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Sports Illustrated Asks: Why isn't Grigson's Job also on the Line?


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And I think it's a damn fair question....


I have been as big a supporter of Grigson as there is here....  and the same for Pagano.    I like both of them very much.


But I don't think you can blame Pagano for whatever his shortcomings are without a fair amount of the blame also falling on Grigson.   It's his job to get the talent,  and I'm sorry,  but we are now four years in and there are still areas where we are not at a playoff caliber level.


We are still struggling at the line of scrimmage -- both sides.


Our defensive line can NOT be taken seriously.   There is ONE veteran out of the first six.   Wynn makes two veterans out of 7.    The other 5 guys are either rookies or 2nd year guys who didn't play much in their first year.     That's simply NOT acceptable.


Our OL may or may not have enough talent,  but it certainly doesn't perform as if it does.   So whether it's talent or coaching,  that's all on Grigson.     He gets the talent, and reportedly is heavily involved in the selection of the coaches.   


Sorry,  I may like them both,  but if the marriage has gone south, I'm in the camp that says it takes two to make this go bad.  


Ultimately,  this is on Irsay.   I don't see him letting go of both and starting over.    But I don't think it's fair that Pagano is the guy with his head in a noose and Grigson is the guy who has made Pagano's job much more difficult than it had to be.


Here is the Sports Illustrated article:



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Its a really fair question. I've said this before but I'm going to do it again. OK. People say "Oh but Grigson has taken us to the playoffs every year" And that's true. But he also hit the jackpot when he was hired as our GM. He was put into a position to succeed. He walked into the GM position in his 1st year and had the number 1 overall pick when a once in every 10 year type QB like Andrew Luck was sitting there for the taking. Hell just about anybody could have taken over as GM and gotten us to the playoffs in this situation. I mean he's made terrible draft decisions. 2012 was good, and this year was good, but the Werner, Thornton class was a joke. He's made awful free agent signings. Example being signing DQ when Dansby was available for the same price. But the worst thing is that he has continued  to disregard the offensive line when its been one of the worst in the league. Example being Evan Mathis. Grigs had no interest in signing a top 5 guard in the league. I don't get that. He needs to be way more aggressive when it comes to things like that. Like when Elway went out and signed Ware, Talib, and Ward and swung for the fences.

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You would think the Colts are at the bottom of the NFL. Every team has a weakness and the Colts are no exception. This knee jerk reaction because of the media has made an issue of selling face and rag time. It is common knowledge that most of the media people don't like Irsay and it is apparent with it's articles and reporting. And now a lot of the Colts fan base is following suit because they buy into this nonsense. The Colts are still in the process of rebuilding the team and some want it all right now and if they don't get it they fall into the same mindset as the media. I have been watching football regularly since 1969 and could say I have seen a lot of different things. Mt comment is it normally takes around five years to build a championship team when you start basically from scratch. The Colts are way ahead in their rebuild than most have done. There have been a couple of teams who done better but that was after a blockbuster trade or deal. Being a fan don't mean you have to be a fanatic.

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It is a fair question.  It would also have been nice if they had used better information to back up their point.  Some of their evidence for Grigson to be on the hot seat, was ridiculous.


The article basically seems like a rehash of an article by Doyle earlier this year.  Lazy journalism again.

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Its a really fair question. I've said this before but I'm going to do it again. OK. People say "Oh but Grigson has taken us to the playoffs every year" And that's true. But he also hit the jackpot when he was hired as our GM. He was put into a position to succeed. He walked into the GM position in his 1st year and had the number 1 overall pick when a once in every 10 year type QB like Andrew Luck was sitting there for the taking. Hell just about anybody could have taken over as GM and gotten us to the playoffs in this situation. I mean he's made terrible draft decisions. 2012 was good, and this year was good, but the Werner, Thornton class was a joke. He's made awful free agent signings. Example being signing DQ when Dansby was available for the same price. But the worst thing is that he has continued  to disregard the offensive line when its been one of the worst in the league. Example being Evan Mathis. Grigs had no interest in signing a top 5 guard in the league. I don't get that. He needs to be way more aggressive when it comes to things like that. Like when Elway went out and signed Ware, Talib, and Ward and swung for the fences.

You failed to mention the 38 million dead cap issue that Grigson had to deal with. Yes the Colts were very lucky to have Luck fall in their laps but Luck did not win those games all by himself. I don't care how good of a quarterback you are you do not break the records that Luck has all alone. The one thing Grigson has said from day one is he was never going to put the Colts in the cap space hades they were in when he took the job. Fans didn't have a problem then but seem to have a big problem with it now.

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I think they both have made bad decisions that have cost the team at various points, I think the D Line was fine game 1. It certainly was not the reason we lost last week nor the reason we gave up a 26 yard td run or a 31 yard run by a QB. The O Line is my biggest beef with Grigson at least run blocking wise(Luck is simply always going to get hit a lot, That's who he is. He is a playmaker, He will always hang onto the ball a bit to long and get hit. That's not on the O Line)....A position he played yet has repeatedly failed to fix though he has tried. I do agree with his overall draft philosophy and agree with much of what he has said over the years in interviews.


The biggest beef I have is not with Grigson, It is with coaching. The complete lack of fundamentals when tackling and run blocking apparently not being taught. A very rudimentary understanding of offensive playcalling such as the purpose of a Slant route or that going over the middle with your TE's enough will cause Linebackers to back off the blitz if they get burned enough

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I think they both have made bad decisions that have cost the team at various points, I think the D Line was fine game 1. It certainly was not the reason we lost last week nor the reason we gave up a 26 yard td run or a 31 yard run by a QB. The O Line is my biggest beef with Grigson at least run blocking wise(Luck is simply always going to get hit a lot, That's who he is. He is a playmaker, He will always hang onto the ball a bit to long and get hit. That's not on the O Line)....A position he played yet has repeatedly failed to fix though he has tried. I do agree with his overall draft philosophy and agree with much of what he has said over the years in interviews.


The biggest beef I have is not with Grigson, It is with coaching. The complete lack of fundamentals when tackling and run blocking apparently not being taught. A very rudimentary understanding of offensive playcalling such as the purpose of a Slant route or that going over the middle with your TE's enough will cause Linebackers to back off the blitz if they get burned enough

I think the art of tackling is a problem all over the NFL. Some players are very good but the biggest majority are not. Maybe the change in the rules have a little to do with it?  What I notice is college players making great tackles to impress the NFL scouts but once in the NFL it don't seem to be a priority. Players cant hit a guy high because of the rules and if they hit low they are accused of being dirty.

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You would think the Colts are at the bottom of the NFL. Every team has a weakness and the Colts are no exception. This knee jerk reaction because of the media has made an issue of selling face and rag time. It is common knowledge that most of the media people don't like Irsay and it is apparent with it's articles and reporting. And now a lot of the Colts fan base is following suit because they buy into this nonsense. The Colts are still in the process of rebuilding the team and some want it all right now and if they don't get it they fall into the same mindset as the media. I have been watching football regularly since 1969 and could say I have seen a lot of different things. Mt comment is it normally takes around five years to build a championship team when you start basically from scratch. The Colts are way ahead in their rebuild than most have done. There have been a couple of teams who done better but that was after a blockbuster trade or deal. Being a fan don't mean you have to be a fanatic.


Eventually people are going to have to stop using this excuse ... I think it is already a really thin excuse ... this is year 4.  If this was college his first recruiting class would be seniors.  This is the year they make their case for being deserving of a long term deal.

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The D-line I don't fault him on. He parted ways with the guys who couldn't get it done and brought in new, more talented players. It just sucks that our best guy on the D-line went down in the preseason.


The O-line on the other hand... It's frustrating. Although I do think Mewhort was a very good draft pick, I'll give him that. 

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Amp Harris was on Query and Schultz today (and had a call in by Edge which was really good by the way if you want to hear what he's up to now a days.) and one of the questions asked towards the end of the time with Amp was would Reggie Wayne still take a front office job with the Colts if offered to him.  Reggie had said on his radio show last year he would.  Amp, who is good friends with Reggie, said now it would probably depend on who was running the Colts at the time.  Jake pressed on and asked would he if Grigson was running the Colts to which Amp said Reggie never really talked to Grigson even on his way out of Indy.  Amp then mentioned it was Pagano who Reggie talked too.  The hosts pretty much asked Amp if you could read between the lines there and Amp pretty much said yes.


I thought that was interesting for a few reason. 


1.  It's more wood for the fire for there to be a problem between Grigson and Pagano.


2.  While it's understandable for a player and GM to not interact much I thought the fact that Amp brought up the part bout Grigson and Reggie not really talking on Reggie's way out to be interesting.  I want to be clear here I don't honestly expect the GM to call every player they let go and let them know why and talk to them but I think Reggie is different.  I think he deserved a meeting or something from Grigson telling him that they wouldn't be re-signing him.  Maybe he got that other ways from Pagano or maybe even Irsay himself but Amp seemed to be implying that didn't sit well with Reggie.


3.  It seemed to be implied Reggie didn't exactly care for Grigson.


Now, I am not going to call for the GM's job just because a player might not have liked him but I do think Grigson maybe lacks little connection with the players.  Again, not a reason to fire him.  It does sound like Grigson is little bit of an odd duck.  I also think he's a bit of a control freak like Polian but just a lot more quiet about it.  Still as the GM that's his right.  I do think he over steps his bounds at times (such as if the reports about Grigson telling Pagano who to play and not) but the core of his job has been to supply this team with talent.  I think he's done that.  Now are they the most talented team in the NFL?  Probably not.  However,  when you look at where they were when he got here in terms of talent and where they are now and how much better they are now in terms of talent it's hard to argue he hasn't done his job well.  Yes, he's had his mistakes and people love to harp on those mistakes and act like those are the only moves that matter but on the whole he's done a good job.  That's why I don't think he's job is on the line. 

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While I think Grigson doesn't warrant the hate he seems to get by a lot on this board, he does deserve some heat. La'el Collins for example. Guy was a first round talent, had off the field issues (that turned out to be nothing) and we could have had him for a song $$ wise. Who knows if he pans out of not, but he was a talent in college. At the time, I think teams were scared and knee-jerked with the fear of another Ray Rice deal. Well, turns out the kid had nothing to do with the crime. Not a sniff from Grigson. Same goes for Incognito. He sure looked pretty damn good last week against us...I am not saying we go after every problem child type player, but those could have been two big upgrades on the line for relatively cheap. Sometimes you have to take chances. Maybe the perceived "soft" (media term bandied about these days) Colts could have used a player like Incognito...someone with a nasty streak. Meanwhile Collins rides the pine behind a loaded Dallas O line when he could have been starting for us.

Otherwise, I think the biggest issues, if true, are not letting Pagano choose his OC. Again it's speculation but it's pretty crappy if Grigson overruled him on Chud. Pep hasn't exactly lit the league on fire after all. And if he indeed is sticking his nose into player decisions (T-Rich, etc.) then that has to stop. Again, this is speculation, but I also believe where there is smoke there is fire. I don't believe he is Irsays "yes man." Jimmy has always let the guys do their thing as far as we know, aside from Manning/Luck (and as owner he should have a say in that big of a decision).

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Eventually people are going to have to stop using this excuse ... I think it is already a really thin excuse ... this is year 4.  If this was college his first recruiting class would be seniors.  This is the year they make their case for being deserving of a long term deal.

Today is not eventually. It's the start of year 4 on what is normally a 5 year process. Also, this is not college and a NFL team is not run like a college program. You may call it an excuse but I call it reality.

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And another thing.

I understand there's a reason, and a cause for most everything, but why is there always someone to blame for everything? Even best intentions gone awry take blame. When did this start? When everyone decided to go to law school, or when it became important for news to be sensational?

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Today is not eventually. It's the start of year 4 on what is normally a 5 year process. Also, this is not college and a NFL team is not run like a college program. You may call it an excuse but I call it reality.


Eventually will come sooner rather than later (some point this season IMO).  I realize this is not college, but what is your basis for the 5 year number?  A lot of people view year three as the year things click for a lot of players. We have one draft going into year 4 and another draft in going into year 3, not mention the veteran FA's with more experience.  I think 4 yrs is enough time to be able to evaluate if you have the right personnel in place to take the next big step, or if you need to make some changes.  When the coach/GM, etc ... have been somewhere long enough that the players they originally drafted are getting new contracts and/or getting ready to become FA's it's evaluation time. 

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Its a really fair question. I've said this before but I'm going to do it again. OK. People say "Oh but Grigson has taken us to the playoffs every year" And that's true. But he also hit the jackpot when he was hired as our GM. He was put into a position to succeed. He walked into the GM position in his 1st year and had the number 1 overall pick when a once in every 10 year type QB like Andrew Luck was sitting there for the taking. Hell just about anybody could have taken over as GM and gotten us to the playoffs in this situation. I mean he's made terrible draft decisions. 2012 was good, and this year was good, but the Werner, Thornton class was a joke. He's made awful free agent signings. Example being signing DQ when Dansby was available for the same price. But the worst thing is that he has continued  to disregard the offensive line when its been one of the worst in the league. Example being Evan Mathis. Grigs had no interest in signing a top 5 guard in the league. I don't get that. He needs to be way more aggressive when it comes to things like that. Like when Elway went out and signed Ware, Talib, and Ward and swung for the fences.


I get this, I really do. However, Elway and Grigson and I all have the same amount of Super Bowl rings as a GM.

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While I think Grigson doesn't warrant the hate he seems to get by a lot on this board, he does deserve some heat. La'el Collins for example. Guy was a first round talent, had off the field issues (that turned out to be nothing) and we could have had him for a song $$ wise. Who knows if he pans out of not, but he was a talent in college. At the time, I think teams were scared and knee-jerked with the fear of another Ray Rice deal. Well, turns out the kid had nothing to do with the crime. Not a sniff from Grigson. Same goes for Incognito. He sure looked pretty damn good last week against us...I am not saying we go after every problem child type player, but those could have been two big upgrades on the line for relatively cheap. Sometimes you have to take chances. Maybe the perceived "soft" (media term bandied about these days) Colts could have used a player like Incognito...someone with a nasty streak. Meanwhile Collins rides the pine behind a loaded Dallas O line when he could have been starting for us.

Otherwise, I think the biggest issues, if true, are not letting Pagano choose his OC. Again it's speculation but it's pretty crappy if Grigson overruled him on Chud. Pep hasn't exactly lit the league on fire after all. And if he indeed is sticking his nose into player decisions (T-Rich, etc.) then that has to stop. Again, this is speculation, but I also believe where there is smoke there is fire. I don't believe he is Irsays "yes man." Jimmy has always let the guys do their thing as far as we know, aside from Manning/Luck (and as owner he should have a say in that big of a decision).


These were the personnel decisions that made you question Grigson as a GM? Those were guys that nobody else in the league were willing to touch as well. The people who signed those respective players, Jerry Jones and Rex Ryan, have always been against-the-grain type of people. I think Grigson deserves some heat, yes, but those decisions (or lack thereof) wouldn't even make it into a top 25 list. I don't Grigson is Irsay's "yes man", so much as it is that Irsay really enjoys having someone who isn't afraid to mix it up after dealing with how conservative Bill Polian was during his tenure. When the Colts were trading for Davis and Richardson, you could see how much Irsay really enjoyed that through his twitter feed. I think he enjoys Grigson's willingness to gamble as opposed to Polian's close-minded philosophy of overpaying his own players,"No one trades away a player who can help them", "Signing UFA's is an overrated, overpaying process." You can see just how smug Polian is every year when he does the free agency specials on ESPN. Just typing it out makes my blood boil.

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I wish somehow all this drama with the coaches and GM were not brought up or leaked to the media. Since knowing the media they won't shut up about it and everyone will follow and talk about it nonstop.


I hope the team just beats the Jets and moves on and has a good season. Period.

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IMO, he is on the hotseat

Out of 32 teams in the NFL I would venture to say that there are about 25 teams that have coaches and or GMs on the hot seat. Just because a fan or the media says that Grigson is on the hot seat don't make it so. Irsay likes Grigson and I would highly doubt his job is in jeopardy after three 11-5 seasons.

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I wish somehow all this drama with the coaches and GM were not brought up or leaked to the media. Since knowing the media they won't shut up about it and everyone will follow and talk about it nonstop.


I hope the team just beats the Jets and moves on and has a good season. Period.

I am not too sure anything was leaked. I think the media took their slant on the Pagano contract and have made an issue out of it. The sports media has become just as bad as any $2 mag rag at Kroger's check out line. Always reading too much into things and then adding their own spin. There are too many cases where the sports media have been so fast at getting an article out the real truth is overlooked, stretched, facts omitted and out and out lies. Sad part is a lot of fans eat that stuff up.

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I am not too sure anything was leaked. I think the media took their slant on the Pagano contract and have made an issue out of it. The sports media has become just as bad as any $2 mag rag at Kroger's check out line. Always reading too much into things and then adding their own spin. There are too many cases where the sports media have been so fast at getting an article out the real truth is overlooked, stretched, facts omitted and out and out lies. Sad part is a lot of fans eat that stuff up.


Leaked might have been the wrong word but just BLAH. I hate that it's become such a big story already. Hell maybe later on it does become a big story for real and we do make changes here.


But, in the meantime I still have hope for a strong season. 

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Leaked might have been the wrong word but just BLAH. I hate that it's become such a big story already. Hell maybe later on it does become a big story for real and we do make changes here.


But, in the meantime I still have hope for a strong season. 

I am with you on that. It gets real tiresome reading about stuff that is just speculation, rumor and opinion that are confused with fact.

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You failed to mention the 38 million dead cap issue that Grigson had to deal with. Yes the Colts were very lucky to have Luck fall in their laps but Luck did not win those games all by himself. I don't care how good of a quarterback you are you do not break the records that Luck has all alone. The one thing Grigson has said from day one is he was never going to put the Colts in the cap space hades they were in when he took the job. Fans didn't have a problem then but seem to have a big problem with it now.

That's why I cut Grigs a lot of slack & don't put Ryan's head on the chopping block. Ryan inherited a disaster in 2012 just on Gary Brackett's deal alone that Chris Polian green lighted/approved. Now, I liked Gary as a LB but he was given way too much money for what he did in the past as opposed to where his athletic ability really was. Always pay athletes [aside from franchise QBs, left tackles, premier DE's, & CBs] based on what they can do now as opposed to what they achieved years ago.  

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I think they both have made bad decisions that have cost the team at various points, I think the D Line was fine game 1. It certainly was not the reason we lost last week nor the reason we gave up a 26 yard td run or a 31 yard run by a QB. The O Line is my biggest beef with Grigson at least run blocking wise(Luck is simply always going to get hit a lot, That's who he is. He is a playmaker, He will always hang onto the ball a bit to long and get hit. That's not on the O Line)....A position he played yet has repeatedly failed to fix though he has tried. I do agree with his overall draft philosophy and agree with much of what he has said over the years in interviews.


The biggest beef I have is not with Grigson, It is with coaching. The complete lack of fundamentals when tackling and run blocking apparently not being taught. A very rudimentary understanding of offensive playcalling such as the purpose of a Slant route or that going over the middle with your TE's enough will cause Linebackers to back off the blitz if they get burned enough

Yes, our tackling looked awful against Buffalo. I initially chalked it up to 1st regular season action rust that needed to be knocked off, but after awhile I was like jesus my nephew Wyatt a Junior in high school football can tackle better than this. Yikes! Not pretty at all. I'm no film expert by any means but I was very discouraged by what I saw on my TV. 

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Out of 32 teams in the NFL I would venture to say that there are about 25 teams that have coaches and or GMs on the hot seat. Just because a fan or the media says that Grigson is on the hot seat don't make it so. Irsay likes Grigson and I would highly doubt his job is in jeopardy after three 11-5 seasons.

Likewise, just because you say it doesn't make it so either.

Irsay also stated he wants the run defense to be fixed and he wants multiple Superbowls during the Luck era. He also stated he doesn't care about the stats, only rings. I doubt 11-5 seasons are going to keep being sufficient.

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Likewise, just because you say it doesn't make it so either.

Irsay also stated he wants the run defense to be fixed and he wants multiple Superbowls during the Luck era. He also stated he doesn't care about the stats, only rings. I doubt 11-5 seasons are going to keep being sufficient.


The New York Giants have two recent Super Bowl rings.   Each time the Giants regular season record was........    9-7.


The regular season record doesn't mean a thing if you win the Super Bowl.      It only means something if you don't.

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I wish somehow all this drama with the coaches and GM were not brought up or leaked to the media. Since knowing the media they won't shut up about it and everyone will follow and talk about it nonstop.


I hope the team just beats the Jets and moves on and has a good season. Period.

Your two local guys - Kravitz and Doyle - remind me of a couple of local guys we have here. Always looking for the negative angle. It is what it is, negativity seems to sell best especially in the sports world. Seems almost as if good stories are reported with clenched teeth.

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Your two local guys - Kravitz and Doyle - remind me of a couple of local guys we have here. Always looking for the negative angle. It is what it is, negativity seems to sell best especially in the sports world. Seems almost as if good stories are reported with clenched teeth.


They don't always take the negative angle.  Actually, Doyle writes quite a few positive uplifting articles for a sports writer.

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Grigson has done a nice job in some areas. He has limited the damage or risk of paying Free Agents by structuring contracts so that if they don't pan out it doesn't hurt the cap much. On the other hand he has signed lots of FA's that did not pan out. He has put the team in a bit of a bind, in my opinion, because of the failed picks of Werner and Richardson. Both cost first round picks. He brought in Trent Cole and Frank Gore. I like the signing of Gore but I've never been a big fan of Trent Cole. Both are aging and are just a stop gap for now. Meanwhile, the OLB position is a huge question mark with Mathis in his twilight and yet to return from the achilles injury. His days are numbered and we need to address that position very soon, every elite team need an elite pass rusher.


Theres the start  of a nucleus on the young offensive line, Costanzo, Mewhort, and maybe Holmes(if he can take it up a notch). The youth infusion on the defensive line looks promising but there doesn't seem to be much veteran leadership in that group. The ILB positon is another interesting group that bears scrutinizing. The Safety position is also another one that doesnt seem to have a lot of promise for the future yet, an aging vet, a cast off from another poor defense and a mid round rookie.


In my opinion Grigson has got to do a better job at the top of the draft in order to secure another playmaker or two. Dorsett maybe Hilton 2.0 and I didn't mind that pick. It seems like we always have a WR hurt but with Moncrief having shown flashes of possibly emerging last season was it the right thing to do for this year? Only time will tell.


I don't see any reason that Grigson should not be on the hot seat himself and maybe he is, that's why he's putting the pressure on Pagano.

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Oh my God I can't wait till Monday Night. 

Your "keep building the monster" at the bottom of your posts reminds me of what Grigson and Pagono said when they started. They were gonna build a monster defense. In my opinion that attempt sure has failed up to now. Unfortunately injuries had something to do with that. A great defense needs a few things: 1) atleast 1 great pass rusher 2) Tough run stopping insidle LB's, 3) a shut down corner, 4) disruptive front line and 5) a player, usually a safety, at the back end that can make big plays. Where are we with those things????


We have the shut down corner. We don't have a disruptive front line(not yet), the ILB's are suspect and the elite pass rusher was out for the year at 34  years old with an achilles injury and yet to return. The playmaking Safety, you could make a case that Adams is that guy, but he's at the tail end of his career and I don't think he can repeat the year he had last year.

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Honestly if there is a problem I put it more on Grigson then Pagano.  


You can't expect a no talent team to make it to the SB even if they have a great QB.  This team has 3 Great players, a handful of decent players and a whole lot of players that wouldn't start and likely wouldn't even make any other playoff team.


Grigson can't find decent long term players to fill his spots despite trying on several occasions so he has to go out and find expensive and old 1 to 2 year rental players.


Grigson's few successes are really being over shadowed by his multiple failures.  

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You failed to mention the 38 million dead cap issue that Grigson had to deal with. Yes the Colts were very lucky to have Luck fall in their laps but Luck did not win those games all by himself. I don't care how good of a quarterback you are you do not break the records that Luck has all alone. The one thing Grigson has said from day one is he was never going to put the Colts in the cap space hades they were in when he took the job. Fans didn't have a problem then but seem to have a big problem with it now.


He's also not paying his quarterback full quarterback money yet.  Saying he hasn't put the team in a cap bind when he's sitting with an ludicrously cheap all pro quarterback is pretty meaningless. 


Hows the cap gonna look when Luck's making 25M year?


The dead cap issue is a long past issue.  He gets a pass for not getting much talent on the team in 2012 outside of the draft and the Vontae trade.  He can't sign FA's with that hanging around his neck.  But when that went away he signed a bunch of FA's and the only one that's anything close to working out is Walden.  Toler maybe if he actually plays in most of the games this year.  


Quite frankly we just are not where we should be and I'm sick of kicking the can down the road on 1 and 2 year rent a players who are in their 30's.  


He's in his 4th year. . . he has no long term plan for the O-line. . . We still need 2 guards. . . same thing we've been needing for a long time.  When it looked like we had filled one spot Grigson decided that Cherilus was making too much money (in what is suppose to be a SB run year) and dumped him, moved Mewhort over and we are back where we started needing 2 guards.


We maybe have a long term player at RB in Robinson but he just started so you don't know.


We still have no long term answer at safety.  One of these spots has been hanging open for someone to be a long term player since Grigson started.  The other one has been open since Bethea walked.


We still lack any real good play makers at LB.  We have just a bunch of decent guys.  


And now with Henry Anderson and David Parry thank you now Grigson that in your 4th year we might have some long term plans at DL.  


Basically the only places we've had long term plans at is QB, WR, CB1, and Punter.  And Grigson still drafted a WR in the first round.  


And not that it's as big of a deal but no long term plans at Kicker either.  '


Oh yeah and he's blown every 1st rounder since Luck, his entire 2013 draft was a wash, not a single useful player came from that draft.


He swings for the fences but he hasn't knocked anything out of the park since trading for Davis and he's struck out too many times to count.

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