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NFL/Patriots Deflategate compromise UPDATE: Pats will not appeal


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According to Adam Shefter,  the talks are all behind the scenes,  nothing direct or face to face....


And this is not a done deal by any stretch.   It sounds like each side is floating trial balloons to see how the other reacts?


So,  there might be a deal....   and there might not be....    way too early to know....






Edit: Updated to reflect that Pats will not appeal: http://espn.go.com/boston/nfl/story/_/id/12913741/robert-kraft-says-new-england-patriots-appeal-deflategate-punishment

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I think the NFL doesn't want this to go to court and have their authority challenged.


They don't want this dragged through the mud.


They don't want a judge who doesn't get/understand the league rules to decide that Brady can play while more haggling is done.


I have no idea what the compromise would be,  but that's why there are negotiations.

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Better for the league not to have to go to court over this and frankly I think they would like this to just go away rather than drag on and on for even more time and clearly anything the Pats can get reduced is better or them. 


I will wait to see what compromise if any is reached before rendering judgment.

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Maybe you guys have it wrong? Could it be it is Kraft who wants to cut a deal? If it went to court Brady's cell phone and records will be made public. Both the equipment men will be brought in to testify. Kraft has enough money to fight this if he was certain he would win. Especially with the big time lawyer he was said to have. Maybe the Lawyer explained what would happen if it went to a higher court? IMO Kraft is back peddling. All of a sudden he wants to settle this behind closed doors? Will Goodell cut a deal and take the flack for cutting Kraft a deal? Funny how things change when reality is faced. Kraft was bringing up Peterson and Rice as examples of penalties being reduced. Keep in mind those were criminal courts involved. The is a football issue that did not involve the criminal courts. Kraft and the other owners pushed for Goodell to have control of penalties and suspensions that were football related. Kraft said at first he would not fight this and then back peddled when the hammer came down. This is all my speculation but it does make good food for thought.

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To me this reads as "the fix is in" plain and simple.  The reason?  Not that it was planned, but BOTH sides do not want to go to court.  I had predicted this days ago on another post.  Neither side is willing to testify in open court. A civil trial means you must take the stand.  Even OJ Simpson had to testify and be cross examined (and was found "responsible") for the murders in Civil Court.  The NFL in general doesn't want the dirty laundry, nor do they want to completely DESTROY Tom Brady and the Patriots.   If Brady and the Patriots do not take it to court, they look even MORE guilty.  Ironically, even if the NFL is 100% correct in all they have done and went LIGHT based on what was REALLY going on and for HOW LONG, the last thing they want to do is to taint 4 Super Bowls and the credibility of the league going back to Brady and Belichick's entire careers.  You can't plead the 5th and you can't NOT share records, cell phones, have under oath testimony not only from Brady and the ball boys and Belichick and Kraft but also all the NFL brass as well.  It could even go wider having Aaron Rodgers called in to state under oath that he pumped (or didn't) extra air into HIS footballs.  


The NFL is just as scared of this as NE is.  I'll say it again, it's the highest level of CHICKEN that has ever been played by the NFL.  If the light suspension is lifted/reduced, it will make the Patriots, Brady and the NFL look even worse because everyone will know that not only DID they cheat, but there's a separate set of rules for the Patriots and Goodells good buddy Kraft than the rest of the league.  Meanwhile Belichick skates off with nothing will Payton from New Orleans lost an entire season for something far less onerous than this as he also had no knowledge of what had happened but got whacked anyway.   

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I think the NFL doesn't want this to go to court and have their authority challenged.


They don't want this dragged through the mud.


They don't want a judge who doesn't get/understand the league rules to decide that Brady can play while more haggling is done.


I have no idea what the compromise would be,  but that's why there are negotiations.


Judge doesn't have to understand league rules, he only has to make sure they are applied consistently.  It's not his job or legal authority to comment on the rules of the NFL.

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Maybe you guys have it wrong? Could it be it is Kraft who wants to cut a deal? If it went to court Brady's cell phone and records will be made public. Both the equipment men will be brought in to testify. Kraft has enough money to fight this if he was certain he would win. Especially with the big time lawyer he was said to have. Maybe the Lawyer explained what would happen if it went to a higher court? IMO Kraft is back peddling. All of a sudden he wants to settle this behind closed doors? Will Goodell cut a deal and take the flack for cutting Kraft a deal? Funny how things change when reality is faced. Kraft was bringing up Peterson and Rice as examples of penalties being reduced. Keep in mind those were criminal courts involved. The is a football issue that did not involve the criminal courts. Kraft and the other owners pushed for Goodell to have control of penalties and suspensions that were football related. Kraft said at first he would not fight this and then back peddled when the hammer came down. This is all my speculation but it does make good food for thought.

It sounds like, considering whatever else could come to light when its in a courtroom and people are under oath....Kraft may be getting advice to knock off the temper tantrums and try to salvage a lesser punishment.

I'm not sure why Goodell would be in the mood for negotiations at this point, but nothing regarding dealings between the Patriots and Goodell surprises me anymore.

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Why would there be a deal? Isn't the deal, "you cheated, here's your penalty"? I don't really get this. If they want to legally challenge the decision, then let them.


There would be a deal so there is no expensive court case that drags into next year and so the Pats admit guilt and accept the commissioners authority.

To me, that would be the compromise they seek


A plea deal. The criminal pleads guilty (or no contest)  to a lesser charge

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I think it's obvious. The NFL doesn't want this to go to court. If there is even a 20% chance that the Patriots have been cheating for a decade or more the NFL will lose billions. The Patriots will not want this either because they want to make money as well. Taking this to court goes against both parties wish to keep fan bases buying tickets.

Again the NFL never wanted the Patriots to get caught but brady not having the fortitude to own up forced everyone's hand.

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There would be a deal so there is no expensive court case that drags into next year and so the Pats admit guilt and accept the commissioners authority.

To me, that would be the compromise they seek


A plea deal. The criminal pleads guilty (or no contest)  to a lesser charge


The plea deal comes before sentencing. That could have happened at any point before they were penalized. Accepting the commissioner's authority is saying "okay, here's our draft picks and $1m." Not "reduce these penalties or we'll sue." Let them drag it into court, let them produce all their information through discovery and subject their employees to actual scrutiny and cross examination.

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Judge doesn't have to understand league rules, he only has to make sure they are applied consistently.  It's not his job or legal authority to comment on the rules of the NFL.


I understand that.....


But if a judge doesn't think the NFL followed it's own rules, and, as a result, came to a wrong conclusion,  then the NFL could lose in court.


They've lost before.    Some judges are more sympathetic to players than others.


It's not as black and white as it might appear to you and me who are not lawyers.....

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Schefty sure has been working the twitter / Facebook last couple days.  I think it is apparent neither the league, nor Kraft want this to got to Federal court.  So is Schefty softening the ground up for a 'New Decision' based upon some new admission or evidence?  Interesting

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This is ridiculous.  


pats* cheated, and got caught. The end.


Accept the punishment and move on!!

The Patriots and Bob Kraft are obviously taking the approach of "We're not guilty if we don't admit it". 


At this point, the Patriots remind of those shirtless guys on the TV show COPS who are always yelling "I d'int do nuffin man" while fighting the police. 

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They'd accept it if it was proven...but since it wasn't, they're fighting it.

It's pretty simply actually.

To Pats fans it wasn't proven, to everyone else it was. You're not changing our minds, we are not changing yours. No matter what happens or is proven no one is budging. The end.

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Behind the scenes compromise? This better not be true.


What is this the NFL's version of The Godfather.

The Good(ell)father



They'd accept it if it was proven...but since it wasn't, they're fighting it.


It's pretty simply actually.

But I thought Robert Kraft said they would accept any punishment the league handed down and move on...

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The Good(ell)father



But I thought Robert Kraft said they would accept any punishment the league handed down and move on...


Yeah, when he assumed the punishment would fit the alleged crime...


When it went far and above what was even remotely reasonable, he said 'Ya know what? For something that wasn't even proven, uh uh, not happening.'

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Yeah, when he assumed the punishment would fit the alleged crime...


When it went far and above what was even remotely reasonable, he said 'Ya know what? For something that wasn't even proven, uh uh, not happening.'

So you suspend 2 assistants even though there was apparently no crime?  Does that make any logical sense to you?

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The Good(ell)father



But I thought Robert Kraft said they would accept any punishment the league handed down and move on...


League says- "OK, your QB can't play 1/4 the season, gimme a million bux, and you can't have your #1 draft choice next year.  There!"


Kraft says- "I call take backs"

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Yeah, when he assumed the punishment would fit the alleged crime...


When it went far and above what was even remotely reasonable, he said 'Ya know what? For something that wasn't even proven, uh uh, not happening.'

Translation : $1.00 fine and no further punishment.

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They'd accept it if it was proven...but since it wasn't, they're fighting it.


It's pretty simply actually.


I don't have a problem with the Patriots fighting it. I kind of have a problem with the NFL saying "Oh, you think it was too much? Well what kind of penalty would you like?" They've gone from exercising authority to capitulating, and for no other reason than that the Patriots are mad about being penalized. 

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I don't have a problem with the Patriots fighting it. I kind of have a problem with the NFL saying "Oh, you think it was too much? Well what kind of penalty would you like?" They've gone from exercising authority to capitulating, and for no other reason than that the Patriots are mad about being penalized. 

so who runs the league then?


Kraft or the NFL?

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I don't have a problem with the Patriots fighting it. I kind of have a problem with the NFL saying "Oh, you think it was too much? Well what kind of penalty would you like?" They've gone from exercising authority to capitulating, and for no other reason than that the Patriots are mad about being penalized.

E X A C T L Y !

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Kraft accepting the penalties.....

Worried about what compromise they made behind closed doors though..... Let's hope the NFL didn't make any secret deals.

I would rather not lose trust in the NFL like I have the NBA.

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