-on-11 work Maggitt was working as the second-team strongside backer while Ron Thompson was in at the rush spot. I don’t know if this is something the Colts plan to continue or if they’re just trying it out, but it makes sense: they have several young, developmental pass rushers but no one to play behind Walden, so working someone else at the spot is a smart thing to do.


Thanks for the update!  As you know I am a 'Cuse fan and have very high hopes for Thompson!

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On July 26, 2016 at 2:16 AM, AZColt11 said:

I don't know if they'll be great, my money says prolly not, but I don't think they need to be.  The problem was the offense last year.  If they are back to form this is a playoff team, plain and simple.  The defense improving would get them over the hump into Superbowl caliber.  So if Superbowl caliber is what you are expecting, then yes you should be worried.  If getting back to the playoffs is what you are worried about, I wouldn't worry.  Next season's draft will and should be mostly about the defense and MAY just be the one that gets us into that next level we all want.


As for positions, relative to the Colts and NOT the rest of the league in general, I like the way the DL and DB's are shaping up.  I like Robinson over Toler and I think a couple of the young guys are ready to step up and play well.  Smith, Geathers?  The LB position is a little more up-in-the-air to me but I like some of the pieces and some of the younger guys I think will show some things.  Will they get beaten and look lousy at times?  Most likely.  The DL, to me, is the strength.  I like just about all those guys really, even Jones IF he can actually play.  Not worried there at all even if he can't.  They only need 3 of them at any one time anyway.

I expect them to get beaten, but I don't expect them to look lousy/unprepared like they have the last few years.  mainly because I think the offense will be much more consistent.

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10 hours ago, krunk said:

According to Wilson at Stampede Blue Maggitt has been working as a SAM backer.


Curt Maggitt. I mentioned this yesterday in my notebook, but I wanted to expand upon it/confirm it today: I think the Colts are working with Curt Maggitt as a strongside outside linebacker behind Erik Walden. Yesterday, Maggitt stayed with the skill players to do 7-on-7 work while the pass rushers went to do a pass rush drill. That was the first indication, and then today during 11-on-11 work Maggitt was working as the second-team strongside backer while Ron Thompson was in at the rush spot. I don’t know if this is something the Colts plan to continue or if they’re just trying it out, but it makes sense: they have several young, developmental pass rushers but no one to play behind Walden, so working someone else at the spot is a smart thing to do.


Maggitt played SAM for 8 games in 2011at UT. Remember the depth chart we release had SAM-

Walden, Bates, Maggitt 

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20 hours ago, Chucklez said:

That was almost certainly an anomaly, but it proves it can all come together at the right time. You just never know with football and that's why i love it so much.

The Steelers do this almost every year.  They play their best and come together late in the season and playoffs.  I believe their defense is a big part of that.

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On Saturday, July 23, 2016 at 2:47 AM, oldunclemark said:

Calm down...my man.

I cant answer defensive questions now but offense DOES win as evidenced by New England 2 years ago.

The most important unitl on any team is the offensive line..and that's where we'll be much improved an d physically stronger..We will have a very good offense...we will be playing with the lead ..


You don't like Patrick Robinson, Darius Butler ...(Pro Bowl) Mike Adams and our rookie who runs a 4.3?

Okay..Nate Irving is a pretty good LB...

...we're a little short in the line....I cant talk that one up....but we will score....You're going to like it


....lets wait until training camp opens before we panic

Uh, 2 years ago it was the defense that won it for new England lol.

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I expect the Colts will be one of the worst teams in the league...defensively.  Offensively, we should be able to put up some points but I don't think it will be enough to overcome what our defense will give up.  Every game won will be close...team isn't strong enough on both sides of the ball to blow out anyone on their schedule this year.  I expect our Colts will get their butts handed to them at least twice...as has become the trend under Pagano/Griggson/Luck.  Hoping to be wrong but don't think I will be.   Looking like a 7-9, 8-8 or 9-7 type season to me due to our subpar defense, inevitable unanticipated injuries and thin offensive depth at WR, RB & TE. 

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42 minutes ago, Coltsman1788 said:

I expect the Colts will be one of the worst teams in the league...defensively.  Offensively, we should be able to put up some points but I don't think it will be enough to overcome what our defense will give up.  Every game won will be close...team isn't strong enough on both sides of the ball to blow out anyone on their schedule this year.  I expect our Colts will get their butts handed to them at least twice...as has become the trend under Pagano/Griggson/Luck.  Hoping to be wrong but don't think I will be.   Looking like a 7-9, 8-8 or 9-7 type season to me due to our subpar defense, inevitable unanticipated injuries and thin offensive depth at WR, RB & TE. 

I doubt the defense will be as bad as you seem to think. Getting some players who were injured back and a year more under the belts of the young guys will help. I just don't see the doom and gloom you see.

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38 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

I doubt the defense will be as bad as you seem to think. Getting some players who were injured back and a year more under the belts of the young guys will help. I just don't see the doom and gloom you see.

I hope you are right. 


The ability of guys like Anderson to rebound from injury and build on his rookie year successes will be critical.  I don't think we can count much on Arthur Jones. We need Ridgeway or some of the other young linemen to step up.  I'm concerned with our perceived inability to generate a pass rush.  Rolling the dice with old guys like Mathis and Cole rarely works out.  Our linebacker core overall looks mediocre to average...I think they will still struggle in coverage.  The secondary has one good but over-rated corner in Vontae; an out of place slot receiver being asked to play on the outside where he has struggled in Robinson; and a supporting cast of average to inexperienced guys.  Colts do seem to have some interesting young talent at the safety position to go with Adams, who has been very solid for us but is on the wrong side of 30.  We will see how it all goes.


My  expectations are set conservatively low until I see some tangible signs of their improvement on the field.  I would really like to be pleasantly surprised by this team rather than disappointed this year. 



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1 hour ago, Coltsman1788 said:

I hope you are right. 


The ability of guys like Anderson to rebound from injury and build on his rookie year successes will be critical.  I don't think we can count much on Arthur Jones. We need Ridgeway or some of the other young linemen to step up.  I'm concerned with our perceived inability to generate a pass rush.  Rolling the dice with old guys like Mathis and Cole rarely works out.  Our linebacker core overall looks mediocre to average...I think they will still struggle in coverage.  The secondary has one good but over-rated corner in Vontae; an out of place slot receiver being asked to play on the outside where he has struggled in Robinson; and a supporting cast of average to inexperienced guys.  Colts do seem to have some interesting young talent at the safety position to go with Adams, who has been very solid for us but is on the wrong side of 30.  We will see how it all goes.


My  expectations are set conservatively low until I see some tangible signs of their improvement on the field.  I would really like to be pleasantly surprised by this team rather than disappointed this year. 



Last season our lack of an offense put way too much pressure on the defense. Way too many turnovers and three and outs. Our defense was on the field too much in every game. Very seldom did they even have time to catch their breath before having to go back out. I don't think too many including the better receivers in the NFL think that Vontae is over rated. He was just like the rest of the defense and that was on the field too much.

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3 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

I doubt the defense will be as bad as you seem to think. Getting some players who were injured back and a year more under the belts of the young guys will help. I just don't see the doom and gloom you see.

Think you are going to be surprised if Doyle has to play a larger role. We have some talented young WR's as well. Turbin is a proven back up at RB Ferguson and Williams are capable change of pace guys. No team is doing well if you get to 3rd or 4th on the depth chart. You might be surprised if you wait to see what we have before deciding there is nothing. 

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26 minutes ago, akcolt said:

Think you are going to be surprised if Doyle has to play a larger role. We have some talented young WR's as well. Turbin is a proven back up at RB Ferguson and Williams are capable change of pace guys. No team is doing well if you get to 3rd or 4th on the depth chart. You might be surprised if you wait to see what we have before deciding there is nothing. 

Sorry akc, I think you were replying to someone else. I really am not too worried about our offense as long as Luck gets at least average protection. If the offense can use some ball control it will help the defense a whole bunch. I think Doyle will do just fine. He has always done what was ask of him so I don't see any reason not to assume it will continue.

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1 hour ago, crazycolt1 said:

Sorry akc, I think you were replying to someone else. I really am not too worried about our offense as long as Luck gets at least average protection. If the offense can use some ball control it will help the defense a whole bunch. I think Doyle will do just fine. He has always done what was ask of him so I don't see any reason not to assume it will continue.

You are right Cray I should have quoted Coltsman. Doyle was thought of as a pass catching TE when he came out of WKU in 2013. We have never asked him to be that. Blocking was his weakness that alone tells you about Doyle. 

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32 minutes ago, akcolt said:

You are right Cray I should have quoted Coltsman. Doyle was thought of as a pass catching TE when he came out of WKU in 2013. We have never asked him to be that. Blocking was his weakness that alone tells you about Doyle. 

The Colts have never asked him to be a pass catching TE because he isn't one.  About all he is going to do,is catch a 5 harder and get cut done immediately.

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