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Let me first start by saying that please do not turn this into a troll thread because this is an honest question that I have been pondering since it was determined we would play Denver.


For those of you who are both Bronco(Manning) and Colts fans.



My question(s) are this:


1)  How are your feelings going into this game?


2)  If the Colts win and by chance go on to win the SB will you be bitter that Manning didn't win?




3)  If the Broncos win and go on to win the SB will you be bitter that the Colts didn't win?





It almost seems like a no-win situation of sorts, and please I'm not picking fun, or trying to troll.  I just honestly would like the thoughts of those who are stuck in this predicament of sorts.



To follow up on number 2: What if this is Mannings' final year playing?  Does that change your bias any?


Thanks for your thoughts.

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It really is a bit sad. On the one hand, I can't root against the Colts. I just can't do it. I want them to win. On the other hand, Manning probably only has, optimistically, three more chances to get a SB. So if the Colts win, it will be slightly bittersweet, but still very exciting. If they lose then it's all in for Mr. Manning.

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The two previous games, I was torn beforehand, not knowing how I'd feel, etc. But once the game started, that all went away. As much as I like Manning -- he's easily my favorite NFL player of all time -- it's about the Colts.


Reggie Wayne from today: 


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100% Colts.  The pressure is all on the Bronco's I think. If Manning don't advance it will be the same thing he has heard and faced for a lot of years. Even though it's a team game it is the QB who gets the glory and the blame. The Colts face the pressure of a lot of fans who are very quick to point fingers and lay blame even in the process of still building. Sometimes it's as simple as they are not as talented as they need to be at this time of the rebuild. No one expects the Colts to win so I guess we will see.

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I probably shouldn't even answer this.  This is a matchup I dread every time.


But......you all already know how I feel.  I've always been upfront and honest from the get-go.   For me,  It's Peyton first,  always has been.


So yes,  I will be rooting for Peyton Sunday.   I'm honest and not going to pretend otherwise.  


I hope it's a good game,  I still hope Peyton can get that SB win,  and if not, and if the Colts win Sunday, of course I will cheer them on the rest of the way. 

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Going into the game I am as pumped up against the Broncos as I would be if it was the Patriots.

If the Colts win I will be happy for the rest of the week and then on to the next game, hoping they can advance to the Super Bowl.

If the Broncos win I'd be as crushed as after any other Colts loss. In their next game, although I would not cheer for them like I cheer for the Colts I would be happy if they win because of my appreciation and admiration for Peyton Manning.

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As appreciative as I am of what Manning meant to the Colts franchise, I will only be frustrated as hell if the Colts lose Sunday. I feel like as much respect as I have and always had for Peyton, I actually like Andrew a little more (Hey, I know I've never met him). I just happen to enjoy rooting more for Luck now. I actually feel more confident in the post season with Luck than I did with Peyton.


(I know I predicted the Broncos win Sunday, but that's more about the Broncos team collectively versus the Colts. I think Peyton can still have an average day and the Broncos will still win).

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2005 - 1-and-done
2006 - won SB
2007 - 1-and-done
2008 - 1-and-done
2009 - lost SB
2010 - 1-and-done
2012 - 1-and-done
2013 - lost SB


In his last 8 appearances in the playoffs, Peyton either loses his 1st game or goes to the SB. How weird is that? The best game to get him is the first one.

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2005 - 1-and-done

2006 - won SB

2007 - 1-and-done

2008 - 1-and-done

2009 - lost SB

2010 - 1-and-done

2012 - 1-and-done

2013 - lost SB


In his last 8 appearances in the playoffs, Peyton either loses his 1st game or goes to the SB. How weird is that? The best game to get him is the first one.

Hmm interesting ..... You're always clutch with the stats lol .

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2005 - 1-and-done

2006 - won SB

2007 - 1-and-done

2008 - 1-and-done

2009 - lost SB

2010 - 1-and-done

2012 - 1-and-done

2013 - lost SB


In his last 8 appearances in the playoffs, Peyton either loses his 1st game or goes to the SB. How weird is that? The best game to get him is the first one.



Except for going to Foxboro for the AFC Championship where he's had some very bad games in the post season, he's totally screwed if they get New England.


He is due to win in Foxboro though, I will say that (agreeing with what someone else has spoken to me) but given his record there, I highly doubt it happens this year.

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1)  How are your feelings going into this game?

We're the underdogs obviously, but we have to prove why we aren't by beating them. Denver is not unbeatable and we've beaten them before (came close week 1 of this season too). Every single player out on the field for us has to execute if we want to win and keep Manning on the sidelines.


2)  If the Colts win and by chance go on to win the SB will you be bitter that Manning didn't win?

Nope, the Colts come first, he has at least another year left in him to try and win another one.


3)  If the Broncos win and go on to win the SB will you be bitter that the Colts didn't win?

It will hurt if we lost to Denver on Sunday but I'll be happy for Peyton if he goes on to win another ring.

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Definitely Colts! As much as I respect Peyton Manning and all he's done, he's on another team now. I just can't go against Indianapolis. I won't feel bad if the Broncos don't make it because Manning as already been to the Superbowl several times, and had his chance. I feel like Reggie Wayne does. So Go Colts!

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The two previous games, I was torn beforehand, not knowing how I'd feel, etc. But once the game started, that all went away. As much as I like Manning -- he's easily my favorite NFL player of all time -- it's about the Colts.


Reggie Wayne from today: 


Reggie Wayne gets asked about Peyton Manning: “He’s on the other team right now. I’ll holler at him later. Right now, it’s all about 12."

— Kevin Bowen (@KBowenColts)

January 9, 2015

Reggie Wayne asked if beating Manning in playoffs would mean more. "Nah. Could be my mom on the other team, still gotta beat 'em."

— Zak Keefer (@zkeefer)

January 9, 2015

Reggie is awesome.

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I probably shouldn't even answer this.  This is a matchup I dread every time. 

But......you all already know how I feel.  I've always been upfront and honest from the get-go.   For me,  It's Peyton first,  always has been.

 So yes,  I will be rooting for Peyton Sunday.   I'm honest and not going to pretend otherwise.   

I hope it's a good game,  I still hope Peyton can get that SB win,  and if not, and if the Colts win Sunday, of course I will cheer them on the rest of the way.

Exactly Gramz...I dont want to see this game.

Cant cheer against Peyton....ever..he meant too much to the Colts and the city

.cant root against the Colts..cant do it...and I;m tired of hearing about how Luck hasn't proven himself yet

....I'd like to see a Manning-Brady AFC title game...but if Balt beats NE (unlikely).,.the Colts could go to the big Bowl and win.

I'll just watch quietly

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2005 - 1-and-done

2006 - won SB

2007 - 1-and-done

2008 - 1-and-done

2009 - lost SB

2010 - 1-and-done

2012 - 1-and-done

2013 - lost SB


In his last 8 appearances in the playoffs, Peyton either loses his 1st game or goes to the SB. How weird is that? The best game to get him is the first one.

Chad I hadn't seen it laid out like this..That is strange...

I cant explain it

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2005 - 1-and-done

2006 - won SB

2007 - 1-and-done

2008 - 1-and-done

2009 - lost SB

2010 - 1-and-done

2012 - 1-and-done

2013 - lost SB


In his last 8 appearances in the playoffs, Peyton either loses his 1st game or goes to the SB. How weird is that? The best game to get him is the first one.

Hey if you follow the pattern he is due for a one and done this year. :)

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I probably shouldn't even answer this.  This is a matchup I dread every time.


But......you all already know how I feel.  I've always been upfront and honest from the get-go.   For me,  It's Peyton first,  always has been.


So yes,  I will be rooting for Peyton Sunday.   I'm honest and not going to pretend otherwise.  


I hope it's a good game,  I still hope Peyton can get that SB win,  and if not, and if the Colts win Sunday, of course I will cheer them on the rest of the way. 

Booooooooooooooo!! Still LOVE YOU!!! 

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1)  How are your feelings going into this game?

Extremely excited. As a dedicated Manning fan and a colts fandom that supersedes any knowledge that man named Peyton even existed, there is some tearing here, and I'm not the least bit afraid to say this. Do not ask for me to turn in my fan card  :D


I want the Colts to win, and I don't care how bad Peyton looks in defeat. I don't care how this defeat will affect his legacy. I don't care what it takes (injury aside), I want us to advance. 


2)  If the Colts win and by chance go on to win the SB will you be bitter that Manning didn't win?

No. He had last year and they blew it. He had a good thing going the year before that and they blew it against the Ravens. If they blow it against us, no pity from me. 



3)  If the Broncos win and go on to win the SB will you be bitter that the Colts didn't win?

"Bitter"? No, not sure that was the best word you could've chosen. I'll always be bummed when the Colts lose in the postseason, no matter what happens beyond that. I will be happy for Peyton, ecstatic actually. 


To me, this would just be an ebb 'n' flow dynamic. Akin to having my car break down on the same day I got a promotion at work. Mutually exclusive events that bring their own separate emotional response. 

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I probably shouldn't even answer this.  This is a matchup I dread every time.


But......you all already know how I feel.  I've always been upfront and honest from the get-go.   For me,  It's Peyton first,  always has been.


So yes,  I will be rooting for Peyton Sunday.   I'm honest and not going to pretend otherwise.  


I hope it's a good game,  I still hope Peyton can get that SB win,  and if not, and if the Colts win Sunday, of course I will cheer them on the rest of the way. 



Agree 100%

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Thanks, friend.   You know this is always a tough game for me to watch.

But I have the perfect room for watching   ;)

Where in the hell do they make women like you? Seriously? 42 years old and never have I had a gal that knew or cared the least bit about football. Give your husband a high-five for me, please. 

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Where in the hell do they make women like you? Seriously? 42 years old and never have I had a gal that knew or cared the least bit about football. Give your husband a high-five for me, please. 

Ruk there are still some women out there  that like football you just haven't found her yet.  ;)

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Love Manning but he plays for the Denver Broncos. So it's Colts all the way! I hope they humiliate Manning and the Broncos.

Tsarq..I totally understand how you feel..

..but if it wasnt for Manning....Andrew Luck might be playing for the Los Angeles Colts..

,..and we'd be talking about IU and Ohio State today.

I'm like a politician..I will support the candidate of our party..either 'Senator'Luck or former 'President' Peyton

in the general election on Jan. 18

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