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Everything Trent Richardson [Merge]


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You guys are acting like Trent missed a game or practice. It was a stupid walkthrough.


Exactly. Just a walkthrough. If he had picked up the phone and made a simple phone call, the team would have said "no problem, it's just a walkthrough, take care of your family." 


The problem is not with missing the walkthrough. It's that he didn't inform the team.

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Heard this nickname the other day. Kind of sad that he's not going to be around long enough for it to catch on.


Not really...


I didn't hear the presser yet, but followed some comments on the Twitter machine, and it seems Grigson was noncommittal about Richardson. Answered that they're still evaluating and making roster decisions. Nothing to see here.


Edit: His words: "Those are team decisions, we make those in-house, and we'll look at everything."

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Exactly. Just a walkthrough. If he had picked up the phone and made a simple phone call, the team would have said "no problem, it's just a walkthrough, take care of your family."

The problem is not with missing the walkthrough. It's that he didn't inform the team.

Wasn't the first story saying he missed cause his mom died, then they said it was a family emergency and now they are saying his girlfriend was in labor....I mean I've got to call into question what the truth actually is.

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Wasn't the first story saying he missed cause his mom died, then they said it was a family emergency and now they are saying his girlfriend was in labor....I mean I've got to call into question what the truth actually is.

From what I've heard the girlfriend story is the accurate one. I believe Wells stated that Trent told him that was the reason the day after it happened but asked Wells not to make it public at that time.

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From what I've heard the girlfriend story is the accurate one. I believe Wells stated that Trent told him that was the reason the day after it happened but asked Wells not to make it public at that time.

You missed the point I was trying to make. The point is that, at least to me, is that someone isn't being truthful. I highly doubt the Colts would have a problem with this if it were true. 2nd, this probably wasn't the first time he'd violated a team rule(completely speculating here, not saying it's a fact) but I don't see the Colts pulling a suspension on the first offense. Something is telling me there is far more to this TRICH saga then the public knows.

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You missed the point I was trying to make. The point is that, at least to me, is that someone isn't being truthful. I highly doubt the Colts would have a problem with this if it were true. 2nd, this probably wasn't the first time he'd violated a team rule(completely speculating here, not saying it's a fact) but I don't see the Colts pulling a suspension on the first offense. Something is telling me there is far more to this TRICH saga then the public knows.


I agree with you that this is not the first time Trent has done something that the Colts did not like.  Another point that Wells made was that the Monday after Bradshaw broke his leg no one could get ahold of TRich, he said he was told this by a player IIRC.  It's not like he had that Monday off, your employer has to be able to contact you during the work week.

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 because there are things that are more important then your job


and if that's your perspective, that's fine.  however if your job requires you to notify them in cases where you will be absent and you don't do it, then you face whatever repercussions there are to failing to follow protocol.  So you may have done the right thing and taken care of your family but you could still very well and justifiably be reprimanded or even lose your job for making that decision.

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From what I've heard the girlfriend story is the accurate one. I believe Wells stated that Trent told him that was the reason the day after it happened but asked Wells not to make it public at that time.

"Hey baby, I got benched, pretend you are having contractions"

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"Hey baby, I got benched, pretend you are having contractions"


Also rude. ;)


My perspective: My wife had some early contractions. Not 28 weeks, but still early enough that we were worried and went to the hospital. We were there for observation for a few hours. I called people that I didn't have to, that I didn't answer to, just to let them know where we were and what was going on. So did she. It was after work, so I didn't have to call the job, but I obviously would have if necessary. 


Now, if Richardson's girlfriend was bleeding, or had some serious pain, then his situation was way more intense than mine was. Still, I think that's all the more reason to get in touch with important people and let them know what's going on, including the job. He's made millions of dollars, so I know he has a phone. I'm sure he didn't have to go to a junky community hospital with terrible accommodations; they had a phone he could have used. Battery dead? Forgot your phone and don't have the coach's number? I still think it would take less than ten minutes to get in touch with someone who could relay the message.


Knowing what we do about Irsay and Pagano, they probably would have come to see him in person before leaving for New England. That's even if they had already decided he would be benched for the rest of the season and cut in the offseason.


These people are not cold and heartless. I don't think that they would have manufactured a situation in which they could wiggle out of paying Richardson. I'm not even sure they'll make a big deal out of the $3.18m, assuming they get rid of him. All told, it's not a big deal. I have a hard time believing that they would have come down hard on him had he called and told them that he was at the hospital with his pregnant girlfriend, and couldn't get to walkthrough.


So I don't see it. 

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Also rude. ;)

My perspective: My wife had some early contractions. Not 28 weeks, but still early enough that we were worried and went to the hospital. We were there for observation for a few hours. I called people that I didn't have to, that I didn't answer to, just to let them know where we were and what was going on. So did she. It was after work, so I didn't have to call the job, but I obviously would have if necessary.

Now, if Richardson's girlfriend was bleeding, or had some serious pain, then his situation was way more intense than mine was. Still, I think that's all the more reason to get in touch with important people and let them know what's going on, including the job. He's made millions of dollars, so I know he has a phone. I'm sure he didn't have to go to a junky community hospital with terrible accommodations; they had a phone he could have used. Battery dead? Forgot your phone and don't have the coach's number? I still think it would take less than ten minutes to get in touch with someone who could relay the message.

Knowing what we do about Irsay and Pagano, they probably would have come to see him in person before leaving for New England. That's even if they had already decided he would be benched for the rest of the season and cut in the offseason.

These people are not cold and heartless. I don't think that they would have manufactured a situation in which they could wiggle out of paying Richardson. I'm not even sure they'll make a big deal out of the $3.18m, assuming they get rid of him. All told, it's not a big deal. I have a hard time believing that they would have come down hard on him had he called and told them that he was at the hospital with his pregnant girlfriend, and couldn't get to walkthrough.

So I don't see it.

Completely agree with you

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imo we wont cut trent, or we would have by now.but if I am wrong and we do cut him, hoody will take him in a heartbeat and use him to beat us once again, hoody game plans to a players talent, instead of making him play a coaches system

He has no talents, unless he is really good at cooking or can play guitar or something, but I don't think that will help win a game.
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imo we wont cut trent, or we would have by now.but if I am wrong and we do cut him, hoody will take him in a heartbeat and use him to beat us once again, hoody game plans to a players talent, instead of making him play a coaches system

The pats new ball deflation specialist

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So far, the NFL Players Association has not hinted at a grievance against the team. Jimmy Sexton, Richardson’s agent, did not immediately return a call for comment.


The problem for the Colts, one sports lawyer said, is that they likely stand on solid legal footing if they are basing their suspension on the clause prohibiting “conduct detrimental” to the league. Yet while they have the right to use that clause to release a player, they have the choice not to.


“It’s a very broad morals clause. Any conduct could be grounds for suspension,’’ said attorney and sports law professor Cari Grieb.


While declining to speak specifically about the Colts and Richardson, Grieb said that the clause is standard in rookie contracts and can be narrowed depending on the leverage a player gains in later contracts. Richardson is still on his rookie contract, and the issues the Colts have had with his play are well-documented.


Still, Grieb added, “just because a morals clause exists doesn’t mean it has to be enforced.’’




So far, the Colts haven’t even used the recognizable phrase “conduct detrimental to the team” to describe the suspension, only mentioning the “personal reasons” without elaborating. Even that didn't come out until a week after the game against the Patriots.



This writer argues that the optics would be bad for the Colts if they were to release Richardson and void his guaranteed money, specifically because of his pregnant girlfriend in the hospital story. That's opinion. I don't think it matters, and I disagree with it anyways.


I pulled out the parts I thought were relevant to the question about whether the Colts can/will void the guarantee. It seems kind of open and shut.

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imo we wont cut trent, or we would have by now.but if I am wrong and we do cut him, hoody will take him in a heartbeat and use him to beat us once again, hoody game plans to a players talent, instead of making him play a coaches system

How can you say we would have cut him by now? He had a guaranteed contract up until his suspension in the last week of our season which is giving us the opportunity to cut him and void the guaranteed 3 million. We made it to the AFC championship and he played one snap on a pass play (coincidentally Reggie's only catch of the postseason). It is clear he wasn't in the game plan in do or die situations and we would still have had to live with it but our coaches stopped trying to justify the bad trade with giving him playing time and realized winning is more important.

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Any person with half a brain in their head would agree if it's a family emergency your employer that pays your salary would be the first person on your list minus actual emergency services and other members of your family. I don't understand how this wouldn't be common sense for someone, especially someone with a high profile job, before a championship game, making exorbitant amounts of money. Surprised his jersey isn't discounted on the pro shop yet.

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imo we wont cut trent, or we would have by now.but if I am wrong and we do cut him, hoody will take him in a heartbeat and use him to beat us once again, hoody game plans to a players talent, instead of making him play a coaches system

He has no talent to be used against us, and hoodie doesn't pick up talentless, heartless players. Hoodie wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole, he is one of the biggest bust in NFL history, how many of those have you seen hoodie sign.

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How is it even possible he is still on the roster?

2 rb's coming off season ending injuries 2 years in a row(Ballard, Bradshaw), 2 other Backs that really did not seize the job last year (Herron, Tipton) despite having a handful of decent runs,2 other rb's completely unproven (Hill, Demps)....Basically no one has made him expendable yet rather do to unfortunate injuries or lack of carries....probably because neither Demps nor Hill can carry the load either

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2 rb's coming off season ending injuries 2 years in a row(Ballard, Bradshaw), 2 other Backs that really did not seize the job last year (Herron, Tipton) despite having a handful of decent runs,2 other rb's completely unproven (Hill, Demps)....Basically no one has made him expendable yet rather do to unfortunate injuries or lack of carries....probably because neither Demps nor Hill can carry the load either

He's the worst runner of the modern era. I don't care if the other RBs on your roster don't have legs, he should be gone by now.

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