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bad news for jimmy/Jim Irsay arrested (((merge)))


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Isn't that the truth, you know you're over the hump when you start having to read the back of the packet before you can buy. :(

Yeah, gone are the days when I could feed my body cheese puffs and it would find ways to turn them into useful body parts and glands and stuff

But then I turned 30 and it stopped having that. Now it wants fruits and vegetables.

I will say though, doing even a modest amount of research into what goes into a lot of the food we eat was very... Eye opening.

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It wouldn't set any precedent. DeBartolo was forced to resign as CEO of the 49ers after anticipated federal indictments on fraud, racketeering and bribery charges relating to his gambling dealings in Louisiana. If Haslam of the Browns is convicted of federal fraud charges in the Flying J case, he may too be asked or forced to step aside. The NFL won't let felons run their franchises, and with Irsay's daughter a VP already, depending on where this case goes, it wouldn't shock me at all to have a change to her leadership.

Overall I agree with you. I would point out though there are very significant differences between Irsays situation which is largely personal and the other two which involve business dealings.

Plus as has been said before he'll likely plead down.

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Congratulations sir!

Eliminating all that junk from your body does wonders... forget the fountain of youth. Going with a healthy lifestyle is the next best thing. I take joy in seeing everyone quit cigarettes lately.

Sobriety is a true gift.

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I do find it interesting how much more understanding people are of Irsay in this matter than they would be of a player being arrested under similar circumstances.


Irsay:  "It's an addiction."  "Poor guy, someone should have helped him."


RB or DB:  "*."  "*."  "Cut him."  "Zero tolerance policy." 

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Will likely plead down. Do the classes and help out organizations who deal with these types of situations.

I guess now they'll debate the moral side of the system allowing that instead of jail time... :rolleyes:

frankly from the sounds of this help is what Irsay needs and the Colts have been trying to get him help and he's ignored it so maybe some court ordered help would be best for all parties in this one.

Still the Goodell hammer isn't going to look kindly on this one of his Owners getting four felony charges even if he works for the Owners because the 31 other owners won't look kindly on this. This is real black eye that will probably undo a lot of the work he did to fix the Irsay name and reputation with the owners that he worked so hard to fix from his father.

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Yeah, gone are the days when I could feed my body cheese puffs and it would find ways to turn them into useful body parts and glands and stuff

But then I turned 30 and it stopped having that. Now it wants fruits and vegetables.

I will say though, doing even a modest amount of research into what goes into a lot of the food we eat was very... Eye opening.


Indeed, without wishing to go off topic (though it might have be some relief!), the most eye opening thing for me is there is no biological mechanism for fat to make you fat. After years of having it beaten into me that fat was "bad" it's been quite a turnaround. I've pretty much become a Paleo convert. 


To come full circle to the topic in hand however... the best thing I've ever done in life was stop smoking. However even now I still get the craving (especially when drunk, though thankfully I'm a social not professional drinker) and have had one cigarette relapses. If you have an addictive personality to boot it can be very hard to not give in to your addiction even when every higher brain function is screaming no. Combine that with something like depression and you have a recipe for full on self destructive behaviour. NOTE I'm not applying any of this to Jim here, just general musing. 

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I do find it interesting how much more understanding people are of Irsay in this matter than they would be of a player being arrested under similar circumstances.


Irsay:  "It's an addiction."  "Poor guy, someone should have helped him."


RB or DB:  "*."  "*."  "Cut him."  "Zero tolerance policy."

well you can't really cut the Owner but I get your point.
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I do find it interesting how much more understanding people are of Irsay in this matter than they would be of a player being arrested under similar circumstances.

Irsay: "It's an addiction." "Poor guy, someone should have helped him."

RB or DB: "*." "*." "Cut him." "Zero tolerance policy."

If Jim Irsay were a mediocre running back I'd advocate releasing him too.

Doesn't mean I wouldn't want him to get help.

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It wouldn't set any precedent.  DeBartolo was forced to resign as CEO of the 49ers after anticipated federal indictments on fraud, racketeering and bribery charges relating to his gambling dealings in Louisiana.  If Haslam of the Browns is convicted of federal fraud charges in the Flying J case, he may too be asked or forced to step aside.  The NFL won't let felons run their franchises, and with Irsay's daughter a VP already, depending on where this case goes, it wouldn't shock me at all to have a change to her leadership.

You are right in the sense that there is an actual precedent with regard to felons. I simply believe, as others have stated, that there are notable differences with Irsay's personal mistakes and others that were heavily business related. With that being said though, in light of new evidence, I think that there could be a small possibility of a leadership change. I posted before that I wished Irsay the best, as opioid addiction is very difficult to overcome; however, after reading that there were benzodiazepines involved, I am even more concerned. "Benzo" rehabilitation can literally be the worst recovery of all classes. Rehabilitation from this class of pharmaceutical can make rehabbing from the more feared illicit narcotics look like a cake walk.  He will most likely be working on this recovery intensively for the better part of the next year. "We all have circumstances" -Pagano. I wish Irsay the best with his...

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On September 2, 2013, Boyett was arrested for charges of disorderly conduct, public intoxication and resisting law enforcement.

Not a DUI, but in the same field as it pertains to alcohol.

That doesn't change what he also did lol. Can't compare.
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If Jim Irsay were a mediocre running back I'd advocate releasing him too.

Doesn't mean I wouldn't want him to get help.


If it was Luck that had this issue fans would be wanting him to get help and get back to the team and support him.


If it is Kenton Keith then the fans are ready to get rid of them.


It is not a hard concept to understand.  The more important you are to a franchise the longer the leash you get.

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Bad....I guess that means 'First take' will be on it, too..

I don't think I'll watch

Remember the overreactions by ESPN after the Manning comments? I imagine they're going to have a field day with this. Especially PTI, since Tony and Wilbon thing Irsay is a clown anyway and aren't afraid to slam him. I'll leave ESPN off for this week.
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Mr. Irsay will likely go into treatment if all is true, and his daughter will take over day to day operations of the team while he is away... or at least I'd think that is how it would work.

I'm wondering if there are any female owner in the NFL. Soon the Colts will have bedazzled uniforms. 

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Pain really does suck...been there.  Still fight the pain daily.  


You have to do it right.  Get the pills from YOUR doctor...no felony required.


I am just disappointed that a man of his stature would not have someone drive him home....and at his age why stay out until 3 AM...on a Sunday night/Monday morning?  


This about all I can say on this.....

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Remember the overreactions by ESPN after the Manning comments? I imagine they're going to have a field day with this. Especially PTI, since Tony and Wilbon thing Irsay is a clown anyway and aren't afraid to slam him. I'll leave ESPN off for this week.


Grigson should do Jim a solid and sign a player or two so people have something else to talk about. 

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Remember the overreactions by ESPN after the Manning comments? I imagine they're going to have a field day with this. Especially PTI, since Tony and Wilbon thing Irsay is a clown anyway and aren't afraid to slam him. I'll leave ESPN off for this week.

No doubt...ESPN will run with this one.  Who knows..probably some of the ones that have fun with it actually have chemical addiction problems themselves.

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I agree that the punishment should be geared more towards Irsay than the team; however, I would never suggest taking away the team. He possesses ownership stake of an enterprise in a capitalistic economy. That would set an egregious precedent. Not to mention, if we could strip someone of ownership of a company for making poor choices, our unemployment rate would skyrocket. Also, I really don't want to see my beloved Colts tied up in litigation for the next decade. 

Irsay is a beneficiary of someone else's wealth.  He inherited his team.A capitalist puts up his own money.  There's little difference between the "work" he had to do for his ownership of the Colts and the "work" Elizabeth had to do to become queen. He's not a "capitalist", he's a spoiled scion of money.

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I'm wondering if there are any female owner in the NFL. Soon the Colts will have bedazzled uniforms. 


Ironically, Georgia Frontiere owned the Rams.  She was the wife of Carroll Rosenbloom, the owner of the Colts.  Robert Irsay got the Colts when Rosenbloom got the Rams. 

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C'mon Jim.....drunk driving is never right.....but of all the counties to do it in? I get harassed around here for jogging at night for crying out loud. Police will make up stories to have a reason to stop you. Don't tell me I'm wrong. I know there are good ones, but the ones I've encountered are mostly power hungry *es.

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Ironically, Georgia Frontiere owned the Rams.  She was the wife of Carroll Rosenbloom, the owner of the Colts.  Robert Irsay got the Colts when Rosenbloom got the Rams. 

It was a trade.  Irsay bought the Rams and traded them for the Colts.

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Shake your head all you want but thats the truth, 



Truth is we don't know how this is going to play out. 

Lol he has lots of moneyyyy. Which means he'll get off easy. So everything will still be good.


You either don't get the big picture or don't see it at all. 

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Man, he was less than two miles and 5 minutes from his house.


Almost made it!

Well maybe I'm glad that he didn't because now he will get the treatment that he needs. :thmup:  Just took a wake up call to get him straightened out hopefully.

Can't believe that some are more worried about draft picks at a time when the owner needs help with an addiction.  I guess some have different priorities than others. :)

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How are players supposed to respect this guy when he's a complete mess?


He should take a back seat until he fixes his problems.


First off he is the owner, so people should respect that regardless. Second, if anyone looked at him the last year, he has not looked good. His hip problems, combined with prior addiction problems led to a relapse. Instead of bashing him, maybe some should consider this is a blessing, and may save his life. I would hope we could try to focus on the positive instead of bashing him when down. I for one, look at other owners, and say we are blessed to have him as an owner, and I hope this is a positive step in him getting better!

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My issue is that YES, its not okay when anyone does it. But if there is a time where you should make light of it, it's in the case of players. But an Owner? Granted he's human like everyone else and makes mistakes, but this is a 54 year old man we're talking about. When players do it we want them kicked off teams, suspended, forced into rehab, etc... With Irsay it's a lot of "Hope he gets help soon". I'm not saying he doesn't have demons to battle but there seems to be a lack of shock and appalled posters. There's a lot more sympathy than there is when it's a player.




He should be forced into rehab, with someone assuming temporary ownership of the team. Make him pay a fine that is significant enough to affect a multi-millionaire. I'm sure that there might be some sanctions that affect the team as a whole like maybe taking away us being able to be on the ballot to host future Superbowls for a year or 2.


Don't let him off easy IMO. Send a message that it doesn't matter who you are in the NFL. If you don't follow the rules, you're subject to Just as serious disciplinary action.


Temporary ownership of the team would likely fall on his daughters.  

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The first Colts owner, Carrol Rosenbloom, when he died his wife Georgia inherited 70% of the LA Rams. She owned them until her death in 2008.


Ironically, Georgia Frontiere owned the Rams.  She was the wife of Carroll Rosenbloom, the owner of the Colts.  Robert Irsay got the Colts when Rosenbloom got the Rams. 

Ah thanks for the Colts history lesson. I'm still a relatively young guy so haven't really learn that deep about the Colts. I must know this to become a die hard Colts fan.  

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Well maybe I'm glad that he didn't because now he will get the treatment that he needs. :thmup: Just took a wake up call to get him straightened out hopefully.

Can't believe that some are more worried about draft picks at a time when the owner needs help with an addiction. I guess some have different priorities than others. :)

They aren't really worried about draft picks, they're just using this as an opportunity to troll.

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Does that hold true without a prescription?


If you are not in possession of your prescription (The labeled bottle) you are violating the law. 


Not taking up for Mr. I say but you can be charged with possession of control substance even if you have a script. Example he could have his script not in his script container there for no proof of the prescription.


See above. Federal Law mandates that if you have a prescription, any prescription- it must be in a labelled container, be it a bag, capsule dram, syringe etc. Unlabeled medications outside of a pharmacy/manufacturer/compounder are in violation of the law.

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