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Boom Herron's performance today


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Boom had a very nice game today and frankly it was refreshing to see a Colts back doing it on the ground this season and I think the fact that Brown, Bradshaw, Ballard, Boom and even Tipton have done something behind the Colts line since Grigson got here has all but sealed Trent's fate as it's clear he's just not going to work at the NFL level at least not here.

With that all said I don't want to minimize that fumble. That fumble was nearly extremely costly. The Colts looked to be driving to maybe go up 20-7 at the half and while maybe not ending the game really putting the pressure on the Bengals. However, the fumble allowed the Bengals to go come back down and get three points and make it only a 3 point game at the half and the Bengals got the ball to start the second half. Had we been playing a team that's offense hadn't been depleted due to injury the Colts could have very easily found themselves behind in a game they should have been in complete control of.

I want to be clear here that this is a general response as I don't know if your intent was to down play the fumble or not but I've several people just kinda dismiss it in this thread and I am not sure it's realized just how costly that fumble could have been. Those are the things you do against Denver or New England or the Ravens for that matter that will get the Colts beat. It's also plays like that that make coaches stick with guys like Trent or maybe even start Tipton on Sunday.

By all means I am not ignoring that fact that he fumbled on the drive. I think boom gets a bit too comfortable running and ignores the fact that ppl do chase the play from behind that being said he needs to tighten up. My response was just to explain that boom helped when we needed it so i didn't want to downplay his good day by much but yes that fumble almost certainly could've been more costly.
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Love the check downs! There's nothing wrong with a 6 yard pass!

Same as a run in this offense and keeps the chains moving.  When the chains are moving in this offense and the down and distance is in the Colts favor, its puts the defense in a real bind. I have been waiting for that offensive game plan/execution since the last time we played the Bengals.

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Just curious.....   but are you at all happy with the fact that the Colts won today?


I've read a number of your posts and you don't seem the least bit pleased with today's win.


Your posts read like this:      We won.   Big deal, we played the Bengals.   We'll lose next week against Denver."


That's the tone of your posts.  


Can't you enjoy today?

I'm glad we won WC, alot of fans are Gloomy Gus-At least advancing, better then losing the WC game.

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Just curious.....   but are you at all happy with the fact that the Colts won today?


I've read a number of your posts and you don't seem the least bit pleased with today's win.


Your posts read like this:      We won.   Big deal, we played the Bengals.   We'll lose next week against Denver."


That's the tone of your posts.  


Can't you enjoy today?


They'll tell you they're just laying some truth on us.  As if none of us know this team isn't perfect and we'll be an underdog next Sunday.  They can't enjoy the moment without spoiling it for those that do.


I look at it like this, there are people that you just don't hang around with at work.  I'm cordial but I never want to get into conversations with them because they add nothing but gloom.  So I ignore them. 


We can do the same here.

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Great performance by him minus the fumbles, if he can clean that issue up he is a keeper. Luck was looking down field all day for the big play and if it wasn't there he dumped it off to Boom and he gained nice yards, he always makes the first guy miss. He also ran well, we better not let this guy go. Also I wonder if Trents no show was because of illness or now at crunch time the coaches are finally moving away from him.

You cannot "minus" the fumbles.... they are career killers.  You can bet next week, Denevr will be looking to strip the ball every chance.  Once you get the reputsation as a fumbler, you have created lots of problems for yourself and your team.  Youcannot be trusted come crunch time in a game.

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I look forward to another episode of the Boom and Tipton show.  Minus the Herron fumbles of course.

I really enjoyed watching Tipton tote the rock, he got better and better with each carry.



Chuck P can we please leave T Rich on the bench next week?

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I look forward to another episode of the Boom and Tipton show.  Minus the Herron fumbles of course.

I really enjoyed watching Tipton tote the rock, he got better and better with each carry.



Chuck P can we please leave T Rich on the bench next week?

I think TR is done this season unless there are injuries to Boom and Tip.  What good RB is going to just stand on the sideline (in uniform) with the flu during a playoff game?  Boom did a very good job picking up blitzes - which for me was the only reason to play TR.  Not sure how competent Tip is in protection.

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Love the check downs! There's nothing wrong with a 6 yard pass!

I said the same thing yesterday at the game. I'd take 3 five yard passes in succession than 3 thirty yard attempts every time. Means you are moving the chains and wearing down a defense. I loved their mix of play calls yesterday. Short passes with high % of success, a few shots downfield, PAP at the right times and then finish them with hard nosed runs. If better execution (catching the ball) had been done, this game would have been perfect and a blow out.
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As a running back Boom was mediocre.  He had one really nice run and did a good job of falling forward but goes down to easily on first contact although I will admit he may have been more impressive if Pep actually stuck to a freaking running game.  That first drive the Colts had some nice runs and score a TD, then all of a sudden it's the same old  Run on the first play of the drive and then throw a few times then punt or kick a FG.  Receiving out of the backfield he did excellent... did a good job of reading the D and finding the open spot and then once he caught he got his shoulders squared to the goaline and ran and only juked when he had to.  As a blocker he did very well.  I only saw one play where he went after the wrong guy but outside of that one play he not only picked up his guy but usually stopped him rather than just slowing him down.


The fumbles however, are inexcusable and I must admit I think Pagano was wrong for giving him the game ball because of the fumbles.  TOs are the great equalizer... that is the one constant that can make an inferior team beat a superior team. He should have given it to one of the lineman... Holmes or Reitz were more deserving.

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Are some of your forgetting the first Bengals game??  You make it sound like the Bengals stonewalled our running game the first time and then Boom Herron lifted us to great heights yesterday.  Fact is, Richardson tore them  up in the first game too.  Not to take anything away from Boom, but maybe we just match up well against Bengals to run??  I just think some of you make too much out of beating up teams we match up well. How did Boom do against Dallas?

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Are some of your forgetting the first Bengals game?? You make it sound like the Bengals stonewalled our running game the first time and then Boom Herron lifted us to great heights yesterday. Fact is, Richardson tore them up in the first game too. Not to take anything away from Boom, but maybe we just match up well against Bengals to run?? I just think some of you make too much out of beating up teams we match up well. How did Boom do against Dallas?

Good point care to explain how the team did in Dallas than one individual?

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I am not trying to make this a Boom vs. Trich battle. I just haven't seen enough to give up on trich and I haven't seen enough to give Boom all this praise. His performance was mediocre. I haven't seen a good runner all year besides Bradshaw. If there wasn't so much hate for trich on this bored I believe this thread would be the complete opposite. Are we really ready to give this rookie fumbling machine a chance to ruin our playoff run? Is he really that much better that he should be in there? Especially with how much we were passing yesterday? My answer is no.

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I am not trying to make this a Boom vs. Trich battle. I just haven't seen enough to give up on trich and I haven't seen enough to give Boom all this praise. His performance was mediocre. I haven't seen a good runner all year besides Bradshaw. If there wasn't so much hate for trich on this bored I believe this thread would be the complete opposite. Are we really ready to give this rookie fumbling machine a chance to ruin our playoff run? Is he really that much better that he should be in there? Especially with how much we were passing yesterday? My answer is no.

Trent sucks. Accept it. The coaching staff has.

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I am not trying to make this a Boom vs. Trich battle. I just haven't seen enough to give up on trich and I haven't seen enough to give Boom all this praise. His performance was mediocre. I haven't seen a good runner all year besides Bradshaw. If there wasn't so much hate for trich on this bored I believe this thread would be the complete opposite. Are we really ready to give this rookie fumbling machine a chance to ruin our playoff run? Is he really that much better that he should be in there? Especially with how much we were passing yesterday? My answer is no.


Lets hope he cleans it up. Ahmad coughed up the ball a couple times this season and I still wanted to see him continue. TRich coughed up the ball against the Chiefs last year during the playoffs that pretty much put the nail in the coffin. However, that Luck kid brought us back to victory.

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I thought tipton looked good too. We may have finally found a running game folks

I agree with that, had some nice runs when he was put in and the Bengals defense knew we were going run.  Hope to see more of him next week.  


I also thought Boom had an all around good game(good runs, solid pass protection and catching), but the fumbles would hurt a lot more against better teams.  Needs to clean that up.

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I am not trying to make this a Boom vs. Trich battle. I just haven't seen enough to give up on trich and I haven't seen enough to give Boom all this praise. His performance was mediocre. I haven't seen a good runner all year besides Bradshaw. If there wasn't so much hate for trich on this bored I believe this thread would be the complete opposite. Are we really ready to give this rookie fumbling machine a chance to ruin our playoff run? Is he really that much better that he should be in there? Especially with how much we were passing yesterday? My answer is no.

Lets think about this a bit more. Boom Herron only got 12 carries....He had 56 yards rushing.....27 of those came on 1 carry but you CANT or nobody else can take away that 27 yards just because it was 1 carry. Shall we take away Demarco Murrays 50 yarder this year, 40 yarder this year? He got the yards, He deserves to have them recognized just like Dan Herron does...not for them to be disregarded just because he did not do it again the rest of the game.


He also contributed 10 catches for 80 yards.


Boom was well on his way to a 100 yard rushing day no matter how anyone breaks down his runs. As it is he contributed 136 total yards of offense...Though absolutely no question he has to use 2 hands to hang onto the ball if he has to. Boom had 136 yards of total offense on the day on 22 touches


As to Richardson...The man clearly has suffered from not only from horrible blocking (Our other Backs have as well a lot to) but also a loss of confidence AND a running style that needs refined some, If you watch him play frame by frame you notice he stutter steps because he lost confidence...I think much of that has to do with the bad blocking but he has missed some holes because of the stutter step, He has jumped cut away from holes that were there at times.


The other problem Richardson has is he is to slow to the hole, He has some burst but he don't use it until he gets past the LOS, If you also watch him frame by frame you notice he uses whats called a Power Cut(He also uses a Lunge Cut) a lot of the time which means when he jumps he lands on the OPPOSITE direction he wants to go and lands on the OUTSIDE leg of the direction he wants to go.......He comes down so hard all that force makes him come to a complete stop on that opposite leg and he has trouble reaccelerating because of it often...He has short legs....He needs to use whats called a Speed Cut


I have not broken down Herrons actions like I have Richardsons but I can tell you Herron don't stutter step BUT He has to hang onto the damn ball

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Great performance by him minus the fumbles, if he can clean that issue up he is a keeper. Luck was looking down field all day for the big play and if it wasn't there he dumped it off to Boom and he gained nice yards, he always makes the first guy miss. He also ran well, we better not let this guy go. Also I wonder if Trents no show was because of illness or now at crunch time the coaches are finally moving away from him.

Great performance from the neck up and the waist down! Just one area needs improvement ...

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I am not trying to make this a Boom vs. Trich battle. I just haven't seen enough to give up on trich and I haven't seen enough to give Boom all this praise. His performance was mediocre. I haven't seen a good runner all year besides Bradshaw. If there wasn't so much hate for trich on this bored I believe this thread would be the complete opposite. Are we really ready to give this rookie fumbling machine a chance to ruin our playoff run? Is he really that much better that he should be in there? Especially with how much we were passing yesterday? My answer is no.

Haven't seen enough? You need another 400 carries to see that TRich runs like my grandfather?

And yes, Boom is that much better....which is obvious.

FYI my grandfather is dead

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Haven't seen enough? You need another 400 carries to see that TRich runs like my grandfather?

And yes, Boom is that much better....which is obvious.

FYI my grandfather is dead

Not really.  Boom had one really nice run, his first run of the game which happened on 2nd and 10 (I bet if you look through the entire year you can count on one hand the number of times the Colts ran the ball on 2nd and 10) that went for 27 yards, after that he ran the ball 11 more times for 29 yards, 1 td and 2 fumbles.


I'm glad Boom helped the Colts win and I mentioned above the parts of his game I thought were great but the Colts still have not found a long term answer at RB.

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Not really.  Boom had one really nice run, his first run of the game which happened on 2nd and 10 (I bet if you look through the entire year you can count on one hand the number of times the Colts ran the ball on 2nd and 10) that went for 27 yards, after that he ran the ball 11 more times for 29 yards, 1 td and 2 fumbles.


I'm glad Boom helped the Colts win and I mentioned above the parts of his game I thought were great but the Colts still have not found a long term answer at RB.

Did he run great Sunday? No, but I think it's obvious he is a superior player to Richardson.

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Did he run great Sunday? No, but I think it's obvious he is a superior player to Richardson.

I have not seen that.  He has better acceleration and he is a better fit for the Colts man blocking scheme and the way Pep calls running plays but there really isn't anything in Boom's game that makes me think he's superior to Trich as a running back.


Put Trich in a good zone blocking team that actually commits to running the ball before they have a two score lead (like the Colts from 2000-2006) and he's a 1400-1500 yard back.

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yep at running and at fumbling

Oh but you do know during the regular season trent has 2 fumbles and boom has "2" fumbles and now an additional one in the playoffs where he was punched in the groin area? I mean you make it seem as if Trent protects the ball like no1 ever he does not ball of our rbs this year have struggled to hold the ball it's just two out of the 3 actually do something positive other than BLOCKING... But yeah 1 additional fumble better run after the catch better catching skills and running the ball period is worse than a guy who also fumbles who can't run who can rarely catch the ball (despite being great after the catch when he actually CATCHES) and its nothing more than a 6th olinemen on the field. I love his blocking but other than that he's trash

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I have not seen that. He has better acceleration and he is a better fit for the Colts man blocking scheme and the way Pep calls running plays but there really isn't anything in Boom's game that makes me think he's superior to Trich as a running back.

Put Trich in a good zone blocking team that actually commits to running the ball before they have a two score lead (like the Colts from 2000-2006) and he's a 1400-1500 yard back.

I for one agree with you he's a one cut back from a zone blocking scheme he does not know how to run straight and has lost his acceleration he always looks for a cutback lane when for the majority of our runs there isn't one his mind. Him not trusting his blockers cannot be an excuse anymore he a zone back and every other back we had fits our man power scheme

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I have not seen that. He has better acceleration and he is a better fit for the Colts man blocking scheme and the way Pep calls running plays but there really isn't anything in Boom's game that makes me think he's superior to Trich as a running back.

Put Trich in a good zone blocking team that actually commits to running the ball before they have a two score lead (like the Colts from 2000-2006) and he's a 1400-1500 yard back.

Yeah he'd only need 500 carries tho.

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ill take boom's fumbles along with his 5+ ypc and run breaking ability any time over trent. its up to him to make changes when running. but he has more of a bull slashing style like bradshaw did. trent needs a line like the cowboys of the mid 90's. he just doesn't have the quickness

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