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Vikings might trade AP...



If you were the Colts explore trading for him? I mean Trent was with Norv before in Cleveland, Heck I would trade them Trent and possibly Nicks or Rogers.. Idk


I would definitely see whats up


With the possibility of him seeing up to two years jail time with some very incriminationg visual evidence id say no

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Vikings might trade AP...

If you were the Colts explore trading for him? I mean Trent was with Norv before in Cleveland, Heck I would trade them Trent and possibly Nicks or Rogers.. Idk

I would definitely see whats up

Our problems with running the football are 90% up front. I'd rather trade for a lineman that can do it all.

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wth is the matter with some of you?  The guy is accused of abusing his 4 year old son and you wonder if the Colts should trade for him? And so far the biggest reason for NOT trading for him is because RB isn't the Colts biggest problem.


I, personally, don't see anything wrong with spanking a child as a form of discipline.  But a father should never have to grab a switch or a belt and striking a 4 year old 10-15 times?  The only talk regarding Peterson at this point is that if the Colts trade for him should the fathers get together and beat him before or after his first day of practice.

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For contract purposes alone, no.  But even if I wanted to, I couldn't do it in light of the charges.  It's hard imagining a scenario in which he came out of this with the same reputation he had before it.  I'm all for second chances, and AP will get one.  I'm just not sure I want to be the guy responsible for making that decision. Bar fights are one thing, but what AP did is arguably worse than what Ray did.

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No. For one, we saw how well a early season trade worked last time....Also, if he does get convicted, he's looking at jail time....3rd, it'd cost us way to much both in picks and salary. 4th, I don't want a child abuser on our team regardless of how he is. 5th, not even he or barry sanders can run behind our Oline....

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In response to the "child abuser" stuff.. I'm not condoning what he did, however I personally got whooped with switches and belts all the time when I was a kid. I'm 40 and when we we're in school and did something wrong they would take us out in the hall and beat our butt with wooden paddles that had holes in it. So if AP is a "Child abuser" then every parent of every person I know and every teacher I had would be as well.


Just saying...

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In response to the "child abuser" stuff.. I'm not condoning what he did, however I personally got whooped with switches and belts all the time when I was a kid. I'm 40 and when we we're in school and did something wrong they would take us out in the hall and beat our butt with wooden paddles that had holes in it. So if AP is a "Child abuser" then every parent of every person I know and every teacher I had would be as well.


Just saying...


Just because it happened in the past doesn't mean it's ok you know? Society changes... 

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Just because it happened in the past doesn't mean it's ok you know? Society changes... 

Yea but one could also argue that society has changed for the worse because of it. Some would say society has gone soft and become too over sensitive.  


True Story: I was upstairs one morning getting ready for work and I could hear my girlfriend downstairs ask my stepson 4 times to get to the table to eat his breakfast so he wouldn't be late for school. Well when I walked downstairs I noticed he was in living room watching tv, so I looked at him and told him that if he didn't get to the table at that moment as his mom asked I was gonna put his head through the wall. Now would I have done it really? of course not. well the threat worked. Fast forward later that day.


I wasn't feeling well so I came home from work early, around 2pm there was a knock at my door and it was a social worker from our county. It seems my stepson got in trouble at school and when the principle asked who she should call, he told her not to call daddy cause " he would put my head through the wall". His words. So they called social services on me.


That's how bad all this "Child discipline" crap has become!!!

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In response to the "child abuser" stuff.. I'm not condoning what he did, however I personally got whooped with switches and belts all the time when I was a kid. I'm 40 and when we we're in school and did something wrong they would take us out in the hall and beat our butt with wooden paddles that had holes in it. So if AP is a "Child abuser" then every parent of every person I know and every teacher I had would be as well.


Just saying...

So, you are condoning what he did.  I remember the paddles at school but I never remember them paddling a kid 10-15 times or more with them.  


Personally, I think any man that uses a switch or a belt on a child is not a man but a sadist.  Any man that would use a switch or belt on a 4 year old child, especially 10-15 times and making the kid pull his pants down is a sniveling little coward that needs to his butt kicked several times by people that don't pick on children.

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So, you are condoning what he did.  I remember the paddles at school but I never remember them paddling a kid 10-15 times or more with them.  


Personally, I think any man that uses a switch or a belt on a child is not a man but a sadist.  Any man that would use a switch or belt on a 4 year old child, especially 10-15 times and making the kid pull his pants down is a sniveling little coward that needs to his butt kicked several times by people that don't pick on children.

Look each is entitled to opinion. I agree with 4 year old and the severity as do you. I'm just real about it all. My own dad went over board as you would view it when whooping me a few times in my life. At the time it hurt and I certainly wasn't being open minded about it. Over time I realized my dad went too far based on being frustrated with me as I wasn't learning my lesson and he was tired of me not listening or doing right. For all we know this was the same type of thing, maybe not, but maybe. Not giving excuses at it would seem, just trying to show that ALL of us from time to time go too far with certain thing based on circumstances an outsider most times never takes into consideration. Doesn't make the effect right but it explains the cause. I just don't normally jump to judge when dealing with humans that easily. Just the way I think, that's all.

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I don't think we'll have to worry about Grigson trading for Peterson, ever. He has 'red flags' now that our organization is obviously trying to stay away from when it comes to qualities in our lead running back.... Those 'red flags' being burst, vision and the ability to average more than 3 yards per carry

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So, you are condoning what he did. I remember the paddles at school but I never remember them paddling a kid 10-15 times or more with them.

Personally, I think any man that uses a switch or a belt on a child is not a man but a sadist. Any man that would use a switch or belt on a 4 year old child, especially 10-15 times and making the kid pull his pants down is a sniveling little coward that needs to his butt kicked several times by people that don't pick on children.

I would never hit a child. No way, no how should anybody ever be breaking the skin when 'disciplining' a 4 year old. If Peterson doesn't lose a minimum of 6 games for this I'll be very disappointed in the league.

I still think what Michael Vick did was way worse, not because I think a dog's life is on the same level as a human child (I don't), but because it implied underlying psychopathy and lack of empathy.

What Peterson did seems more the result of how he (and many) were raised. This is a teachable moment for the NFL. Punish Peterson, but maybe also reduce this behavior in the future.

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Yea but one could also argue that society has changed for the worse because of it. Some would say society has gone soft and become too over sensitive.  


True Story: I was upstairs one morning getting ready for work and I could hear my girlfriend downstairs ask my stepson 4 times to get to the table to eat his breakfast so he wouldn't be late for school. Well when I walked downstairs I noticed he was in living room watching tv, so I looked at him and told him that if he didn't get to the table at that moment as his mom asked I was gonna put his head through the wall. Now would I have done it really? of course not. well the threat worked. Fast forward later that day.


I wasn't feeling well so I came home from work early, around 2pm there was a knock at my door and it was a social worker from our county. It seems my stepson got in trouble at school and when the principle asked who she should call, he told her not to call daddy cause " he would put my head through the wall". His words. So they called social services on me.


That's how bad all this "Child discipline" crap has become!!!


There is a debate to be had on the use of appropriate force in disciplining a child and the wider effect on society. 


The example you give... not so much. If I was in a position of having duty of care of a child who told me that his stepfather threatened to "put his head through a wall" then I'm I'd be remiss to not report it to at least check it out. So no it's not "oh my gosh look how PC the world has become" it was someone doing there damm job.


Seriously... re-read you anecdote and tell me how you come out of it not looking bad.  


Anyway OT and likely to descend into rule breaking discussion so I'll leave it at that!

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Look each is entitled to opinion. I agree with 4 year old and the severity as do you. I'm just real about it all. My own dad went over board as you would view it when whooping me a few times in my life. At the time it hurt and I certainly wasn't being open minded about it. Over time I realized my dad went too far based on being frustrated with me as I wasn't learning my lesson and he was tired of me not listening or doing right. For all we know this was the same type of thing, maybe not, but maybe. Not giving excuses at it would seem, just trying to show that ALL of us from time to time go too far with certain thing based on circumstances an outsider most times never takes into consideration. Doesn't make the effect right but it explains the cause. I just don't normally jump to judge when dealing with humans that easily. Just the way I think, that's all.

I will preface this with I agree that society has become too soft on discipline, nowadays a lot of a parents want to be friends with their kids rather than parents and child services and things go way to far.


That being said, you mentioned overboard, that your father went overboard. I know there were times when my father went overboard and I'm sure as a father i have gone overboard at times   That is one of the issues I have with this, Peterson doesn't think he went overboard.  If it was a case of the kid said this and Peterson said this then you wait and see what happens with the investigation but that is not the case here.  In this one it's the kid says this, the doctor says this and AP says yup, that is what happened, I've done it before and I'd do it again.

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There is a debate to be had on the use of appropriate force in disciplining a child and the wider effect on society. 


The example you give... not so much. If I was in a position of having duty of care of a child who told me that his stepfather threatened to "put his head through a wall" then I'm I'd be remiss to not report it to at least check it out. So no it's not "oh my gosh look how PC the world has become" it was someone doing there damm job.


Seriously... re-read you anecdote and tell me how you come out of it not looking bad.  


Anyway OT and likely to descend into rule breaking discussion so I'll leave it at that!

Yes I agree with doing your job part. I guess what I was attempting to explain was in doing their due diligence how about using common sense. For example:


1) has there ever been history of noticeable abuse since the child has been enrolled at school here?

2) does the child seem squeamish or sheepish in the face of authority? points to possible verbal abuse

3) let's ask the child about his home life through his eyes



none of which was done here. they just called the authorities. That was my point about it going too far, common sense doesn't exist in these types of matters anymore. It's a knee jerk reaction and that's what most people have succumbed in the court of public opinion.

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Not once....has anyone who takes the "I was disciplined like that" road said it was at 4 years old. Look at the circumstances people....look at the pictures. Once again, if you were whipped over a dozen times at 4 years old, including your scrotum, and warned you would be hit in the face if you told, I am sorry for you and the person who did that to you should have faced the justice system.


No....I do not want a player who is not only capable of this, but thinks it is ok. The day that would happen would be my last a Colt fan after 40 years.

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Yes I agree with doing your job part. I guess what I was attempting to explain was in doing their due diligence how about using common sense. For example:


1) has there ever been history of noticeable abuse since the child has been enrolled at school here?

2) does the child seem squeamish or sheepish in the face of authority? points to possible verbal abuse

3) let's ask the child about his home life through his eyes



none of which was done here. they just called the authorities. That was my point about it going too far, common sense doesn't exist in these types of matters anymore. It's a knee jerk reaction and that's what most people have succumbed in the court of public opinion.

Do you know what happens to kids who are beaten? I dont think you have any idea what you are talking about. A beaten 4 year old likely has no grasp of what real is.


BTW, the term common sense means seeing pictures of open wounds on a 4 year old body. Common sense would tell you all you need to know when that is seen.

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Do you know what happens to kids who are beaten? I dont think you have any idea what you are talking about. A beaten 4 year old likely has no grasp of what real is.


BTW, the term common sense means seeing pictures of open wounds on a 4 year old body. Common sense would tell you all you need to know when that is seen.

In respect to your response the quote you responded to was derived from a previous post I had made regarding a personal situation I was involved in, not the AP situation and it had nothing to do with beating a child. The AP situation you are correct, there is evidence to back up said claims as well as information from AP and the child's mother as well. Again to fully understand the post you responded to you would have to scroll up and read to where the responses we're derived from

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Makes a list on why we shouldn't trade for AD (a child abusing piece of %) and doesn't include that he's a child abusing piece of %.

personally I was talking straight from a football point of view in my post which I know you didn't quote. I wanted to avoid the none football topic however, since it's come up I have to admit my skin would crawl if I heard the Colts were picking up Peterson after everything I've seen related to this same with Ray Rice. As a fan they are just guys I don't want to be Colts. I am not Naive enough to think we have a team of 53 Boy Scouts but I also don't think we have guys who are this disturbing either.
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well even tho this topic went off course a bit all speculation is over as Vikings reinstated AP and he will play next week. Even though the topic skewed a bit, TY to everyone who was polite and respectful in an emotional sensitive issue...

Go Colts!! we goota clip those eggel wings tonight

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Makes a list on why we shouldn't trade for AD (a child abusing piece of %) and doesn't include that he's a child abusing piece of %.

Nothing wrong about adding strictly football reasons against this hypothetical trade..

One would think all the legal/moral problems of it would be enough not to even entertain this idea, let alone start this thread..

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Yes I agree with doing your job part. I guess what I was attempting to explain was in doing their due diligence how about using common sense. For example:



Sadly, common sense really doesn't exist anymore.  I would also much rather school officials err on the side of caution in these type of circumstances rather than try using their own sense to determine if any action should be taken.  I've read too many stories about too many children, wives etc that wound up being beaten to death because they were too afraid to say anything and those around them missed some glaringly obvious signs.  


BTW, that comment has nothing at all to do with the personal example you gave, just the comment about them using common sense.  

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In respect to your response the quote you responded to was derived from a previous post I had made regarding a personal situation I was involved in, not the AP situation and it had nothing to do with beating a child. The AP situation you are correct, there is evidence to back up said claims as well as information from AP and the child's mother as well. Again to fully understand the post you responded to you would have to scroll up and read to where the responses we're derived from

My sincerest apologies.....I have a great deal of emotion about this. I should have read more before responding. Again, very sorry. 

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My sincerest apologies.....I have a great deal of emotion about this. I should have read more before responding. Again, very sorry. 

No worries and accepted tho need. The situation is very sensitive to many. I wasn't offended or upset I just didn't want you to think I was being more of a knucklehead than I normally can be.. :hat:

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