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Luck still banged up [Merge]


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I think he is taking his recovery slowly and it's what he should do! He got pretty beat up.


I get a feeling that his shoulder issue might actually be worse than his kidney issue. I don't know though obviously. 


Colts gotta keep him healthy any way they can.

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2 hours ago, bravo4460 said:

I think he is taking his recovery slowly and it's what he should do! He got pretty beat up.


I get a feeling that his shoulder issue might actually be worse than his kidney issue. I don't know though obviously. 


Colts gotta keep him healthy any way they can.



The kidney should not be an issue. I think it's very obvious that the shoulder is the issue even though no one seems to want to say it. 

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I think he will be fine too I think this is the media just blowing what he said out of proportion they said the Kidney was 100% and that was the week before the super bowl which was more than two months ago and the shoulder should have been healed by the end of the season I think his shoulder was separated and he should have sat more than two games that I hold the colts upper management responsible for they mismanaged the injury from the start and it cost us a playoff spot by seasons end. I think if he is still having limitations he might want to think about going to a hospital to get more MRI's and so on because something is wrong if he isn't healed and 100% by now.

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I remember reports / Irsay saying that Luck would have been able to play if we somehow made the playoffs last season and got to the divisional / championship game...

He will be fine. If there was any chance of luck's injury being more serious the NFL media would be all over it and it would be a huge off-season story...

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3 hours ago, pgt_rob said:

Lacerated kidney and torn abdominal muscles are no joke. I'm sure he was pissing blood for a while. I don't want to jump to conclusions but we may have another long season ahead of us...

I don't think 1/2 of our fan base could survive another season like last year!

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9 hours ago, RockThatBlue said:


3 hours ago, B~Town said:



Sounds like Lucks injuries were worse than advertised those shoulder injuries can be a problem .

Merged your threads.


Training camp doesn't start for several more months.  I think Luck will be 100% by the start of the season

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2 hours ago, CoachLite said:

Wonder how his confidence and bruised ego is healing?

andrew luck is the last guy that you need to worry about over this.  he just has to learn to make better decisions.  his injuries should be fine 

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3 hours ago, jameszeigler834 said:

I think he will be fine too I think this is the media just blowing what he said out of proportion they said the Kidney was 100% and that was the week before the super bowl which was more than two months ago and the shoulder should have been healed by the end of the season I think his shoulder was separated and he should have sat more than two games that I hold the colts upper management responsible for they mismanaged the injury from the start and it cost us a playoff spot by seasons end. I think if he is still having limitations he might want to think about going to a hospital to get more MRI's and so on because something is wrong if he isn't healed and 100% by now.


Oh,  for God sake......        :facepalm:


That was one of the most painful reads of all time.


From....   he'll be fine...   to it's the media's fault...   to what you think his real injuries were....   to you hold the Colts upper management responsible....    to mismanaging the injury...    to it cost us a playoff spot....    to, Luck should go to the hospital and get more MRI's....


For the love of God the only thing you didn't accuse the Colts of doing is screwing up the U.S. economy and the nightmare in the Middle East.      But, the day is still young,  you still have time to do that......


Wow.....   what a train wreck.....       Sorry,  but there's no other way around it....


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16 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


Oh,  for God sake......        :facepalm:


That was one of the most painful reads of all time.


From....   he'll be fine...   to it's the media's fault...   to what you think his real injuries were....   to you hold the Colts upper management responsible....    to mismanaging the injury...    to it cost us a playoff spot....    to, Luck should go to the hospital and get more MRI's....


For the love of God the only thing you didn't accuse the Colts of doing is screwing up the U.S. economy and the nightmare in the Middle East.      But, the day is still young,  you still have time to do that......


Wow.....   what a train wreck.....       Sorry,  but there's no other way around it....


haha Tell him how you really feel. I would like to see you get on more people that think the Jags and Titans all of the sudden have become SB contenders. I find that beyond laughable. If the Jags win more than 9 games and Titans win more than 7 games I will go jump in a pond in mid winter wearing only a pair of shorts LOL. Even with a bust Draft but a healthy Andrew I bet we win 9 games at worse. I can see the Texans winning 9 or 10 but Brock isn't getting them in Elite status and they aren't beating us here again either if Andrew is healthy.

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25 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


Oh,  for God sake......        :facepalm:


That was one of the most painful reads of all time.


From....   he'll be fine...   to it's the media's fault...   to what you think his real injuries were....   to you hold the Colts upper management responsible....    to mismanaging the injury...    to it cost us a playoff spot....    to, Luck should go to the hospital and get more MRI's....


For the love of God the only thing you didn't accuse the Colts of doing is screwing up the U.S. economy and the nightmare in the Middle East.      But, the day is still young,  you still have time to do that......


Wow.....   what a train wreck.....       Sorry,  but there's no other way around it....


my thoughts exactly....

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1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:


Oh,  for God sake......        :facepalm:


That was one of the most painful reads of all time.


From....   he'll be fine...   to it's the media's fault...   to what you think his real injuries were....   to you hold the Colts upper management responsible....    to mismanaging the injury...    to it cost us a playoff spot....    to, Luck should go to the hospital and get more MRI's....


For the love of God the only thing you didn't accuse the Colts of doing is screwing up the U.S. economy and the nightmare in the Middle East.      But, the day is still young,  you still have time to do that......


Wow.....   what a train wreck.....       Sorry,  but there's no other way around it....


It maybe be that for you but its nothing but the truth they brought him back too soon which cost us in the long run and its upper managements fault because the colts have had a terrible line for 4 years and they have ignored it for the same amount of time or signed worthless over the hill players that were not going to help the situation so that is my story and I'm sticking to it. Also the season ended just two and a half months ago we aren't even lose to half way through the offseason yet so yes I believe he will be fine by training camp and if not they will have to do more MRI's and find out whats would be causing him to not be 100%.

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1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

haha Tell him how you really feel. I would like to see you get on more people that think the Jags and Titans all of the sudden have become SB contenders. I find that beyond laughable. If the Jags win more than 9 games and Titans win more than 7 games I will go jump in a pond in mid winter wearing only a pair of shorts LOL. Even with a bust Draft but a healthy Andrew I bet we win 9 games at worse. I can see the Texans winning 9 or 10 but Brock isn't getting them in Elite status and they aren't beating us here again either if Andrew is healthy.


Honestly,  I think both J'Ville and Tennessee will be much improved.    I don't think either wins 9 games,  but I think they'll be better.      I wouldn't be surprised if the Colts go 3-3 in conference this season.  


We lost to Texas last year.     We lost to J'Ville last year.     And we nearly lost to Tennessee last year.   


I'm not predicting we'll go 3-3,  but I won't be surprised if that happens.....


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6 hours ago, B~Town said:



Sounds like Lucks injuries were worse than advertised those shoulder injuries can be a problem .


You mean that injury Pagano called a bruised shoulder, negating reports of a subluxation?


I don't recall any official injury reports except shoulder, abdomen, and kidney. If it turns out to be something else, the NFL will interested in investigating what, and when, and why ( not reported ) .

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27 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


You mean that injury Pagano called a bruised shoulder, negating reports of a subluxation?


I don't recall any official injury reports except shoulder, abdomen, and kidney. If it turns out to be something else, the NFL will interested in investigating what, and when, and why ( not reported ) .


The NFL already investigated it: http://www.indystar.com/story/sports/nfl/colts/2015/11/01/report-indianapolis-colts-qb-andrew-luck-dealing-broken-ribs/75001308/

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1 hour ago, Restored said:

That says they will investigate, andI guess for ribs. Do you have the results?  If Luck isn't healthy, it doesn't add up as in all reported injuries have had more than enough time to heal, AFAIK.

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11 hours ago, pgt_rob said:

Lacerated kidney and torn abdominal muscles are no joke. I'm sure he was pissing blood for a while. I don't want to jump to conclusions but we may have another long season ahead of us...

Your 2nd sentence made me do a double take pgt. The unvarnished nature of it. You're probably right. I'm sure there were some unpleasant side effects of all the punishment he took last season. 


Please...Please...Please Joe Philbin protect Luck at all costs because INDY will never win a 2nd ring if Andrew takes that kind of a beating the Broncos defense gave him again. 


Just heal up Chewbacca & get rid of the football faster. Knock on wood man. 

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4 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


Honestly,  I think both J'Ville and Tennessee will be much improved.    I don't think either wins 9 games,  but I think they'll be better.      I wouldn't be surprised if the Colts go 3-3 in conference this season.  


We lost to Texas last year.     We lost to J'Ville last year.     And we nearly lost to Tennessee last year.   


I'm not predicting we'll go 3-3,  but I won't be surprised if that happens.....



If Indy has another down year, which is definitely possible, Grigson seriously needs to go, and Irsay needs to bring in a creative thinking and bold GM like Tennessee now has in Jon Robinson. Indy needs an influx of young players through the draft, and the GM needs to find creative ways to add draft picks to set this franchise up for the future.

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4 minutes ago, BProland85 said:


If Indy has another down year, which is definitely possible, Grigson seriously needs to go, and Irsay needs to bring in a creative thinking and bold GM like Tennessee now has in Jon Robinson. Indy needs an influx of young players through the draft, and the GM needs to find creative ways to add draft picks to set this franchise up for the future.

True, if Grigs starts going thru QBs from Sept thru December like we did when Matthew Hasselbeck held down the fort for us, this upcoming season Ryan won't remain here long. I won't call for his contract termination right now, but I hope he has a sense of urgency at the moment for this franchise. I will hold off my final evaluations of Grigson until the end of December. However, my grace period for him is starting to wear thin. I won't deny that.  

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TBH I'm kinda nervous...


I'm not sure how many of you were around when 2011 rolled through here like a train wreck, but leading up to the season, Manning was "Fine" and  no one cared that he didn't play in the pre-season or participate in training camp. Fact is, most (myself included) expected him to start game 1 of the 2011 season, and game 1 came and passed, still the Colts organization said he was progressing towards returning, and wouldn't you know it they never did put him on IR, kept baiting us along all season.


I'm not saying Luck has some career altering injury, but ever since, I take that the player is less than 100% after an entire off-season as a HUGE red flag.

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13 hours ago, ColtsBlueFL said:

That says they will investigate, andI guess for ribs. Do you have the results?  If Luck isn't healthy, it doesn't add up as in all reported injuries have had more than enough time to heal, AFAIK.


Don't know about any results but I assume since nothing has come out and it was back in November, everything checked out. I think Luck is just giving a formalized, cliche' answer.

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11 hours ago, BProland85 said:


If Indy has another down year, which is definitely possible, Grigson seriously needs to go, and Irsay needs to bring in a creative thinking and bold GM like Tennessee now has in Jon Robinson. Indy needs an influx of young players through the draft, and the GM needs to find creative ways to add draft picks to set this franchise up for the future.


Two ways that happens:


1. Colts have an absolutely horrible year and get a high pick and trade it for more picks.

2. You trade a franchise-level type player (Hershel Walker trade) and get a ton of picks.


Otherwise, there really isn't going to be a way to stockpile picks.

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Unsurprising really. The kidney and ab muscle tears are serious issues. A friend of mine had similar stuff after a motorcycle accident and he was peeing blood for a at least 2/3 months afterwards. He wasn't right for at least 6 months. No reason Luck shouldn't be ready by OTAs/Camp.


The shoulder is the big ongoing issue. Shoulder injures are nasty, a little like knee injuries as they tend to recur, especially when the joint is being used as much as a QBs arm. Depending on what the injury itself actually is (a chipped bone is very different from a fracture or a torn muscle) I can definitely see him being handled tentatively during camp as he gets that arm going again.

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8 hours ago, UKColt13 said:

Unsurprising really. The kidney and ab muscle tears are serious issues. A friend of mine had similar stuff after a motorcycle accident and he was peeing blood for a at least 2/3 months afterwards. He wasn't right for at least 6 months. No reason Luck shouldn't be ready by OTAs/Camp.


The shoulder is the big ongoing issue. Shoulder injures are nasty, a little like knee injuries as they tend to recur, especially when the joint is being used as much as a QBs arm. Depending on what the injury itself actually is (a chipped bone is very different from a fracture or a torn muscle) I can definitely see him being handled tentatively during camp as he gets that arm going again.

The shoulder is a little worrisome especially if it is the same injury from preseason last year . That is a long time for a shoulder injury to still be bothering Luck .

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