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Hasselbeck expected to start per Ian Rappoport (Merge)


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Absolutely. Almost everyone came into the season thinking Super Bowl or bust. I would think after week 3 the outlook would have changed. Team is well short of that benchmark.

It was unfair to put that type of pressure on this team from the beginning.From 2-12 to the Super Bowl in 3 years? That type of turn around is unprecedented.

That's why optimism should be curved because the team is about to hit the team version of the rookie wall. We over achieved in a short period of time time given some extraordinary circumstances, but the team is still a work in progress.

Irsay shouldn't hold that fact against anyone. Grigson is under fire because of his overall job performance as a GM and future outlook, regardless of wins/losses.

i don't think Irsay is going to do that. If anything he's going to go to Grigson and say you told me if I spent the money on these guys we would be a Super Bowl team, what happened?

Fans might and should lower expectations but I really doubt the team themself have. If anything I would bet the pressure to win is mounting because people's jobs are on the line and not just with the head coach and GM.

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Absolutely. Almost everyone came into the season thinking Super Bowl or bust. I would think after week 3 the outlook would have changed. Team is well short of that benchmark.

It was unfair to put that type of pressure on this team from the beginning.From 2-12 to the Super Bowl in 3 years? That type of turn around is unprecedented.

That's why optimism should be curved because the team is about to hit the team version of the rookie wall. We over achieved in a short period of time time given some extraordinary circumstances, but the team is still a work in progress.

Irsay shouldn't hold that fact against anyone. Grigson is under fire because of his overall job performance as a GM and future outlook, regardless of wins/losses.

This is a win now league - as well it should be.  But three 11-win seasons should have been viewed as a real bonus and benefit of playing in a weak division.  There have been some really good wins along the way and some horrific losses too.  I really think the Colts needed a more mature GM that could have told Mr Irsay that we're playing with house money here, let's not get caught up in this here hype. But his public posture has not been very measured.  His acquisitions are about winning now.  So I think that the GM is catching, or will catch, some heat around this season.

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It's the OL's fault Hasselbeck hasn't thrown a pick yet.. /sarcasm

Don't care what anyone says, Hasselbeck had the offense rolling. It's Frank Gore's fault we went to OT.

Hasselbeck had the offense looking like how we all thought it would, and also the fact that Pep pulled a whole new playbook out of nowhere. Sabotaging Luck's career with the Bruce Arians offense but reviving Matt's with the greatest shoe on turf offense that he said

Dorsett even lined up in the backfield at times. Dorsett!!!


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You know what fans? I've been watching and reading as much as I possibly can about our beloved Colts the last couple of days, especially today, with all the media outlets how they're predicting we're dead in the water. If ever there was a time to shove all of this rhetoric right down the throats of our adversaries, it's tonight and the next 5 games.

Negate the media. I hear nothing, I say nothing. Put your entire us v. the world hats on, and go out and prove your salt. It just may be the recipe for withstanding all of this who-ha-ha for the rest of the season.


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Don't care what anyone says, Hasselbeck had the offense rolling. It's Frank Gore's fault we went to OT.

Hasselbeck had the offense looking like how we all thought it would, and also the fact that Pep pulled a whole new playbook out of nowhere. Sabotaging Luck's career with the Bruce Arians offense but reviving Matt's with the greatest shoe on turf offense that he said

Dorsett even lined up in the backfield at times. Dorsett!!!


they looked to have things clicking until the fumble and then momentum shifted and the offense did nothing until the field goal drive in OT (honestly nothing, three straight three and outs followed the fumble.). I think that's what you are going to have with a backup QB three maybe four good drives a game so you had better capitalize on those.

Still the fumble underscores what the Colts biggest problem has been this season the self inflicted problems of turnovers and flags. The flags were a little better Sunday but two turnovers still jumps out. It doesn't matter who the QB is if the Colts don't fix those two things they are going to struggle.

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Don't care what anyone says, Hasselbeck had the offense rolling. It's Frank Gore's fault we went to OT.

Hasselbeck had the offense looking like how we all thought it would, and also the fact that Pep pulled a whole new playbook out of nowhere. Sabotaging Luck's career with the Bruce Arians offense but reviving Matt's with the greatest shoe on turf offense that he said

Dorsett even lined up in the backfield at times. Dorsett!!!


Luck has had the same underneath routes, for the most part, that Hasselbeck had. Do I think Pep needs to reel it in some? Sure. But Luck's decision making has hurt himself more than Pep or the OL has. They deserve blame, but again and moreso, so does Luck.

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As long as Anderson and Davis play, I feel we will win even with a semi-weak-flu-recovering-40 yr old.  Hasselbeck had complete control of the new look offense last week with no turnovers and few QB hits.  I think I'm one of the few who think our chances are better with Hasselbeck at 50% rather than luck at 50% given the funk he has been in the 1st 3 games.  I'm more worried about the defense than the offense injury wise.  If it wouldn't have been for the fumbles, which basically gifted them a couple of scores, we would have beat the jags handily.  RB's need to hold on to the damn ball because the Texans defense is going to be trying to strip the ball on every running play after doing film study on us through the week.  Gore needs to have a big game.

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how we scratched out 2-2 up to this point is a miracle based on how a mess everything is.  coming out of Houston, there is no doubt we will be 2-3 with the Luck situation factoring heavily, and all the other drama going on.  Let's be thankful with 2-3 coming into next week to shock the Pats with a fully healthy Andrew Luck and get to 3-3.  We have 9 days to prepare for BB, TB, and the hated Pats.  I'll take it.

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You know what fans? I've been watching and reading as much as I possibly can about our beloved Colts the last couple of days, especially today, with all the media outlets how they're predicting we're dead in the water. If ever there was a time to shove all of this rhetoric right down the throats of our adversaries, it's tonight and the next 5 games.

Negate the media. I hear nothing, I say nothing. Put your entire us v. the world hats on, and go out and prove your salt. It just may be the recipe for withstanding all of this who-ha-ha for the rest of the season.


I like this a lot...

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Don't care what anyone says, Hasselbeck had the offense rolling. It's Frank Gore's fault we went to OT.

Hasselbeck had the offense looking like how we all thought it would, and also the fact that Pep pulled a whole new playbook out of nowhere. Sabotaging Luck's career with the Bruce Arians offense but reviving Matt's with the greatest shoe on turf offense that he said

Dorsett even lined up in the backfield at times. Dorsett!!!


Wow.  The Bruce Arians offense is doing pretty well in Arizona..just sayin.  Pep knows the same things.  We saw it last week in the 4th Quarter.


I think a whole lot of the 'younger crowd ' should stop firing people.  I had to fire people in my job for 22 tears.  It is not fun.  Families are left hanging.  Don't get me wrong there were those who needed firing ASAP, but not a coach Luck has made poor decisions.


I cannot wait to watch this game tonight.  I think we win, and an exhausted Hasselback is once again a hero.  Frank Gore will get the running game going and will NOT fumble.


Time for the big  :chillpill: for a lot of folks that count us out against the Texans.  It will be fun, and then we can get everyone healthy for the Patriots. :colts:  :colts:  :coltslogo:  :coltslogo:  :coltshelmet:  :coltshelmet: !!!!!

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i don't think Irsay is going to do that. If anything he's going to go to Grigson and say you told me if I spent the money on these guys we would be a Super Bowl team, what happened?

Fans might and should lower expectations but I really doubt the team themself have. If anything I would bet the pressure to win is mounting because people's jobs are on the line and not just with the head coach and GM.


I agree. It's been a very misleading 11-5.

This is a win now league - as well it should be.  But three 11-win seasons should have been viewed as a real bonus and benefit of playing in a weak division.  There have been some really good wins along the way and some horrific losses too.  I really think the Colts needed a more mature GM that could have told Mr Irsay that we're playing with house money here, let's not get caught up in this here hype. But his public posture has not been very measured.  His acquisitions are about winning now.  So I think that the GM is catching, or will catch, some heat around this season.

Exactly. And he came in with that mindset. I remember the press conference when he kept saying "We're re-tooling, not re-building " which struck me as very odd. I think the issue here is he talked himself into a position he can't get out of. He kept signing FAs to patch holes instead of building through the draft and going after young guys in FAs. He sold Irsay on a pipe dream and now it's become obvious where this team really is. Grigson put himself into this whole though.

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Wow.  The Bruce Arians offense is doing pretty well in Arizona..just sayin.  Pep knows the same things.  We saw it last week in the 4th Quarter.


I think a whole lot of the 'younger crowd ' should stop firing people.  I had to fire people in my job for 22 tears.  It is not fun.  Families are left hanging.  Don't get me wrong there were those who needed firing ASAP, but not a coach Luck has made poor decisions.


I cannot wait to watch this game tonight.  I think we win, and an exhausted Hasselback is once again a hero.  Frank Gore will get the running game going and will NOT fumble.


Time for the big  :chillpill: for a lot of folks that count us out against the Texans.  It will be fun, and then we can get everyone healthy for the Patriots. :colts:  :colts:  :coltslogo:  :coltslogo:  :coltshelmet:  :coltshelmet: !!!!!

Iʻll be praying brother...GO COLTS! Can I get an AMEN!

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Week 2 of teaching Luck to take what the defense gives you. With that said I hope we do that to take more later



 I agree with this. I even find it kind of odd that with all the talk about Luck being super smart and cerebral that he hasn't figured out this basic aspect of the game after 3 years. IMO Peyton is still way ahead of Luck when it comes to diagnosing defenses. I would still take Luck over Manning in playoff games, but he still has a long way to go to be amongst the elite QB's. I think he will get there though.

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 I agree with this. I even find it kind of odd that with all the talk about Luck being super smart and cerebral that he hasn't figured out this basic aspect of the game after 3 years. IMO Peyton is still way ahead of Luck when it comes to diagnosing defenses. I would still take Luck over Manning in playoff games, but he still has a long way to go to be amongst the elite QB's. I think he will get there though.

I don't think that its Luck that has not figured it out...I think he has just been stubborn with it. I think its Luck simply wants to make plays every single play and keep plays alive and that type of mentality will work (Just ask Brett Favre) but it will also cost you big at times(Again just ask Brett Favre). Also lets not forget Peyton is a veteran and Luck is not quite through his 4th year.


Take those things into account and also that Peps scheme has some major flaws in it. The biggest flaw being lack of receiver routes that compliment each other, Most of the routes just rely on receivers beating there man, If they don't then nobody gets open, Luck then has to hang onto the ball and then gets sacked...sometimes he hangs onto the ball longer then he should however regardless....also to many long developing routes.


Then you have a recipe for a very hit or miss offense, When its on and receivers are able to run free then it works, If receivers are challenged and officials allow for a little more physicality then usual and Luck is off his game then you have what we have had this year....An offense that's not working


Multiple factors on why the offense has struggled

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Don't care what anyone says, Hasselbeck had the offense rolling. It's Frank Gore's fault we went to OT.

Hasselbeck had the offense looking like how we all thought it would, and also the fact that Pep pulled a whole new playbook out of nowhere. Sabotaging Luck's career with the Bruce Arians offense but reviving Matt's with the greatest shoe on turf offense that he said

Dorsett even lined up in the backfield at times. Dorsett!!!


LOL at the offense rolling. We couldn't move the ball at all. Only reason we scored a TD was because half of the drives yardage came from penalties.

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Seriously this stuff always gets you in trouble.


Grigson doesn't understand the important of having an offensive line?!?!?


Really,  when your brain starts to write this,  you need to develop an inner voice that says  "Wait!  Stop!!"


Of course the guy knows.    But all his moves haven't worked out, and it may just get him fired.    But the man knows the importance of an offensive line.


Stop being a drama queen!     You're smarter than this!!


I think it's legitimate to question Grigson's understanding of the relative importance of the OL, because if it's not a lack of understanding than it is complete incompetence on his part.  He has made terrible decisions, had a poorly thought out strategy, horrible (or no) plan B, he has made a colossal mess of the OL ...  If it does get him fired its totally deserved. 

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Three words really Mallet or Hoyer :thmup:


I don't think we'll get destroyed but I think we'll lose.

I will go with the win, but I will not be surprised by a loss.  These guys know we are headed into the bye.  There will be a sense of urgency.    Hoyer will probably come in and give us a hard time.  Good point. :thmup:

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I think it's legitimate to question Grigson's understanding of the relative importance of the OL, because if it's not a lack of understanding than it is complete incompetence on his part.  He has made terrible decisions, had a poorly thought out strategy, horrible (or no) plan B, he has made a colossal mess of the OL ...  If it does get him fired its totally deserved. 

Just look at the other lines in the league.....there are many worse than ours.  Miami's is in total disarray, and I can say Seattle, Detroit, Cleveland. San Diego, and Pittsburgh are sack master lines.  Look at some of the other lines as well.  OL is a huge problem in the league.  Nobody knows how to handle Pro Style offensive anymore.  Everyone in college seems to be going to the spread.


Just the facts based on sack totals to this point.

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Just look at the other lines in the league.....there are many worse than ours. Miami's is in total disarray, and I can say Seattle, Detroit, Cleveland. San Diego, and Pittsburgh are sack master lines. Look at some of the other lines as well. OL is a huge problem in the league. Nobody knows how to handle Pro Style offensive anymore. Everyone in college seems to be going to the spread.

Just the facts based on sack totals to this point.

and the CBA has manipulated in a way it's hard to get the training that's needed to develop linemen at the NFL level. There is a clear oline problem in the NFL that the league needs to take a long hard look at.
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Just look at the other lines in the league.....there are many worse than ours.  Miami's is in total disarray, and I can say Seattle, Detroit, Cleveland. San Diego, and Pittsburgh are sack master lines.  Look at some of the other lines as well.  OL is a huge problem in the league.  Nobody knows how to handle Pro Style offensive anymore.  Everyone in college seems to be going to the spread.


Just the facts based on sack totals to this point.


I have seen the stories and have no doubt there is some bad OL play going on right now on several other teams ... but I can also can see all the mistakes Grigson has made, players he passed on, players he chose, etc ... and see that we could have had an above average OL now ... I am sure many will say "20/20 hindsight", but myself and others were calling for many of these moves at the time (so not in hindsight). I would also argue that knowing the current situation with OL and Grigson being a former OL and scout should have been aware of this trend and got ahead of it and adjusted his strategy accordingly; even if this meant sacrificing in another area. 

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and the CBA has manipulated in a way it's hard to get the training that's needed to develop linemen at the NFL level. There is a clear oline problem in the NFL that the league needs to take a long hard look at.

Being unable to practice live full contact but 1 time a week is an OL killer.  I can go out and go through the motions.  By the way, that is one reason why Grigson/Pagano loved McGlynn from the start.  He had a mean streak and he looked good without pads. 

Edited by BrentMc11
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I have seen the stories and have no doubt there is some bad OL play going on right now on several other teams ... but I can also can see all the mistakes Grigson has made, players he passed on, players he chose, etc ... and see that we could have had an above average OL now ... I am sure many will say "20/20 hindsight", but myself and others were calling for many of these moves at the time (so not in hindsight). I would also argue that knowing the current situation with OL and Grigson being a former OL and scout should have been aware of this trend and got ahead of it and adjusted his strategy accordingly; even if this meant sacrificing in another area. 

I do have to agree that the line has not been good since he got here.  As I said before, it is even more tough to draft OL than ever before.


I would start drafting hard nosed centers who can run block and pass block....convert them to guards.  I would not mind seeing what Harrison can do for us at guard.


I had to edit this...it was awful....:) 

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Let the meltdown commence!


What? No trumpets, a town cryer, & a royal proclamation foreshadowing the train wreck tonight? I kid; I kid Corgi. I burst out laughing when I read your line man.  haha

So 14-2?


This season is definitely one none of us were expecting so far

Touche AC17. This season will be both a brutal & trying one...


Glad we've got one of the best backup QB situations in the NFL.  Too bad he knows he will get sacked by Watt at least once or twice.  Hope he lives to tell about it after the win...

Ah huh OPC. JJ just place Matthew down nice & easy when you sack him tonight okay. Like you're setting down a baby gently in their crib. Thanks. Good luck Hasselbeck. You're gonna need it man. 

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It was unfair to put that type of pressure on this team from the beginning.From 2-12 to the Super Bowl in 3 years? That type of turn around is unprecedented.

That's why optimism should be curved because the team is about to hit the team version of the rookie wall. 


That simply isn't true. The reason for optimism was well-founded and Super Bowl expectations/hopes were absolutely reasonable prior to the season.


You say a turnaround from 2-12 to SB appearance would be "unprecedented"... similar turnarounds have occurred a huge number of times (usually revolving around said team being so bad they were in position to draft a franchise QB). 


2013 Broncos - 4 win team three years prior

2008 Cards - 5 win team two years prior

2006 Bears - 5 win team two years prior

2003 Panthers - 1(!!!) win team two years prior

2001 Patriots - 5 win team the prior year

1999 Rams - 4 win team the year prior

1998 Falcons - 3 win team two  years prior

1992 Cowboys - 1 win team three years prior

1988 Bengals - 4 win team one year prior 

1981 49ers - 2 win team two and three years prior


I'm likely missing a bunch. And while it's not overly common (nor should it be), it is hardly unprecedented. 


Plenty of "franchise" QBs have taken over struggling teams and often enough they are able to make the leap within 3-4 years. That's what concerns me with Andrew. He is undeniably a great talent, but history is riddled with great talents who could either never take that next step, or who fizzled out in short order. But to say that expectations were unrealistic is inaccurate imo. 

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and the CBA has manipulated in a way it's hard to get the training that's needed to develop linemen at the NFL level. There is a clear oline problem in the NFL that the league needs to take a long hard look at.


Which would mean a smart GM should adjust his strategy accordingly .... maybe instead of using (wasting) 1st round picks the way Grigson has a better strategy might have been to trade down with those picks and then use those extra picks to "throw a net over a group of OL" increasing his odds of getting a couple of good ones out of the bunch.  I am not saying this is the solution I was just throwing something out ... but, as an owner I would expect my GM to think outside the box and figure it out ... that's why people in his position in sports and business make the money they do, because they are supposed to be able to implement effective strategies for obstacles and changing landscapes. 

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