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Hypothetically ....


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In one hand..... Let's say nicks throws up some great numbers... I'll say... 1200 9tds 15 yrds per catch. At the same time... I hate saying this but it's coming sooner rather than later, reggie retires.

Now in the other hand.... Anthony Castonzo shows no improvement.

What do you do???? Who do you keep. Both should run about the same salary wise.

Which is more important for Andrew luck??? A solid left tackle or a stud (true number 1) receiver?

Of course this is all hypothetical.

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I think the OP might be suggesting without progress AC doesn't qualify as a solid LT but I may be wrong.


Castanzo is past solid, he's good. He may not be great and may never be elite, but for those that think he's bad, they need to learn a little more.

Edited by 21isSuperman
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Castanzo is past solid, he's good. He may not be great and may never be elite, but for those that think he's bad, they need to learn a little more.

 Personally I find him a little frustrating, he has the tools to be very very good, but has fits and starts and lacks a little consistency. But then I'd like to see what he plays like with a competent LG.

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Posted · Hidden by 21isSuperman, March 16, 2014 - post no longer makes sense as quoted post has been edited
Hidden by 21isSuperman, March 16, 2014 - post no longer makes sense as quoted post has been edited

I can't believe this is even a question! You would have to know absolutely nothing about football to not know that a solid LT is 10 times more important than a receiver.

Having a rough day?


I agree with you about LT being more important than a receiver. But it can be said nicely.

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Posted · Hidden by 21isSuperman, March 16, 2014 - post no longer makes sense as quoted post has been edited
Hidden by 21isSuperman, March 16, 2014 - post no longer makes sense as quoted post has been edited

I can't believe this is even a question! You would have to know absolutely nothing about football to not know that a solid LT is 10 times more important than a receiver.


There are lots of people here who don't know much about football.    That's not a crime.


Let's not make it a crime.


He asked.   Let people answer without ripping anyone to shreds.


There are other posters here who are more deserving of being ripped....   the OP is not one of them.

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Posted · Hidden by 21isSuperman, March 16, 2014 - response to hidden post
Hidden by 21isSuperman, March 16, 2014 - response to hidden post

Having a rough day?


I agree with you about LT being more important than a receiver. But it can be said nicely.


Since I'm out of "likes"....    I'll just say..... +1

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Posted · Hidden by 21isSuperman, March 16, 2014 - post no longer makes sense as quoted post has been edited
Hidden by 21isSuperman, March 16, 2014 - post no longer makes sense as quoted post has been edited

I can't believe this is even a question! You would have to know absolutely nothing about football to not know that a solid LT is 10 times more important than a receiver.

Seeing as this is obviously so basic knowledge to you, I presume it'd be easy for you to explain it to me, as I don't know all that much about football.

Could you please elaborate to boost the knowledge of ignorants, such as myself?

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So are you saying you would take Joe Thomas over Calvin Johnson?

That question will get answered with a yes. But, if it were being answered truthfully you'd have to say Calvin Johnson. Because an average left tackle will get you much more similar results to an elite left tackle, than an average WR will get you to an elite WR....hypothetically of course.
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I would an elite LT over an elite WR of equal talent. on the basis that if your qb Dosent have enough time to throw it Dosent matter how elite your Wideouts are .



The difference between an elite LT and an average one is far less pronounced than the difference between an elite WR and an average one. In a given year, an average LT will give up maybe 5 or 6 more sacks and 10-15 more pressures than the elite one. So in the passing game, let's say you drop back 600 times on the year, the difference between the elite and average tackle is about 20 plays. The elite WR has an effect on every single pass play.


Not to single you out, but I think people overrate the importance of one Olineman, especially the LT. I mean, how many winning seasons has Cleveland had with the best LT in the game? 

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Joe Thomas - 2 sacks, 9 hits, 26 hurries

Anthony Castonzo - 4 sacks, 8 hits, 39 hurries


Difference between elite pass protection and average pass protection is nominal. 


Nominal is a very abstract term.


I'm not so worried about the sacks and hits as I am about the hurries. Throws off the rhythm of a passing game, and if our QB wasn't so capable of getting away, it would be a much bigger issue. 


We also slide protection to the left to help the blindside pass blocking, so it could technically be worse.


I'm not ragging on AC, I like him. But there's a difference between him and the really good left tackles, and I wouldn't call it "nominal."

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Not this again.  Some clown will claim AC is a right tackle again.  Oh boy. Let the brain surgeons come out.

you gotta understand though they are all just a bunch of fat guys, rearranging them in any order doesnt make a difference. theyre just like school children who like to have a certain spot moving them around doesnt affect their performance

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Just a question.. I'm no pro gm like some of you pretend to be. I do know that both LT and WR are the most important position to an offense (besides the obvious qb). But if you ask me, it's kinda close. If I was building a team I would go qb, wr, lt, de/dt, cb.

Sorry to upset some. And if it's the worst thread ever don't comment. Because I don't care if you think it's a shotty topic. Just got tired of ready everyone losing sleep wishing we get Mack in free agency.

Oh, and I'm not as big on Rogers as everyone on this forum is. I don't think he's the 2nd coming of jerry rice and I don't see anything that makes him our future number one.

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Nominal is a very abstract term.


I'm not so worried about the sacks and hits as I am about the hurries. Throws off the rhythm of a passing game, and if our QB wasn't so capable of getting away, it would be a much bigger issue. 


We also slide protection to the left to help the blindside pass blocking, so it could technically be worse.


I'm not ragging on AC, I like him. But there's a difference between him and the really good left tackles, and I wouldn't call it "nominal."



Honestly I'd say the interior protection makes Castonzo's job a lot harder than it needs to be. Joe Thomas has Mack in the middle to help keep the pocket clean. I truly feel our interior line as a whole was probably the worst in the league the last couple years. If Thomas stays healthy, Thornton improves exponentially, and Costa/Holmes prove to be a decent upgrade, our line could at least be in the better half of the league. 


I guess I didn't really refute your point.....I agree that 'nominal' may not be the appropriate word, but I also feel that the value placed on elite LTs is extremely inflated.

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Honestly I'd say the interior protection makes Castonzo's job a lot harder than it needs to be. Joe Thomas has Mack in the middle to help keep the pocket clean. I truly feel our interior line as a whole was probably the worst in the league the last couple years. If Thomas stays healthy, Thornton improves exponentially, and Costa/Holmes prove to be a decent upgrade, our line could at least be in the better half of the league. 


I guess I didn't really refute your point.....I agree that 'nominal' may not be the appropriate word, but I also feel that the value placed on elite LTs is extremely inflated.


I do think the price for elite LTs is too high, in most cases. Was just saying that I think a truly elite guy makes a big difference. 


And I agree with you that having good interior play helps, which is part of the reason why I don't understand why centers are considered to be a less premium position. I understand that they aren't usually one on one with defensive linemen, like guards are, but if you have bad center play, your entire line looks bad.

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The NIx signing is not going to end well.  It will prove to be a big mistake.

Let me tell you something bro....Getting a player of Nicks' potential on a 1 yr 3.5M prove it deal is a STEAL...I've been begging for Hakeem Nicks for a long time. Can't wait til he silences the few critics he has.

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