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Da'Rick Rodgers Arrested Last Night, released (merge)


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Super disappointed. Guy has oodles of raw talent, but less than half a brain.

If I am a talented player in the NFL earning HUNDREDS of thousands per year, I am NOT driving when going out. I am using one brain cell and calling a cab or some other car service. All the moreso if I am a roster bubble player!

I simply cannot understand the level of i d i o c y at work in that guy's head. Ugh.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, September 30, 2014 - religious
Hidden by Nadine, September 30, 2014 - religious

Jesus... What'd he do? -_-

He created everything and then died on a cross and brought Himself back to life for you, so you could enjoy Heaven with Him.

However, this post is actually about DaRick Rodgers getting a DUI, not about the Savior of the world.

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Crossing the yellow line is probable cause enough for an officer to stop you. At that point, if you're intoxicated you're basically busted

If you were laughing at jokes, almost certain they would let you go with a warning to not laugh so hard that you merge into oncoming lanes next time

Being out at 3:30 am is reason enough to get pulled over cop can say anything driving left of center, failure to signal, whatever they want to pull you over. If you are drinking you are done. There aren't a lot of reasons to be out at that time.


I never really got the love affair with Rogers anyway was surprised we kept 6WR from the get go.


Purifoy on the other hand has shown talent and has the looks of an outside corner. He needs a mentor as of now someone he is handcuffed to. I would say Adams is the only choice. He actually would be peeing talent down the toilet not just alcohol.   

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Being out at 3:30 am is reason enough to get pulled over cop can say anything driving left of center, failure to signal, whatever they want to pull you over. If you are drinking you are done. There aren't a lot of reasons to be out at that time.

I never really got the love affair with Rogers anyway was surprised we kept 6WR from the get go.

Purifoy on the other hand has shown talent and has the looks of an outside corner. He needs a mentor as of now someone he is handcuffed to. I would say Adams is the only choice. He actually would be peeing talent down the toilet not just alcohol.

Since the staff doesn't seem him as the safety that some of us here do, I'd suggest he get under Vontae or Butler's wing

Would say Toler but the injury bug might rub off on him *slaps knee* :funny:

I kid I kid

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I'm not worried at all. I had forgotten all about it until just now


I am a little worried about the random UA the NFL is giving Purifoy about right now. No punishment for first failed right? I am not saying he did or didn't I am just saying I am worried.


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This is the sort of thing you look back on with deep regret

Hard to comprehend throwing away this opportunity

The more I think of it....this may be a good opportunity for him. Was not looking good for him this season anyway, with Reggie,TY, Moncreif, and Nicks playing well and Griff earning a spot as returner, he may have been stashed anyway and not seen any playing time. Maybe someone will take pick him up and he'll actually get some playing time? More importantly, I hope the young man gets his life together.

And yes there are a lot of better ways to leave the team then by risking others lives by drinking and driving, definitely not a wise decision!!!

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, September 30, 2014 - religious
Hidden by Nadine, September 30, 2014 - religious

He created everything and then died on a cross and brought Himself back to life for you, so you could enjoy Heaven with Him.

However, this post is actually about DaRick Rodgers getting a DUI, not about the Savior of the world.


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The real question is, why is a guy with his sketchy background driving around at 3:30 am after having anything to drink? I get that he's young, but when I was his age, the only place I was going at 3:30 in the morning was back from lunch during my 3rd shift grocery night manager job.

That's what Im thinking, ruk,....3:30 a.m.? Really? With booze breath?

...during the season....? You're an NFL Player..

In these times...you just cant be there...

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, September 30, 2014 - religious
Hidden by Nadine, September 30, 2014 - religious

He created everything and then died on a cross and brought Himself back to life for you, so you could enjoy Heaven with Him.

However, this post is actually about DaRick Rodgers getting a DUI, not about the Savior of the world.



Keep your religion of our forums, please. Be considerate of others. How would you feel if I went into a speech about Allah?

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This is the sort of thing you look back on with deep regret

Hard to comprehend throwing away this opportunity

Strike 2 for this young man. Rogers needs to take some time to get his head right because he has all the skills to make something of himself just can't seem to stop making the same kind of mistakes.

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Super disappointed. Guy has oodles of raw talent, but less than half a brain.

If I am a talented player in the NFL earning HUNDREDS of thousands per year, I am NOT driving when going out. I am using one brain cell and calling a cab or some other car service. All the moreso if I am a roster bubble player!

I simply cannot understand the level of i d i o c y at work in that guy's head. Ugh.


The crazy thing is EVERY team has their own personal service that can come pick up guys, if they have been out, and take them home. It completely baffles me how these guys get DUI's/DWI's when they have this service and for free.

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The crazy thing is EVERY team has their own personal service that can come pick up guys, if they have been out, and take them home. It completely baffles me how these guys get DUI's/DWI's when they have this service and for free.

I'm with you there but not only that these guys make enough cash to call yellow cab. 

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Purifoy better straighten his act up quick!!!!

Trouble in college at Florida and now in the car with Rogers. (Not saying he did anything)

I like them both but we NEED Purifoy and his development! I have high hopes for him! I'm sure the Colts are watching him closely! Hopefully this is some kind of wake up call to him.

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I can not believe Irsay did such a stupid thing. Oh, I mean Rogers. My bad. At least Rogers should be understanding. Oh, I mean Irsay.

I know, right?


What Rodgers did isn't nearly as bad as what the teams owner did. You'd think they'd give DR a second chance, under the circumstances and all. 

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I know, right?


What Rodgers did isn't nearly as bad as what the teams owner did. You'd think they'd give DR a second chance, under the circumstances and all. 

If Rodgers didn't have more baggage than the luggage claim at Dulles he would still be on the team. He was on the world's shortest leash to begin with.

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If Rodgers didn't have more baggage than the luggage claim at Dulles he would still be on the team. He was on the world's shortest leash to begin with.

True. I would assume this sort of thing would continue. It just seems a bit odd that the teams owner does the same thing (but worse). Smacks of hypocrisy, but that's life in the big city. It's not hard to avoid driving around drunk. 

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