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Zach Kerr, henoc muamba, loucheiz purfoy


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I hope they do make it because with all these similar threads being made I bet we'd never hear the end of it. I truly believe Purifoy doesn't make the roster if we keep 5 corners though.

If nothing else, I'd like to see Purifoy stick just for PR/KR returns and to add depth.
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If those 3 players get released then grigson should be fired. Really want and need these guys to stick around


I always love posts that start with....   "if not, Grigson should be fired."    


Let's see,  three guys you had barely heard of before Ryan Grigson signed them as Free Agents,  but if he doesn't do what you want,   he should be fired.


Even though I live 2,000 miles away I'll go out on limb and say I'm reasonably sure Grigson knows more about these players than anyone here does.


So,  I'm guessing the OP is not a fan of Grigson,  because no one who is would write a sentence that ends with....  "he should be fired."


I've had Kerr on the final 53 for weeks.  Muamba has been on my list even before camp started.   Purifoy is on the only one on my list that I'm 50-50 on.    If he makes it,  great...   but if not,  I'd expect he's on the PS if he's not claimed by another team.   Depends on whether he's the 5th corner, or the 6th?    5 make it.   The 6th is likely on the PS.   That said, Grigson knows much better than I do, and I trust he's doing the right thing.


I don't know why threads have to start with such red meat for the Big Cats to fight over...   but that's often the nature of Internet Fan Message Boards.......

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I would add Jonatthan Harrison to the list of Free Agents that could make the team as well as Tipton on the practice squad. The three mentioned above should make the 53 though or else they will be claimed off our practice squad.

There is almost no way Harrison doesn't make the team. He has started all preseason for us at center and faired quite well.

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All 3 are fringe players in my opinion obviously they were UDFA's.


The fact is the coach's see them everyday. We have seen them play football for maybe 20 minutes if you don't count walking back to the huddle etc. From my 20 minutes I agree they appear to be in the final 53 but no of those guys are starters or even starting quality at this point so you might end up disappointed because I am fairly certain Grig's isn't getting fired anytime soon.


I would not be surprised at all if we tried to PS at least one of those players. Those a really 3 of our deepest positions CB LB and DL. There will be some very tough calls made and with that I would guess a surprise or two.

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I would love to see all three make it also...Purifoy is the most talented and we are thin in the secondary.

I disagree we are thin at S but at Corner we look pretty good  Davis Toler and Butler are solid starters IMO. Gordy looked much improved in the preseason safe to say those 4 are keepers.


Then you have Price who spent a year on the PS and has been quiet this preseason. Being quiet at corner isn't always a bad thing. Burley has looked good and now we have Purifoy in the mix as well. I would guess we try to keep all 3 between the roster and PS. I agree from a fans perspective at least mine it appears Purifoy is the leader right now but it is a close race. I wouldn't sleep on Price. I certainly wouldn't call the CB group thin. Tough choices here it would seem.


The only place I see the team being really thin is O Line. I think Adams will buy us a year at S if Howell isn't able to play.  The injuries I know we joke about a curse and all the but I think some of it is self inflicted.


We sign Thomas who has a lengthy injury history and what happens he is on the IR for two straight years. I find it hard to believe anyone is shocked by that especially after the double whammy last year.


We draft Holmes who has a history of ankle injury barely made it through is final season at USC playing hobbled and boom he goes down in training camp last year....ankle injury. How is that a curse or a surprise?


Mewhort too struggled with his knee the entire year last year of college ball. He managed to start all the games didn't finish but started and played through the knee. Guess what he had his knee scoped in June and is already missing time with a knee injury.


If  these 3 spots were healthy our O Line is in pretty good shape. My question is how is it a surprise that none of them are completely healthy and one is already on the IR?


I am not trying to bang on Grigs I think he is building a very good team and being very smart fiscally while doing it. Love his work but...


I think Mewhort was drafted to be our future RT but that would mean he was counting on Thomas?? Really.


It is concerning to me how we appear to overlook minimize whatever you want to call it injury history when it comes to the evaluating players .

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Why do you sound shocked. I wanted him firedbfor months. Him and Pagano. Andrew Luck is saving both their jobs. The oline has sucked every yr Grigson has been here. Every yr. His drafys have been subpar. Yhe only thing I trust him to do is find LBs in Canada and wRs


Andrew Luck is saving their jobs, but Andrew Luck is at the same time overrated... How many sides of your mouth can you talk out of at the same time?


I think everything you said in the above post is dead wrong, except for that you've wanted him fired for months. I believe that. And I believe that right there is reason enough for me to not take you seriously about pretty much anything else in the world. Ever.

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Andrew Luck is saving their jobs, but Andrew Luck is at the same time overrated... How many sides of your mouth can you talk out of at the same time?


I think everything you said in the above post is dead wrong, except for that you've wanted him fired for months. I believe that. And I believe that right there is reason enough for me to not take you seriously about pretty much anything else in the world. Ever.


Man, o' man,  o' man!     THAT is some funny stuff right there!  :funny:


I don't think I can add much more to that...  I came close to getting a warning point today...  

(I was a bad, bad boy!)         :giveup:


But, man....    that was......   good!     :thmup:

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He's a troll never anything but negative pot stirring posts from that one. People bite on it so he at least makes up for his lack of insight with a little entertainment value


Yeah, I know. I didn't intend to engage him. I really didn't expect him to respond to my post. I was just incredulous at the thought, and wanted to share my feelings.

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After his preseason performance and our lack of quality depth at nose, Kerr I think is a consensus lock to make it right now.


Muamba might be a better choice over McNary purely because of health concerns. I think he'll make it.


Purifoy was my pick just post draft of UDFAs I wanted (along with Zach Kerr). He was a first round prospect that dropped because of concerns (mostly physical). He has great coverage instincts and we've seen QBs reluctant to take him on in coverage. He's looked good returning punts. He's a special teams demon. And with some quality coaching, because of his lack of speed, I can see him being a good nickel/dime back, maybe even a decent coverage safety.    

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All 3 of those names are all good players. 


Kerr makes the team. He's got to. 


Muamba is light years better than Sheppard (who isn't?), and was better in coverage than DQ. 


Purifoy played really well and I think he's a step ahead of Burley. I also think he's better than Sheldon Price. 

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He should be fired anyway.

Sure, any coach and his staff that takes you from 2-14 to consecutive 11-5 seasons should not only be fired, but should recieve a lifetime ban from the league.  Hire Josh Gordon as next coach....  one player does not save anyone, when you grow up and get into the real world you will learn that....  Just glad you don't have a vote on the coaches or GM.   GO COLTS (including Pagano and Grigson)

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LOL. This is why I follow Brad Wells. The only guy in Colts nation to speak the truth. Everyone just wants to be a blind homer. And Luck is overrated if people are calling him top 5. That doesnt mean he's not good. Im just going to start lurking since my fellow fans can't handle the truth.

He didn't speak the truth, guy had zero football knowledge and there is a reason he is gone.

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IMO all 3 make this team She


All 3 of those names are all good players. 


Kerr makes the team. He's got to. 


Muamba is light years better than Sheppard (who isn't?), and was better in coverage than DQ. 


Purifoy played really well and I think he's a step ahead of Burley. I also think he's better than Sheldon Price. 

IMO they all 3 make it , with you my friend Sheppard is terrible at best.

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Kerr has to be safe. VERY impressive. So impressive that I would question him not getting some work at NT each game relieving Chapman.


Muamba appears to be a GREAT find by Grigson. I have been impressed with what I have seen (granted I am not a coach so I may be missing something). Muamba would be a great backup with starter potential down the road. 


Purifoy I am lukewarm on. Marcus Burley has looked good and may actually be better. However, Purifoy would likely get picked up if waived while Burley could likely land on the practice roster. 

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I disagree we are thin at S but at Corner we look pretty good  Davis Toler and Butler are solid starters IMO. Gordy looked much improved in the preseason safe to say those 4 are keepers.


Then you have Price who spent a year on the PS and has been quiet this preseason. Being quiet at corner isn't always a bad thing. Burley has looked good and now we have Purifoy in the mix as well. I would guess we try to keep all 3 between the roster and PS. I agree from a fans perspective at least mine it appears Purifoy is the leader right now but it is a close race. I wouldn't sleep on Price. I certainly wouldn't call the CB group thin. Tough choices here it would seem.


The only place I see the team being really thin is O Line. I think Adams will buy us a year at S if Howell isn't able to play.  The injuries I know we joke about a curse and all the but I think some of it is self inflicted.


We sign Thomas who has a lengthy injury history and what happens he is on the IR for two straight years. I find it hard to believe anyone is shocked by that especially after the double whammy last year.


We draft Holmes who has a history of ankle injury barely made it through is final season at USC playing hobbled and boom he goes down in training camp last year....ankle injury. How is that a curse or a surprise?


Mewhort too struggled with his knee the entire year last year of college ball. He managed to start all the games didn't finish but started and played through the knee. Guess what he had his knee scoped Hin June and is already missing time with a knee injury.


If  these 3 spots were healthy our O Line is in pretty good shape. My question is how is it a surprise that none of them are completely healthy and one is already on the IR?


I am not trying to bang on Grigs I think he is building a very good team and being very smart fiscally while doing it. Love his work but...


I think Mewhort was drafted to be our future RT but that would mean he was counting on Thomas?? Really.


It is concerning to me how we appear to overlook minimize whatever you want to call it injury history when it comes to the evaluating players .

I agree with everything here besides Price. Price has good size other than that he's not very good. He wasn't very good in college at UCLA either. One thing about Purifoy is his upside and versatility is much better than any DB we have. He has the potential to play anywhere in the secondary. I wouldn't say that for the rest of the guys fighting for a roster spot.

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LOL. This is why I follow Brad Wells. The only guy in Colts nation to speak the truth. Everyone just wants to be a blind homer. And Luck is overrated if people are calling him top 5. That doesnt mean he's not good. Im just going to start lurking since my fellow fans can't handle the truth.


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Over react much? Calling for the GM to be fired after taking a 2-14 team to back-to-back 11-5 seasons if he cuts pre-season heroes who would be back ups once the season starts is a bit extreme. It doesn't mean these guys haven't played well and shouldn't make final cuts but if they don't Grigson should not be fired over it.

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Andrew Luck is saving their jobs, but Andrew Luck is at the same time overrated... How many sides of your mouth can you talk out of at the same time?

That is a very good point.  Good catch.


LOL. This is why I follow Brad Wells. The only guy in Colts nation to speak the truth. Everyone just wants to be a blind homer. And Luck is overrated if people are calling him top 5. That doesnt mean he's not good. Im just going to start lurking since my fellow fans can't handle the truth.

Now we see the reason for lack of respect to anyone and lack of football knowledge.  I am sure you and Brad will be very happy together.... unless you are Brad, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.  You guys do have almost exactly the same view point and eerily similar writing styles.  Very interesting.

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