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Heyward-Bey = Nicks according to Polian


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I think polian means both players have to prove they can still play. Even so heyward bey has much more to prove since he has yet to have a season like nicks.  The thing that impresses me about nicks is he had a down year and still caught nearly 900 yards while eli was having the worst season of his career. I would think that nicks should perform better than last year even in his current condition since i think luck is better than eli.

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Grades are based what he thinks their new offer or contract will turn out to be,  not necessarily on the players actually ability.  Past play and injuries and such all play into the grade.

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  • $6+ million AAV (annual average value), 3+ years guaranteed money = A
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Grades are based what he thinks their new offer or contract will turn out to be,  not necessarily on the players actually ability.  Past play and injuries and such all play into the grade.


which shows pollian doesnt equate money with talent

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Is there anyway the mods can block anything involving Polian from this site?

Like anytime someone tries to make a Polian said this thread..... this little guy pops up when you click "Post Thread" → :no: :no:

But instead of him saying no, he has "Access Denied" going across the screen?

Just asking

you were so offended you posted twice in this thread
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Grades are based what he thinks their new offer or contract will turn out to be,  not necessarily on the players actually ability.  Past play and injuries and such all play into the grade.

Silly way to grade as it doesn't take into account positional value variations surely?

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Grades are based what he thinks their new offer or contract will turn out to be,  not necessarily on the players actually ability.  Past play and injuries and such all play into the grade.



His grades were based on what HE would offer them, not a prediction of what they'd be offered. They don't necessarily say that he thinks two players with the same grade are equal in talent or ability.


It's still cringe-worthy, or a source of humor, depending on your perspective.

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Nicks is just lazy and over rated.....



Only one year of IR watching....     wink wink.... :goodluck:

Not sure about overrated.......he is ridiculously talented. However, I do agree with the lazy. You should probably add diva to that as well.

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, March 16, 2014 - inappropriate
Hidden by Superman, March 16, 2014 - inappropriate

I'll defend Polian by saying I don't think he means to suggest in any way that Nicks is the same as DHB because he gave both a "C" grade.    I don't think that's what that means.   I think that's a large over-simplification.


That said.....


The very idea that Nicks and DHB should be given the same grade is so beyond ridiculous it's not even funny.   DHB may have forever ruined his career with the season he had last year.   He had multiple offers for pretty good money last year.    This year, I suspect his offers will be for much closer to the veterans minimum.    His offers will be to become some teams 4th or 5th WR and to be their special teams gunner, as he did for us last year.    But I can't imagine he'll get better offers than that.


So, on that basis alone -- Nicks can play, and DHB can't -- the same "C" grade is a big joke.    Shame on Bill..........

bill polian has had too much time to sniff oxy with irsay and screw his brain up to realize how to grade free agents. if a terrible receiver gets a good grade because his pay is vet minimum then its time to drag ol wild bill to NA to help him put the rose and chore boy down

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, March 16, 2014 - shot at moderation
Hidden by Nadine, March 16, 2014 - shot at moderation

Is there anyway the mods can block anything involving Polian from this site?

Like anytime someone tries to make a Polian said this thread..... this little guy pops up when you click "Post Thread" → :no: :no:

But instead of him saying no, he has "Access Denied" going across the screen?

Just asking


Maybe a Bill Polian haters forum/page. Where all the drive-by whining pieces can be moved? Problem is some of those who would move the threads are B.P. Haters themselves. Vicious cycle.

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There is a reason why he is an analyst for ESPn, and not working in an NFL team's front office. I haven't cared about his opinion on anything personell related for 5 years.


Because the positions that he was sent feelers on, he rejected. Get a grip folks. The guy is the best GM everrrrr. He made a few mistakes. A lot less than you have.


Folks (implied: ignorant & malicious) are funny.

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  • $6+ million AAV (annual average value), 3+ years guaranteed money = A
  • $2-6 million AAV, 2 years or fewer guaranteed money = B
  • $2 million or less AAV, 2 years or fewer guaranteed money = C
  • Minimum salary, 1 year contract = D

Grades are based what he thinks their new offer or contract will turn out to be,  not necessarily on the players actually ability.  Past play and injuries and such all play into the grade.



Stop posting detailed facts! People are on their soap boxes. We don't want your kind around here. ;)

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I'll defend Polian by saying I don't think he means to suggest in any way that Nicks is the same as DHB because he gave both a "C" grade.    I don't think that's what that means.   I think that's a large over-simplification.


That said.....


The very idea that Nicks and DHB should be given the same grade is so beyond ridiculous it's not even funny.   DHB may have forever ruined his career with the season he had last year.   He had multiple offers for pretty good money last year.    This year, I suspect his offers will be for much closer to the veterans minimum.    His offers will be to become some teams 4th or 5th WR and to be their special teams gunner, as he did for us last year.    But I can't imagine he'll get better offers than that.


So, on that basis alone -- Nicks can play, and DHB can't -- the same "C" grade is a big joke.    Shame on Bill..........


Techincally speaking DHB doesn't have a job now does he? Didn't we sign him to a 1 year show & prove contract? So he's sitting around waiting on a call, right?

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Techincally speaking DHB doesn't have a job now does he? Didn't we sign him to a 1 year show & prove contract? So he's sitting around waiting on a call, right?


Yes he is......   and he maybe waiting for the phone to ring for a long, long time.


He's going to have to come terms with what he'll be offered this year.   Likely the veterans minimum or just a little more than that.  Last year was a disaster.   It just flat-out killed his earning power.    He has to re-build his entire career now.


Good luck to the guy....  he handled his season like a pro and with great class....   I always love and appreciate that.... 


But, wow,  last year was just a train wreck!      :omg:     :beg:     :Yikes: 

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Yes,    He put together VERY STRONG teams up to 07...


Bill did a great job here .....


He just got lazy late, and missed badly on his top picks.    Injury's really It happens...


In reality Manning is the one who let this team down in the early to mid 2000's not Bill.    Injuries played a huge factor also...


I guarantee you all Cleveland would give anything for any of our seasons under Bill....   except of course for the Cleveland like one.. :yay:

Reality is he built a very strong teen that lasted for more than a decade. He brought in a lot more talent than Manning. He certainly missed on quite a few, as do all gms

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Yes he is......   and he maybe waiting for the phone to ring for a long, long time.


He's going to have to come terms with what he'll be offered this year.   Likely the veterans minimum or just a little more than that.  Last year was a disaster.   It just flat-out killed his earning power.    He has to re-build his entire career now.


Good luck to the guy....  he handled his season like a pro and with great class....   I always love and appreciate that.... 


But, wow,  last year was just a train wreck!      :omg:     :beg:     :Yikes:

DHB blew the opportunity of a lifetime last season.   He just isn't very good.   I really thought he would excel here in Indy.

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DHB blew the opportunity of a lifetime last season.   He just isn't very good.   I really thought he would excel here in Indy.


Hey....   good to see you posting again, my friend!    


I thought DHB would excel here as well....     His one great hi-lite,  his TD on the nationally televised Sunday night game vs. Denver.


Started wide left, came toward Luck in the shotgun like he'd be taking a hand-off, only before he got there, he did a 180, spun back around toward where he came from...  Luck took the snap and immediately passed DHB the ball...   the defense couldn't react fast enough with DHB's speed and it worked to perfection for the TD!


A beautifully conceived and executed play!    I was hoping that might've been the start of something big for DHB,  but I've never seen a WR struggle so much with his hands.    Always seemed to be fighting the ball.   Very unnatural looking.....   too bad.


Oh well.......  we wish him the best and move on...  hoping for the best for him and our Colts!


Again.....   nice to see you posting....   don't be a stranger!      :thmup:

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Here we go again.  Spoiled Colts fans knocking one of the great talent evaluaters in Bill Polian.   Between he, Jim Irsay, and Peyton Manning, they only put the Indy Colts on the map.  A lot of the success of the Colts was because of Polians ability to draft.  So you knock him the last few years?  How much of that was Chris?  Didn't seem like Bill Polian picks.


Then again, people still think the Patriots draft well.  Look again.  Look at all the picks they get and how many actually turn into anything.


Give me Bill Polian over any current GM anyday.  I am sure Grigs himself would say he has a ways to go to be in Polians class.


I think his evaluation of Hicks is based on his health as he currently is, not the last 5 years.  After all, if Hicks was an A, wouldn't more teams bid for him??

Your opinion of Polian is much higher than most Colt fans that had to suffer year after year of almost being good enough. Bill put Chris in charge so he is resposible for the actions just as much as anyone. Polian refused to keep in touch with thew new players coming into the NFL. Being so narrow minded in his old school ways he failed to see the bigger picture. He built the Colts to jump on Mannings back and ride him like a mule while making himself look good. The NFL changed over time and Bill stayed stuck in the 70s.

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Your opinion of Polian is much higher than most Colt fans that had to suffer year after year of almost being good enough. Bill put Chris in charge so he is resposible for the actions just as much as anyone. Polian refused to keep in touch with thew new players coming into the NFL. Being so narrow minded in his old school ways he failed to see the bigger picture. He built the Colts to jump on Mannings back and ride him like a mule while making himself look good. The NFL changed over time and Bill stayed stuck in the 70s.

I don't think you are in a position to claim knowledge of what most Colts fans think. Before Polian, this club was a perpetual train wreck. I haven't polled anyone, but I suspect most Colts fans old enough to have been around for some or most of the Pagel through George years would acknowledge Polian for his part in changing the team's culture. It wasn't just on him, but no way are we celebrating so much consistent success without him.
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Is there anyway the mods can block anything involving Polian from this site?

Like anytime someone tries to make a Polian said this thread..... this little guy pops up when you click "Post Thread" → :no: :no:

But instead of him saying no, he has "Access Denied" going across the screen?

Just asking

I second this! Was going to write the same thing when opening this thread..

it's really getting old...

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to be fair, he also built the team into what it was before the 2011 debacle.

Polian has a storied past with the Bills and Colts.  But the team was a mess when he left as 2-14 suggests.  There was a serious lack of talent in all phases of the game.  It was time for a new approach and everyone knew it but him.  He's bitter and does not acknowledge he owns that debacle.


He's lost his fast ball…..

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People are so quick to jump on anything Polian says, his grades are based on the contract money (he calls it the Average annual value, AAV) the player is likely to get.  based on his levels, I probably would have had Nicks a bit higher, but when you compare his free agents grades with the contracts players have signed, he has been right a lot more than he has been wrong.

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People are so quick to jump on anything Polian says, his grades are based on the contract money (he calls it the Average annual value, AAV) the player is likely to get.  based on his levels, I probably would have had Nicks a bit higher, but when you compare his free agents grades with the contracts players have signed, he has been right a lot more than he has been wrong.


His grades are based on what he thinks a player deserves, which is indefeasible from how good a player is.  So to some extent, a player he ranks as a "C+ contract" is like saying that he is not any better or worse than another player who is a "C+ contract" player.

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Bill is a great GM, just look at his record with the franchises he has turned around. Jim decided to go in a different direction. I remember Marlin Jackson saying we should've kept Donny Avery over DHB. He was right about that. We'll see how everything works out

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His grades are based on what he thinks a player deserves, which is indefeasible from how good a player is.  So to some extent, a player he ranks as a "C+ contract" is like saying that he is not any better or worse than another player who is a "C+ contract" player.

yes and no.  There are other situations that go into a contract other than how good a player is.  For example, coming off a couple of seasons in a row where nagging injuries resulted in lower production or age or average for the position.  Polian had Brown as the best FA RB available but only had him rated a B because contracts for running backs are not big anymore.


So giving two players at the same position the same (or similar grade) he's not saying their talent levels are equal only that the contracts he expects them to get are in the range for the grade level.

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yes and no.  There are other situations that go into a contract other than how good a player is.  For example, coming off a couple of seasons in a row where nagging injuries resulted in lower production or age or average for the position.  Polian had Brown as the best FA RB available but only had him rated a B because contracts for running backs are not big anymore.


So giving two players at the same position the same (or similar grade) he's not saying their talent levels are equal only that the contracts he expects them to get are in the range for the grade level.

I get that there are other considerations when contracting, but my point is that the primary driving factor for any contract is how good the player is.  While it's not an accurate assumption that two players with equal contracts will be equal in talent, it's a fairly good starting point.

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Here we go again.  Spoiled Colts fans knocking one of the great talent evaluaters in Bill Polian.   Between he, Jim Irsay, and Peyton Manning, they only put the Indy Colts on the map.  A lot of the success of the Colts was because of Polians ability to draft.  So you knock him the last few years?  How much of that was Chris?  Didn't seem like Bill Polian picks.


Then again, people still think the Patriots draft well.  Look again.  Look at all the picks they get and how many actually turn into anything.


Give me Bill Polian over any current GM anyday.  I am sure Grigs himself would say he has a ways to go to be in Polians class.


I think his evaluation of Hicks is based on his health as he currently is, not the last 5 years.  After all, if Hicks was an A, wouldn't more teams bid for him??



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